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Saving the Sheriff by Kadie Scott (7)

Chapter Seven

She waved a hand at Will beside her. “I’m in the middle of a conversation.”

“Oh, I’ll wait,” Will offered.

Holly suspected the twitch in his lips was his attempt to hide a grin.

She swung her head to glare at him. “Traitor.” All she caught was a wink in return.

“Go ahead, Holly. Dance with him,” Carter piped up. “He’s really good. So if you’re worried, don’t be. He won’t step on your toes like Will.”

The entire family was all ears now. Cash merely sat beside her, waiting with that bland expression of his. The urge to wipe that oh-so-sure smile off the peace officer’s face was almost too strong to resist.

She tried one last-ditch effort. “I’m not worried. Can’t a girl just not feel like dancing?”

Cash laid a casual arm along the back of her chair and leaned in close. “You came to a dance.”

She tried to ignore the warm tickle of his breath on her neck and was mighty irritated at the urge to feel his lips there. Her skin prickled in anticipation, but he sat back.

Across the table, John chuckled. “He’s got you on that one.”

On a sigh, Holly stood, leaned over and removed her high heels, handing them to a grinning Carter. A girl needed to do this kind of dancing in boots or bare feet. Stilettos were likely to land her on her backside. That, or she’d end up with a twisted ankle.

Then she offered her hand to Cash. “Let’s go, Sheriff.”

A twinkle entered his eyes at her sass. “Yes, ma’am.”

As they stood at the edge of the dance floor, waiting for the next song, the first notes of Garth Brooks’ “Ain’t Going Down ’Til The Sun Comes Up” started. Good. A fast jitterbug beat a slow two-step if she was to hold on to any shred of her sanity.

He led her onto the dance floor, turning to face her. Pulling her into his arms, Cash started out slowly, moving them into a basic two-step. As they got comfortable with each other, matching their strides, he moved them into a series of spins. Holly was there with him every step, responding beautifully to the subtle signals of his hands and body. They didn’t have to talk about which move to try next or what they could do. He led and she followed.

They twisted and spun. In close then back out again. Around behind the back and over the head. Holly’s red and white skirt flared wide with each arc and swirl, adding a vibrant splash of color to their movements. When Cash started adding in some fancier moves, like windmills and pretzels, Holly vaguely noticed the crowd of other dancers around them started thinning and moving to the sides.

They ended the song with his spinning her away then back to lift her in a dip made famous by her alma mater, where her legs ended up over his back. Letting him keep her in place, she used one hand to keep her skirt in place, determined not to flash all her neighbors. The crowd whistled and clapped and called out their delight at the show.

Cash gently placed her back upright on the floor. He grinned but didn’t have a chance to say anything as they were surrounded and he was whisked away by other women all wanting a dance. Holly heard a litany of “I didn’t know you could dance like that!” and “Could you show me how to…” as he moved away.

She was glad for the separation, suddenly struggling with the fact that she was into Cash Hill in a breath-heaving, blood-thumping, drool-inducing kind of way. A simple dance, and not a very romantic one, had her all hot and bothered and not just from the vigorous movement. Incredibly inconvenient and not at all sensible.

She was getting her own attention from the crowd. She laughed and made small comments in response to their compliments as she made her way back to the Hills.

“Phew!” She fanned herself with her hand as she collapsed in a chair next to Will. “Good thing I’m in shape. That was a serious workout.”

“Would you like some water?” Will offered.

She slipped on the heels Carter handed her and stood back up. “I think I’ll come with you.”

He held out his arm, and they headed to the refreshment table. “That was quite a performance.”

Holly gave him a sly smile, giving a smug little wiggle. “I told y’all I could dance. You just didn’t believe me.”

“You mean Cash didn’t believe you.”

She shrugged.

“I think he got the point.” He handed her a cup of water.

“Thanks,” she murmured, indicating the drink. She took a thoughtful sip. “I’m surprised you’re not married, Will.”

For the first time since she’d met him, Will grinned. “Nah. I’m too old and set in my ways.”

“Oh, what a load of BS.” She batted his arm playfully. “Old.”

A voice interrupted their chatter. “Would you like to dance?”

Holly turned to find Brian McCain standing behind her. He’d already asked her once, so she couldn’t say no again.

“Sure.” She smiled.

Holly enjoyed the dance, a slow two-step, with her shoes on this time. Brian seemed like a nice guy and was easy to talk to, but she also didn’t mind when the dance ended. She thanked him politely before she headed in the direction of the restrooms, needing to freshen up.

She was winding her way through the crowds when someone snagged her by the wrist, stopping her forward motion. Holly turned to come face to face with Marcus. She glanced around nervously, hoping Cash wasn’t watching. Rather than create a scene, she decided to let Marcus get off his chest the same thing he’d been telling her all along.

