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Silver and Bold by Amber Burns (29)



“Yo man, we’re hungry!” Beaker, one of my closest friends, yelled from beside me.


I shook my head, yelling back with plenty of scorn. “You’re always hungry.”


Beaker grinned good naturedly, nodding to the next off ramp. “Let’s go scare up some grub.”


I conceded with an eyeroll. “Not like it’ll be hard all we have to do is let them see you.”


Beaker reached over precariously to punch me in the shoulder, smirking and saying the two words every man loves to hear. “Race ya.”


We set off at a speed that would warrant arrest on the Autobahn, howling like a pack of hyenas with the rest of the gang shooting along behind us. The first place we found was some small town diner with a sign claiming America’s Best Pie. It had a homey feel, sort of like grandma’s kitchen. The booths were faded and worn and the tables were covered in those weird plastic table cloths but overall it was a nice place.


Immediately, I scoped out the place for trouble. This place had a couple old guys at the counter and an old lady on the other side of the room with what looked to be a waitress. Nothing too interesting, certainly nothing dangerous. In my initial survey I almost missed her, her hair pulled back into a braid, several strands stubbornly pulling out and framing an innocent face. She looked up, startled, as we entered; immediately seeking shelter in the kitchen. The movement caught my eye more than anything.


“Sit down, you animals.” I ordered immediately.


The gang dropped into seats around me, taking up nearly half a dozen booths. Beaker took the seat behind me, throwing his arms out and winking at the older woman coming towards us. I smacked the back of his head, raising my voice.


“Shut your damn mouths and respect the lady.” I banged the table in front of me, knocking over the salt shaker. This lady obviously didn’t fear us as she took our orders.


Miranda was her name and she was definitely not a shy thing at all. Not like her niece, as I found out. Several minutes after delivering a round of beers she was called away to argue with a local about something or another. I found that to be the perfect time to call for a refill.


“Waitress! Refill please!” I smirked, my eyes on the girl cowering behind the counter.


She glanced at her aunt, who had both hands and a pocket full with the cranky old man on the other side of the diner. The beautiful girl walked out from behind the counter, her waist accentuated by the apron tied around her. She was timid as a mouse, watching for any movement, ready to run at the first sign of danger.


“Um… another Bud Light’s okay, right?” She asked timidly.


I grinned at the gentle southern twang in her voice. I nodded, stopping her from leaving. “Just a minute. My name is Chase, and you must be Cinderella.”


The pretty girl blushed profusely, mumbling something under her breath and fleeing to the shelter of the kitchen. The boys around me howled with laughter until I shut them up.


Miranda sent me a heavy glare from her side of the diner, firmly excusing herself and delivering my beer herself. I chugged the bottle, two beers would never get me drunk, and stood up to leave.


“That was great beer, Miranda. I’ll be back tomorrow for a proper meal.” I glanced at my boys, stuffing their faces with good old fashioned southern food. “If one chair is out of place in here tomorrow I’ll have your hides.” I growled quietly. Nods all around, some frowns.


“And that cute little southern peach is mine. Got it?” More frowns but everyone understood.


I headed out to my bike, hoping to find a motel somewhere in town. The road was empty, as it usually was in this type of one street town. My mind drifted with the wind, thoughts of the darling in the bar swirling around in my head. I had never thought I would be the love at first sight but here I was completely infatuated with that gorgeous midwest beauty in the diner.


She drew me in with every part of her, from the slight flare of her hips to the gentle curling of her blonde hair; the color of sunshine and sand and happiness. With all my sappy thoughts distracting me I almost missed the Motel 6 just off the main street. I parked my bike, checked in and waited to see what would come of the evening. My patience paid off as the object of my affection rounded the corner and glided into the manager’s office with a tray of cookies in her hands.


She was obviously delivering a late night snack to the old grump sitting behind the counter. What a nice thing to do, I smirked. Before I could follow her in, my phone vibrated with a text.


Hounds are on our tail. Better lay low for a couple days. – Beaker


I grinned, typing quickly.


