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Silver and Bold by Amber Burns (30)



It was past midnight when we returned from meeting the hounds. We had spent nearly 2 days on the road with only a half hour of negotiations. After a sincere apology, two bruised ribs and a busted lip, Scorp decided we were square with the hounds. We also finally agreed on the boundary between our territories. Turns out that our territories meet pretty much right over a major road. It simplified land disputes going forward and I knew Beaker would appreciate that.


My first stop was the motel for a shower. I doubted Allie would be at the diner but if she was, I didn’t want to smell like blood and sweat. My boys were not happy about that part of our trip but clear borders made everyone happy. After pulling on a clean shirt and finding an old hoodie that didn’t have pit stains at that moment, I finally headed over to the diner to eat something before crashing for at least 12 hours.


Most of the gang had beelined to the diner, obviously starving to death after being forced to eat on the road. You have less of an appetite when going 60 miles an hour. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by rowdy cheers and some toasts. Obviously I’d been forgiven. With an eye roll I headed straight to the counter. I was so tired I had slogged all the over to the old stools before I noticed the soft blonde curls cascading before me. I forced myself not to get my hopes up.


“Allie?” I asked, my voice quieter than I think it’s ever been.


She turned, blue eyes just as beautiful as I remembered. Except this time, unlike the last time, they were happy.


Chase…” she murmured gently, her eyes wide and her hands reaching up.


Before I knew it, she was racing around the bar and into my arms.


“I missed you! Are you okay? What happened to your lip? I was scared you wouldn’t come back!”


I grinned, putting all the love I felt for her into my smile. “I’m here. I’m finally here for you and I’m not going anywhere ever again.”


Allie nuzzled her face into my neck, ignoring the questioning stares of the locals. “I didn’t think I’d miss you that much. But I did. It felt like a piece of me was missing every minute you were gone.”


My heart exploded and I saw fireworks. I kissed the top of her head, “I missed you too. But I’m back and everything is okay now.”


She smiled, “No more unfinished business? No more enemies?”


I grinned, shaking my head. “Not a trace. They’ve all been finished and befriended.”


She giggled, looking me in the eyes and just smiling. Despite how much I loved having her in my arms, I didn’t like the stares and my stomach was growling.


“Hey babe, do you think you guys have any of those burgers left? My boys were lamenting after them since we left.”


She jumped up, “Oh! Yeah, yeah just a second. Anything else with that?”


I pretended to think for a moment, “The usual. Fries, coke and the sweetest thing in here.”


She looked puzzled, scribbling on her note pad. “That would probably be the Strawberry Summer Pie.”


I nodded, allowing her to believe that’s what I’d meant. She pulled out a glass, filling it from the fountain dispenser and setting it in front of me.


“So how was your trip? Hit any bad weather?”


I shrugged, “We rode so fast the tornados were coming up behind us.”


My girl rolled her eyes, “You’re an idiot.”


I grinned, shrugging sheepishly, “But I’m your idiot.”


Allie was quiet for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, you are.”


I grinned, taking a sip of my coke, “It was a good ride. Not too hot, which was nice. The boys were complaining the entire time, the sissies.”


Allie smirked, glancing over my shoulder.


“We wouldn’t have been complaining if you’d let us eat. Or sleep.” Beaker sat down heavily on my right side.


“We would have had time you lot weren’t riding like my grandma.”


Beaker rolled his eyes, “You’re grandma is one badass lady.”


At that moment, Allie set down my fries in front of me, distracting me from my argument.


“The burger is gonna take a little longer, it’s just coming off the grill now.”


Beaker grinned, “That’s how you should do it. Real meat on a real grill.”


Allie shrugged, “We actually have a special way of cooking it so it only takes a couple minutes when it’s ordered.


Beaker leaned forward as if he had a secret. “Wanna share?”


His raised eyebrow forced a snort out despite my best effort to keep it in. Allie, on the other hand, leaned in towards him as well. She went right up into his ear as if she were actually going to tell him.




Beaker nearly fell off his stool, clasping at his ears. I found myself laughing harder than I had in years.


“That’s my girl.”


Allie smiled proudly. “Teach you to ask for our secrets.”


