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The Duke's Desire (A Westbrook Regency Romance Book 1) by Elizabeth Elliot (20)



Chapter Twenty


The next day at precisely one in the afternoon Storm stood in the foyer of Eleanor’s home. He had spent half the night reliving their second kiss, and the other half wondering what he was supposed to do now. He had sent word to her, before she left his home, that he would come to collect her for the ride in the park. So, when her butler stated that she in the drawing room Storm did not let the man even finish his sentence. He was anxious to see her. To finally have the discussion they needed to have.

The door was mostly closed but Storm knew that he was expected and walked in as if he belonged there. Then, anger hit him in such a flash he almost lost his balance.

“Oh, is it one already? I do apologize. Mister Ashbourne, you know Lord Wakefield, of course.”

Jack Ashbourne actually tried to shake his hand. Storm thought a moment about breaking it. What in God’s name was she doing alone, behind closed doors, with a gentleman? Curtly Storm acknowledged Jack and raised a brow toward Eleanor. Before she could offer an explanation Jack too her hand to his lips and Storm felt as if someone had thrown a very precise punch at his heart.

“I believe this is where I depart. Thank you for speaking with me Miss Pinecrest. It was truly a pleasure.”

Eleanor blushed at the man and Storm tried to reign in his anger. Had he not made his intention clear to her the previous evening? As soon as Jack was out of the room Storm was about to let his anger out when Eleanor burst into tears, and in one swift movement, threw herself into his arms.

“Oh Storm.”

Squeezing her softly, Storm felt his anger lessen and concern took over.

“What is wrong?  Did he hurt you?”

“Not intentionally.”

The anger was back and as he released her he was already halfway toward the doorway ready to throttle Jack Ashbourne. Quickly sensing danger Eleanor threw herself in front of the door and locked it.

“No Storm, he was a perfect gentleman. Truly. He had come to tell me that he was the one that purchased our estate. He wanted to assure me that if there was anything left in the manor that had sentimental value to me, I was more than welcome to take it. It is just...” she sighed, collapsing back into his arms, “I really did not want to know who it was.  How can I face him now?”

Storm knew that anything he said would be wrong, so he simple pulled her closer toward him and let her tears flow. As they stood there, her crying in his arms, Storm knew that she did not deserve this. Not his Eleanor. His. The word hit him with so much force he almost collapsed beneath the weight of it. When had he started thinking of her as his? And yet, it was true. He may not love her, but there was little doubt now that she would be his. It was right there in the way she fit so perfectly in his arms. And in the softness of her eyes when she looked at him now. And it was there in the warmth of her smile when he was lucky enough to have it bestowed on him.

“Oh Storm, I am so sorry. It seems I am crying all the time around you these days.”

And then suddenly, Storm did know what to say.

“Yes, it seems that must be true. I have purchased an extraordinary number of handkerchiefs this month.”

And with that simple quip Eleanor Pinecrest burst into laughter and Storm knew that by the end of the season she would be his wife.


Eleanor had felt like a fool bursting into tear, yet again, in front of him. If he had truly entertained any thought of pursuing her how could he now. Who would ever consider courting such a watering pot? But then, when he teased her, it seemed like all her worries disappeared.  Laughing she took the handkerchief from his jacket pocket and started wiping her tears away.

“So, shall I assume our ride in the park is probably postponed, again?”

Eleanor wanted nothing more than to spend a wonderful afternoon with him. She had dreamed about it since the moment he stated he would call on her. And they really did need to talk about so many things. But, now that people suddenly took notice of her, she knew that she could not be seen in public in such a state.

“Well, your grace, I would say we could just take a stroll in my garden, but well, the garden right now is a potted plant. One that, sadly, no one has remembered to water.”

Storm laughed at that statement and for the first time since her father had died she could finally find humor in her situation. She knew it would not last, but for now, it was something. Then with a bit of desperation in his voice, Eleanor heard Storm whisper.


Eleanor was not ready to let him leave but there was little she could do. With Alex coming that afternoon to see Marcus she needed to collect herself.

“I would like that. I will even forbid any visitors until you arrive.”

He laughed at her and moved closer. Eleanor loved the nearness of him now. A soft scent of sandalwood seemed to always surround him. It was a comforting smell to her now. Storm was even closer now, and to her surprise, she felt his thumb gently glide over her lower lip.

“Promise me one thing Eleanor.”

Wide eyed she remained still not wanting to lose his touch.

“Promise me that if you receive another gentleman caller, you will leave the door open.”

Eleanor felt the surprise creep into her eyes which only grew when she met his. The storm clouds were back and for the briefest moment Eleanor rather thought his eyes seemed almost possessive of her. Then as if to assure her, he pressed his lips only an inch from her ear and whispered.

“Ashbourne is lucky he made it out of here alive.”

