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Stay with Me by Jules Bennett (19)

Chapter Nineteen
Finally. Fi-nal-ly.
Olivia had cinched the promotion. Her boss was all too anxious to announce the new shift in authority and then he’d taken her and several coworkers—including Steve—out for drinks. She’d gotten out way too late and ended up staying in her condo for the night.
Now the early morning sun was shining as she headed back into Haven. She passed the sign, announcing the miniscule population; she passed the hill with Bella Vous resting proudly on top, she traveled down the main part of town passing Knobs and Knockers, then the roundabout with the tall, antique clock.
Haven was a beautiful place full of charm, but it wasn’t Atlanta. Atlanta thrived with nightlife, theaters, her coworkers, and friends.
As she drove farther through town and stopped at lights, people would wave. She’d been here too long. People all around loved her father and the fact she was back in town seemed to get them gossiping and speculating. Hopefully, they could be given facts fairly soon about the renovations. All they needed was the green light on the grants and then Zach’s proposed plans to be approved by the city engineers.
There were careful steps to take, but Olivia was confident when she went back to Atlanta, the airport would be in good hands.
Jax’s hands.
Swallowing the lump of emotion, she turned down the road that led straight to the airport. She owed him the courtesy of explaining what happened in Atlanta. The entire drive home she rehearsed what she’d say, how she’d finally end their intimate relationship. From here on out, they had to be business partners only, not bed partners.
In two weeks she’d be back to her big city, back to her condo and her new corner office with two walls of windows offering her a beautiful city view. She couldn’t wait to take a seat behind her new desk in her new space.
As she pulled into the lot, she noticed only Jax’s truck was there. It was still early and she hoped he wasn’t out on a flight. She wanted to talk to him before her excitement from the promotion wore off. If she sat in his office too long waiting on him, she wasn’t sure where her thoughts would go and what doubts would creep in.
Being in her hometown had a way of skewing her thoughts, but she’d just been handed the top position she’d been vying for and nothing was going to take that from her—not nostalgia and not a fling.
Olivia shut off her car and pulled in a deep breath as she tugged on the door. As she stood beside her car, she glanced to the main building while smoothing a hand through her hair. She’d grabbed her favorite yellow sundress from her closet and a little kitten heel, strappy sandal, and opted to leave her hair down.
Why she went to great lengths to look good for this talk was beyond her, but she had to. She needed to feel back in control of her life and for the first time in the past several weeks, she finally could say she was back on top.
She made her way across the gravelly lot and headed straight to the side door that would lead into Jax’s office. If he wasn’t in there, his flight pattern would be listed so she’d know how long he’d be gone.
The old door squeaked open, and her heels clicked on the concrete floor as she made her way down the hall. His office door was closed, but she kept going. Nerves curled deep within her, but Olivia knew she was out of time. They both knew this was coming, they just needed to talk about . . . well, everything.
Olivia slid her hand over the cool knob and turned. Easing the door open, she peeked inside and was instantly met with that piercing blue stare she’d become so familiar with.
His eyes locked with hers as she let herself in. “Bad time?” she asked, not sure where to start.
“Just got in.”
Olivia remained in the doorway. “Do you have a flight or lessons this morning?”
Jax stared at her another minute before he came to his feet, never once taking his eyes from her. Olivia swallowed as he circled the desk and came around to stand directly in front of her.
Without a word, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her farther into the tiny space. He closed the door, again never taking those striking eyes from her. Jax then backed her against the door and with an expert flick, he slid the lock into place. The click seemed to echo and every part of Olivia started humming.
There wasn’t just passion in those eyes, there was pure fire.
His hands slid down over her hips and to the hem of her dress. “I missed you.”
The featherlight touch of his fingertips slid along her bare thighs and her entire body went on alert. Mercy, she’d missed him, his touch, the way he looked at her as if she were the air for his lungs.
He continued pulling the dress up. “Did you wear this for me?” he asked, gliding his lips along the sensitive spot just below her ear. “Because you look hot.”
Yeah, she had worn it for him, but she didn’t know he’d be all over her when she arrived. Not that she was complaining. But she did need to talk to him.
His hands palmed her backside and jerked her toward his hips. Whatever words had formed in her head vanished. She’d try to recollect those thoughts later.
