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Plaything at the Royal Wedding: An MFMM Royal Romance by Lana Hartley (91)


Beams of sun hit my eyes.

I stretch and yawn, coming out of a fresh dream about him.

It’s daylight outside.

First, let me start off by stating that it’s never, ever fucking daylight in my room when I wake up.

We went over this before, remember?

Molly Quinn wakes up at five a.m.

That’s the way I do things.

Today is different, and it begins with the sunlight shining in my room, announcing the day and for me to wake the fuck up already.

I stretch again and pull the covers up closer to my neck while glancing at the alarm clock on my night stand.

Holy shit! It’s already nine o’clock in the fucking morning.

Well…I guess we both know what that means: I’m not going into work today.

Daddy dearest might not be too happy, but if he’s not gonna give me the credit I deserve, then fuck it, I deserve a day off.

I grab my cell phone off the bedside table and proudly yawn as I dial Katrina’s direct line.

I imagine her sitting in her cubicle, spanning the office wondering where the hell I am and if I’m going to show up.

It’s a first.

She’ll have her answer in a few seconds. I’m turning over a new fucking leaf and apparently taking my father’s advice to heart by literally lightening the fuck up.

Oh, yeah, this new me swears a great deal, too, because I don’t fucking care anymore. Not after that shit show at lunch with my dad.

Katrina picks up the line immediately, most likely recognizing my number, but also because it’s part of her job to answer the phone.

“Molly?” Her voice is quizzical on the other end.

“Hey, Katrina,” I chime, so cheerily she probably wonders if I’m surrounded by fucking Disney animals while they braid my hair and magically make my bed.

“Are you coming into work today? It’s nine already.” Her voice reveals her concern.

“Nope.” I shake my head, even though she can’t see me.

“I’m sorry, is everything alright?” Katrina asks.

“Everything is perfect,” I state.

I don’t owe Katrina that much of an explanation; I’m her boss after all.

“I’ll be working from home today,” I announce. “If you need me, you can text, call, or email.”

“Okay,” Katrina says, and I can tell she’s confused.

“You can report anything important or pressing if it comes up,” I add.

“Sure thing,” she responds, and we say goodbye.

I hang up and stretch again, savoring the fact that I don’t have to even get out of bed if I don’t want to, but who the fuck am I kidding here? I live on coffee in the morning.

I pull my hair back into a tight ponytail and climb into some black leggings that cost me a fucking fortune. I deserve to look luxe even in my workout gear, right?

I put on a black, strappy sports bra and prepare to run like I’ve never run before. I need to pound the pavement, or in my case the treadmill, and work off some steam...because I’m steaming for him.

Owen makes my blood boil with want and desire and there’s no escaping it. The only way out is through.


I walk to my kitchen but stop dead in my tracks when my doorbell rings.

Why is someone ruining my day? I pay good money to have a doorman and yet there’s no telling who he let through today.

I’m not expecting anyone, and everyone I know will expect me to be at work, so I’m having a moment of wonder thinking about who it could be.

I walk to the door and peer through the peephole. Then I slam my back against the door.

It’s him.

Owen Wolfe is at my door.

Damn. What the hell is he doing here?
I take three deep breaths and then swing the door open and breezily greet him with a smile. “Good morning!”

He whips out a bouquet of stargazer lilies from behind his back. “For you,” he says in a charming voice and gives me his million-dollar handsome-as-fuck smile.

“Wow, thanks,” I take the flowers gratefully and smell them, trying to distract myself from the hot, brooding man in doorway. “These are beautiful, what’s the occasion?”

I move aside to allow him in.

“Just pretty flowers for an even prettier woman,” he says with a grin, exposing his perfect set of teeth.

“Awesome,” I say. “Why don’t you take a seat on the couch, and I’ll make us some coffee?” I suggest.

“Perfect,” Owen says and he walks in like he owns the place.

