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Sausalito Nights (Montgomery Beauty Book 1) by Stephanie Salvatore (5)

Precarious Business







I walked down the ramp back to the boardwalk and looked at the kid that escorted me out as we docked. I was able to get a closer look at him as he stood in front of me.  He towered over me in height with his dark hair and blue eyes, and a slim built stature. The combination of the similar facial features to Lorelai and the protection he had over her hit me. He had to be a relative.

He placed his arms across his chest. “Look. I don’t know you and I’m sure you’re a nice kid; but I have to look out for my sister, and you can’t come around her again.”

Her brother? Great. He would more than likely pound me like he did the other kid coming onto Lorelai if I didn’t back off. I am now annoyed. Pressing my lips together as I tried to hold back frustration and stared off for a moment. “Alright. Alright. I get it. Can I go now?”

He eyed me carefully with narrowed eyes. “This is the only warning you get. Don’t cross the lines or you’ll regret it.” He stepped back, dropping his arms, revealing a decent sized tattoo on the same arm as Lorelai’s…only his was a crown hanging over a diamond. He walked backward before he disappeared and left me outside of the yacht on the boardwalk, flabbergasted in my thoughts.

I ran my fingers through my hair and blew a breath of air out of my mouth attempting to wrap my head around the events that took place over the last hour. She wasn’t safe from this man that pinned her against the railing, I couldn’t see her, and now these tattoos that appeared on her brother’s arm had me sketched out too. The Castillos, were they just power hungry with their money? What the hell was it that made them so successful? Maybe I was better off not asking questions. I felt like the less I knew, the safer I was.

I didn’t need nor want another Castillo in my face. A sharp pain pierced my skin as goosebumps rose over my body. I continued down the boardwalk with my head down. My head spun as I turned around and ran my fingers through my hair and forced myself in the opposite direction of the yacht. The short lived memories of my time with Lorelai raced through my mind. Everything about her flashed through my head like a film strip. Her smile, the bright blue eyes that resembled the very stars in the sky above her hometown. I found another bench and took a seat leaning back as I stared off into the darkness feeling defeated. Perhaps I should have taken her brother’s warning and accept that this wasn’t meant to happen.

A group of men in suits surrounding Lorelai’s brother and Santino came into view, breaking the paralyzing indecisive thoughts in my head. Six men surrounded them, three on each side, and all eyes glanced at me, some narrowed and some were just plain, and stone cold stares. Were they signaling one last final warning meaning business? Looking at the ground after they passed, I turned my head slightly to the right and watched as they continued under the Black Diamond Club arch.

Inhaling a deep breath. There was no doubt in my mind that there was a dark cloud hanging over this place. A sick, twisted feeling stirred in my stomach. I remembered Lorelai’s warning from a few nights ago, and I wouldn’t dare go back on my word. This was clearly none of my business and I normally didn’t care to stick my nose where it didn’t belong, but the heavy realization that I would not be able to see Lorelai tugged at my heart strings further. Her father and his minions were everywhere. 

As I made it past the yacht, I looked out at the moon reflecting on the bay and spotted a large sailboat with a lantern on it. I narrowed my eyes as a petite figured shadow in red came into my vision.

“Psst…Montgomery!” A soft female voice called out.

I walked down to the dock spotting a one hundred foot sailboat yacht. “What on Earth are you doing?”

She flashed a smile at me. “Going for a ride. Care to join me?”

“I… was told I cou-..”

“I know what you were told.” She cut off my rambling words. “What they don’t know can’t hurt us.” She spoke softly, her tone sounded almost devious.

I walked closer and looked around at the setup. The blue eyed brunette was ready to set sail.

“Come on, join me! Besides, our date at the Summer Fest was a blowout. We can finish it up on Cakes and Pies.” Her playful tone returned and I couldn’t help but smile back at her.

I chuckled. “Cakes and Pies?” My eyes diverted to the name painted on the side of the vessel in hot pink.

“Yeah. What’s better than Cake and Pie?” She stood at the stairs leading into the boat and reached her hand out, staring at me with a playful smirk tugging at her lips.

I hesitated as I thought about the warning I was given. The call was tough, and apparently the universe was testing me.

I inhaled a deep breath before I stepped off the dock onto the vessel and took her hand. “How can I say no to cakes and pies?”

She giggled and placed a hand on my chest. “You simply cannot.” she whispered.

