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Stepbrother: Unbreakable (A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) by Victoria Villeneuve (8)


June 28th was the day everything changed. School had been out for about a week, and I was busy packing everything I owned into boxes that movers were going to come take to Alex Black’s house.


For what it was worth, I was actually kind of excited about it. My mom had taken me to see his house a few weeks earlier, and “house” was a bit of an understatement. It  was an estate, really.


Like, you know how you see those amazing houses celebrities are selling that look absolutely insane? That’s what the Black place looked like. My new room was bigger than the living room at my mom’s place.


I was trying to fit all my shirts into one box so I didn’t have to use two when my mom got a phone call. Whatever. She got lots of calls. However, she quickly turned serious and then left the room. I still wasn’t that concerned; I figured some work emergency must have come up.


But when she came back into the room, I knew something was wrong.


“Listen, Michaela, I have to go out. I’ll be back in a few hours.”


“What happened?” I asked. This was more than just a work emergency, for sure.


“Jaret’s been arrested.”


“What? Why?”


“I don’t know the details. All I know is I have to go be with Alex at the courthouse. Apparently they’re arraigning him in an hour. I’ll see you later, sweetie.”


And with that, my mom was gone.


I mean, it shouldn’t have really surprised me that Jaret was arrested. I knew he had run-ins with the cops before. Even before prom night when I got him out of trouble. But I didn’t think he’d ever actually been arrested and charged with anything before.


Then again, I wasn’t sure he hadn’t, either.


I tried not to think about him too much. Tried not to think about that chiselled face, tried not to think about the way he made me feel when I was writhing under him around a month earlier. Tried not to think about the explosive way my body shuddered as the orgasm he gave me rocked my body, as he took my virginity and gave me the greatest pleasure I’d ever felt in exchange.


When we moved in with Jaret’s father, it turned out Jaret was going to be living there too.




In the end, Jaret had been arrested for criminal mischief or something like that. Apparently he and a couple of his dumb friends had been caught tagging one of the major skyscrapers downtown that belonged to a major bank, and they insisted on charges being brought.


Alex’s father insisted on his son making a deal rather than going to trial. I supposed for a Senator who was coming up for re-election, having a son making headlines for being a criminal wasn’t a big vote-getter.


Unfortunately, part of the plea deal involved Jaret living with his father for the entire duration of his probation, which was six months.


That meant I was going to be living with my soon-to-be stepbrother, who had taken my virginity, for the next six months.


And believe me, he was in a shitty, shitty mood.


“I can’t fucking believe this. Not only am I fucking stuck here, but now I have to share my own house?” Jaret muttered as I walked past with my suitcase.


“Gee, if only there was something you could have done to stop yourself from being in this situation,” I replied.


“Like say no?” Jaret retorted. “I didn’t hear you say no when I was pounding my cock deep inside of you, and you always told me that was never going to happen.”


My face flushed red in a combination of anger and embarrassment as I instinctively looked around to make sure neither one of our parents were around to hear it.


“Stop it,” I hissed. “That was a mistake. We shouldn’t have done it. I don’t want to talk about it.”


Jaret shrugged. “Fine. Then don’t bug me about the fucking cops.”




I didn’t want to be around Jaret to begin with. I was looking forward to him moving to New York this summer, so I never would have had to live with him. Now, not only was he going to be here for the summer, but he was going to be living here for the entire first semester as well.




I made my way up to my room and unpacked my things.


It was only going to be six months. I could stand living with Jaret Black for six months, right?