Several meters away some of the other guys laughed and oohed, applauding Allie’s actions. Beaker grumbled under his breath, something too quiet for me to catch and stormed over, hitting several people as he did. I smiled to my lovely lady before shoving another fry in my mouth.


“Is that burger ready?” She shot me a withering glare that caught me off guard. I frowned, afraid I’d upset her. “Hey, I’m-“ She waved a hand in front of my face.


“You don’t rush perfection.” She flipped her hair, turning towards the kitchen. “Amateurs.”


I felt my heart swell at how comfortable she was with me already. Who knew how much good two days apart would bring, even though I missed her dearly. Though she might’ve had the same or an even stronger reaction if I’d stayed.


“Oh well, it’s in the past.” I found myself looking into Allie’s blue eyes, one eyebrow raised and a burger on a plate in her hand.


“You talking to someone specific?”


I rubbed the back of my neck, “The universe, you know.”


She nodded, “Yourself.”


I sighed, nodding back, “I was talking to myself. I’m sure you do it too.”


I grabbed the burger eagerly, basically shoving it into my face. Allie watched me with a carefree smiling as I wolfed down the burger. I finished in under five minutes, leaning my head back and moaning. The entire diner turned to look at me curiously.


“That was the best burger I’ve ever had. Best burger in America probably.”


Allie’s eyes lit up as she nodded enthusiastically, “I know right? I always tell Aunt Miranda that we should enter a contest or something but she just wants to serve the locals.”


I shrugged, “Nothing wrong with being content with where you are.” I winked at my lovely waitress, her cheerful attitude already lifting some of the stress of the past two days on the road.


I glanced around, “So where is this pie I ordered?”


Allie jumped back to her feet from her perch on the back counter. “Right! Right! Just a minute!”


I took a sip of my coke, watching her cute butt sway from side to side as she power walked into the kitchen. Miranda caught my eye, grinning at me approvingly. I suddenly realized that maybe Allie really had been missing me too. I couldn’t think about it too much as she appeared with a plate of pie.


The strawberries were a bright red, the whip cream was piled high and overall the dessert was absolutely delicious. But I’d waited too long to give up the chance to use my pick up line.


“It’s good,” I paused, ignoring Allie’s concerned gaze, “But no where as sweet as you.”


Allie’s eyes widened, he face splitting in two with a smile that showed all of her teeth. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”


I shrugged, shoveling more pie into my mouth, “Still not as sweet as you.”


She giggled, her laugh reminding me just how much I loved this country girl in front of me.


“What are you doing after your shift?”


Allie was suddenly suspicious, remembering the last time I got her alone. “I was planning on sleeping, why?”


I shrugged, keeping my face neutral, “I just want to hang out with my girl before I crash for a couple days.”


That earned me a small smile.


“As long as you bring her back by sunup, she has the afternoon shift tomorrow.” Miranda patted my shoulder, “And you need some sleep too. Allie you can head out now if Chase can get his friends to go to bed. They’re gonna drink us dry.”


I smirked, glancing over at several of the gang throwing back beers like Prohibition had just ended. “Go to bed you slugs! There’ll be more beer tomorrow!”


One by one they staggered out the door, surprisingly escorted by a mostly sober Beaker. He grinned at me, shoving someone through the exit before swiftly catching them before they fell.


“He’s gonna be a good leader.” I murmured to myself, turning around to find Allie already changed.


No wonder I loved this girl she got ready while I daydreamed.


“If you’re ready I’m gonna get down on one knee right here and now,” I warned her, mostly joking.


She shrugged, understanding my joke. “I didn’t really have to do much but change my dress and let my hair down.”


Honestly, I quite enjoyed the thought of my Allie letting her hair down but knew better than to push it. “Shall we go? I’m afraid I don’t have any romantic surprises in store tonight.”


Allie took my offered hand, shaking her head, “I’m glad you don’t. I just want you tonight.” I heart throbbed and my pants tightened but I managed to hide both of them.


We set off towards the motel without a word, both of us knowing there’s not much we can do in such a small town.


“We could watch TV?” I suggested, suddenly trying to find something definite to do. I didn’t want her thinking I was bringing her there for sex.