Alright. There’s a motel down the road, mousy guy with glasses. We’ll base there for a while. – Chase


Before Beaker could respond mystery girl came out of the office with a bag in her hand, probably trash. I followed her around to the back, grinning as she didn’t even notice me behind her.


“It’s not safe for pretty girls like you to wander around all alone at night.” I murmured from the edge of the light.


The poor pretty thing jumped, spinning around and putting her hands in front of her. The bag of trash lay abandoned on the floor as she trembled violently.


“Wh-who’s there?” She asked, her voice shaking.


“Hey, hey, no need to be afraid.” I murmured as soothingly as I could. “I’m not gonna hurt you.” I stepped forward, my hands raised.


Her doe eyes widened as she stepped back, tripping over the trash bag as she did. I darted forward, feeling her skin under my hand for the first time as I caught her. Those lovely rose colored lips trembled, her eyes focused on my face as I studied her intently.


“Th-thank you.” She stuttered finally, barely managing a small smile.


“You’re beautiful.” I replied, smiling back. Her mouth opened in a silent oh as I started leaning in.


My love put a hand against my chest, “Wait!” Despite her protests, her voice sounded husky and she didn’t call for help.


“Why? I just want to kiss you.” I held myself back, forcing myself to wait for her response before I claimed her lips with mine.


“Why?” she asked simply, her hand curling into a fist against my chest. She laid the heel of her hand there, relaxing slightly in my hold.


“Why what?” I asked, confused now.


“Why me? I don’t understand why you would want someone like me.” She murmured, her eyes downcast and her fingers tangling with themselves.


I took her hand from my chest, bringing it to my lips along with her attention. I gave her my best smile, kissing her fingers as I spoke.


“I could give you a million reasons but you still won’t understand because you don’t see yourself the way I see you.”


She didn’t respond, her eyes trained on my lips where they met her fingers.


“My name’s Allie,” she finally declared out of nowhere.


I raised an eyebrow, “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”


Allie looked away, refusing to meet my gaze.


“Can I kiss you now?”


Allie frowned, “I barely know you.”


I grinned, “Kissing is a great way to get to know someone.”


Allie glanced up, “I’ve never kissed anyone like you before.”


I smiled, “Kissing is kissing.”


An almost imperceptible nod. As I claimed her lips, she relaxed in my arms and responded with a tentative hand on the side of my face. I swung our bodies around, smiling into the kiss and licking her bottom lip for entrance. Her mouth opened and they tangled gently, I could tell my baby was still unsure of herself. My frame pressed hers back into the wall, causing her to cry out in surprise. I gave her a moment to breathe, moving down to nip at her smooth, tanned neck. Her little moan surprised and excited me, pushing me on and causing a hickey to appear on her collar bone.


“This- this… is nice…” she whispered.


Her lightly calloused fingers worked up my neck, more moans escaping her cute little mouth. I moved up to kiss her again just as her fingers tangled into my hair.


I think you’ve done this more than you’ve let on,” I murmured against her cheek, “You’re an excellent kisser.”


Allie frowned, forcing me to catch her lips with mine once again in an effort to bring about another smile. She pushed me away suddenly.


“What’s wrong?” I asked, pulling away but keeping my body around hers.


“I… I shouldn’t be doing this.” She whimpered, turning her head away, “It’s not right.”


I frowned, my fingers tracing her jaw gently. “Why not? Doesn’t it feel good?”


Allie frowned, nodding slowly, “Yes but-“


I smiled, leaning my head against hers. “How could something that feels so good be bad?” I leaned in, waiting for her response.


She shook her head before fleeing down the alley. She glanced back at me with flushed cheeks. “It did feel good.” She called in a voice I could barely hear and was gone.


“God she’s adorable. Nothing in the world can keep me away from her, including her.” I told Beaker later that night.


He chuckled, shaking his head, “Not with that Aunt of hers in the way.”


I smirked, pulling my t-shirt off and going for my belt. “Then I’ll work around the Aunt.”


