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The Baby Favor by Chance Carter (189)

Chapter 62

Jane gets out of the limo. “Thank you, Robert,” she says, pretending like nothing just happened in the back seat.

“Have a good class, Madam,” he responds.

Jane walks with her bag over her arm, her head tall, and her back straight. She hasn’t seen the other girls since she left for Iceland, and no one knows she is engaged.

She’s not sure if she wants to tell them that it’s to Brad Halliwell, because the good news hasn’t hit the stands, but she will have to explain the limo.

She walks into the hall and sees them all gathered, sharing snacks before class starts. They all look over at her and go silent.

Rebecca, one of the classmates, comes up to her.

“Wow, Jane, what’s with the swanky limo you’ve got there. Was Iceland that good?”

“It actually was,” replied Jane smugly.

Valerie approaches Jane. “So, who did you fuck to get that treatment?” she says bluntly.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” replies Jane, taking Valerie aback.

“Ohhhhh… Ms. Jane here has quite the voice all of a sudden,” Valerie announces. “Come on, Janey, who sucked those tits while you were away?”

“My name is Jane, and my tits are my business,” Jane says confidently, looking over to the crowd. She turns around and makes her way to the change room, not caring what they think.

“I think Jane got fucked this weekend. What do you think, girls?” Valerie laughs out loud and gets the rest of them going.

Jane lifts up her middle finger and keeps walking, smiling to herself.

They go into the ballet class and get lined up in front of the teacher, the only person who knows that Jane has been seeing Brad. She quickly notices the ring on her finger and looks up at Jane in acknowledgment. She’s not sure what to think, considering the news.

“Jane, can I have a quick word with you?” motions the teacher.

“Yes, of course,” Jane says, walking toward the door.

“Oooohhhhh… someone’s in trouble,” Valerie says. Jane flips up her middle finger again as she walks.

“Jane, I notice you have a ring on your finger. Is it what I think it is?”

“Yes, it is. We are engaged.”

“Oh, so soon?” asks Martha.

“It seems soon, but we really are in love. I know it sounds crazy, but it makes a lot of sense for both of us.”

“Well, you have seen the news, right?” The teacher continues grilling her.

“Yes, and very soon you will find out that he’s innocent. It was all a scam by a crazy lady who has done this sort of thing before, backed by someone with a longstanding grudge against him. By the way, weren’t you the one encouraging me to give him another chance?”

“You know, Jane, I know that money, fame, and a man showing interest in you can be tempting. It really can. I care about you, and don’t want to see you get roped into something you can’t get out of. I want to make sure you have a good head on your shoulders,” reassures the teacher. “And yes, that was me.”

“Thank you for caring. I’ll think about everything you’re saying. I actually really didn’t trust him at first and nearly wrecked everything to begin with. I know in my heart he loves me and wouldn’t ever want to hurt me,” Jane replies.

“Well, I will have to believe you, Jane. It sounds like the two of you have gone through a lot together already,” acknowledges the teacher.

“Yes, we really have. Thank you for reaching out.”

“Okay, let’s head back inside, okay?”

“Okay,” replies Jane.

They go back in and continue the class. Valerie leers at Jane, but Jane doesn’t take it in. She performs better than she ever has before, a result of her new found confidence.

At the end of the class, they are all sweaty and tired. They go to the change room, undress, and head into the showers.

Valerie comes up to Jane. “Come on, Jane, do tell. You are different, and everyone can see it. You lost your virginity, didn’t you?”

“Not this weekend, Valerie,” says Jane, matter of factly.

“Oh, I knew it! You got fucked.”

“No, I didn’t, Valerie. I made love. A big difference, but you wouldn’t know that,” Jane replies.

“Well, well, well. Who caught that pretty little heart of yours there, Jane?” mocks Valerie.

“None of your business, and honestly, matters close to the heart are not meant to be tossed to swine,” Jane retorts.

Valerie notices the ring on Jane’s finger.

“Holy shit. Is that what I think it is? Are you engaged?” Valerie’s eyes are wide open.

“It took you long enough to notice,” replies Jane with a smirk on her face.

“Some rich dude?” asks Valerie.

“Well, you could say that,” smiles Jane. “I have to go now, Valerie. My ride is waiting for me,” she says, flipping back her hair.

“Wow, Jane, I really underestimated you. You are damn sneaky,” Valerie attests.

“People aren’t always as they seem, Valerie,” Jane says. “Have a nice life.”

Jane walks down the hall with her bag over her shoulder, feeling very proud of herself. She goes to the limo and Robert opens the door. She looks up and sees Valerie peeking out the window at her. Jane waves at her and smiles, then crawls into the back.

“Where are you heading next, Ms. Jane?” asks the driver.

“Home, Robert. I’m going home,” Jane replies.

“Yes, ma’am.”