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Summer's Heat (Immortals (Book 9)) by LJ Vickery (28)






Chapter Twenty-Eight



Emesh cracked an eye and stared at the wall in his bedroom.


He barely remembered the ride back to Douglas’ cabin from Trask’s. But he did recall the short argument―once there―the guys had with his Chosen, convincing him it would be fine for Dorian to ‘spell’ his mate back to the Blue Hills. And no, he wouldn’t end up with his intestines around his ears like in a bad Star Trek episode.

Douglas finally and reluctantly acquiesced.

Emesh also remembered having a few laughing fits while attempting―failingly―to mist out until he, too, had to be transported back to the Blue Hills via warlock.

Emesh groaned as he stretched and turned over in bed. He’d catch shit about that one, no doubt.

His flailing arm knocked up against something…strike that…someone warm in bed beside him. Afraid to open his eyes for fear the good stuff had all been dreams and he lay under a blanket next to Trask, Emesh raised his head and sniffed. Lovely. His shoulders relaxed. Douglas.

He turned to his side and groped between the sheets, his hand coming up against the most delightful bare shank. His fingers tickled delicately up and down.

“Keep doing that and trauma or not, you’re going to find yourself on the bottom of a two-man panini.” Douglas’ sleepy voice cut through the early morning light and fomented a symphony of unscheduled sunshine. Emesh glowed.

Douglas harrumphed at the sudden glare, inching his length close and pressing himself backward into a spooning position with the god.

“Turn that thing off, will you? I’d love to get another half hour of shut-eye. Just because you were good and gorped all night, doesn’t mean the rest of us got any sleep.”

Emesh slipped his arm over Douglas’ midsection and buried his nose in his mate’s neck. He nipped gently at the skin where Douglas’ dreads parted, then licked and blew on the affected spot. He could feel the goosebumps rising on his mate…and he’d bet that wasn’t all.

Emesh dropped his hand from Douglas’ waist to his…yup… ahhh…smooth, hard prick that reached up like a thick, sturdy plant, toward the burgeoning sun. Lovely metaphor, Emesh snickered.

“You find something funny?” Douglas wiggled his ass closer to Emesh, clearly aching-hard, and ready. The god’s grip caressed steadily up and down Douglas’ cock. Emesh hoped his mate wouldn’t be able to resist him for too much longer.

“Yeah. You.” Emesh nipped again. “Thinking you’re going back to sleep. I hate to tell you this, Douglas, but part of your anatomy has different ideas.”

“Right,” his partner complained. “And if I thought with my prick all the time, I’d never do anything but fuck,” Douglas sighed, lustily though, and finally turned onto his back.

“Emesh.” He grew scarily serious. “Stop for a moment.” He stilled Emesh’s hand on his cock. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” he queried.

Emesh understood what Douglas asked. But after everything that had happened the previous day, they both needed to wipe Trask from their minds, and that meant only one thing. They were going to have to replace those bad memories with good ones.

“I’m sure,” Emesh whispered, bringing his head down to kiss one of Douglas’ dark nipples. “But shouldn’t we talk first? By now you have to know…almost everything about…everything.” Emesh worried his bottom lip incessantly while Douglas’ fathomless eyes glinted up at him.

“Time enough for god talk, later. If you’re sure you’re ready, I’ve been waiting too long for this.”

Douglas wrenched Emesh’s head toward his, capturing and soothing Emesh’s beleaguered bottom lip before he could draw his own blood. He peppered kisses all along the Emesh’s jaw, up to his ear where he laved delicately into the whorls with his tongue.

“There’s only one problem,” Douglas sighed. “I’ll bet you don’t have any of the…things we need to make this work.”

Emesh shrugged in his lover’s arms.

“Okay. I’m clueless. What things?” he asked, truly puzzled. Douglas lay here. Emesh too. And they both had all their appendages last time the god had taken stock. What else could they need?

“Condoms…lube? I’m not about to do this dry,” the humor in Douglas’ voice was tinged with real concern. Emesh recalled Trask’s finger and the awfulness of them as they probed his ass without any preparation. He swallowed, audibly. Douglas caught it.

