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The Brides United (Civil War Brides Series, #9) by Piper Davenport (7)

MARK GRABBED HIS bags and waited for Jessica to speak to Travis, then followed her up the left staircase and to a hallway closed off by a thick mahogany door. Jessica led him to the fourth door on the right and opened it. Once inside, he grinned. The room was surprisingly large and modern looking. Not at all what he imagined a nineteenth-century bedroom would look like. The fire had been lit and the room was warm and inviting, as though he’d been expected.

“You have a bathroom next door, which you won’t have to share with anyone.”

“Really?” he said in delight.

“Yep. We have one as well, but it’s on the other side of our room. So, this one’s all yours, unless unexpected guests come, of course.”

Mark dropped his bags on the bed. “Did you know they found a remarkably modern bathroom from the 1850s in an old house in Mississippi? Working toilet, shower, the works?”

“No way, really?”

“Really,” Mark said. “I’m not surprised Jamie had the foresight to add bathrooms. Did he do toilets and everything?”

Jessica nodded. “No showers though. They just couldn’t get it to work.”

“I’m surprised he found someone who understood how to do the toilets.”

“I’d suspect it’s easier to add them into a house plan and build it from the ground up, than it is to retrofit a building.”

“Definitely.” Mark grinned. “And Shaye was sure I’d need to keep my expectations low.”

“That’s because she left before this house was built. She missed the glory.”

Mark chuckled. “You haven’t seen the house Crow built her.”

Jessica made her way to the window and opened the heavy drapes. “I saw a few of the plans, but they’d yet to break ground.”

“The plans changed.” Mark smiled. “It’s now an old-fashioned farmhouse, with a training facility and large stables. He hooked me up with a building contractor in the area as well. The one he used for some of his more difficult work, and I learned a lot.”

“Is that why your hands are so rough?” Jessica asked as she studied his calloused palms.


“What happened to dancing? Did you take time off from Shaunessy’s tour?”

“I didn’t renew my contract with him, so I haven’t danced professionally for two years. I did teach, which kept me in shape, but then I also worked with Crow’s buddy to get some practical building skills under my belt.”

“Wow. You really planned.”

He nodded. “I wanted to have something I could do here. And since it took forever for Bernadette to finally send me, I had time to learn.”

“Travis is an amazing architect,” she said. “Maybe you could build the homes he designs. He’s made plans for ours and I’m dying to build it.”

“Maybe we can.”

“I’m really glad you’re here.” Jessica burst into tears.

“Jitterbug!” Mark said as he pulled her into his arms. “What’s wrong? It’s a good thing I’m here, right?”

She nodded into his chest. “I’m just freakin’ pregnant and cry about everything now, apparently.”

“Well, cheer up, Buttercup. I brought you some fun stuff from home. Wanna see? It’ll be worth it, I promise.”

She pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve. “Of course, I wanna see. Move it, buddy.”

Mark chuckled and opened one of the backpacks. “I brought you and Travis deodorant and razors, because I love you.”

Jessica giggled and clapped her hands. “Yes, you do! Thank you.”

“I brought a baby bottle and some formula packs for Hannah.” He held the items up. “You mentioned the baby wasn’t eating well.”

“Wow, good memory! What would have happened if you’d landed three years from now?”

“I figured someone would have a use for them and Shaye helped me with which ones she liked the best.”

“They have a baby?”

Mark nodded. “A little girl. Cheyenne. She’s ridiculously cute.”

“I bet.”

He dumped the rest of the contents onto the bed. “I also brought lotion and conditioner. But that’s it for you, sis. The rest of it’s for me. Underwear and stuff.”

“Fine. You’ve always been selfish. I get it.” Jessica grinned. “What’s in the other bag?”

“Gold. A lot of gold. I sold everything, but could only carry so much without breaking my back... gold’s heavy.”

“I know. I figured that out on my way back, too,” Jessica said. “How’s Hailey? Is she happy at home? Did you bring anything else? Like photos?”

“Hailey married a doctor and she’s super happy. I brought photos, lots of photos, and also letters for Rayne from Shaye, and Crow sent something for Sam. Will I be able to mail them from here?”

Jessica shook her head. “You won’t need to. They’ll be here for the party.”

“Seriously? That’s awesome.”

“Absolutely everyone we know is coming. We can see Emma tomorrow, if you want to.”

“Hell, yeah, I want to. Outside of the fact I’ve had no one to talk to for way too long, I’d love to dance with her again.”

“I bet. Just watch out for Clayton. He has a problem with her dancing.”

Mark sighed. “You mentioned that... as did Shaye, but if I know Emma, she’s already got a work-around.”

“Yes, you taught her well.”

“Me? I’m an angel compared to her.”