“I’d rather just cuddle.” Was her completely innocent but heart stopping reply.


I nearly stopped walking before realizing she meant actual cuddling. That I could do, just good old fashioned cuddling. My room was about as clean as a motel can get, with a small pile of dirty clothes in the bathroom. As soon as we entered, I discreetly shut the door.


“You want me to take the chair or…” I murmured, turning around to find Allie lying on my bed looking like a sex kitten.


My dick throbbed painfully in my jeans. I forced myself to focus, stepping very deliberately as I made my way towards the bed. I stiffly joined her, lying on my back with my hands at my sides.


Allie put a hand on my chest, “You’re so stiff all of a sudden, are you alright?”


My eyes widened, glancing down just as I realized she meant my movements. Of course she followed my gaze and was greeted by my dick completely erect as I laid there. She frowned, her hand rubbing my chest slowly.


“Having a little trouble there?”


Her hand moved lower. I coughed to hide the cracking in my voice.


“I don’t know what you mean.”


Suddenly her nimble hand was on my dick and I nearly came right then and there. I let out a shaky breath, refusing to pressure her into something she wasn’t ready for.


“I’m fine.” My hand flew to my crotch, stopping her from undoing my belt. I looked at the gorgeous blonde leaning over me with wide eyes, “What are you doing?”


She bit her lip, making my dick throb under her hand. “I want to help. You gave me pleasure, now it’s my turn to give you pleasure.”


I gulped slowly, “I don’t want you to feel obligated.”


With more attitude than I’ve seen in her, she rolled her eyes and batted my hands away.


“If I really felt obligated I wouldn’t be so adamant. I’m curious. I’ve been imagining what exactly you look like since you left.”


I nodded, taking a deep breath and allowing her to undo my belt and the button on my jeans. She took a deep breath before pulling down the zipper. She was greeted by my heavily tented boxers. We worked together to get my pants out of the way, sending them to the floor beside the bed.


“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked, hoping desperately she’d say yes.


“Of course I’m sure. If I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t be.”


Gentle fingers pulled my dick out of my pants and I suddenly felt self-conscious as Allie studied it intently. She weighed it in her hands, wrapping her fingers around it and giving it a few testing strokes.


“It’s bigger than I thought you were.” She said finally.


I gasped, not sure if I should be offended or honored.


She nodded appreciatively, spreading some precum around the tip. “Are you enjoying this?”


I finally surrendered, falling back onto the pillow. “Immensely.”


Allie tentative lick right on the head of my cock sent my eyes wide open so as to watch Allie as she experimented with different techniques. That girl was trying to kill me with her slow steady stroking and random licking. I almost had a heart attack when she put me in her mouth for the first time. My eyes were long closed by then, my heart pounding as the girl of my dreams gave me the best blowjob I’ve ever had.


“You’re amazing.” I moaned as she licked the head of my dick while it was still in her mouth.


She smiled around me, sending new sensations through my dick and into my balls. She’d only had me in her mouth for five minutes and I was ready to cum. I got an idea.


“Turn around so your body is over mine.”


Allie frowned, pulling back. “I don’t want you to distract me.”


I smiled innocently, I won’t. I just want to have you close to me.”


Satisfied with my response, her cute butt swung around until I couldn’t see her face but I could see her light pink panties covering her mound.


“Mind taking the dress off, babe?”  Seconds later I was greeted with smooth tan skin and two round globes captured by pink lace. “Nice bra, very sexy.”


Allie blushed, ignoring me and continuing to focus solely on my dick in her mouth. Glad she was so into it; I leaned up and attacked her pussy.


As I found out, Allie quite enjoyed giving the blowjob and her pussy was already wet. I immediately went for the clit, not expecting her entrance to be as wet as it was. Allie’s body sagged suddenly, her head resting on my left thigh and her chest pressing into my lower stomach.


“St-stop…” she moaned desperately, “You’re dis-distracting me…”


I sighed, moving to her slit and giving her clit a break. Her pace doubled as she sucked on my shaft as if to make up for the time lost. I grinned, realizing she was trying to make me cum before I made her. I hadn’t realized she was the competitive type, but challenge accepted. I took her clit into my mouth, being rewarded by an almost instant orgasm from my love.


