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Sausalito Nights (Montgomery Beauty Book 1) by Stephanie Salvatore (4)

Jumping Lessons 101







Admiration of Christopher captivated me from the moment I set eyes on him; but now that we met, the need to know him multiplied. His dark brown hair, tan skin, and piercing grey-blue eyes caught my attention like a fresh pot of coffee brewing in the early morning. His gentle words and humbling impressions touched my soul in ways I couldn’t describe. The vibes he gave off were calming, gentle, caring, giving, and he was really rather polite for greeting a creepy stranger knocking at his door. I only knew where he came from and that he was very family oriented; but I needed to know more. Was this charming young man already accounted for?

He couldn’t be. I didn’t want him to be. I couldn’t tell a lie. I wanted him for myself.

I laughed at his joke. “No worries. I’ll be gentle.”

Chris rose an eyebrow toward me. “I’m holding you to your word.” He paused as we walked on and looked back at the banner.  “What is this Summer Bash exactly?”

“It’s one of the many parties my family throws. We eat, drink, mingle and set sail out on the bay.”

“I’ll accept your invite, but I have one condition.”

I froze and tried to hold back the excitement rising in my throat and laughed. “Oh no. A condition. That sounds scary. Alright. Lay it on me, Montgomery,” I singsong.

He looked out at the water as one of the fancy yachts sped by and met my eyes once more. “Apologies come in advance for the torture you might endure, but I’d like you to go as my date.”

“A man that’s forward on his word.” I pursed my lips as I thought about it. “I think I could deal with that level of torture.”

He stared at me for a moment before his eyes moved up and down. Was he checking me out? Did he notice the gauze wrapped around my arm? Would he ask questions? The healing process wouldn’t be done for a while. If it were me? I would be asking questions, and that’s exactly what I feared.

“I can’t see a better way to break myself in than to show up to this party with the owner’s daughter.” He didn’t flinch or stutter. This Montgomery kid was confident, and reeling me in like quicksand.

I cocked an eyebrow at him. “If that’s what you want to call breaking gentle…That’s a pretty high jump, Montgomery.”

A smile cracked through his lips revealing his pearly white teeth. “I’m not afraid of heights.”  

I smiled back at him. “Are you jumping in with two feet?”

He chuckled. “I think I am.”

“Then it’s a date.” I smiled at him as we walked. “You see those turquoise buildings along the street?”

“Ooh. A date? What’s that?” He looked at me after purposely ignoring my question, and smirked.

I stopped to look at him, and rose an eyebrow at him. “Well. It’s when two people have a mutual interest in each other, and they go on a magic infested adventure in a faraway land to see if their connection manifests to a level where they can take the world on together.” I managed to keep a straight face as Christopher’s eyes widened as he stared at me with his intense hues. I knew I was crazy, the million-dollar question was could he handle my crazy?

“A magical infested adventure? This adventure? It doesn’t involve riding unicorns down glittering rainbows, does it?”

“You bet it does,” I whipped back.

He shook his head. “I don’t know about all that.”

I frowned with a puppy pout. ‘Well… okay. But what if I said it could conclude with a kiss?”

He groaned. “Fine. It’s a date…and yes, I see the buildings,” he grumbled. “What about them?”

I laughed as his unenthusiastic tone kicked in. “Oh. Cheer up grumpy pants. My parents own those buildings, as well as the Yacht Club. I live in the penthouse of the biggest building in the center. As for all the little shops along the boardwalk, the owners are contracted in with the rental space. The big building just past the shops, that’s the clubhouse where the fitness center is. There is also a spa and a five-star restaurant in there. My family has brunch in there on Sundays, but the buffet is open seven days a week.” I spoke as we walked past.

Chris looked around and took it all in. “So this place is a pretty big deal in Sausalito?”

“We’ve been here longer than my siblings and I have existed. My family is very well known in this community, as well as the city.”

His eyes widened a bit. “So what you’re telling me is that your family is a pretty big deal over all?”

I pursed my lips. “They like to think so.” I laughed. “But really, we’re just a really crazy Italian family with bad tempers.”

He laughed. “Kind of sounds like my family, only the banter is endless. They’re always ranting off about something. My dad drives my mother crazy. They’ll be working on a house project, and my dad gets distracted and my mom gets frustrated with his short attention span.”

I laughed. “Never a dull moment, huh?”

He shook his head and laughed. “In the Montgomery house? Never.”

I flashed him a smile. “Sounds like you have a solid support system at home.”

He chuckled. “I’d like to think so, but my parents are bat shit crazy.”

A smile curved up on my lips as I giggled to cover up the dark secrets my family made me hold in. “I can completely relate.” I stopped walking as we got to the end of the boardwalk. “Without staring, look to your right.”

He followed my instructions and looked back to me. “Okay. What about it?”

“Did you see a sign that says Black Diamond Club?”

He nodded. “Yeah…why?”

