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Summer's Heat (Immortals (Book 9)) by LJ Vickery (14)






Chapter Fourteen



By the time Douglas turned into the rest stop on the far side of Cleveland, he felt drained and exhausted. Mentally and physically. He’d had very little sleep the night before, and since the mind-fuck at Kohl’s with Emesh, his head spun in a thousand different directions. What the hell was the matter with him? Could he seriously be contemplating a relationship with Emesh?

He glanced over to where the chiseled face of his passenger gazed curiously out of the window at their nightly accommodations. No doubt about it. The male was stunning to look at; that ebony skin and square jaw with its dark, five o’clock shadow, begging to be licked. And what the hell fucked up thing threw that into his head? All of a sudden, he was thinking…orally?

Ruled over by Trask, Douglas had been forced to use his mouth, not for kissing, but for other things. Once he fled the facility, he’d refused to perform oral sex on anyone. Douglas had enjoyed countless blow-jobs from anonymous hook-ups over the years, but he never reciprocated. The memories were too powerful.

So why, now, did he fantasize about Emesh’s large, smooth prick that had ground against him in such a compelling way? Why did he wonder how it would feel, surrounding that turgid piece of flesh with his lips? And what would Emesh taste like? Douglas stifled a groan. How could he spend the next four days crammed into this small space with the guy and not lose his mind?

“So, you drive in and that’s it?” Emesh asked, clearly unaware of Douglas’ turmoil.

“Pretty much.” Douglas kept his voice even and low. “This is a full-service stop. If you want a quick shower, not in my little onboard box, you should grab your shit and do it now because we’re leaving before sunup tomorrow. All we’ll do is gas up and eat before we roll. If we’re lucky, it’ll only be a nine-hour day tomorrow, between getting to Green Bay, unloading, and finding your friend’s place in Little Suamico.”

Go, Douglas urged in his head. He could use a little breathing room. Being surrounded by the constant, musky smell of Emesh made him crazy.

Emesh blinked at him like he’d been privy to Douglas’ thoughts, compliantly undid his seatbelt and rummaged in the bag of new clothes. He grabbed a pair of sweats and a T-shirt, then looked around. “Towels?” he asked.

“Left-hand cabinet, bottom drawer,” Douglas supplied. “And grab a new bar of soap. The stuff they provide in these places suck.”

Emesh turned and stood up, hunched, but bending to find the towel and the soap. Shit. Why did the guy have to sport an ass so fucking muscular? Douglas clenched his teeth. He imagined pressing against Emesh’s backside, grabbing him by the hips, and thrusting. Douglas had everything he could do to stay in his seat. How could he stay in the same cab with the guy all night and get any sleep? Thank God there were two bunks. Douglas delved into his wallet while he still had a brain somewhere other than his cock and handed Emesh a card.

“This is for the shower.”

When Douglas bought gas, he earned points on his card good for showers, free coffee, and other amenities he rarely used. He usually lent it out to guys who were down on their luck. Douglas liked the privacy of his own little shower even though he could hardly maneuver in the small space. He planned to use it as soon as Emesh left.

“Head in through those doors,” he told Emesh, “and don’t…” Douglas cut himself off. He didn’t need to bother Emesh with his own head-shit.

“Don’t what?” Emesh asked, opening the door to the night air.

Douglas had been about to tell Emesh not to be too friendly with anyone, but his own paranoia shouldn’t contaminate Emesh. First off, most of the guys using the facilities were doing just that, showering. And second of all, if some asshole did try to come on to Emesh, the big guy could take care of himself.

“Nothing,” Douglas assured him. “I’m going to wash up in the truck. Take your time.”

Emesh walked across the parking lot, and Douglas couldn’t help but admire the way he carried his body. He propelled himself on the balls of his feet and sprung rather than plodded into each new step. It spoke of a joy and an energy that had been missing from Douglas’ life for a very long time. Was it fair to want Emesh, to pollute such innocent exuberance with his tainted self? The answer should be pretty fucking clear, but part of Douglas didn’t care to listen.

His head suddenly filled with visions of Emesh naked, standing beneath the spray of the shower, running big hands covered with soap across the expanse of his chest, then down…down…following the line of dark hair, around a semi-erect cock, to cup and massage the heavy sac that hung between his legs. The image came so vividly, he could almost hear Emesh teasing, daring him to get out of the truck and join him. Indeed, Emesh paused before going into the suite of showers as if waiting to see if Douglas took him up on the offer. The trucker tamped down his misplaced fantasy, and Emesh disappeared through the door.