Beaker snorted, looking away as I slid my pants down. “Can you not strip out in the open?


We’re not on Magic Mike.” I grinned, “If it makes you uncomfortable that’s your problem not mine.”


He growled lightly, not appreciating my joke. “How are you gonna work around the Aunt?”


My grin turned into a smirk as I stretched out on the bed. “She can’t say no if I ask nicely, now can she?”


Beaker shook his head with a grin before dropping it abruptly, “You got my text, right?”


I frowned, “Yeah, I responded. We’re staying here for a couple days to throw off the Hounds.”


Beaker nodded, “What about the one after that?”


I shook my head, reaching for my phone. “I was a little busy. What’s up?”


Beaker shrugged, “Nothing concrete yet but apparently Snout is only a half day’s ride away.”


I frowned, “Already? Why? We’re no where near their territory.”


Beaker shrugged, his eyes piercing. “I don’t know man. Word on the streets is their looking for some payback.”


I frowned, “Let me guess, Scorp didn’t like me getting busy with his girl.” Beaker grinned again.


“Well they don’t have to worry about that happening ever again. I love Allie. She’s my one and only from here on out.”


Beaker raised an eyebrow, “That’s fast.”


I smiled, remembering her cute moans in the alley. “She’s the only one for me. When you know, you know.”


Beaker snorted, “You sound like a girl, man. What happened to the tough guy picking up chicks on the back of his bike?”


I grinned, shrugging and stretching again. “He fell in love man. He fell in love.”


The next morning I settled myself at the counter of the diner where Allie worked. Just as I’d hoped, she stood behind the counter with a coffee pot shaking in her hand. I smiled as sweetly as I could.


“Good morning, darling. A cup of coffee, please?”


She frowned, looking at me suspiciously.


“Allie, give the man some coffee.” Miranda cried from across the room.


Allie blushed and poured me a full cup. I grinned, showing my teeth. “Thanks.”


Allie looked taken aback. Her shock registered on her face, her eyes glued to my teeth. 


“Are you alright?” I questioned gently, raising an eyebrow.


Her cheeks reddened to the color of a rose before she hid it by busying herself with the coffee maker.


“I-I’m just surprised that you take such good care of your teeth.” She murmured finally, refusing to look at me.


I shrugged, “My parents didn’t pay thousands of dollars for braces for nothing.”


She gasped again, “Parents?”


I snorted at her obvious confusion. “Yes, dear. I have parents. I didn’t come from outer space. Even Superman has parents.”


She giggled slightly, saying nothing in response.


“Something funny?” I questioned, keeping my expression gentle and friendly.


“Oh, just the comparison of Superman and you. It’s funny.”


I fixed my face into a playful scowl. “You don’t think I can be Superman?”


My poor darling squeaked, pressing back away from me. “I-I, no, I didn’t, I mean, I, um, I’m sorry!” Allie stuttered frantically.


I smiled gently, “Shh, shh, I’m not mad. I didn’t mean to scare you.”


She stared at me with wide eyes for a moment. I took her hand gently, rubbing the back with my thumb. “Shh, shh.”


My love took a deep breath, her chest shaking slightly as she fought back tears.


“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to scare you. Don’t cry. I’m sorry.” I soothed gently, bringing her hand to my lips.


She squeaked, her tears forgotten as she rushed into the kitchen with flaming cheeks. I smiled slightly, glad she wasn’t upset.


“You better not be playing her, you hear me? Biker or no you’ll have hell to pay if you hurt her. Break her little heart I’ll break your teeth in.”


I fought back a grin, arranging my features into a look of respect that the tired middle-aged woman probably didn’t see often.


“I’m sorry ma’am. I didn’t mean to come off like that. I’m generally interested in Allie. She’s lovely.”


Miranda sighed, plopping down on the seat beside me. “I’m going along with this because she is lovely and she deserves some attention. Poor thing grew up out here, home schooled cause we don’t have a school close enough. Mom and pop working out on a farm so they sent her to me for some adventure. You lot of crazies are the most adventure we’ve had here since, well, ever.”