“I get it now,” Marcus said quietly.

Holly blinked, confused. “Excuse me?”

“You’re friends with Cash and don’t want to hurt him.”

Holly tugged her wrist from his grasp, and he let her go. “They’re my best friend’s family and have always been nice to me.”

“I understand, Holly.” His shoulders dropped, and he gave her a smile tinged with sadness. “I just wish you could’ve seen my side. I don’t want to hurt that little girl. If I am her father, I want to be there for her, even if it’s from afar. I’m still going to move forward, but I’ll leave you alone now.”

Holly swung between concern for Sophia and the impact on her and guilt for not helping Marcus when she had the ability to do so. He was a good man. Georgia, what have you gotten me into?

What’s the right thing to do? If he is Sophia’s dad, she also has the right to know. She believed Marcus wouldn’t do anything to hurt Sophia. And he was going to do this anyway, so she couldn’t save Cash that pain. But, if she was cooperative, maybe she could help make sure any decisions Marcus made truly were in Sophia’s best interest. She’d promised Georgia she’d watch out for her.

Decision made, she reached out and put her hand over Marcus’s. “Have your lawyer contact me. I’ll tell them what I can, which isn’t really much, but corroborates your relationship and the timing.”

“Really?” He grabbed her and yanked her close for a hug that squeezed the breath out of her.

“Really. On one condition.”

“Name it.”

“If it turns out you’re the father, you discuss any ideas and decisions about next steps with me first.”

He opened his mouth to comment, but she cut him off. “I know legally you won’t be obligated to listen to me, but we’ll call it a gentleman’s agreement.”

“I can do that. I know you only want what’s best for her. So do I. I promise.”

His hope was heartbreaking. Especially because her information didn’t confirm anything, but it did get him the test. Maybe. Given the statute of limitations, the courts still might not do anything. Of course, Cash would still find out the truth.

Oh, God. Cash. He’ll be devastated.

“Have you talked to Cash about this at all?”

Marcus grimaced. “Not yet.”

“Let me tell Cash first? I’d rather he hear about this from me.” Maybe she could try to soften the blow.

“Absolutely. Anything you say.” Marcus, apparently, was willing to offer the moon if his eager expression was an indication.

“Thanks.” She didn’t wait to see Marcus’s reaction. Holly bolted for the door.

The implications of what she’d just signed up for started to hit. Cash would hate her. Yeah, he’d been decent to her tonight, but he didn’t like her. Not really. He’d see this as an attack on his family. She’d be lucky if he didn’t trump up some reason to arrest her.

Damn it, Georgia.

Anger and sorrow so deep her heart hurt drove her steps out the doors to the waiting darkness. The last time she’d been this upset with Georgia, her friend had just slept with Cash, the one man Holly’d ever crushed on. Not that he’d reciprocated or even seemed to notice her much, but Georgia knew. She’d blamed it on their fight, on a split with Marcus, and alcohol. But the result had been Sophia and marriage to Cash. Yes, Holly had eventually forgiven her, but right now she could wring Georgia’s neck.

When had life become this complicated? She’d only ever wanted to help animals and live out in the country, where she felt most at home.

Now she was here, doing what she’d dreamed, what she’d worked so hard to achieve, but this cloud hung over her. No turning back now, though. She’d have to tell Cash.


Cash led his partner off the floor. However, his mind wasn’t on Beth Hankins, but on Holly. That dance with her had been…interesting. He’d been both astonished and frustrated to find himself completely turned on at the feel of her in his arms, under his hands. When it ended, several ladies had claimed him, and Holly had disappeared in the crowd. When he spotted her laughing with his brother, he hadn’t liked it.

What was wrong with him? Okay, maybe she wasn’t like Georgia. And perhaps shy and sassy, her brand of adorable, worked for him on a basic level he hadn’t expected. But bringing a woman into his life was not an option. The complication, and potential downfall if it didn’t end well weren’t worth the risk. Not with Sophia finally inching out of the shell she’d gone into after her mother died. So any thoughts regarding Holly needed to remain on a friend-of-the-family-only footing.

Cash had needed some space to cool off a bit, and so he’d grabbed Beth, an old friend closer to Jennings’ age, who he’d known since she was in diapers. He’d done his best to focus on dancing rather than watching Holly. Now, as he headed back to the tables where his family sat, he realized Holly wasn’t there.

He’d been so successful ignoring her he hadn’t seen her leave.

He leaned casually against the table. “Where’s Holly?” He caught a couple of exchanged glances and disregarded them.

“Over there talking with Marcus Jones.” Will pointed.

Cash spun around. After a few seconds, he spotted her red and white dress between the people blocking his view of her. “Why’d you let her do that?”