“What are you doing?” she whispered.
Jax eased his head back just enough to flash her that naughty grin. “Baby, you know what I’m doing.”
When he called her “baby” in that low, whisky-smooth voice, she couldn’t suppress the tremble. When the man spoke to her like that, she couldn’t help but think of promises. Olivia’s body arched up from the door and into his.
“You missed me, too,” he told her as his lips traveled down the column of her throat. “I wondered.”
Well, she could say whatever she wanted, but her body betrayed her and always told the truth. Olivia thrust her hands into his hair and pulled him up. She caught sight of that devilish grin once more before she pulled his lips to hers.
They would talk later. Right now her body was too revved up and she needed him.
Jax lifted her up, her legs instantly went around his waist. He turned and took two steps, then she heard a crash and realized he’d cleared the desk. Nobody had cleared a desk for her before. The fact that he was that anxious only made him that much sexier . . . as if he needed help.
He sat her on the cool top and stepped between her spread knees.
“What if someone stops by?” she asked.
Jax reached behind his head and yanked his shirt off, then he went to work on his worn jeans. “I’ve locked my office door. So long as you’re quiet and don’t moan like you do, we should be fine.”
They should be fine. But what if someone just dropped in? She would be mortified.
Jax’s hand slid up and under her dress, sliding beneath the edge of her panties and Olivia decided she didn’t care if someone stopped by. They could wait.
She flattened her palms on the desk behind her and shifted to give him better access. As she stared at that toned chest sprinkled with dark hair and that familiar tattoo, she bit down on her lip to keep from crying out.
“You can make noise if you want,” he told her, smiling as he leaned down to glide his mouth over the vee in her dress. “I’m not expecting anybody and I’d hate to be deprived of those sweet sounds you make.”
He slid one finger in and Olivia couldn’t suppress the groan. He felt too good and she’d missed him. Her hips jerked of their own accord and her head fell back. Jax used his other hand and slid the straps of her dress down her shoulders.
That mouth traveled all over her heated skin and Olivia literally ached for more. She was done being tortured. It had been a few days since she’d experienced his touch and she hadn’t even realized how much she missed it until he got his hands on her . . . and his lips.
Pushing off her hands, she eased up and scooted forward on the edge of the desk. She reached for the opening in his jeans and trembled as her fingers brushed against a hard abdomen. His muscles tightened beneath her touch and he batted her hands away.
Jax reached for protection from his wallet and in no time had shed his clothes. He reached for her once again, only this time when he reached beneath her skirt, it was to jerk on her panties . . . which came apart with a snap.
Olivia didn’t care about her torn underwear, she cared about the ache that only Jax could cure.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and let out a low moan when he joined their bodies. He covered her mouth with his as he flattened his palm against her back and eased her torso flush with his. It was almost as if he couldn’t get close enough.
Olivia jerked her hips, held on to his shoulders, and opened for his kiss. Jax knew exactly how to make her feel desirable—now was no exception. She hadn’t expected this when she arrived today, but she couldn’t deny how fabulous it felt to be with him again.
For the last time.
“Livie,” he muttered against her lips.
Her body tightened at her name. He seemed to know exactly the moment she started to break because he slammed his mouth over hers again and arched her back onto the desk. Olivia locked her heels behind him and clenched her knees against his waist. Waves of pleasure crashed over her and as she dug her nails into his bare back, Jax’s body tightened. Muscles beneath her hands bunched as he rested his head next to hers.
When his body stopped trembling, Olivia held on. She didn’t want him to rise up and look at her. She didn’t want to break this moment because she knew the second they released each other, they would never be back to anything like this again.
Was it so wrong for her to want to make this last?
* * *
Jax pulled away, instantly missing Olivia wrapped all around him. She lay half dressed, sprawled across the desk, and he knew he’d never be able to sit there and work again—not without seeing this exact image of her with her dress bunched around her waist and the top scooping so low he was awarded the view of a very sexy, lacy strapless bra.
When she threw her arm over her face as if to block out the world, Jax wasn’t sure what to say. He quickly got dressed because if someone did come by, at least he could step out and give her privacy.
