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Seduce (McKenzie Brothers) by Buchanan, Lexi (19)


Chapter 21

~~ LILY ~~

With my hand clasped tight in Michael’s, we walked back to the house for lunch and it filled my heart with happiness.  It also made me more determined to end things with David.

For a very long time I’d always feared losing him, but somewhere along the way, that had changed. Over the past few months my attachment had dwindled.  I still cared about him, but my love was gone. I thought it disappeared a while ago, except it was only now, after meeting Michael, that I realized what had been happening.

One thing was for sure, David had never looked at me the way Michael did.  I knew it was unfair to compare the two of them, but it was something that couldn’t be helped.  When Michael looked at me, I wanted to squeeze my thighs together to stop the ache, but I never had such a heated reaction to David.

Being in Michael’s arms had soaked my panties and left an ache that only he could alleviate.

“Earth to Lily.”  He pulled me to a stop on the porch.  “Hey, penny for your thoughts?”

I blushed.  He noticed and his eyes sparkled. The smile which had been hovering on his lips was growing into a huge grin.  “Pretty good thoughts, huh?”

I was embarrassed, but not enough to keep quiet.  I took hold of the door and leaned into him.  “I was thinking about how wet you’ve made my panties and how badly I want you between my legs,” seeing the hunger on his face, I continued, “and how badly I want to taste you.”  I quickly pulled the door open and entered the house before he had a chance to respond.

I really shouldn’t tease the ‘tiger’, especially since I worked myself up as well.

“Lily, are you all right?  You look rather flushed,” Pippa asked as I walked into the kitchen.

“Ah yeah, I’m fine.”  I looked towards the table just in time to catch Ruben’s smirk.

“I’d ask Michael what he’s been doing to her.”  His mother smacked him across the back of the head.  “Hey, what was that for?”

“Stop embarrassing Michael’s woman,” she told Ruben, just as Michael walked into the kitchen.  The statement was met by silence.

She isn’t yet, but she will be.”  He pulled me into him and kept an arm wrapped around me.

“Oh hell, Lily. If you get fed up with him come find me!” Ruben said grinning, while I felt Michael start to tense.  I tightened my hold on him.

His mother, who obviously sensed the rising tension between her sons, started to place the salad, meats and bread onto the table.  “Let’s eat.”  She shoved a bread roll into Ruben’s mouth when he opened it to respond.

I took my jacket off, placed it over the back of the chair and took a seat between Michael and Ruben.

“Keep your hands to yourself, brother,” Michael growled at a grinning Ruben.

“Does that apply to me as well?” Ramon questioned as he took his seat at the table.

“Shit.”  Michael put his head into his hands.

“Michael Elias McKenzie, you do not curse at my table, and if you two want to eat,” she said pointing to Ruben and Ramon, “I suggest you stop winding your brother up.”

“Yes, ma’am,” all three replied.

I tried to hide my laugh behind my hand, but no such luck.

Pippa looked at me and pointed the butter knife at me. “And you,” she startled me, “whatever you’re doing to Michael, carry on.  I’ve never seen him behave with a woman, like he is with you.”  I smiled and heard Michael groan.

Ruben choked on his drink. “Mom, we don’t want to know what she’s been doing to Michael.”

Oh my god. I felt my blush start at my neck and slowly work its way up into my face.

“That’s enough.  Lily is a guest here and I don’t want you two frightening her away.”  Elias managed to shut them up.  I braved a look at him and he winked at me.

Michael placed some food on my plate and I just sat back and watched him, amused.  I couldn’t remember anyone ever doing that for me before.  With a quick glance around the table, they’d all noticed.  Michael realized everyone was watching, looked at me and actually looked embarrassed.

“Sorry,” he whispered.

I leaned forward slightly and took his hand.  “Thank you. I’m glad you know what I like.”

I was about to take a bite out of the French bread, when I noticed Ruben about to open his mouth, so I glared at him.  He shut his mouth and winked at me.  I started to laugh.  He was a gorgeous flirt.  But it was Michael for me.

Suddenly, Michael pushed his chair away from the table and with his fist clenched, he walked out of the kitchen door and down the porch steps, before anyone could react.

It was so odd. I started to stand to go after him, but Pippa stopped me. “Lily, leave him for a short time.  Finish your lunch and then go to him. He’ll have calmed down some by then.”

I didn’t know what to say or do. I stayed quiet and tried to eat, but my stomach was in knots.  One minute everything was fine and the next, well, I wasn’t actually sure.

Unable to finish eating, I took a drink and sat back in my chair.  I couldn’t stay there anymore. I pushed away from the table and stood up.  “Do you know where he went?”

“Probably the barn,” his father replied.

“Thank you, Elias. If you’ll all excuse me, I need to go to him.”  I took my jacket from the back of the chair, walked out of the kitchen and headed for the barn hoping Michael was there.

What the hell happened to make him leave so abruptly?  I certainly didn’t think I’d done anything to make him react the way he had.  I slowed my steps as I neared the barn, feeling nervous.  When I pushed the door open, I stepped inside and looked around. Once my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I could just make him out, sitting on a bale of hay to one side.

Slowly, I walked over to him.  He was sitting with his elbows resting on his thighs and his face in his hands.  Standing in front of him, I decided to crouch down, placing my hands on each of his knees.  “Michael?”

His shoulders tensed. He hadn’t known I was there.  I went down to my knees and pushed his thighs apart, so I could move closer to him. I smoothed my hands up his arms until I got to his hands and pulled them away from his face.

“Please talk to me?  Tell me what happened back there?”

He met my eyes and just stared at me with eyes filled with heat. He pulled his hands free from mine and cupped my head.  Perhaps kneeling in front of him wasn’t the brightest thing I’d ever done.

“I saw you laughing with Ruben and I just saw red.  I left so I wouldn’t hit him.”  He looked so lost.  Desolate.

“Michael, you can’t go around wanting to hit everyone I laugh with. Just because I laugh with someone, doesn’t mean I want to do something else with them.”

He sighed.  “Viv…. she slept with a lot of guys while we were married.”

So that was why he reacted so quickly.  Shit.  “Oh, Michael.”  I reached up and took his face in my hands.  “I’m not like her. If I was, I would have already been naked in your bed, although I suppose we came close to….something the other night.”

He groaned and started to pull me closer.  “Lily, even if I’d already gotten you naked, you still wouldn’t be like her.  I know that deep down. I’ve just always been one to react first, think second – unless it has to do with work.”

“I’ve only ever had sex with David and I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

Fuck!”  He slammed his lips down on mine, pulled me up and astride his lap.  I opened my mouth and our tongues fused together.  My blood roared through me as I reached up and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, threading my fingers through his hair. He shivered.  I moved my hips closer to his and felt the hardness beneath.

With our mouths and tongues still fused together, I started to rub against him. I was so wet and so close to orgasm. Every time his penis rubbed against my pussy, the pressure would push my panties into my sex – it felt incredible and made me tingle all over.