Will spread his arms in a helpless gesture. “She’s a grown woman. Who am I to say who she can and cannot talk to?”

So Holly and Marcus, huh? His lips set in a grim line. Figured Holly would take up with that guy. Obviously, there was something going on there. He’d seen them a few weeks ago at Pete’s, and Marcus had mentioned lunch. Now they were all cozy in a dark corner.

Cash narrowed his eyes. Then again, Holly was holding herself stiffly, her shoulders so tense, she actually appeared brittle. Like she might snap at any moment.

None of your business, he silently reprimanded himself.

Cash sat and tried to join in the silly banter of his family. Still, he kept an eye on the two talking in the back. At one point, Marcus threw his arms around her in a big hug. Shortly after that, their conversation came to an end. As Cash watched, she took a step back, said something brief, then walked away, but not toward the Hills’ tables. Instead, she headed for the door leading outside.

Curiosity took hold and he couldn’t shake it, so Cash stood and followed her out into the balmy night. Searching the parking lot, he paused to try to spot her. Finally, a flash of white caught his eye, and he moved to intercept. “Holly.”

She turned her head and slowed down. Cash caught up with her quickly.

“Hey,” she acknowledged as he drew closer.

“What was that about?” He nodded toward the lights and music.

She fanned herself with her hand. “I was hot. I thought I’d come outside and cool off a bit.”

Cash hitched his thumbs through his belt loops and let his gaze rest on her. He wasn’t buying her feigned nonchalance. Even under the moonlight, he could see how pale she was. She seemed upset…angry maybe.

“What did he say to you?”

“Who? Marcus?” She shrugged. “Nothing worth talking about now.”

She was putting him off. Holly smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. A small voice inside whispered that, like Georgia, Holly was involved with Marcus.

Though the evidence in front of him—a darkness to her eyes, a slump to her shoulders—suggested she wasn’t happy about it, if that was the case. She was even trembling. From the little he’d seen, Holly took care of everyone around her, but who took care of Holly? Realization struck that she had no one.

He knew that feeling. Despite having close family to back him up, Cash had felt never felt so alone. The thought of Holly experiencing that too didn’t sit well with him.

Cash did the only thing he could think of. He reached out and laid his hand on her cheek. Her eyes widened slightly, but she didn’t pull away.

“You can talk to me, Holly. If you ever need anything. Okay?”

Silently, she nodded.

Cash should have pulled his hand away. Should have led her back inside. But he didn’t. Couldn’t.

The feelings that’d been building all night, hell since she’d come back to town, demanded action. As if compelled, he brushed the pad of his thumb over her high cheekbone and registered the silky-smooth texture of her skin, the warmth. He dropped his gaze to the lush curves of her lips, which were slightly parted. Needing to see her eyes, he moved his hand and tipped her chin up.

Slowly, giving her enough time to pull away or say no, he lowered his head toward her. So softly it was barely a whisper of a touch, he brushed his lips over hers.

Her small intake of breath made him shudder. “Cash,” she sighed.

Satisfaction burned through him. He liked the sound of his name on her lips. He took the kiss deeper, knowing she was right there with him. Still soft and slow, but now he opened his mouth, his tongue asking for and receiving entry to her mouth. Their tongues tangled, igniting fire in his veins, a slow burn of need that was stoked by every touch.

God she felt good.

A loud burst of laughter coming from the open door to the hall brought Cash to his senses. He gave her one last lingering kiss then pulled back. She still had her eyes closed. Gently, he brushed a loose tendril of hair back from her face, and she opened them, her green eyes sparkling at him in the dim lighting.

“We should go back inside,” he murmured.

She blinked slowly, then her gaze cleared. “What was that for?” she asked in a husky voice that had his already raging libido sitting up and taking even more notice.

But Cash couldn’t answer her. He’d sound like an idiot or a hormone-ridden teenager if he told her that he just couldn’t stop himself.

He gave her a lopsided smile. “Ask me again sometime.”

She frowned, her brows lowering in confusion.

“Shall we head back in, or would you rather I take you home?”

Holly glanced behind him to the hall. She seemed to gather herself, pulling her shoulders back and tipping her chin up. “I’d like to go back in. There is something I need to discuss with you, but later.”

Cash raised his eyebrows, wondering what it might be. “Okay.”

She gave a nod then started picking her way back across the gravel lot in her stilettos. When he didn’t immediately follow, she looked over her shoulder. “Shall we go back inside, Sheriff?”

She continued on without waiting for him. It didn’t escape his attention that he was back to being called “Sheriff.” Probably a good thing. One of them needed to keep some distance, and he was doing a damned poor job of it.


They danced till late, and Holly managed to put the incident with Marcus aside for the rest of the evening. She still had no idea how much she should tell Cash, but she put that from her mind too.