“Uh huh,” he concurred. “I figured you’d catch on.” He looked around at Emesh’s beautifully appointed, but fairly spartan room where they slept. “And I know you don’t have any of that stuff here, considering you’ve been invisible for so long.”

Emesh sighed. So, the guys had filled Douglas in on things. A lot of things. He’d either have to thank them or pulverize them, depending on the extent of the grandstanding they’d done.

“Nope,” Emesh nodded. “Not a thing but give me a minute. Where’s the bag of goodies you brought to Dorian’s?”

“Back in Leverett in my truck. I was so exhausted and nervous about your friend’s mode of travel, I left everything behind.”

“Back in a flash.” Emesh kissed Douglas’ right pectoral, donned a pair of discarded sweatpants and walked from the room. Down the stairs and out the front door, he poofed out one hundred yards away from his lover.

It took him a couple of minutes to reach the truck and a couple more to get back, but before ten minutes had ticked by, he deposited Douglas’ overnight bag on his mate’s stomach.

“Ta-da. Immortal delivery service,” he smirked.

Douglas looked at the bag…looked at Emesh…looked at the clock and shook his head as if to dislodge a loose screw.

“Will I…?” Douglas couldn’t seem to finish his sentence. Emesh understood. The travel by mist thing was always one of the first things in which Chosen became fascinated.

“Uh huh,” Emesh assured. “With a little practice. After we…have our mating ceremony, you’ll be able to do lots of things.” He looked up from underneath his lashes. “Did the guys tell you?”

“Some,” Douglas admitted. “But I had other things on my mind. Kind of like now.”

He dumped his bag and growled, taking Emesh into a strong, hard hug and rolling them over to pin Emesh against the mattress with his solid weight.

Mmmm. Naked. Emesh gasped. Their cocks meshed and pulsed against each other while Douglas’ head came down to capture Emesh’s mouth in a searing kiss.

This time, nothing gentle remained to his touch. Douglas’ lips demanded, solid and hard. His morning beard scraped the soft places on Emesh’s face while the god’s own scruff did the same to Douglas. One hand surrounded the back of Emesh’s head and drew him close for even greater pressure. A kiss to denote possession and a firm reminder that Emesh belonged to Douglas, and nothing would take him away. Emesh sank into the welcome raid on his senses.

He only needed one more thing.

Douglas looked surprised when Emesh used his god-strength to push him a few inches away. His Chosen’s eyes were glazed over, his lips, swollen and red. Emesh wanted nothing more than to be under the onslaught of that mouth again, but this was important.

“I…,” he fumbled hesitantly. “We…” How did one start this? “You and I are going to be together for a very long time.”

Douglas acknowledged that with a crisp nod of his head.

“And it’s not simply because my amulet tells me.” The god indicated the low light that had burned at a simmer since he’d awoken. “What I need to say, and this comes from my heart as well as my shoulder…” Emesh let his emotions shine out from him like the sun’s rays. “I need you to know…I love you, Douglas.”

The god couldn’t help the tears that built up behind his now dropped lids. He didn’t dare look at his partner. What if Douglas hadn’t been ready to hear it? Emesh hadn’t exactly asked how all the god-stuff sat with him. Maybe he hadn’t had time to assimilate it all and would run far away when his head finally collated all the shit he’d been told.

Emesh must have been thinking on their shared brain-channel because murmurs of silly, comforting words bounced into his head. He let out a shuddering sigh.

Douglas lowered his lips and kissed his way down the trail of one tear that had escaped.

“Don’t cry, Emesh. Nothing’s scaring me away. Of course, I love you right back.” A shiver of emotion ran through Douglas, mimicking his. “And right now, I need to show you that I do… in every way. I want to be in you. I need to love you…and finally, make you mine.”

Sunshine lit the outside world, more brightly than ever before. With Douglas’ declaration, Emesh’s joy was complete.

Douglas’ hand found its way between them and grasped Emesh’s cock. The combined moisture escaping from both of them made for its own lubricant, and Douglas’ hand slid easily and enticingly up and down the god’s shaft.