“I love how responsive you are.” I grinned, laying my head back proudly. Obviously my love didn’t like to lose because she immediately went back to blowing me. “Are you having fun down there?” I teased gently, stroking the curve of her luscious bottom.


Gentle teeth trailing along the underside of my shaft sent me over the edge. I moaned loudly, my fingers digging into the smooth flesh of her ass. I waited for her to pull off and spit it out but instead I felt her throat working around me. She swallowed my entire load. I nearly came again. As she turned around, Allie looked at me shyly.


Was it good?”


I beamed at her, “You did amazing, love. You didn’t have to swallow.”


Allie shrugged as if it was no big deal. “Well I had no where else to put it!”


Her ensuing giggle was so carefree I almost forgot that we were talking about a blowjob. I pulled my boxers back into place and patted the bed beside me.


“Lie down. I think we could both use some rest.”


Allie yawned, confirming my words. Without hesitation, she wrapped herself around me and was asleep almost instantly. I was fortunate enough to stay awake long enough to watch her sleep soundly before falling off myself.


Commotion outside the motel awoke us both sometime in the late morning. Allie looked over at me with knitted eyebrows, obviously concerned about the noise.


“I’ll be right back.” I promised, shoving my legs into a pair torn jeans on the top of my bag.


“What’s going on out here?” I yelled from the doorway.


I recognized Beaker’s heavy build standing between two men but I couldn’t see either faces. They turned to me.


“Snout, what are you doing here?” I yelled, heading over.


Snout sneered at me, “You know exactly why I’m here, don’t play dumb. You need to pay for what you did and I’m gonna hold you til the rest of the gang gets here.”


I frowned, “Scorp and I talked already, we’re cool.”


The weasel-like man shook his head, “Not that I’ve heard and I checked in three days ago.”


I rolled my eyes at his arrogance, “We settled things two days ago.”


“Yeah right!” he yelled, obviously in a huff, “Don’t lie you yellow bellied pansy.”


Snout had a habit of getting wordy when he was angry. That’s what you get for letting a nerd into a biker gang.


“Yo, man. Cool it. You just need to call up Scorp and get your facts straight.” Beaker broke in, stepping towards the much smaller man.


What Snout lacked in size, however, he made up for in ferocity. He leapt at Beaker despite having an obvious disadvantage.


“Hey!” I yelled, running over to the two fighting men.


I grabbed Snout by the shoulder, avoiding a kick and throwing him away. Thankfully, he caught himself before he fell, simply glowering at me as he huffed for breath.


“Beaker, you okay, man?” I asked in concern, noticing a scratch on his temple. He nodded, leaning on his knees and breathing deeply.


“We have to get Scorp on the line, get him to talk to Snout. He won’t listen.”


“I know, do you have your phone?”


He nodded, his hand reaching into his pocket.


Chase!” Allie’s sweet voice screamed from behind me.


While I had been preoccupied with Beaker, Snout had grabbed Allie from the doorway of the motel room.


“Let her go, Snout!” I yelled, running towards him.


His hand disappeared behind her and from Allie’s shocked face I knew he had put his hands where they didn’t belong.


“I swear to you Snout if you don’t let her go right now I will cut off every part of you that isn’t required to watch me cut you apart.”


Snout smirked, “Oh, so you’re allowed to fuck other people’s girlfriends but no one’s allowed to touch yours?”


I narrowed my eyes at him, “I told you. Scorp and I are past that. We made up. We’re fine. We even settled the border dispute. Let her go!”


Snout shook his head, the look in his eyes slightly crazy.


“No way man, I’m telling you. We Hounds look out for our own and if Scorp isn’t here to take revenge, I’m gonna take it for him.”


He shoved my beautiful Allie towards the motel room roughly, a disgusting smirk on his face. That’s when I learned something about Allie that I hadn’t known before. She hit him straight in the jaw, her knee hitting his stomach. She wasn’t afraid to defend herself. I rushed over and wrapped both arms around her, reassuring my pounding heart that she was safe.


“My heart stopped when I heard your scream.” I murmured softly, ignoring Snout’s small mews of pain.