I chuckled softly as my hands found her hips. “You’re absolutely right. I can’t. We should get out on the water before someone spots us.”

“You worry too much. I am going to break that.” She winked at me before she went to pull the rope off the dock and threw it to the floor before she started the motor, and we made our way out on the water.

Looking around, I was calm enough to take in the large size of this sailboat, and I realized this wasn’t your average sailboat. It was the size of a yacht, with a motor on it. Considering where she came from, I wasn’t too surprised. I sat in the chair across from her and placed my ankle on the top of my leg. “How long have you been sailing?”

She looked at me. “I’ve been on boats my entire life; but Armani, my brother, started giving me lessons when I was seven, so about ten years.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Armani? Is that who escorted me out earlier?”

“That would be the one. He’s the first born son named after my father.  Junior, he’s four years older than me and thinks he’s the king. I also have a sister, her name is Luciana. We’re fourteen months apart. She walked in with me and Amelia. Amelia would be my mother.” She paused. “Do you have any siblings?”

I shook my head. “Nope. It’s just me and my parents and Nana and Papa. We have a small family, but we stay close.”

She smiled at me. “You’re lucky. I have a very large, temperamental Italian family that is spread out all over the world.”

I stayed quiet for a moment. “Temperamental? I couldn’t tell.”

She laughed softly. “Italians? Temperamental? Never.” She flashed a smile and the remainder of the ride remained silent.

Allowing the sound of the vessel moving through the water to calm my anxieties about sneaking off with her, I could see why she loved being out on the water so much. “Where are we going?”

She glanced at me as we turned into dock. “It’s a surprise,” she said as the vessel came to a stop, and she turned the engine off. It was dark all accept a light on the back of what appeared to be a houseboat.

I watched as she tied the boat to the dock and stepped out. “Come on. Cakes and Pies will be here when we get back.”

I chuckled and went to exit as I saw her reach a hand out for mine. I smiled as I took her hand and followed her lead. She pulled a ring of keys out and opened the door before she led us inside and put on the lights before she dimmed them and looked at me. “Don’t worry. It’s vacant for the week. No one will find us here.”

I smiled at her. “Well, I can’t deny your logic.”

She laughed and walked into the kitchen and spotted a bottle of wine. “Do you drink?”

I shook my head. “Not unless I’m at the vineyard.”

She gasped. “Vineyard? Tell me more.”

I laughed. “My grandparents own a winery up in Napa; and for some reason, my crazy family thought it would be a wise idea to start me out early on wine tastings.”

Her eyes sparkled under the dim lights as she popped the cork from the bottle. “Your family has eclectic tastes in how they raise their kid. Wine is my best friend.”

I chuckled. “Really now?”

She poured the white zinfandel and handed me a glass. “Absolutely. I’d like to propose a toast.”

I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms holding my glass. “Alright. Let’s hear it.”

“To your first summer in Sausalito. May it be adventurous, thrilling, and safe with a certain brunette that has had her eyes on you since the moment you moved in.”

I smirked. “To the long nights that I won’t sleep because sleeping with one eye open isn’t actually possible.”

She clung her glass to mine and took a sip. “Who said anything about sleeping? These rentals book way in advance, and the owners close down the reservations after a certain point. I can guarantee we’ll have a place to hideaway if you wanted to see me again after tonight.”

I looked at her after I sipped my own and chuckled. “Are you trying to tell me you’re going to corrupt me, Miss Castillo?”

She took a step toward me, a foot of space left between us as she looked up at me. “Absolutely, so you better embrace it Montgomery.”

A smile rose against my cheeks, reaching to cup her cheek slowly. Her fingers grasped around my wrist as I pushed soft curls behind her ear. “Embrace it I will,” I whispered as I took initiative and inched toward her. She met me halfway and froze. Her eyes focused on mine, our lips inches apart. I’d never experienced a moment that felt so charged with anticipation. I moved in slow motion until my lips pressed against hers; and, to an everlasting surprise, she returned that sweet kiss. Dainty hands grazed over my chest snaking around my neck.

Without breaking the kiss, I grasped the sides of her waist and pinned her back to the wall. My carpenter hands grazed the sides of her waist. Keeping a gentle hold on her with one hand, I cascaded my fingers over the slim curves of her waist and chest, cradling my hand against her cheek gently as our lips parted. Her chest heaved up and down before her sweet lips that tasted between a cross of chocolate and coffee pressed a deeper passionate kiss. A volt of energy surged through my veins as our lips locked with one passionate kiss after another.