Two minutes later, having shed his clothes for his wash-up, Douglas had a creepy, troubling thought. Something with Emesh. Something not right. No reasonable justification arose for the ‘someone walking over your grave’ feeling that hit him, but without hesitation, Douglas tugged a pair of gym shorts over his nakedness, and launched out of his cab to double-time it across the lot.

Crashing through the amenities door, it didn’t take Douglas two seconds to spot a guy with his foot and shoulder crammed aggressively into a doorway speaking low and determinedly. Douglas didn’t wait to intervene.

“Hey, buddy. What the fuck?” He covered the twelve-foot hallway in three steps and pulled up right at the guy’s back. The big man blocking the door gave Douglas a hostile nudge back.

“This is none of your friggin’ business, asshole. Move along.”

Douglas ignored him and addressed Emesh who stood sheepishly inside, instead. “Is this guy bothering you?”

Emesh looked awkward. “I didn’t know how to use the card, so I asked this huma…uh… gentleman for his help. He let me in, but when I tried to thank him for his help and send him away, he became insistent he should come in and show me how the rest of things work.” Confusion lay in Emesh’s voice and Douglas shook his head in disbelief. Damn, his new friend was naive. Yeah. No doubt the prick wanted to show Emesh how things worked. But not fucking today.

“Move off, ass-wipe.” Douglas glared at the stranger who backed off a step, and turned a contrite expression to Emesh. “I should have come to help,” Douglas said, by way of an apology.

The stranger watched the byplay between the two, and Douglas could see the minute he lost his aggressive posture and gained a speculative gleam instead, the minute a new idea took hold.

“You know, the showers are big enough for three?” The interloper gazed with undisguised lust at Douglas’ bare chest, then let his eyes drop.

“No thanks. Not in the market,” Douglas snarled. Any other night…alone…this would be the type of booty call that appealed to Douglas but thinking of that man’s hands on Emesh made him want to put his fist through the fucking guy’s face.

“You sure?” he got asked.

“I’m sure.” Douglas insinuated himself around the guy and put himself inside the little room with Emesh. “You’re done here.” He closed the door with a solid click. Douglas could feel the bulk of Emesh at his back and struggled to get his breathing under control.

“I’ll only stay a few minutes until I’m sure he’s gone,” Douglas assured Emesh, unable to turn around and look at the guy his body lusted after. When gentle arms encircled him from behind, Douglas clenched his teeth, willing himself not to grind back against the massive physique that called out to him. Emesh’s soft words whispered in his ear.

“I’m sorry, Douglas. I didn’t know how to get in, and he wanted to help.”

“Yeah. He wanted to help, alright,” Douglas growled. “Help himself to a piece of your ass,” he rasped, disgusted with himself. Because he couldn’t help it. He wanted the same thing. “You can’t be so trusting of everybody,” he admonished instead.

“But it’s okay. I called, and you came,” Emesh breathed, somewhere close behind him. Douglas stiffened.

“What do you mean, you called?” He remembered the sense of urgency that had struck him while in the tractor.

Emesh drew back a fraction of an inch.

“I…it’s…I feel so close to you,” he heard the hesitation in Emesh’s voice. “I think we can almost read each other’s thoughts.” Why did Emesh suck in a breath?

“That’s bullshit, Emesh.” But Douglas recalled the vivid picture of Emesh’s soap-bubbled body.

Emesh sighed, “I…I sent that to you.”

Douglas narrowed his eyes, beginning to freak. “You sent what?” He was having trouble with not only the fucked up conversation but the proximity of his body to Emesh’s in the small enclosure.

“The picture of me in the shower. I thought you might like it,” Emesh sounded a little pouty, instead of concerned the two might share some fucked up brain-wave thing.

“Does this, uh, happen to you often? Is it something you actually think you can do with people?” Douglas’ tongue grew too big for his mouth. What kind of fucked up shit could this be? And why did he even consider it as truth?

“Only with my brothers,” Emesh answered, “and with the wives in the house.” Then as an afterthought, he added, “Oh, also with your mother.” He sounded downright happy about that one.

