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The Baby Favor by Chance Carter (178)

Chapter 50

The next day, Jane wakes up and showers. She feels excited about the change of events. The only challenge she has now is paying her rent. She is too ashamed to speak to anyone about it. She’s not sure what to do.

Her Mom calls.

“Hi, dear, how are you doing?”

“Not bad. Much better than on Sunday. I’ve been asked to go to Iceland to dance, Mom. Really! The President asked and everything!” Jane explains.

Jane’s mom asks her tons of questions, including how she ever got hooked up with such an elite crowd. Jane partly lies, saying someone noticed her at the last event and wanted to know more about her.

“Well, I bought your plane ticket, darling. I can’t wait to see you. You know, honestly, I’m glad you’re coming home. I get so worried about you being in the big city.”

“Well, is there any way to postpone the ticket, Mom? Now that this opportunity has come my way, I am not sure what’s going to happen. I suppose I shouldn’t give up quite yet, eh?”

“I guess not, dear. Okay, I’ll see if I can cancel it.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

They continue their conversation, but Jane doesn’t mention anything about the money. She figures she will have to sort something out in another way. She doesn’t want her mother to worry.

There is a knock at the door again.

“Mom, I have to go. Someone’s here. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Yes, of course, dear.”

Jane goes to answer the door. It’s someone with a large bouquet of red and white roses.

“Are you Ms. Jane Bryden?”


“These are from Brad Halliwell. Can you sign here?” the delivery driver asks.

Jane brings the flowers in and smells them. They’re just like the ones from the night they were together.

There is an envelope with a note. She opens it.

‘Dearest Jane, Thank you for being such a wonderful woman. I miss you. If you don’t mind, I will be in Iceland, and as I promised, I have put $1 million in your account. Thank you for spending the week with me. Love, Brad.’

Jane nearly faints. She can’t believe Brad did this. She was not expecting it, especially because she cut the visit short. She cries with tears of joy and relief.

She lays on her bed in disbelief. She can stay in New York, as a ballerina.

And in love with Brad.

She can’t believe how everything has just turned around in such a short period of time. She now feels guilty for ever doubting Brad, and that she hadn’t trusted the feelings of love she had for him.

He’s been nothing but consistent with her, and all she’s done is keep running away from him. She wishes she could get in touch with him somehow.

She picks up the phone to call the hotel where they stayed.

“Is Brad Halliwell still there?” she asks the front desk.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, we can’t give out private information,” says the clerk.

“Of course. Can I speak with John… umm… oh I can’t remember his last name. The guy who does the books there.”

“Oh, yes. May I let him know who is calling?”

“Yes, it’s Jane, Brad’s guest.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She waits for a moment until John comes on the line.

“Jane? Oh my gosh? Are you okay?” asks John urgently.

“Yes, I’m fine, thank you! More than fine,” Jane replies.

Jane goes on to explain her side of things and everything that has happened.

“Oh, good, Jane. I’m relieved, but Brad isn’t here. He left yesterday, and no one knows where to. I think all the media buzz has been getting to him.”

“Okay, thanks, John. It’s been really great getting to know you.”

“Likewise, my dear. Take good care of yourself, okay? I hope I get to see you again soon.”

“Me too, John. Bye for now.”

Jane hangs up and feels disheartened. She sees no option but to be patient until Friday. She can hardly wait. She feels so grateful that Brad hasn’t given up on her. He must be suffering by himself. She wishes she could hold him, cuddle up to him, and make him feel loved right now. She can only imagine how it must feel going through all this, the whole world misjudging him and making him out to be a bad guy.

To preoccupy herself, she decides to go shopping. She wants to find a number that Brad will love, and with the money he gave her, that is more than possible. She walks down Fifth Avenue in jeans and a t-shirt, loving that no one knows she is a now millionaire.

She walks into a store with fancy dresses and realizes this is not her at all. She hates heels, and she knows she will stain the expensive fabric. She goes to another store, more casual, but with clothes made with natural silk. Too delicate for her.

The next store she goes into is one that specializes in funky nouveau clothes from Japan. They are perfect for her form—they each have a unique, handmade, quirky design of inked flowers on them. Plus, they are revealing enough to suit her purpose, too.

She picks out a dress with the back wide open, the hemline falling just above the line of her ass. It is form-fitting and outlines her breasts beautifully. It is made of a silver, satiny fabric.

She puts on long earrings made of diamonds and does her hair up so only a few tendrils are hanging down.

“Wow, you look so sexy and elegant, Ms. Bryden. What is the occasion if I may ask?” the clerk asks.

“Iceland with a very special gentleman,” says Jane, glowing with pride.

“Well, he is one lucky man.”

“I’m one lucky woman,” she says. “Please wrap these up for me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”