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The Baby Favor by Chance Carter (139)

Chapter 10

Brad looks out the window and is in awe of how beautiful she is. The dress fits perfectly around her breasts and outlines her thin frame. It looks better on her than he could have imagined. He wishes he could race down to her with the excitement he’s feeling inside He would kiss her on the hand, lift her up and carry her through the door of the jet. He hasn’t felt like this since high school with Kelly, and feels as if he is already ready to marry her.

This is crazy-thinking, and Brad isn’t sure if he’s losing his mind or if he really is feeling something deeper for her. I mean, really… a million dollars, what is he thinking? He’s never done something like this before, especially for a woman. My God.

The closer she gets, the more he can see the outline of her face. The sun is beaming down on her cheeks, giving her a homegrown beauty queen look. She even put on a deep, red lipstick, making her look so kissable.

He gets turned on quickly, his cock growing harder and harder under his dress pants. He rubs himself trying to make it go down, yet all he wants to do is pull it out and stroke himself while she’s watching.

How he’d love to just carry her over to the leather couch, pull up that dress, and stick it into her without even saying a word.

My God, she’s just so beautiful! Brad thinks to himself, not knowing how he’s going to hold back. Her tits are so perky, and the way the pearls drape on her neck makes her appear elegant and sexy at the same time. He wonders how the lingerie looks on her, how the lace trim on the panties looks against her skin. He would love to bite them off and ravage her body in ways she has never known before. He loves how innocent she is underneath it all, knowing no one has ever touched her before.

He wants to be her first for everything. Her first hickey, her first orgasm with a man, her first fingering, her first blowjob. God, it excites him, all of the things he can teach and show her

He knows he has to be careful about not scaring her away, though, and he needs to make her feel at ease. He has met other virgin ballerinas before, but none who looked or acted like Kelly, and none who have made his heart pound like this.

He can see how hard she’s trying to look like she has it together, taking careful steps up toward the plane. He knows she is anxious inside and he loves how she’s maintaining her composure. She is such a lady in hiding, with no idea how wonderful she is. He can’t wait to bring out her true self, away from the country girl she believes herself to be.

What was her life like back home? She looks so untouched and innocent, like she’s never had the burden of too much pain or disappointment, he thinks to himself. So fresh and he’d never want her to ever get hurt. He wants to protect her from this bad world and preserve her precious nature.

Kelly was like that. She had what seemed to be a perfect life. No major problems, just the typical things normal, teenage girls go through—nervousness about life and hormonal changes, along with worries about her future dreams and goals. Her parents never made her work too hard and supported her in whatever her dreams were. That’s why she became such a graceful ballerina.

Maybe Jane’s parents are perfectionists, common among ballerinas, never giving her a chance to have a life outside of ballet classes. Living and breathing it, forced to dance at the exclusion of a normal high school life with friends and other activities.

Brad’s family was always money-hungry, and he never had a chance to learn anything besides being an entrepreneur and saving money. He dreamed of playing basketball or just taking off and backpacking across Europe, but those things didn’t make money. He knew his only worth would be what he made for the family.

He took over the business owned by his parents when they died two years ago in a car crash, but quite honestly, it wasn’t as tragic for him as when Kelly died. She had been his heart and her death left him aching for that kind of love again.

His parents didn’t like Kelly because she was a distraction from the family business, and she wasn’t of the same ilk as them. They thought she would drag Brad down with her.

He hadn’t been allowed to date anyone outside of his class after her death, and the women they tried to arrange for him were boring, stuffy, full of themselves, and prima donnas.

But Brad wants a real woman, a woman who is caring, loving and sexy—all wrapped up in one package. A woman untainted by the greed of the world.

Jane steps through the door and he quickly turns away from her, pretending he’s on a call and adjusting himself in his pants.

“Yes, Chris, I am firm about that. No deals are going ahead without my approval, got it?”

Brad asserts his authority, trying to show Jane he’s a man who takes charge.

He can feel Jane’s presence behind him and his spine tingles. Her energy feels so loving, and he can sense a tinge of nervousness in her, as well. He needs to remain cool and collected, making sure she doesn’t run out the door and leave him behind.

He turns around and their eyes meet. He smiles and raises his finger to show he’ll just be a minute or so on the phone. He motions for her to sit on the leather couch, then turns back around to the bar to pour her a champagne while he pretends to finish his conversation.