Douglas turned cold. What if he’d misread everything, and Emesh really was bat-shit crazy? What if the ‘compound’ where his mother lived was not a bastion for government agents, but in reality, a clubhouse for people with mental disorders? Trepidation clenched his gut.

“I hear what you’re thinking,” Emesh stated calmly, “and I assure you I’m not a headcase.” Did the big, bald hunk just lean in and take a sniff of his neck? Douglas shivered.“Think something else, and I’ll tell you what it is.” Emesh issued the new instructions.

Douglas needed to try this. He didn’t want Emesh to be an asylum escapee. He chose the high ground. Instead of picturing Emesh’s body, he imagined what an older Glory would look like, pregnant with twins.

Emesh laughed. “You’ve come pretty close,” he admitted. “Except her hair is longer, and she’s a few inches bigger around the baby bulge.”

Douglas stilled himself, unable to wrap his mind fully around this. “Explain. Do you guys have some kind of experimental government chips that let you do this?” he quavered.

“Nope. You can do it too. Listen.” I really wouldn’t mind if you stayed and we did the shower thing together.

Shit. “I mean, shit. Did you just…?”

I did, Emesh admitted. I told you we had a special connection.

Douglas slowly turned around. The sight of Emesh several inches away, throwing naked shower pictures into his head, one after the other? Dirty pool. How could he resist? He tried to keep his brain on track. “How is that remotely possible? I can’t talk to anybody else like that.”

Douglas’ intent had been to cross his arms over his chest in protest but realized his hands were busy with a purpose of their own, reaching for Emesh’s hips. Once his hands connected with jeans, he hooked his fingers into belt loops, backed up flush against the door, and drew the luscious male between his spread thighs.

It’s something we’ll need, Emesh head-spoke very clearly as their lips brushed together, “if we want to communicate while doing this. Emesh deepened the kiss, and Douglas groaned. He couldn’t fight it any longer. Okay. Talking without voices. He’d wake up anytime now, but while he waited…

Fine, Douglas conceded. Clothes off, he growled even though it was all done silently while his tongue dueled with Emesh’s. He wanted…no, he needed skin on skin. His chest heaved with the urgency to feel flesh.

You do it. Emesh came across very clearly. He wanted Douglas to be in charge. Of course. He was the one with the experience. Douglas was good with that. He would make sure, despite his rampant lust, he took things slowly and easily. He eased Emesh a few inches away.

“Shirt first,” he said, and lifted the bottom edge, inching it up over the warmest flesh he’d ever touched. He had to ask. “Are you okay? You feel feverish, like you're burning up.”

“Burning up for you,” Emesh hissed.

As Douglas concentrated on the zipper to Emesh’s jeans, his companion mumbled something about that thyroid condition again. Douglas needed no additional assurance. Besides, the heat from his partner’s flesh scorched deliciously under his hands.

When the pants finally dropped to the floor to puddle around Emesh’s ankles, the gorgeous hunk of man toed-off his sneakers without instruction.

Douglas licked his lips and looked down.

He’d caught a quick glimpse of Emesh in bed last night, flaccid, before the guy covered up, but now, Douglas’ heart nearly stopped. Emesh, bold and erect, became a whole different ballgame. Long and thick, Emesh’s cock presented a sumptuous light brown up against Douglas’ darker colored body, and everything about the juxtaposition made his mouth water. He’d spent half the day thinking about sucking Emesh off, and now, the man’s glorious cock bobbed right in front of him. How would Emesh deal with it if Douglas lowered his mouth?

His hands slid low on Emesh’s hips as he readied to go down.

Emesh tensed.

Douglas stopped.

“Not ready for that yet?” Douglas asked breathlessly.

“I might be, but…if you do,” Emesh replied through clenched teeth, his body taut under Douglas’ hands, “I’m going to come before you even get started.”

“Well, we can’t have that,” Douglas attempted a laugh, trying to appear calm and in charge when in reality, his insides quaked like Jell-O. The picture of Emesh’s enormous cock shooting off had him painfully hard in the confines of his clothes. He’d remedy that.

Douglas reluctantly stopped touching Emesh and scooted his fingers into the waistband of his gym shorts, dropping them to the floor. He relished the slightly dazed look that came into Emesh’s eyes when he took in the sight of his iron cock.