“Whatever you do, never go venturing back there. It’s off limits,” I said, attempting to sound affirmative and strict.

“Aye aye, Captain. Is there a reason for the restriction?”

“It’s for elite members only. Don’t question it, Montgomery.”

He nodded. “Noted.”

“I didn’t mean to snap, but it’s vital you don’t go back there.”

He shook his head. “This is your family’s home and business. You have my word that I won’t wander back there.”

I couldn’t help but worry that he was curious, and telling him about the family business was not a topic of conversation I was going into right now. I had to make sure he understood.

“Come on, let's head back. The rest of the place is pretty much free range.”

As we walked back down, I showed him where he could rent paddle boards and other water sport rentals could be found, and then took him back toward the rental boathouses. “So, this is where I’ll be most days. Starting at the third dock of this sector are all rentals that members own and rent out year round. I clean them and restock linens, and all that fun jazz.”

He smiled at me. “Is that a hint for me to come find you?”

I pursed my lips and rose an eyebrow. “Hm, perhaps?” I winked at him. “There’s plenty more to discover with San Francisco and the area we live in; but we’ll leave that for another time, if you want that is.”

“Well, I definitely don’t have a clue about anything in this area, so my mind is yours to mold and fill with knowledge.”

I giggled. “You might want to think twice on that, Montgomery. I might have to challenge that bantering trait your family embraces so much.”

He rolled his eyes. “Oh no, not you too!”

A laugh escaped my lips that seemed to be contagious as he joined me. Smiles were exchanges as we paused and laughed a bit more. Once we were able to control ourselves, we locked eyes.

He flashed a smile toward me, and I took both of his hands intertwining my fingers into his as I walked him backwards. “Oh yes… Yes! Me too! I love bantering! Christopher, you have to promise me something!”

He rolled his eyes, holding back a laugh. “No! I will not banter with you. I’m sure my mother would enjoy that, though.”

I gasped playfully. “Are you suggesting I banter with your mother?”

He rose an eyebrow. “No.” He stopped in his footsteps against a railing. “You’re going to pull me into the bantering quest, aren’t you?”

I snickered. “Absolutely.”

“Fine…but I’ll have to take a rain check and head back for dinner.”

 My heart sunk, as our time was being cut short. “Of course. The yacht will be anchored just against the boardwalk…You won’t be able to miss it.”

“I’m sure I won’t. Thank you for showing me around.” He smiled at me before he lingered his fingers out of mine and winked at me.

I sighed softly as he walked off. His smooth words, teasing tactics, and confidence swooned me once again. My heart ached, I needed more. When he was out of sight, I realized that it would be a few days before I was guaranteed time with him again. Withdrawn emotions tugged at my heart strings. Friday was simply too far away.




Stepping from the limo returning after a long day of relaxing and primping with my mother and Luciana, we finally arrived to the rolled out red carpet where our awaiting guests stood behind the black velour ropes. Gliding down the entryway in a floor length sparkling red evening gown in my heels, I looked for Christopher in the crowd. A nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach crept in as I passed the one person I didn’t want to see.

 Santino. Son of a bitch! What the hell was he doing here?

 The tall man with dark blonde hair and entrancing green eyes with a permanent smirk etched over his lips stood at the front of the crowd. My eyes quickly met Luciana’s as she pursed her lips and furrowed her eyebrows. Trouble settled into the atmosphere, and there was no escaping it.

As we made our way into the main entertaining space of the large yacht, soft hymns played in the background. I looked around seeing a scarce number of familiar faces before I escaped to the top deck and stood at the railing in the middle of the large vessel. Scanning the guests arriving from below, I froze. A smile lifted against my lips and I sighed in relief as I spotted Chris on the bench we sat on the other night.

“Montgomery!” I yelled. I caught his attention and nudged my head.

He stood and locked his eyes into mine, walking toward the crowd and winked at me as he waited to get in. I pursed my lips up and nonchalantly wandered over to the snack table and popped a piece of cheese in my mouth, standing at the opposed railing looking out at the view of San Francisco skyline beyond the bay. The sky was filled with wispy clouds, the colors turning pink and purple as the sun set behind the mountains. Chris would be up in a matter of moments. I couldn’t have been bothered to think about the risks to be seen with him publicly because all I wanted to do was spend more time with him.

I felt a hand grasp the side of my waist and pulled me out of my thoughts. I jumped slightly, slowly turning around to see Santino standing behind me. “What are you doing? Get your hand off of me.” I narrowed my eyes up at him.

He chuckled lowly. “Oh come on, gorgeous. Did you really think we wouldn’t see each other tonight?”

The last encounter we had started just like this and ended when I pushed his unwanted hands off of me. “What do you want, Santino?” My tone was cold.

“You know exactly what I want, Lor. You know we have something. Why don’t you just accept it?” He placed both his hands on my hips and backed me up against the railing.

I looked away from him trying to keep my emotions together. “And if I said I disagreed, then how does this end?”

