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The Duke's Desire (A Westbrook Regency Romance Book 1) by Elizabeth Elliot (4)



Chapter Four


Eleanor looked at the elegantly penned invitation with complete bewilderment.  Of course, she must accept it, but it was so sudden and unexpected she knew that it would take a miracle to manage.  As the footman was waiting for her response, Eleanor wrote a grateful acceptance note and tried to manage a sincere smile while handing it back.  As soon as he was gone, Eleanor rang for her family and waited for the chaos to begin.

“Oh Elly, a musicale! What a marvelous way to start the season.”

Weak smile still in place, Eleanor nodded.

“Indeed.  We will have to make sure you wear one of your new gowns.”

“Oh, and it is at Lady Garrington’s.  I have read so much about her in the society pages. I cannot believe you manage to secure an invitation to one of her affairs.”

It was Marcus who laughed at that.

“Without ever having met her.  I wonder, dear sister, if you have been keeping secrets from me.”

At that, Eleanor heard her sisters small gasp and knew she was in trouble.

“Oh, Elly, do you think it was that gentleman yesterday that managed to secure our invitation.”

Marcus met her gaze.

“What gentleman?”

Eleanor tried to save herself.

“Just someone we met while taking a stroll.”

Felicity giggled, and before Eleanor could stop her, she was telling the whole tale of their adventure in the park, including her horrifying meeting with one of London’s most attractive gentlemen. At the end, Felicity was smiling back at her.

“Oh, Eleanor, I bet it was him.  He probably did it to apologize for stepping on your bonnet.”

Eleanor did not dare look at her brother. Marcus would be furious that she had not told him about their meeting.  Although, it led to an invitation to the Garrington musicale, so she saw little that he had right to complain about.  Had they not met the duke, she was positive they would have gone the whole season without ever gaining such a fortunate introduction. 

“Yes, dear, I am sure that he played a great part in the invitation. You must have left quite an impression on him. Now, as the musicale is tonight, we best start preparing.  We still need to make some minor alterations to your gown and pick out which accessories will go best.”

Her sister nodded, already heading to her rooms, when Marcus spoke.

“Eleanor, how could you not tell me?”

With a sigh, she finally met her brother’s gaze.

“We never even managed proper introductions.  Please do not be mad.  After all, it did get us invited to Lady Garrington’s affair.  He was quite taken with Felicity.  I suppose we should believe it is a good sign that he wanted our presence at such a gathering.”

Her brother nodded, knowing that she had a point.  A very good point.  Truly, they could not have started the season any better.

“Very well, you are right.  I will try to learn about Lord Wakefield before we go this evening.  If he is interested in Felicity, we should know more about him.”

Feeling a tightening in her heart, Eleanor imagined those lovely grey eyes.  She did not want him to fall in love with her sister.  She could not explain it but somehow, she knew that if she had to be his sister-in-law her heart would explode with sadness.  To have him become a member of her family, and to not be the one those gray eyes stared longingly at, would be torture.  Even though she found him stubborn and arrogant, she could not lie to herself. Eleanor could not imagine a more handsome man existed in the world and it would be terrible to be so attracted to a man who her sister would be married to. And yet… Eleanor realized long ago that she would give anything for her sister’s happiness, even her own. So, taking a breath, she turned to Marcus and smiled.

“Indeed.  Please do.  It will help her chances with him.”

And that was the complete horror of it all.  She had to encourage it.  They need Felicity to make a good match, and Eleanor could not afford to get her own desires to distract of from that fact.  The duke must have gone through a lot of trouble to secure their invitation, which also meant, that he truly was, very interested in Felicity. And despite it all, he may be her sister’s only chance at escaping the fate that lay ahead if she did not marry this season. The fate that waited Eleanor.


Storm spotted them the moment they arrived.  It was clearly awkward for them to be standing in the foyer of a woman they had never met, but after the events of the day Storm was rather glad to see the eldest Pinecrest sister uncomfortable.  Making sure Bonnet had the rest of his sibling under control Storm moved forward to greet the newcomers.

“What a pleasure it is to see you both again.”

If he had not known better he would think the eldest of the women glared at him. Luckily, it was Miss Felicity that spoke for her family.

“Oh, thank you so much, your grace, for obtaining the invitation for us.”

He took her delicate hand to his lips and turned on his most charming smile.

“It was my pleasure. I am glad to see that you made it home devoid of harm and without catching a chill.”

The young woman blushed prettily and he turned his charming smile on the elder woman.

  “Your cheek has recovered from you adventures as well, Miss Pinecrest.”

Chuckling to himself he was glad to see a bit of fire in her eyes.