I grinned at her guts.


“So I can take her on a date? Do you guys have a movie theatre?”


The protective old aunt looked me up and down, frowning slightly. “If you can get her to agree, which I’m sure you will. Nowhere nearby. I’m not letting my favorite niece get on that death trap motor cycle so you better find a nice walking route somewhere around. Use that brain before it gets squished without a helmet.” At that, she stood up, stretching slightly. “I’m gonna go clean some more tables where I can’t hear you.”


I grinned at her less than subtle way of telling me to call Allie over. I turned back to the counter, noticing that I’d finished my coffee.


“Coffee, please!” I called, leaning over the counter with a grin.


Allie came out tentatively, frowning at me. “Would you like anything else?” my darling corrected herself quickly, “Something to eat? Would you like something to eat?”


I sighed, “In that case, eggs and bacon with a side of toast. Nothing fancy.”


She nodded, writing it down on her pad of paper. I noticed how she stuck her tongue out a little as she wrote, focusing completely on the task at hand. When she looked up she jumped, her eyes wide and innocent.


“Why are you looking at me like that?”


I chuckled at her reaction to my smile, “Come for a walk with me tonight.”


Her mouth dropped slightly, glancing over at her aunt. “Pardon?”


I grinned, “Tonight, after you get off. Come for a walk with me. Just a walk.”


She frowned, shaking her head, “I don’t think Aunt Miranda will approve.”


From across the diner we heard a huff. “Just go on the dang walk, child. It’s not like he’s taking you for a ride on that death trap of his!”


Allie looked down, her only argument now invalid. “I… Are you sure Aunt Miranda?”


Aunt Miranda turned around at this, a hand on her hip. “I don’t want you to ever repeat this to your mom or pop but if you don’t go out with that boy I will make you work double shifts instead.”


Allie squeaked, looking back at my growing smile, “I guess then I don’t have much choice.”


I picked up a piece of buttered toast, “I promise I’m more fun then working.”


Allie giggled, busying herself with wiping down the already sparkling counter.


From behind me, I could hear Miranda ranting softly under her breath, “Good grief child, like pulling teeth! And that sure is setting the bar high, now aren’t you son? Kids these days. Don’t know how to date properly. When I was twenty three…”


I snorted at her ranting, keeping an eye on Allie as she furtively snuck glances at me with a small smile. I ate silently for a long time, content to just be near the love of my life. Several times my phone buzzed but I couldn’t bring myself to spoil the moment by taking out my phone. Finally, while Allie was in the kitchen, I pulled it out to check what all the fuss was about.


Snout passed town last night, no incident. – Beaker


I frowned. I was glad that we’d hadn’t been found while Allie was nearby but also upset that Snout had managed to catch up so fast. He must’ve been tracking us for a while.


Any word where he’s heading? – Chase


I responded after several seconds deliberation. Beaker responded much faster then you’d expect from a guy with fingers the size of sausages.


Southwest down to the Texas border then loop up to rendezvous. – Beaker


I groaned, leaning my head back in frustration. We had less than a week before he’d loop back and probably catch us.


“Everything alright?” Allie asked gently, refilling my coffee mug.


I pulled on a smile, “Now that you’re here, everything’s perfect.”


Allie snort of derision from Miranda broke the moment as I tried to lean in to kiss my lovely Allie. I sighed, standing up.


“I’ll be back for lunch, promise.”


Allie frowned, desperately hiding a blush. “I’ll make sure to be on my break when you do.”


Several hours later, I sat on my bike with Beaker and several other guys around me.


“I want this to be awesome, got it? Nothing goes wrong. If the hounds show up you gag them and play some shitty pop music until they yield.” They nodded. “I’m telling you, if you guys let anything go wrong, heads will be rolling and I won’t share my whiskey.” More nods and a full belly laugh from Beaker. I let the others go, turning around to raise an eyebrow at Beaker.


“Something funny?”