But something was wrong. He could feel the tension from the moment she’d stepped into the room. Perhaps that’s what spawned this morning’s quickie, but he’d known when he saw her again that he’d want her. Their attraction clearly wasn’t the problem. But he hadn’t expected the need to be so all-consuming. He’d allowed her to become just as important as everything else he loved in his life.
Wait. Love? No, he couldn’t . . . could he?
Jax glanced back to Olivia and realized she was either having regrets or she was gearing up for a battle. Either way, this did not bode well for him . . . or them.
“Care to tell me what’s got you so silent?” he asked, fastening his jeans.
He pulled on his boots and shirt before Olivia replied. Without unlocking the door, Jax leaned against it. She wasn’t going anywhere until he knew what the hell was going on . . . though he had a feeling he wouldn’t like whatever she had to say.
Still lying on her back, arm thrown across her face, and dress all askew, she said, “I got the promotion.”
Jax cringed. Who knew four words could be so life-altering and so depressing? But he knew she’d get the job. Anyone who knew her had to realize her worth and he wasn’t the least bit surprised.
Then again, she didn’t seem overly joyed about it. So, that was a point in his favor . . . wasn’t it?
What else was there to say? Please don’t leave me? He’d never begged in his life and he sure as hell wasn’t about to start now. It was obvious she was fighting her own internal battle without him gearing up to fight, too. She either wanted him or she didn’t.
Olivia sat up and smoothed all that mass of hair away from her face. Without looking at him, she slid her arms back into the straps and adjusted the top of her dress. She jerked the hem down over her legs and let out a sigh as she finally met his gaze from across the room.
“Do you mean that?”
Jax shrugged. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because we obviously have a complicated relationship and I wasn’t sure how you’d react.”
Even though his heart literally ached, Jax let out a laugh. “I’m a big boy, Livie. I knew you weren’t staying whether you got the promotion or not.”
Her brows drew in. “You don’t seem upset.”
Jax threw his arms out wide. “Do you want me to be upset? I don’t do games, Livie. You either want to stay and see these renovations through or you don’t. I can’t tell you what to do.”
She hopped down off the desk and adjusted her dress. “I didn’t ask you to tell me what to do, but I thought maybe you’d give me some hint as to what you’re feeling. And the renovations aren’t the issue, we both know that.”
Admitting more would give her all the power here and he was barely hanging on as it was. She wanted to be excited about her job, so he needed to be genuinely happy for her.
“Want to open up and share feelings?” he asked, pushing off the door. “I’m glad you got the promotion because you clearly deserve it. I’m excited and nervous to see how these renovations work out and how that will affect my business.”
Silence settled between them and she crossed her arms over her chest as she continued to stare at him. “That’s it? That’s all you feel? We just had sex on your desk and all you feel is . . .”
“What?” he asked.
“Nothing. Forget it. This makes things easier, doesn’t it?” She attempted a smile, but failed miserably. “So, what was this? Just one last hurrah before I leave town for good?”
Her harsh words were like a slap to his face. That’s exactly what this looked like, but damn it, everything between them was so much more. If they’d had sex on the desk or a bed, his emotions would still be just as deep and just as strong.
“If you’re leaving town, then I guess this was it.”
Her lips thinned as she continued to stare at him. He wanted to tell her exactly how he felt, but that would border on begging and he refused to go there. She had to make the decision for herself and, clearly, she’d made it. All this time they’d been nothing but physical and he’d been so naïve in thinking they were more.
He’d been played for a fool again.
When she continued to stare without saying a word, Jax reached behind him and flicked the lock on the door. Keeping his eyes on her, he stepped aside and silently gave her the out she clearly wanted.
Jax hooked his thumbs through the loops of his jeans and leaned back against the wall. Though his heart was breaking, he couldn’t let her see just how she’d destroyed him.
Livie bit down on her bottom lip and blinked as if trying to fight back her emotions. If she’d just tell him what she was feeling, what she wanted, maybe they could work this out.
The second she started for the door, Jax knew there would be no working it out. She’d gotten what she wanted—the job and the sex.
As she opened the door, her arm brushed against his and his entire body tightened. That sweet jasmine scent mocked him when she passed through and the soft click of her heels on the concrete floors out in the hangar echoed.
Unable to take the pain anymore, he slammed the door and didn’t give a damn that she’d heard. He was done. They were done. And he was utterly and completely shattered.




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