He chuckled. “I think you’re in denial.”

I rolled my eyes, scoffing. “No, because I’m not interested. Why can’t you accept that?”

His hands returned to the sides of my waist, those intimidating eyes and a smug smirk rose against his lips. “Cause I know what I can give you. A life full of luxuries you couldn’t dream of. Our families have the same values and standards. You don’t even have to be in the business, Lor. You can be my sweet baby mama, and I’ll spoil you. Besides, your parents love me and I’m sure your father would approve.”

“Yeah, well. I don’t approve. Move out of my way.” I snapped. Santino didn’t know I completed the family ritual, and the red glamour gloves to match my dress hid the evidence.

“What is your big rush? Are you going to meet that new kid?”

My lips fell open as I realized that he had been watching me. He saw me with Chris. I did not like this, a horrible feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. I needed to get away from him, but he was stronger than me; and frankly, I was afraid of what he would try if I made a scene, but he wasn’t giving me much of a choice at this point.

I pushed him away. “You were watching me?! Santino, this is the last time I’m going to ask you nicely. Leave me the hell alone.”

Before he could say another word, my brother came flying in from the other side of the yacht, taking Santino down to the ground. “I told you to stay the fuck away from my sister!” he said before he punched him square in the jaw.

My eyes diverted off toward the water, as a crowd moved in around Armani and Santino fighting before a pair of arms pulled me out of the line of fire. I turned to meet Christopher’s striking eyes and a concerned look covering his face.

“What happened? Are you okay?” he whispered.

“No, and I really don’t want to talk about it. I need to get away from here.”

He pulled back to look at me and his eyes diverted to the men being pulled apart by my father and Matteo before he glanced down at me once more. “Of course. Come on.” He left an arm around me and led me down the staircase.

We walked downstairs, and up the side corridor to the back of the vessel, finding a half circle couch for us to sit down on. He wrapped a gentle arm around me and we looked on as we moved away from the setting sun painting the colors pinks, purples, and orange swirling through a layer of clouds sitting on the horizon.

His thumb brushed against the back of my shoulder. “I know it’s a little soon to talk about what just happened, but can I ask you a question?”

I looked back him with gentle eyes. “Of course you can.”

“I noticed the bandages on your arms the other day when you were showing me around. I…just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

I swallowed hard. This wasn’t going to be easy to explain, let alone open up about. How would I explain it without actually exposing the syndicate?

“Coincidence of bad luck. I bought my first tattoo this week, and the other is a burn I got from splashing oil from the fryers at the club house restaurant.”

“That’s too bad. I’m sorry. Are you okay?” His tone lowered, and he sounded almost sad.

“Yeah… I’ll be alright. Thank you for checking on me though.” Inhaling a soft, sharp breath, I exhaled slowly relieved that he didn’t push the subject about the tattoo and the burn. I was safe for now, but I wouldn’t be for long. His caring demeanor told me that he could very well follow up on this later, and with the burn and tattoo mirroring each other. He might place it together and start asking more questions. I wasn’t ready for that, and I hoped I wouldn’t have to explain myself. I needed to be discreet as possible about the family business. I didn’t know much; but I knew that organized crime was illegal, that my father went to great lengths to protect our name, and his highly grossed income that came along with his title as a fucking mob boss.

I feel the hot Italian blood in me boiling. This was the exact reason I wanted out. I didn’t want to be the poor soul that sold my family out. Looking at Chris watching me with those big gentle eyes, I feel myself come down. It was too soon to tell if it would happen, but I wanted him to be the one that saved me from the lonely path I’d be taking when this last year of high school was over… and it’s hasn’t even begun.

Why do I do this to myself?




An hour passed by since the fight with Armani and Santino broke out. Chris and I stayed as far away from the other guests and my family as possible. We talked about early childhood memories, favorite foods, holiday traditions and the conversation flowed. I was surprised that he allowed my excuses about my arms go so quickly, but he did and it showed he had respect, and perhaps that I could trust him? We might need more time on the trust, but his respect hit a high chord of positivity for sure.

Leaning into Christopher’s arm that he wrapped around me caused desires to ditch the party; but before I had the chance to ask him, my father waltzed into our view. “Lorelai… a word…” He was quick to disappear and he didn’t look happy. 

I looked at Chris and mouthed an apology to him before I followed him around the corner. “What is it?”

“Who is that boy and why are his hands all over you?” he snapped.

“His name is Christopher Montgomery. He just moved here. He’s very nice, Daddy.”

He shook his head. “He needs to leave. You are not to see him again. Do you understand?”

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. “But…”

“I don’t want to hear another word. Dating of any kind is off limits, young lady.” He walked away as I turned back to Chris and found my brother escorting Christopher toward the exit. Tears welled in my eyes and I couldn’t believe that my family pulled out all the stops before they took a chance to get to know him. This would not end well.

I needed to see him again, no matter the cost.