He shrugged, “You’ve changed man. Are you sure you’re gonna keep up with us with a girl at home?”


I snorted, “Are you kidding? I’m not letting her out of my sight. Well, you know what I mean.”


Beaker frowned, “You gonna take her to meet the Hounds?”


I frowned, suddenly remembering that they needed to be dealt with. “I deal with them and then I’m off. You’ll have your own biker outfit soon.”


Beaker’s eyes went wide, his mouth dropping open from behind his beard. “You’re kidding. I can’t lead! I follow and pretend to ignore your lead while you make sure I don’t do anything stupid!”


I smiled, “You’ll get the hang of it. You’ve watched me for years. I have faith in you man. Just go with the flow. Besides, you’ll have a couple more days to learn once I get Allie to fall for me.”


He sighed, “You’re pretty confident.”


I smirked. “She’s a pretty lady and I’m a confident man.”


“Alright man, I’ll let you finish setting up. Just don’t make her scream too loud or you’ll wake the neighbors… and their shotguns.”


I grinned, watching my good friend ride away.


“He’ll make a good leader.” I muttered to the sky, “He just doesn’t know it yet.” With that utterly ridiculous moment passed, I returned to getting ready for my date with Allie. “She’s going to love it.” I told the old barn cat sitting several feet away.


It had appeared randomly after the engines died down, obviously wanting to see what all of the commotion was about.


“God I love her.” I continued, ignoring the small part of me that felt crazy for talking to a cat. “I hope she likes it. I love her hair, the color of hay, I love her eyes, as blue as the sky. She’s like an angel without the wings and the snobby attitude.” The cat just blinked at me, “I can’t believe she’s actually giving me a chance. I can’t mess this up… Okay, breathe.”


Several seconds of deep breathing passed. “Shit I was supposed to stop by for lunch!” My stomach growled, belatedly reminding me that I needed food to function properly. “That’s probably why I’m acting like such a girl.” I grumbled to myself, jumping onto my bike and heading back into town. The barn cat watched me go before slinking back in among the corn. The diner was packed when I finally reached it, obviously drawing a crowd for dinner.


I sauntered in, glancing around and locating several of my boys. They were harassing a local girl, probably a little older than they were thinking and around 4 months pregnant. I scowled.


“Oy! Leave her alone guys, she’s taken.”


The men glanced over at me, frowning and slinking down in their seats. I could tell they were bored without any women around to seduce.


“Need to get them out of here.” I muttered, heading towards the counter.


Miranda scowled as she passed me, “Got that right.”


I took a detour, stopping at the table with my friends. “Why don’t you guys go do a little scouting? Go a couple towns over in every direction, see if there’s anyone of interest.” I suggested casually.


Their faces brightened as they nodded, “Aye aye cap!”


I scowled, grumbling as I headed over to an empty seat at the counter, “We’re not pirates and I’m not your captain.”


Allie giggled. I smiled at her, settling down beside an older man in a white t-shirt.


“Coffee?” Allie asked with a tentative smile.


“You know me so well.”


She giggled again. I licked my lips, pleasantly surprised by her sudden change of attitude. Obviously, Miranda had talked to her at some point while I was gone. Allie set my coffee down, leaning against the counter delicately,


“You didn’t come by at lunch.”


I frowned at the creasing of her mouth. She was upset.


“Well I had a lot of work to do, trying to find something to do within walking distance of here.”


Her eyebrows shot up and an expression that reminded me of a kid in a candy store lit her face. “Oh? What do you have planned?”


I shook my head, “No, no, it’s a surprise. It’s within walking distance and it’s perfectly legal so you have nothing to worry about.”


The man beside me twisted in his seat, “It’s legal in this state right?”


I grinned, “Yes sir, I would never endanger such a lovely lady as this with legality troubles. Perfectly legal.”


He nodded, looking between Allie and me. “What’s your name son, haven’t seen you around here before.”


Obviously, he was slightly confused by the clashing of my tattoos and manners.