“How about we take a shower, and I’ll show you what we can do with the soap,” Douglas suggested.

Emesh nodded uncertainly, then groped backward with a shaking hand to turn the water on.

Are we going to…

Douglas waited for Emesh to continue, but apparently, words wouldn’t come easily, even in head-speak. He stroked Emesh’s cheek with the back of his hand. Nervous excitement bounced off his companion, but unfortunately, more in trepidation than anticipation.

Shit. As much as he wanted to plunge into the warmth of his companion, he needed to go slowly. He remembered what it was like to be taken, unprepared.

No, Emesh. We’re not. We’re going to play a little, that’s all. You should like this.

Emesh released a breath and relaxed. And if anything, the male’s trust only made Douglas’ cock harder.

“Soap?” Douglas picked up the bar where it lay on the towel and stepped under the water. He didn’t speak but sent a look toward Emesh. The big body joined his under the spray, and they couldn’t help but rub chest against chest, thigh against thigh, and most erotically…prick against prick. Douglas went with it. He undulated against Emesh and became nearly undone by the sweet cry that rung from his partner’s throat.

“Don’t come yet. Try to hang on,” Douglas crooned, unsure about his own longevity as well. “I’m going to make this really good.” He soaped up his hands and reached for Emesh’s cock. He wrapped his fingers around the thick base, feeling the crisp hair against the knuckle of his little finger.

Another time, I’ll bury my face in that softness, he promised.

Douglas insinuated his own cock into the thumb-crook of that same hand, managing, just barely, to accommodate both pricks. He sandwiched them together and using a strong draw and pull, worked the cocks against each other with friction and soap lubricant.

Emesh quickly became boneless. His head dropped to Douglas’ shoulder and his teeth grabbed onto the soft flesh at Douglas’ nape. The pain brought on a quick memory, but Douglas forced it away and refocused his actions. At least the nip brought him back from the brink of orgasm. He spread his thighs farther apart, bracing them, working Emesh closer and closer to completion, certain his own orgasm, when it came, would blow him away.

Emesh hit his pinnacle of pleasure first. Douglas thrilled with the pulsation in his companion’s cock…felt it in his hand and against his own prick. He looked down, and witnessed a wild explosion, hearing Emesh cry out with release, vaguely aware of his partner’s fingers digging into his ass. The sight of Emesh jetting come all over his hand and stomach made Douglas’ balls clench within seconds.

Wait. What? Were those streams luminous? Pearlescent against his and Emesh’s dark skin? A crazy thought, but the erotically charged perception had his fist pumping again, furiously.

He leaned his head into Emesh’s neck, against his partner’s jugular, and fantasized he could hear Emesh’s heated blood running through the vein. His mouth suddenly ached.

“Oh,” Douglas moaned. He needed to taste his partner. Right there. Right at that swollen apex. The urge became so intense, Douglas’ gums almost swelled with pain. Unexpectedly the odd aphrodisiac sent him into a last frenzy of lust. He cried out, and his ejaculation followed, wrenched up from his scrotum in a way both painful and more intense than any orgasm he’d ever experienced. He could barely breathe. He pumped and pumped, using their combined ejaculate to soothe as he slowed his hand to a gentle rhythm and finally, stopped.

The pair stood, immobile, front to front, gasping and raining small kisses upon each other. A damned good thing they were in the shower because Douglas felt pretty sure tears stood in his eyes from the all-consuming experience.

The heat became suddenly unbearable. They must have knocked the shower handle and turned the water all the way to hot.

“Water off,” he muttered, and as his mind stuttered toward working again, he became aware of some kind of eerie crimson glow in the room. He looked down at the fast disappearing ejaculate headed down the drain. For the second time he wondered; incandescent? Emesh turned the faucet to colder and rinsed the last of it away. What the hell? Had a crazy red heat lamp thing in the ceiling distorted his perception?

He tried to question Emesh and failed. He couldn’t vocalize the phenomenon with his mouth or his head. Douglas stood, so blown away he couldn’t think straight or get up the energy to do anything more than hold Emesh up against him. Eighteen years of sex, and this, by far, was the fiercest orgasm he’d ever experienced. And it had been a hand job. That realization almost knocked Douglas down. How would it feel to actually fuck Emesh?

He already knew the answer. And it scared the crap out of him.




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