“I’m going to make you come for me, Emesh. Right now. I don’t want any tension left in your body when we join.” He slid off Emesh but maintained his grip while lowering his head toward the shiny knob of the god’s cock.

Emesh gasped. “You don’t….”

“Hey. Stop.” Douglas’ warm eyes held his for a moment. “I do now.” He dipped down, and his lips glided over Emesh’s moist flesh. The god cried out at the warmth that enveloped him.

He shook with pleasure, gazing down at his lover’s mouth on his penis. It was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. His hips found a rhythm as his lover sucked, and Emesh’s heart swelled. Douglas did this…for him.

His legs fell apart and Douglas’ finger zeroed in on his asshole, gently nudging in time to his sucks. Holy shit. That was fast.

Gods. I’m going to come, Emesh warned him.

Then do it, and I’ll swallow it all, lover.

A telltale tightness grabbed his balls, and the surge of a torrential release rushed up his cock. He couldn’t help himself. He gripped the back of Douglas’ head and erupted in wrenching spasms so powerful, they were nearly painful. His cry ripped through the room and pinpoints of light stabbed outward from all his pores. He belatedly remembered that his come would be exploding like pop-rocks on Douglas’ tongue, but he heard no complaint. His mate sucked everything down.

Emesh gasped and spasmed one last time before his lover’s mouth popped free. His partner’s hands stroked his flanks gently in the aftermath, and he heard a distinct chuckle.

“What?” Emesh smiled at the sound. At least Douglas hadn’t been terrified.

Another laugh. “I guess I’ll know if you ever get tired of me.” He raised his head and grinned up at Emesh. “Exploding come and light rays streaming out of your body will be pretty hard to fake.”

Emesh’s hand traveled to Douglas’ cheek and cupped it. “What a good thing I’ll never have to fake anything with you, my love.” The god placed strong hands under Douglas’ armpits and drew him up his body until they were side by side, facing each other again. His lover’s prick lay dark and engorged, bobbing in that way a penis does when searching.

“I want you to show me the rest,” Emesh’s words emerged gruffly, as Douglas’ warm hand delved down and caressed his momentarily slumbering, yet acutely willing flesh.

“Turn over, then,” Douglas’ gentle voice became nothing more than a hum in the air.

The hand withdrew to allow Emesh movement, and the god missed the touch for a minute but understood what would happen as the zipper rasped on Douglas’ bag. His mate sought the supplies they’d use.

“We don’t need condoms,” Emesh got out of his throat which threatened to close up with emotion. “Gods don’t get diseases.” He remained poised on his stomach.

He noted the withdrawal of something from the bag before it got dumped onto the floor, the pop of a plastic top opening, and the touch of cool, jelled fingers softly applied to his ass.

“My fingers first,” Douglas whispered in his ear. “Just relax.”

The orgasm that had made Emesh boneless a few minutes before although designed to loosen him, did nothing to calm the god now. He remembered the feel of the plug Douglas had placed inside him, and little sparkles lit up in his head, thinking of how much bigger Douglas’ cock would be. How would that huge dark penis ever fit? Emesh attempted to breathe deeply. He trusted Douglas. He’d wanted this for a long time. He had to be ready.

“Okay,” Emesh squeaked, “but…can you talk to me?” He needed reassuring words to help build his courage. He needed to be eased through this.

“Sure,” Douglas soothed. “I’m going to put one hand on your cock now," ―he did― “and work it like before. But this time, I’m going to stick my finger inside you as well.” He tapped Emesh’s rosebud and slid slowly in. “I’ll find the spot you like…remember?”

The god did remember. A place up there Douglas had touched―touched now―had him gasping with pleasure and rearing back against it.

“Greedy now, I see,” Douglas chuckled seductively. “I know. It feels good. Let’s see what two fingers can do.”

An uncomfortable burn lit up his sphincter when Douglas introduced another player, but his cries quickly turned to moans as his partner’s grip on his penis tightened, and he aimed for that spot up inside, again.

Emesh opened, not just allowing the intrusion but welcoming it.

“That’s it,” Douglas’ voice changed abruptly, becoming gruff…needy. “You can take me now, Emesh. I’m going to remove my fingers and put my cock in, okay? You’re ready,” he reassured.