“I should have stayed put like you said.”


I kissed my darling’s forehead over and over, shaking my head and fighting back very unmanly tears. “No, it’s my fault. I should have been paying attention. I’m so glad you’re okay. You’re okay.”


She nodded against my chest, “I’m fine.”


After several seconds of just holding the girl of my dreams I remembered that first night in the alley.


“Hey, how come you didn’t use some of your moves on me when I cornered you in the alley?”


Allie looked up, her eyes still slightly damp. “Because even then I knew that you wouldn’t hurt me so I wouldn’t hurt you. I wasn’t really scared. Even then I… I…” My heart skipped a beat. “I love you.”


Without hesitation, I replied, “I love you too.”


“I’m so sorry for putting you in danger.” I murmured, leading her away from Snout’s still quivering form.


Beaker would take care of him; I needed to be here for the love of my life.


“Thank you for protecting me.” Allie looked up at me intently.


“What?” I frowned, “Don’t thank me for protecting you from the danger I put you in.”


Allie shook her head, burying her face into my chest as the door shut behind us. “You didn’t mean to put me in danger so it doesn’t count.”


I didn’t say anything, not wanting to argue but still not taking her thanks. “Allie, are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, right?”


I led her over to the bed and cuddled her small warm body against mine.


“I’m fine, Chase. Really.”


I smiled slightly, “That’s good. Because you have the afternoon shift, remember?”


Allie’s eyes widened as if she was just remembering. “I have to go, Aunt Miranda is gonna kill me, I have to go!” She rushed around frantically for several seconds.


“I’m wearing everything I brought. Okay, I’ll see you later, right?”


I grinned at her suddenly unsure look. “You’d have to chain me to a bear to keep me away.”


She giggled, rushing out the door without another word. Not wanting to miss this chance, I stood in the doorway and watched her nearly sprint towards the diner, her hips swaying in what had to be subconscious movement. I glanced around, suddenly realizing I had 8 hours to kill and nothing to do.


“Romance time I guess.”


I grinned; Allie had turned me into a complete pansy. I spent my free time creating romantic surprises for her. But I would fight anyone that tried to tell me she wasn’t worth it. I glanced back into the motel room, unsure of what to do.


“What’s more romantic than a pick up truck in a corn field?” I asked myself, grabbing a jacket and my keys. “Being whipped is a lot of work.”


Beaker laughed from where he stood with Snout. Snout’s jaw was already bruised and his eyes didn’t meet mine.


“I’m sorry, man.” He murmured quietly. “I called Scorp.”


Beaker confirmed, “He had a few choice words for our friend here.”


I shrugged, “I’ll forgive you. On one condition.”


Snout’s eyes brightened, nodding energetically. “Anything.” He promised.


I considered humiliating him before deciding Allie was more important that my ego. I really was maturing for her.


“I have to make it up to my girl after that stunt you pulled. Last time I brought her out to a mattress in a corn field with lights strung around and all that romantic stuff. Now I have to outdo that and I don’t know how. You help me make it up to her I’ll call it even.”


Snout pursed his lips, “Alright. I’m not exactly a romance expert but I know what girls are into from an academic perspective.”


I grinned, “So you’ll help?” He chuckled suddenly, “Even if I wasn’t being forced to by my leader.”


Being romantic takes a lot of time. It was almost sunset by the time we had finished setting up for the surprise.


“You know if you keep surprising her like this it won’t be a surprise anymore.” Beaker pointed out as he pet the same barn cat that was there the first night. She, at least I assumed she was a she, really took to Beaker for some reason. The sight of a big tattooed biker was enough to pull a chuckle out of me at the worst times.


“I know but she doesn’t expect it yet so I can still do it. I’ll figure out how to be a better romantic later. For now, she should be here any minute so get the hell out of here.”


Beaker rolled his eyes, pulling Snout away from where he was standing and gazing at his masterpiece. I had to admit it did look like something she’d enjoy. If she didn’t I could blame him and if she did well, Allie didn’t need to know that I had help. I set myself up on the mattress in the bed of the old truck. We had set up lights streaming along over it so we could see each other but it Allie wouldn’t be too self-conscious. Footsteps alerted me to her approach, the barn cat pouncing down beside me. I grinned slightly as Allie rounded the corner with mouth agape and eyes the size of saucers.