Chase, sir. I was passing through when I met Allie. I’d say she’s the best-kept secret of Midwest America. A diamond in the hay.”


Allie’s cheeks flamed and she suddenly found something to do at the other end of the counter.


“You take good care of that one. She’s all we old folks have to look forward to.”


I nodded, “Absolutely sir. Allie is in good hands with me and she’ll never come to any harm. I swear it on my life.”


He looked me up and down, “I’d rather you swear it on your bike, from what I’ve heard about your kind.”


I laughed and he joined in, “Absolutely sir. I swear it on my bike.”


Allie suddenly reappeared with a burger and fries. “You haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.” She explained tentatively.


I nodded, “Thank you, love.” Allie’s faced turned into a strawberry once again.


“Ready to go?” I asked, holding out my hand to Allie.


She had changed out of her work attire and into a dress the color of grass in spring. She looked breath taking.


“Um, yeah I guess so.” She murmured shyly, looking up at me from behind a veil of hair.


I pushed the gentle curls away from her face before gently lacing my fingers with hers and leading her down the main street of town. She kept quiet as we walked through town, probably noticing the people in their windows as we walked.


“Do they always do this?” I asked quietly.


She giggled and shook her head, “I’m the youngest person in town. Not many people want to stay and keep up the farm these days. It’s sad that so many farms out here are being abandoned or sold off to big corporations. It’s really the only way to survive.”


I smiled sadly, “Do you want to stay?”


She looked up at me suddenly, blue eyes wide and shining in the soft light of the moon. “Yes. It’s peaceful out here. Safe.”


I nodded, “You’ll always be safe with me.”


She smiled again, ducking her head, “Who’d have thought you could be romantic?”


I frowned teasingly, “Who says I couldn’t?”


She shrugged, pulling ahead to spin around on the dirt path we were following. “Society. You’re a bad boy. Bad boys aren’t romantic. They’re gruff and mean and they break hearts.”


I frowned, “I may be a real bad boy, but I’ll show you I’m a real good man.”


She giggled, “So where are we going?”


I sighed at the angel beside me. “It’s a surprise. You’ll find out soon enough.”


Allie groaned, “I hate surprises! Walk faster!”


I teased gently, “Are you sure you aren’t just impatient to get me alone?”


Allie stopped instantly, her cheeks blazing red. “I-um, No! I just don’t like surprises!”


I leaned down and kissed her forehead, “I’m teasing don’t worry. Besides you know if you want me alone all you have to do is ask.”


Allie glanced around the deserted path, covered by long stalks of wheat all around. “We’re already pretty much alone anyway. Are we almost there?”


I smiled, “Almost my dear, just around that bend.”


I let go of her hand so she could run forward. She disappeared from sight and I hurried up to a jog to catch up with her. When I rounded the corner, I found my everything standing perfectly still and staring at the scene before her.


“Allie? Do you like it?” I asked nervously.


I hadn’t considered the possibility that she wouldn’t like it. That pretty blonde hair swished up and down with a nod. I walked around her slowly, still concerned that she didn’t like it. When I made it in front of her, I found the most important person in my life crying silently.


My eyes widened, “Allie? I’m sorry, if you don’t like it-“ Allie raised a hand, stopping me from finishing.


“I love it.” She murmured finally, padding over to me in her flowered flats. “No one’s ever done something this romantic for me before. No one’s ever done anything romantic for me.” She looked up into my eyes, “Thank you.”


I smiled. “Anything for you. Come sit down.”


I led her over to the nest of pillows in the bed of a beat up old truck that we’d found there that morning. Allie followed.


“I can’t believe you did all of this for me.”


I grinned, “Get used to it. You are going to be one pampered peach.”


She giggled, leaning back and laying her head on my chest. “With what money?”


“The money I make from robbing banks of course.”


I knew she was a keeper the moment she smacked my chest.


“Don’t joke about that. Sheriff Martins might be around here somewhere. Getting arrested is not romantic at all.”


I grinned, “Of course I also promised that guy at the diner I would keep you out of the system.”