“Right,” Jessica said. “I can see I’m going to have to make sure you don’t embarrass anyone.”

Mark laughed and pulled her in for another bear hug. “I have missed you! Let’s keep in touch better, huh?”

“I’m assuming you’ll live with us.” She stared up at him. “Right?”

He smiled. “I’d rather find something of my own, but, yes, for a while, I’d love to live with you, if Travis is okay with that.”

“He’ll be fine with it.”

“Are you sure?” Mark raised an eyebrow. “Is it my imagination, or does the guy hover over you like fog?”

“Mark,” Jessica admonished. “I know he’s really protective of me, but there are reasons for that. The most important thing is that he’d do anything for me. You’ll soon see that.” She laid her hands on her abdomen. “And now that I’m pregnant, he knows how important it is for me to have you close. I’ve been complaining about it for months.”

“I get the impression he’s not a big joker.”

“Maybe not like us. But I’m working on it.” Jessica frowned.

“And how’s it going?”


“Really?” he said, unbelieving.

“Mark. He’s been stuck in the middle of a horrific war.”

“I get it, Jess. But how does that affect you?”


This was their personal code for “none of your business.”

“Nunya, my ass. I’m your brother, so it’s very much my business.”

“I think we need to end this conversation, because I can see it turning into a fight.”

Mark crossed his arms. “I got the impression Jamie didn’t like him much.”

Her mouth gaped open. “What? Really? He does so.”

“He said things had been difficult at the beginning.”

“I guess they were, but they’re great friends now.”

“I don’t really care about that. I just want to know how he treats my baby sister.”

She sighed. “He’s amazing, Mark. He’s getting used to having a very modern wife, and I think he’s doing a good job.”

“Just good? Not great?”


“What, Jess? It’s my job to make sure you’re happy.”

“It’s not, actually.”

“Okay, but I still worry whether you are or not.”

“You’re allowed to, but rest assured I am. Ridiculously happy.”

“Are you sure? Because if he tries to make you conform to being some “little woman” whose only job is to stay at home, you let me know.”

“Who have you been talking to?”

“He does that?” Mark asked in disgust.

Jessica shook her head. “No! He doesn’t.”

“Tell me the truth.”


“What? Really?” he asked in exasperation.

Whenever Mark went overboard with anything, conversation, bossiness, or just general irritating brotherly “stuff,” Jessica used the word “reindeer.” He’d agreed that if she ever pulled the reindeer card, he’d take a deep breath and think before he spoke.

“Yes. Reindeer. I’m not going to have this conversation with you. You don’t know him. You don’t get to play the overprotective brother right now. We’re married. He’s not some boyfriend you get to weigh in on. You need to give him a chance.”

“I will. You know I will.”

Jessica raised an eyebrow. “You better. Things are different here. You’re going to have to get used to that, or you’ll be miserable.”

“I know. I’m sorry, Jess.” Mark sighed. “I don’t mean to argue. This whole traveling through time has made me a little tired and grouchy, I think.”

A knock at the door sounded and Jessica pulled it open.

“You should rest, sweetheart,” Travis said as she ushered him into the room.

“I was just going to tell Mark the same thing, minus the endearment.”

Mark chuckled. “That’s disappointing, honey.”

Jessica grinned. “Get some sleep. Feel free to unpack, but hide your ‘modern’ stuff.” She made her way to the armoire and opened a hidden panel in the bottom. “Put the gold in here,” she whispered. “We’ll go to the bank tomorrow and get you set up.”

“That’s fine, but do you think I could surprise Em and Hannah without the masses?”

Jessica nodded. “Probably. I’ll talk to Sophie.”

Mark nodded and gave her one more hug before she and Travis left the room.

* * *

Later that evening, after a surprisingly refreshing... and rare... nap, Mark made his way downstairs and back to the parlor Jessica had taken him to earlier. The large black woman who’d served them when he arrived was setting a tray of drink decanters on a side table. She smiled up at him.

“Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“You’s didn’t, Mister Battaglia. Cap’n Ford says you’s can meet him in his office. I’ll show you.”

“Thank you.” Mark slid his hands behind his back. “Bessie, right?”

“Yes suh.”

“It’s nice to officially meet you, Bessie.”

“Thank you, suh. This way,” she said, and led him to the back of the house.

Bessie knocked on yet another large mahogany door and pushed it open when bid. She nodded and then left Mark, and he stepped inside the office.

“Hey,” Jamie said as he rose from behind his desk.

“Hi. Nice digs. Your house is amazing... as is this room.”

Jamie chuckled. “Thanks. I come here to ‘work.’ Actually, most of the time I sit and stare out the window. Have a seat. Drink?”


“We’ve organized a little surprise for Emma and Hannah, and I thought you could freak the girls out in here. Quieter.”