“You did all this for me?” she asked quietly, following the rose petals.


“I had some help but yes, it’s for you.”


She smiled, climbing up to join me on the bed. “This is amazing. I love you.”


My eyes met her, the twinkling lights above us reflected in the blue. “I love you too.”


She buried her face in my neck, allowing me to press my lips to the top of her head and smell her hair. Strawberries.


“How are you feeling?” I asked tentatively, rubbing her lower back.


She shrugged, her face still pressed against my chest. “I can’t believe this is all happening so fast.” She answered finally, looking me in the eye.


“If you’re not comfortable,” I reassured her, “We can slow down.”


Allie shook her head, “I like this pace. I just can’t believe you want me, of all people.”


I frowned, “Why wouldn’t I?” My lips fluttered over hers, “You’re amazing.”


She pushed at my chest, “Because I’m a small town girl with nothing and going nowhere. How could I possibly have anything of interest to a bad ass biker like you.”


I frowned, she was right to think that. Any other biker would have just passed her up, or worse taken her as some one night stand. But I wasn’t just any biker and she wasn’t just any girl. There was something magical about her, something that captured me and drew me to her. “You’re beautiful and amazing and by the way, you’re a natural at giving blow jobs.”


Allie smiled, burying her face in my chest and putting her hand on my crotch. “Chase, do you want me?”


My eyes widened drastically, unable to comprehend exactly what she had said. “Do… I… Want you?” I confirmed slowly, my eyes trailing down her figure. “Yeah, you know, fully. Do you want all of me?”


Allie, my cute, innocent, barely been touched before love of my life, was asking me if I wanted her. As if there was a possibility I wouldn’t. I didn’t say this, however, as I held back the eager affirmative I wanted to give.


“Only if you want to give me all of you. I won’t take anything you don’t want to give.”


Allie shook her head, “But I want to give you all of me. If you’ll have it.”


I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and swallowing a shout of joy. “Allie, I want to have you underneath me every day from here on out screaming in pleasure. So if you want that too, all you have to do is say the word.”


Allie smiled, her hands gripping the bottom of her dress and pulling it over her head. There is nothing sexier than the woman you love pulling off a thin dress to reveal she is wearing nothing underneath. I found that out when Allie revealed her pert breasts standing proudly on her chest without a hint of sag. However, she obviously didn’t see how beautiful they are because she immediately crossed her arms to hide them.


“I know they’re small but-“


I pulled her arms away, leaning in to take a nipple in my mouth. Allie’s moan went straight to my dick.


“They’re perfect.”


I ignored my own needs for the time being and ran a hand down to test the waters between her legs. Her opening and an inch of either of her inner thighs were soaked with juices, showing just how turned on she was. I moaned against her boob, adding a deeper sound underneath Allie’s high, fevered gasps. I rubbed her clit gently, swirling the moisture around until I knew she was ready. I slipped my finger into her opening up to the first knuckle.


A cute cry of surprise had my eyes turned up to Allie’s face but just as I’d though she wasn’t in any pain. Her face showed pure pleasure and my heart pounded knowing I was the cause of it. I nipped and sucked at her breasts, eliciting more moans and sighs, bringing her to the brink of orgasm before letting back. Obviously she didn’t approve but the first couple times she said nothing.


“Stop playing with me and- and- finish what you start!” she cried with cheeks the color of strawberries.


I smirked, leaning up and pressing my lips against hers to quiet the scream that I knew was coming. I pressed my thumb to her clit and my index finger to her g-spot and felt the lithe body below me spasm and shake in orgasm. I pulled my hands away, kissing her neck gently. Moaning, her hand gripped my hair, pulling my mouth down slightly, trailing along her collarbone. She used her other hand to fumble my pants open. I kicked them off, not allowing my mouth to break contact her skin.


“Allie, are you sure?” I asked as her small fingers reached into my boxers.


Allie kissed my unoccupied lips, nodding in determination. “I want to feel good and I want you to feel good and I want to be closer to you. You’ll be gentle though, right?”