Eleanor felt the heat of him against her body and knew she was lost. No matter what her future held she could not image any gentleman could make her feel the way Storm did. And then he moved away from her and headed toward the door. Before she could think, before she could let reason invade her mind, before any ounce of sensibility could reach her, Eleanor found herself call out to him.


Storm stopped right as his hand reach for the doorknob. Eleanor knew that she should have let him go. There was a look in his eyes made her shiver with anticipation and frightened her at the same time. But the time to worry was over. And before she lost her nerve she glided across the room, brought her hands to his shoulders and pressed her lips to his.

Eleanor did not know what possessed her to be so daring. All she knew was that she had to kiss him at least one more time before he was lost to her forever.  She had not told him about Lord Derrington. Her sister would be engaged by tomorrow and Eleanor would start her quest to find a position as a governess. All she could think about was how this afternoon was supposed to be her once chance to know what it would feel like if her father had been better with their funds. The minute he walked out the door her chance would be gone.

Tomorrow would be too late. Tomorrow their world would go back to how it had been before he had kissed her. All tomorrow held was a place where she should be beneath his notice and he far above her station. She deserved something for all the sacrifices she made, and all she wanted was his kiss. One more kiss to cling too. One more kiss that would give her a lifetime of dreams.

The moment her lips touched his, Eleanor knew she was welcomed. Storm’s arms instantly slid around her, drawing her closer. Longing for this moment to last Eleanor drank in his desire and hungered for more. Kissing Storm was the most perfect feeling she would ever know. It thrilled her. No man would ever compare to him. Unashamed, Eleanor deepened the kiss. Storms fingers glided up her back, delving into her locks and drawing her even closer.

This would be their last kiss, she knew, and she was determined to be greedy and take as much from him as she dared. Boldly, Eleanor floated her hands along his chest and slipped them slowly beneath his coat. His shirt was burning beneath her fingertips and his muscles quivered at her touch. When she finally settled them against his back a soft moan escaped him. Eleanor was thrilled by the thought, that at least in this moment, Storm desired her. Encouraged, Eleanor gripped him closer and wantonly pressed her full body against his. And then his lips were gone.

“Good God Eleanor.”

She moved her head ever so slightly to meet his gaze, which was a mistake.  If she did not know better she could swear she saw lightning in them. Trapped, all she could do was pray that he was not going to leave her. Not yet. She was not ready to let him go.

“I am sorry. I just… I just… I just know that tomorrows may never come and I could not bear it if I never had a chance to kiss you again.”

He was staring at her. Eleanor wished she could read his thoughts. Clearly, he was trying to determine his next course of action. At least, she though with amusement, he had not released her. It was a slight glimmer of hope.


He should leave. The truth of that fact could not be denied. She was unmarried, they were in relative privacy and her brother could walk into the room at any moment. Storm knew now where his future would lay. He knew, really, the moment he thought of her as his. But when he offered his hand to her the last thing he wanted was for her to think it was out of duty or honor. If they were caught he feared that he would never convince her otherwise.

Then, one look into her eyes and he was completely undone. There was almost a desperate need in them. He knew that she was hiding something, but he could not argue against her plea. He knew, more than most, that tomorrows were never a guarantee. And with her body pressed against him Storm was certain he could deny her nothing. Brushing his mouth ever so briefly again hers he whispered against her lips.

“When are your brother and sister due back?”

He gave Eleanor a moment to respond but she seemed unable to think clearly. Trailing his lips along her jaw, Storm was pleased to hear her soft intake of breath. With a soft nibble on her earlobe Storm huskily demanded, “When Eleanor?”

He felt her body tremble at his touch and his possessiveness of her grew. No other man should ever know the delight of having Eleanor in his arms. No man deserved it.

“I… I am not sure. Felicity is with your sister. I believe she is planning to go with your family to the ball tonight. But Marcus… I do not know.”

Storm growled. He actually growled. All he wanted to do was carry her to the sofa and kiss her senseless for the next few hours. Then with a reluctant sigh, she whispered the truth.


And with that one word, his decision was made. He knew instantly that he needed to leave her. Reigning in his passion, which was a damn near impossible task, he closed his eyes and focused on breathing. Slowly he loosened his grip on her. The look in her eyes when he opened his almost killed him. They glistened with tears of disappointment.

“Eleanor, believe me when I say this please. Leaving you right now is the last thing I want to do, but if your brother finds us like this…”

A small tear slid down her cheek, but Eleanor nodded.

“Thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for me. You… you could not possible know how much it meant to me.”

Then, before he could question her, she fled the room. He was not sure why he felt like she had just said a farewell to him, but he would be damned if Eleanor thought this was the last time he would have her in his arms.  She would be his, one way or another. Of that he was now sure.