Mark sat in one of the overstuffed leather chairs facing the desk and took in the space while Jamie poured him a drink. Bookshelves covered one wall and a fireplace sat nestled in the middle of the opposite wall. Two chairs and a small table faced the large picture windows that flanked the fireplace. The heavy drapes had been pulled back to let in the snowy scene outside. “Thank you so much for letting me stay, Jamie. I know we don’t know each other all that well.”

“Please. We may not have been in each other’s presence very often, but you’ve been a part of the family forever. Emma talked about you incessantly.”

Mark smiled. “Must have bored you to death.”

“Not really. But your dancing terms were a little over my head. I don’t know my box step from a chassé. She’d start talking and it was all Greek.” Jamie handed him the drink and leaned against his desk. “And if Hannah started in on ballet steps, forget it. I checked out.”

Mark chuckled. “Chassé is a ballet step.”

“My point entirely,” Jamie said.

“Hannah’s still the best partner I ever danced with.”

“You didn’t dance much with her, did you?”

“Not nearly enough. But she’s so tiny, I could throw her and catch her easily.”

“Emma not so much.”

Mark sipped his drink. “Surprisingly, she was easy, too. I’d just have to remember her height. She’s so darn tall, it became a physics exercise more than anything. But her flexibility made up for anything she might have going against her. The girl could have been a contortionist.”

“I know, right? I bet she’s going to be glad to have you here. Especially if you’re available to dance.”

“I’ll make myself available, or suffer the consequences I’d imagine.” He grinned. “Do you have earplugs?”

“No, why?”

“When Em sees me, she’s gonna do that high-pitched squeal thing.”

Jamie shuddered. “Nails on a chalkboard. Seriously. Gotta love her, though.”

Mark grinned. “Oh, I know. I didn’t think I’d miss her quite as much as I have. I didn’t have anyone to talk to after she disappeared. Hadn’t realized how much I depended on her, to be honest.”

“Yeah, she’s still a great listener.”

“What’s her husband like?” Mark sipped his whiskey.

“Clayton? He’s very southern.”

“Which is really weird, since she hates cowboys.”

Jamie laughed. “I know. Clay’s originally from Virginia, but he’s been working with Hannah’s husband in D.C. for years. We were all pretty surprised Emma fell for him, but you know her. He’s tall and blond and kind of looks like Orlando Bloom, and as soon as he said ‘no’ to her, she was a goner.”

“He says no to her?” Mark asked in mock surprise.

“Often. Shocker, I know. She can’t get around him like she could every other man she dated. Probably why she’s so attracted to him. I think he fell in love with her the moment he met her, but he kept her guessing for a little while there. But man, he was determined to marry her. And for the most part, she’s pretty ‘obedient.’”

“Yeah, how does that type of thing work nowadays?”

“The nineteenth-century man falling in love with an opinionated, mouthy twenty-first-century girl?”

“Ah, sure, okay. Wasn’t quite going to word it that way, but...”

Jamie grinned. “I think the only thing Clayton... and Chris for that matter... really have a difficult time with is the dancing part, at least the leotards and such. It’s why Emma and Hannah love to visit. They have the ballroom to themselves to work out in without prying eyes, and Chris and Clayton seem fine with them dancing “their” way as long as no one sees them.”

“That’s fair, I think.”

Voices sounded down the hall and Jamie pushed away from the desk. “Go stand by the fireplace, but keep your back to the door.”

Mark grinned and did as he was instructed.

“What’s the big surprise?” Emma asked. “I was ready for my bourbon and private time with Clay. Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize you had company.”

Mark turned and Emma’s mouth gaped open, as did Hannah’s. In true form, Emma let out a squeal of surprise and made a rush for Mark. “Shut up,” she squawked.

He caught her and lifted her slightly, laughing as she grabbed his face and planted kisses on his cheeks.

“Emma Madden,” a large blond man snapped. “What the hell are you doing?”

“What are you doing here?” Emma asked, ignoring the man that Mark assumed must be Clayton.

Before Mark could answer, Emma was dragged from his hug and a gun was in his face.

Mark raised his hands. “Man, that’s the second time today I’ve had a gun stuck in my face.”

Hannah was pulled behind an Amazon of a man, who had a hand on his hip as though to “back” Clayton up. He was a good foot taller than Hannah, with dark hair and deep green eyes.

“Knight,” she snapped and moved back around him.

“Clay!” Jamie said. “It’s okay. This is Mark. We know him.”

“Well, I sure as hell don’t,” Clayton said. “And I’ll thank you to keep your damn hands off my wife.”

Emma grasped Clayton’s arm holding the gun and pressed on it. “Baby, stop. This is Mark Battaglia. Remember? Jessica’s brother. The guy I told you about. The one I used to dance with.”