I nodded frowning, “Of course. I love you. I will never hurt you. Just say the word and I’ll stop.”


She nodded, her hand gripping my shaft and freeing it from my boxers.


Instead of immediately going at it, I kissed Allie with all the love I felt in hopes of reassuring her. She kissed me back with just as much passion if not more. I took a deep breath, my dick rubbing against her wet slit temptingly.


“Are you ready?” I asked gently, making extra sure she wanted this.


She nodded breathlessly, “Yes, please, Chase. I’m ready.”


I moaned, pressing into her entrance. I continued kissing her neck, forcing myself to move slowly into the warm wetness Allie was offering.


You feel amazing,” I cooed, rubbing her left boob with my hand. “Tell me if you want me to stop... though I don’t know if I’ll be able.


She smirked and nodded without a word, watching our bodies come together. Each stroke brought a moan from her lips that nearly drove the seed straight from my balls into her quivering walls. Her body was magical, the feelings between us electric. I focused my attention on the task at hand, pushing myself into her with a little more power behind each thrust.


Can I go on top?”


My heart nearly stopped as I pulled myself from the zone I had entered. I smiled and rolled us over, my dick sinking deeper into her with the movement. Allie took a deep breath and moved down some more.


Does this feel good?” She asked as her hips swayed across my midsection.


I nodded, “You’re doing amazing.”


She smiled, keeping her concentrated expression until the soft flesh of her ass met my upper thighs. At that point, I couldn’t hold back a loud moan.


“You-“ I panted, my dick pulsing, “You took my all the way on your first try.”


I groaned loudly, unable to believe how well I fit inside of her. It was as if her cunt was made for my cock.


“Are you okay?” I asked, noticing her watching me.


“I’m not even doing anything and you’re enjoying it so much, she responded.


I chuckled, pulling her body down to mine. Her clit rubbed against my pelvic bone and she mimicked my earlier moan.


Do you want some more?” she whispered softly in my ear.


My eyes shut tightly. Please, I gasped.


Allie laid her head on my chest and I felt her butt rise and lower. Slowly at first before picking up speed. I moaned, my hands resting on Allie’s lower back, my vision dissolving into sparks as she showed just how talented she really was.


“You’re a natural.” I gasped out finally, Allie’s body pausing fractionally.


I forced my eyes open to find Allie about to cum. Her face, all twisted up and glowing with sweat was all it took to send me over the edge. Her walls curled around me, nearly strangling the pulses of cum bursting from my manhood. We lay side by side after that, covered in sweat and entwined together. Her head rested on my chest and I knew she was mine.


Forever and always, Allie would always be my girl. Anything beyond that we could deal with later because I had my Allie and Allie had me.





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Daddy Plus One: A Single Dad Secret Baby Billionaire Romance by Brooke Valentine

Welcome to Forever by Annie Rains

A Twist of Fate by T Gephart

The Bomb Maker by Thomas Perry

Rockers Unite by Heidi McLaughlin, Amy Briggs, Michelle Mankin, A.L. Wood, L.B. Dunbar

Just One Touch: A Slow Burn Novel (Slow Burn Novels) by Maya Banks

The Christmas Cafe at Seashell Cove: The perfect laugh-out-loud Christmas romance by Karen Clarke

The Playboy God (Gods of Olympus Book 7) by Erin Hayes, Gods Of Olympus

Spurred Fate: A Shifting Destinies Bear Shifter Romance (Black Claw Ranch Book 2) by Cecilia Lane

by LJ Swallow, Angel Lawson

Mistress of Wolves by Mina Carter

Monster Among the Roses: A Beauty and the Beast Story (Fairy Tale Quartet Book 1) by Linda Kage

The Cowboy's Make Believe Bride (Wyoming Matchmaker Book 2) by Kristi Rose

Lone Rider by Lindsay McKenna

Keep Holding On: A Contemporary Christian Romance (Walker Family Book 3) by Melissa Tagg

Last Broken Rose: A Dark Romance (Rose and Thorn Book 3) by Fawn Bailey

The Flame and the Flower (Birmingham Book 1) by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

Big Stick: An Aces Hockey Novel by Kelly Jamieson