He’s wearing a black suit and it’s cut in such a way as to reveal his chiseled form just beneath the crisp white shirt. He looks ready for the workday and sexy as hell.

“Cream and sugar?” I call from the kitchen, asking how he wants his cup.

“Just cream, please, that’s great. Whatever you have is fine,” he responds politely.

I bring the mugs and hand him one of them. “For you.” I grin.

“Thanks.” He takes it and brings it up to his mouth. “It smells delicious.”

I take a minute to just enjoy his dark eyes,

“So, what are you doing here?” I get right to the point.

“More importantly, why aren’t you at work?” he asks.

I lean back on the back of the couch. “If you thought I would be at work, then why are you at my house?” I raise my eyebrow, taunting him.

He rolls his eyes. “I called your secretary, who told me you weren’t coming in today.”

“Oh…right,” I say. Now I feel fucking stupid.

“Anyway,” he says. “I’m here to invite you to the Lone Wolfe Anniversary Celebration.” He beams with pride.

“Hmm, a movie studio party, huh? That sounds fun,” I say. “It’s awesome you’re having a party for that. Congratulations by the way.”

“Thank you baby,” he says.

He catches my eye and for a moment there’s an intense heat pulsing between us. I can’t deny it. It’s real, right? I mean he must feel it too.

I break away, unable to maintain that level of intensity with him, and I take a sip of my coffee.

“Why didn’t you just mail me an invitation?” I chuckle.

“Well that’s another part of the reason I’m here,” he begins and takes my hands in his. He feels warm, strong and masculine.

“Okay,” I say and look down at our intertwining hands as my heart beats faster.

“I want you to go as my date,” he says as if I should take this as a privilege and an honor.

“Really?” I smile.

“If you’ll have me,” he says with the grace of a true gentleman.

I ponder this idea for a moment. In theory, it sounds like a fantastic idea. Maybe there will even be some celebrities there, and maybe Owen will introduce me to them.

“Well, you can probably guess that I’m doing a personality flip here.” I laugh and cross my legs. “You know, beginning with having dinner with you the other night—”

“To now playing hooky from work…” He grins and interrupts me.

“Right.” I point a finger at him in agreement. “Something like that. Maybe I’m becoming more like you.”

“I might not be the best role model for anyone,” Owen jokes.

I laugh and think about how much fun I have when I’m around him, but more importantly how I’m actually fun, too, when we’re together. I’m trying to be more relaxed, and I hope my leisurely lifestyle plan doesn’t backfire.

This is all for a purpose after all. I am easy, breezy, and adventurous and my father will soon see that thanks to Owen Wolfe.

I might be using him a little bit but I’m so daft as to not realize that he’s using me right back. There’s a connection between us for sure. But Owen doesn’t quite seem like the kind of guy that would settle down.

And me? Well, I have a business empire to conquer. I might have time for a nice fuck but there’s no time for love.

For now, I’m content to take each second and opportunity as they arise. There’s something irresistible about Owen that draws me in, and I have a hard time saying no to him, which I’m sure he’s already used to.

“Okay.” I nod. “Yes, I’ll be your date for your anniversary party.”

Owen’s eyes light up. “That’s great, thank you so much.”

“No, thank you for inviting me.” I smile at him, wondering if we’ll end up in bed together again. The funniest part of this scenario? I’m not even afraid to know what might happen. I’m not thinking about the future or anything else.

Just one moment at a time, one step at a time.

Owen starts to chuckle as if there’s a realization hitting him.

“What?” I chuckle because his laughter is infectious.

“You went from being this uptight girl to this girl who doesn’t give a fuck about anything.”

Inside I’m flattered.

My plan is working perfectly.

“You think?” I say, feeling genuinely curious.

If Owen thinks I’m adventurous then maybe my father will too and my brother will finally be demoted to Vice President where he belongs.

“I do think,” he says, pulling me in for a kiss.

His hot breath.

His taste.

His strong body.

It all threatens to consume me and suddenly I feel okay with being taken under his control.