“The man you referred to as your BS?”

Emma giggled. “BFF. And yes. The same one.”

He scowled. “Were you in the habit of kissing all your male friends that way?”

“Clay.” She shook her head. “Put your pistol away and I’ll explain, okay?”

Clayton reluctantly put away his gun and Hannah rushed in for a hug. She wasn’t quite as affectionate with Mark as Emma had been, but she did kiss his cheek. “What are you doing here?”

“I’ll be happy to explain as long as there’s a promise I’ll make it out of here alive,” Mark quipped.

“Baby?” Emma kissed Clayton’s cheek and raised an eyebrow.

“I won’t kill him. For now,” he retorted.

Sophie, Jessica, and Travis arrived just as introductions were completed. Sophie closed the door behind them and Jamie and Travis moved some of the chairs so everyone could talk.

Emma sat in the chair between Mark and Clayton. She grasped Mark’s hand and stared at him. “I can’t believe you’re actually here.”

He squeezed her hand. “I know. Me too. No glasses, huh?”

She shook her head. “No, my eyesight’s perfect. Something about traveling through the portal, I guess. It took a little while, but they’ve come right.”

“How did you get here?” Hannah asked.

Before Mark could answer, a knock came at the door. Jamie pulled it open and grinned. “Well, hi. You’re early, but just in time for the party.”

“That was the plan, right?”

“Rayne?” Mark stood.

Rayne gasped and rushed for him, hugging him tightly. “Mark? What the hell?”

“Hey,” he said as he hugged her back. “How are you?”

She leaned back and cupped his face. “Is it really you?”

“In the flesh.”

She hugged him again. Mark glanced at the man standing by the door, his arms crossed and watching them intently, but luckily, not reaching for his gun. He recognized Sam from the photos Shaye had managed to take secretly.

“I’m Mark. Jessica’s brother.”

Sam smiled and reached out his hand. “Samuel Powell.”

Still holding Rayne, Mark shook his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Did you see Shaye?” Rayne asked, her eyes a little teary.

He nodded and glanced at Sam. “I have things for both of you.”

“How is she? How’s Crow?” Rayne asked.

“They’re both amazing. They have a little girl, Cheyenne Rayne and she’s running them ragged, I think, but, man, she’s cute.”

“Oh. She named her after me?” Rayne covered her mouth as Sam pulled her up against him. “I bet she’s gorgeous.”

Mark nodded. “I have photos. Do you want me to get them now?”

“Might be better if you wait,” Sam answered, and handed Rayne a handkerchief.

“Good idea.” Rayne pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve and dabbed at her tears. “I’d just cry all over them anyway.”

“I don’t remember you being particularly... ah... emotional.”

Rayne giggled. “I don’t remember myself being... ah... emotional,” she mimicked. “I must be in love or something.” She smiled up at Sam.

“Must be.” Mark grinned.

“Come and sit, Angel.” Sam led her to one of the chairs that Jamie had vacated and leaned down to kiss her cheek. He must have whispered something she liked, because she grinned and nodded, and he made his way to the liquor cabinet.

Sophie took a glass of wine Jamie offered. “We have a lot to discuss and plan over the next few weeks, however, I want to make sure you all manage to have a bit of a vacation as well, so I’ll work with the ladies to carve out time for the kids to be taken care of. Sound good? Sarah’s going to help and we’ve hired her sister for the month to assist Emma and Hannah. Provided everyone feels comfortable with that, then I think we can manage some fun. Rayne, did Amelia come with you?”

She nodded. “Yep. Mr. Powell almost did, too, but he bowed out at the last minute. Bessie showed Amelia to her room.”

Sophie grinned. “Perfect. Mark, we’re hosting a ball tomorrow that’s open to everyone in the area, but other than that one event, it will just be us. Although, I have been threatened by certain people... I won’t name names”—she narrowed her eyes at Emma and Hannah—“that if I don’t provide dancing every night, I’ll be in trouble. Lucky for the nameless, Christine and Rayne have graciously agreed to swap piano duties so everyone gets the chance to dance.”

“I can help with that as well,” Mark said.

Sophie clapped her hands. “Exactly what I was hoping you’d say.”

He bowed his head. “It’s my aim to please.”

“Tomorrow at least, we’ve hired a band, so no one misses out.” Sophie smiled. “Madame will be here early in the morning to check our gowns in case we need any last minute alterations. I have a feeling she maneuvered this lovely offering so she could be close for the festivities.”

“It will be nice to see her,” Emma said. “I need to speak with her about a few new gowns now that I’m no longer pregnant.”

“Perfect then.”

The rest of the evening was spent catching up and once dinner concluded and the Butlers and Maddens returned home, Mark took a minute to grab the letters for Sam and Rayne.




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