The god could only nod. So many feelings lodged in his chest, he might never speak again.

“Get up on your hands and knees, my love.”

Up until this point, they’d been lying semi-spooned, but Emesh got the picture. Douglas wanted him splayed open. Trembling, the god came to his knees, spreading them apart so Douglas could position himself between. “Just like before, Emesh, only this time it will feel deeper.”

As Douglas attempted to slide in, Emesh nearly lost his balance, crying out and clenching in his nervousness.

“That’s okay,” Douglas continued to soothe. “If your arms won’t hold you, scoot up and grab the headboard. That’s it. Grip it hard. It will steady you.” Douglas’ hands trapped the god’s hips, holding him tightly. “I’ll be in you before you even know it.”

Emesh closed his eyes and took a huge breath, blowing it out as he experienced the searing heat of Douglas’ entry. He bit down on his lip, trying not to cry. Pain…a lot of pain. Douglas held still.

“I’m not moving until you relax around me, Emesh.”

The god attempted to go with it instead of fighting the encroachment, and he must have done something right. The discomfort lessened.

“That’s it, Emesh. Let me in.” Douglas homed in on Emesh’s cock which had lost interest but stirred again as his lover squeezed it in such a way, Emesh experienced a sharp burst of color.

“Oh.” The presence of Douglas’ prick, which a moment before had been less than welcome, all of a sudden felt good. His cock and the rear of him being filled finally connected.

“I…I think it’s okay, Douglas.”

The god got a satisfied grunt in return for his tentative words.

“Good, because it’s killing me to hold still,” he rasped. “But I want to make sure you enjoy every moment of this.”

Something inside Emesh suddenly trusted, and he relaxed even more, moving backward to impale himself farther on Douglas’ shaft.

“Don’t go slow,” he panted. “I can do this. I can. I need you now. All the way in. Please,” Emesh begged, swiftly coming around and wanting it.

“Damn it, Emesh. Hold still.”

His lover’s words only inflamed the god more, and Emesh rocked back and forth, trying to deepen the pressure until he tore down the hold Douglas placed on himself.

His Chosen roared and thrust into him, hard until the iron presence of his cock seated to its farthest extreme in Emesh’s ass, and his lover’s balls slapped against his own.

“Ahh,” The god emoted in both wonder and ecstasy. He clenched his muscles, experimentally, and this time, held Douglas in place, wanting to feel every inch of him.

“Emesh. Stop.” Douglas’ words came quietly, between choked breaths. “If you keep clenching around me like that, I’ll be finished too quickly, and I want to make you come first.”

Emesh thrilled to the shift of power, but the alpha male in Douglas swiftly reemerged and grabbed control. Emesh submitted willingly.

Fingers played and curled around his cock while Douglas’ prick maneuvered unceasingly in and out of his dark channel. The sensations overwhelmed, and the tension built in Emesh again. He found himself thrusting his hips back, widening his stance and arching his ass up toward the exquisite friction that reverberated inside his canal and all the way down to his balls. Emesh couldn’t help but grunt in time to the thrusts, and his cries grew louder as orgasm threatened.

He let go without warning. His cock burst forth with jets of brightly lit jism, and all the soft muscles in his sphincter gripped and spasmed around Douglas’ intruding cock.

Douglas roared, and within seconds, hot come spurted deep inside Emesh as his lover repeated the god’s jarring release.


They panted in unison, Douglas still gripping him around his middle, this time, to keep him from falling away. Emesh came back from a great distance to the murmur of loving words and a trail of kisses across his back. After several minutes, Douglas gave what could only be termed a delighted laugh, and his now soft cock slipped from its berth in Emesh’s bum.

“Shit. I’ve never had it feel like that before,” Douglas said, picking up the already bunched and moistened top sheet, gently wiping the evidence of his seed from Emesh in loving swipes. Emesh found himself collapsing under the tender ministrations and sighed contentedly, feeling the echo of Douglas deep within him. He turned his head and gave a sanguine stretch.

“That’s because you’ve never made love to a god before.”