The kiss, though…that was another matter. Her lips still tingled with the feel of his against them. Every time she glanced at Cash, the burn of desire licked through her veins. Consequently, she kept her distance, as much as she could. She didn’t dance with him again, instead, sticking closer to Will, who seemed happy to have a fellow horse-lover to talk to.

Cash drove her home afterward. When they pulled up, he turned off the truck. “Did you want to talk tonight? Or some other time?”

As much as she should get it over with, Holly didn’t want to end the night on a low. It was getting late, and she was both tired and happy from an evening that—her discussion with Marcus notwithstanding—had been much more enjoyable than she’d anticipated. Why ruin it?

Holly shook her head. “I’ll swing by your office sometime this week.”

“All right.” He got out, came around to help her down and walked her to her door. When she turned to thank him, he just walked right inside.

She followed him in and flipped on the light. “Um…what’re you doing?”

“Checking that it’s safe.”

She recognized that the gesture was only part of the manners his mother had obviously drilled into him, combined with his position as sheriff. So she was a duty now. An obligation. Something about that didn’t sit right with her, but she kept a blank face. “Oh.”

He raised a single eyebrow. “May I?”

Holly waved him in. “Please.”

He checked the kitchen area then prowled around her living room. Spying some pictures on a shelf, he walked over and took a long look. He paused at one of her and Georgia. It’d been taken at a high school football game their senior year—both girls were young, full of life and smiling into the camera.

“She was a good friend.” Her only friend, really.

He tipped his head. “When we first got married, I got the impression you weren’t friends anymore.”

A bubble of odd hilarity, maybe panic, filled her chest and she had to hold in the inappropriate giggle that wanted to escape. She damn well couldn’t tell him the rift between her and Georgia had been because of him.

Holly shrugged. “We had a huge fight that summer, and then I went off to school. It…took a while to fix things.”

“What was the fight about?”

Holly bit her lip. “I was angry about how she’d gotten pregnant. For a lot of reasons. And she did something to me that I wasn’t sure I could forgive.”

“But you did?” He trained his blue eyes on her with what appeared to be sincere interest.

She gave a soft smile. “Yes. When she brought Sophia out to College Station. Who could stay mad when the results were that precious baby?” Holly thought about that moment. Georgia standing, eyes wide and wary and hopeful, with Sophia in her arms gurgling happily away. “Besides, Georgia was one of only a handful of people who really loved me.”

Cash grinned at that. “I always thought you were an odd pair. You’re so different, personality-wise.”

Holly chuckled. “We understood each other.” She gave a reminiscent smile. “Initially, I guess we clicked because we both lost our parents fairly young. I don’t make friends easily. And I can count on one hand the number of people who’ve loved me like Georgia did. I think, even when I left so angry, I still knew I’d forgive her eventually. She made a mistake. You don’t walk away from special relationships like that.”

He was silent for a long moment. “I get that.”

“If you ever want to talk about Georgia—”

He turned sharply to face her. “I don’t.”

Holly’s eyes widened at his abrupt tone.

Cash stared at her for a good long while. Finally, he blew out a long breath and pushed his fingers through his hair, spiking it up. A lock flopped back onto his forehead.

Holly ignored the urge to brush it back for him.

“I don’t like to talk about Georgia.” His jaw worked as if he couldn’t decide if he was too angry or too devastated to talk.

As much time as she’d spent talking to Georgia, she honestly hadn’t witnessed much of her friend and Cash together. Not enough to really know them as a couple. Another regret for the records. Unfortunately, now that meant she couldn’t tell if Cash’s refusal to speak about Georgia was from a grief so deep he had to close it off, or if it was from something else.

If it was anger, then he either knew part of or all she had to tell him concerning Marcus. That might almost be easier. She hated the idea of stomping all over his vision of what Georgia had been if he didn’t know.

“I—” He ran his hands through his already spiky hair again. “I’d better go.”

Holly dropped her gaze and willed her sinking heart to get over it fast. She had no idea what was driving this reaction. Better to just let him go. “Of course. It’s late.”

She walked to the door, and he followed, silent and brooding.

He opened the door and she followed him outside, where he turned abruptly to face her. “I’m so—”

She stopped him by going up on her tiptoes and placing her lips softly over his. Shock at her own behavior zipped through her, even as her lips tingled from the touch. She’d meant for the gesture to be comforting. Perhaps part of her realized that after she talked to him about Marcus tomorrow, she might not get another chance. Besides, it was a good way to shut him up. She didn’t want his apologies.

She savored the sensation of his warm lips under hers. Let her own linger against his for a long moment before she pulled back. “Don’t apologize. Please. I really do understand.”

Then, before he could say or do anything else, she went inside without a backward glance, locking the door behind her.




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