She nodded with a smile. “What do you want to do now?”


I rolled over onto her, gently pressing my lips against her neck. “I was thinking… something like this. Get to know you more than I can in the diner.”


Allie gasped but didn’t push me away, “I’ve never done this out in the open before.” Her breathing sounded heavy and I’m sure mine matched.


“It’s okay. Nobody is around.”


She squirmed underneath me, her eyes widening at my hand on her hip.


“Hey, don’t worry. Tonight is about you.”


My hand snaked down under her dress, following the curve of her thigh up to her waist. Obviously unsure of herself, Allie gripped the hem of my t-shirt for several moments as I rubbed her thigh.


“It’s okay, you can touch me too.”


Allie slipped her hand under my shirt, her warm fingertips grazing my stomach as they moved up and pulled the shirt off of me. I grinned, hiding my surprise admirably.


“You’re not very patient now are you?”


Allie’s expression didn’t change, “You have a lot of muscles... and tattoos.”


I grinned, kissing her neck gently. “And they’re all yours babe.”


Allie stuck her tongue out in that concentrating way, gently running her fingers over my chest. I shuddered slightly, moaning as she moved down to my lower stomach. Her fingers rested there for a second and I took the opportunity to hitch her skirt up slightly. To my surprise, Allie allowed me to completely take it off.


I grinned at her simple white panties, matched with a white bra. “You’re beautiful. So innocent. Pure. God I want you.”


Allie stared up at me, her eyes showing excitement and fear with a touch of desire mixed in. I bit my lip, moving down to kiss her deeply. The hand that wasn’t resting on my stomach went to my hair, pulling at it and playing with the strands. I kissed the beautiful woman below me as if the only oxygen left in the universe was in her lungs.


After several minutes of gentle moaning and lack of oxygen, I forced myself to pull away. Allie panted for breath staring up at me with wide eyes. Her fingers reached down towards my belt, obviously unsure of herself. I frowned shaking my head.


“If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. All I want is for you to feel good.”


Allie seemed to be considering it so I made the decision for her. I moved down her body, kissing every inch of skin I could reach. At her panties, I diverged, kissing her left thigh gently. I then moved to the right, anything but what I could see she wanted.


Chase, please, please. I-I want it so bad,” my lover whimpered, “Please don’t make me beg.”


I grinned and moved inwards, moving her panties aside and slowly breathing onto her already aroused pussy.


“Ah,” Allie gasped quickly, “Please don’t torture me.”


I leaned closer, watching her face as she waited in anticipation. I grinned wickedly, loving her desperate need for me. I pressed my tongue against her clit and wiggled it.


Allie surprised us both my cumming fiercely after only a few licks from my tongue. Her hips bucking and her head thrown back in a moan. I watched my love ride through the pleasure, allowing her to come down from the high before kissing her passionately. Our tongues tangled this time, allowing her to taste her juices on my mouth. I could tell Allie was still concerned about not reciprocating, little did she know I would abstain forever if I could just watch her as she climaxed with those adorable moans.


“Go to sleep.” I murmured, pulling her against my chest. “You’ll be sensitive for a while.”


Allie frowned, looking me in the eye, “But you didn’t-“


I kissed her forehead, “I don’t need to. Not after the show you put on. Go to sleep.”


After several seconds of silence, my new love fell asleep. I stayed up for a while, enjoying the feeling of her in my arms. In the morning, I was awake long before she was. After cuddling through the sunrise, I sighed.


“Now I just have to tell you I’m leaving.”


“W-what?” she asked, her eyes showing shock and betrayal.


“I have to go tie up some loose ends. I have enemies I need to make right with. I won’t let you be in danger.”


Her lower lip trembled, “But… but… I don’t want you to go.”


I frowned, “I’m coming back, I swear. I’ll be gone for less than a week. Promise.”


Allie just pouted, “When you come back I expect more of you.


I grinned happily ignoring the bright red blush on her face, “I’ll give you as much as you like.”





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