Her hand cupped the scruffy facial hair against my cheek as I grazed her lower lip with my tongue and slipped it into her mouth. A gentle sucking sensation could be felt before she entangled her tongue against mine. I sucked in a soft breath between pressing my lips against hers. Caressing finger tips traveled over her waist, accidentally finding the line to the zipper on her gown. A smile curved between my lips, tracing the line to the top and tugged at the zipper gently.

Pulling the strapless top to the evening dress that hugged her every curve, the satin gown pooled around her feet. Running hands fell down the contours of her slim curves. Breaking the kiss, I moved my fingers through the soft curls bunching the dark brunette locks between my digits. My lips found her neck planting suckle kisses against her silky skin. Soft cries of pleasure fell from her lips as she pressed her body against mine. I could only imagine that her mind raced much as mine had in this very moment. Pausing, my lips remained an inch from her neck, the tiny hairs standing up on her skin. Pressing gentle individual kisses, the sensation of buttons coming undone on my shirt traveled down my chest and abdomen as she fought with the shirt to remove it from my body. I shook the sleeves, and grasped a hold of it in one quick move, letting it drop to the floor. Enveloping her body, pulling her close I grasped a hold on her thighs sweeping her off her feet and felt her legs tighten in a wrap around my waist. Her blue hues locked on mine as she cupped my cheeks, her touch feather-like, as if she touched me with further force, she could break me. Tackling her lips once more in another deep, passionate kiss, I proceeded blindly out of the kitchen bringing her to what I thought might be the couch, and set her down, hovering over her for a moment. Breaking away from the kiss, I drank in her milky skin, placing my knees on either side of her body as her hands played with the button on my pants until they came undone. Gentle kisses planted down her jawline to her neck and collarbone. Breathing heavily against her skin, I pressed the bulge in my pants against her groin, the counter reaction coincided with a gasped moan against my ear causing the blood to rush toward my cock.

“Christopher…” She whispered.

I tossed my options back and forth on whether I should have pushed my limits on undressing her the rest of the way as I met her eyes, placing my hands at the side of her waist grasping at the skin gently. “Lor…”

Her lips curved into a gentle smile, placing her hands over mine, moving them over each of her breasts. “Don’t hold back, I want this as much as you do…” Her hand slipped through the open button on my pants.

Sucking in a deep breath, I exhaled a groan, smoothed my hands over her waist and up her back. Undoing the clasps one at a time before sliding the material away from her, I tossed it to the floor carelessly as her fingers slipped around my pulsing erection pleading to escape.

“Ffff-….” I growled and captured her lower lip between my teeth, tugging gently, scathing my teeth across her soft pink lip. “-uck…” I grasped my hands around her ample breasts squeezing and massaging gently as I took in the feeling of her hand pumping the erection to life.

Leaning back, her eyes filled with lust as she bit her lower lip. A smile crossed my lips as I massaged her breasts and leaned in pressing gentle pecks down her neck, moving her into a horizontal lying position on the couch. I scaled my fingertips over her slim body down to the elastic band on her undies, pushing my thumbs under the strap. Pulling at the stretchy elastic, I leaned in and, pressing my lips against the opposite side of her neck, snapped the bands to her undies. With each kiss I pressed to her skin, the inhaling and exhaling of her breaths became deeper. A smile crossed between my lips as a harmonious moan trembled between her lips.

I smirked and continued pressing gentle pecked kisses down her neck to her collarbone, taking her nipples between my thumb and forefinger, applying slight pressure before twisting at the hardened tips of her breasts. She wasted no time unzipping my pants, and pushing them to my knees. I stood slowly and kicked them off. Towering over her, I took in the sight of her voluptuous body. She leaned against the back of the couch, her lips parted as she reached up to trace her freshly manicured nails over the defined lines against my abdomen.

Digging my teeth into my lower lip, reaching back for the elastic on her undies and snapped them against her skin before I pulled them down her long silky smooth thighs, tossing them to the heaping pile of clothes.

She was completely laid out in front of me, naked. We both knew what was to come, but with the look that fell over her face crossed between deviance and seduction. A crooked smile rose against my lips, as I tried to keep my excitement to a subtle level. I knew better. I shouldn’t have pushed this, but she appeared to want me as much as I wanted her. Who the fuck was I argue?