“Indeed, thank you for your kindness yesterday, your grace. May I introduce my brother?”

Introductions seemed endless and before he knew it he was being pulled aside by Bonnet who looked at him curiously.

“Come, Storm, Aria is going to be signing first.  We must hurry to our seats.”

Quite to his surprise, Storm found himself in between both the Misses Pinecrest and could not help but note, once again, how completely different they were.  Felicity was bright and bubbly, where her sister was drab and reserved.  The younger sister seemed full of life while the elder seemed worn out.  There was certainly something going on in the Pinecrest household that needed to be explored.  But the time to wonder over it came later, as the musicale began and his sister took to the stage.


Eleanor was quite sure she had never heard a voice as beautiful as Miss Aria Westbrook.  She sang like an angel.  As the performance went on, she was very aware of the man beside her.  He was so warm and calm.  At one point, she dared to look at the duke’s face and saw immense amounts of pride in them.  And that is when Eleanor’s heart really flipped.  He loved, no adored, his family. It was written all over his face.  Eleanor was bewitched by it.  She could not think of even one moment when her brother looked at her in such a way. Marcus lover her, she never questioned that, but sometimes she felt like he believed her to be more of a burden than a source of pride.

Lord Wakefield whispered something to her sister and Felicity let out a soft giggle.  Eleanor wished she could hear what was said but she managed to get lost in the music again.  Aria was singing a song about longing for something just out of your grasp and Eleanor felt tears coming to her eyes.  Lord, but she had not cried in years.  The music was just so touching.  And then, then she felt a soft whisper in her ear.

“Are you all right, Miss Pinecrest?”

The duke held out his handkerchief and Eleanor took it to dab her eyes.

“The song is so beautiful.”

Their eyes met for a moment, and she saw the curiosity in his.

“Do you understand Italian?”

Nodding, Eleanor looked back to his sister.

“Her pronunciation is flawless. I understand it much better than I can speak it. When my father passed, I had to stop my lessons.”

Then, before he could respond, the song was over and Eleanor joined in the roar of applause.  Almost to herself, she noted.

“Honestly, she really should have sung last.  No one will be able to match her.”

The duke beside her laughed.

“My godmother makes her sing first and last actually, that way people get here on time and stay for the whole affair.”

Looking to the program, Eleanor smiled.

“I do believe she is a very clever woman indeed.”

And then, the next performer came up and Eleanor tried very hard to pay attention.  It was not an easy task as the duke now seemed to be engrossed in conversation with her sister.  Bless her heart Felicity seemed to giggle at everything he said.  She was sure that the only reason they did not get scolded for talking was simply because no one wanted to lose the dukes favor.


Storm was enjoying himself.  When intermission sounded, he noted that quite a few gentlemen were already contriving a way to gain an introduction to both Miss Felicity and his sister Peaches.  Fortunately, Hunter’s glare kept most of them away.  That was until Bonnet noticed.

“Hunter Westbrook, you stop that right now!  No one is going to come over with you glaring at them.”

Storm smiled.

“I do believe that was the point, dear sister,” his brother responded.

Bonnet hooked her arm through Peaches and glared right back at her brother.

“Come along, we shall go fetch some drinks.”

Then before he could stop her, Bonnet took Peaches and Felicity in tow and dragged them right towards a gaggle of gentlemen fresh from the school room.  Besides him, Miss Pinecrest laughed.

“Perhaps I should go help her.  Felicity will be a handful.”

She was about to follow the women when Aria joined them.  Placing a soft kiss on both her brother’s cheeks the charming singer was introduced to Marcus and then turned her smile on Eleanor.

“You have an amazing voice,” Eleanor smiled warmly.

Blushing, Aria smiled.

“Thank you. I do not usually perform but the Dowager is hard to resist.”

Having been momentarily distracted, Hunter turned back to the conversation. Storm wondered, not for the first time since he returned last evening, what had changed about the man. His brother had never been a fan London, but he always returned every season to play his part in society. This season, with both Aria and Peaches on the marriage mart, Storm knew Hunter would stay but for the first time, he could tell the man was not entirely happy about it.

“I heard you say something about being hard to resist,” his brother stated. “Clearly you must have been talking about me.”

Miss Pinecrest laughed and Aria smiled.

“We were talking about Lady Garrington, however as far as my siblings, I think we all agree that Bonnet is the hardest to resist.”

Storm laughed as they all agreed with Aria, but when Hunter turned his smile on the eldest Pinecrest sister and offered her his arm, he found himself wondering why his brother seemed to suddenly find her irresistible.

“May I escort you to the punch, Miss Pinecrest?”

Then leaning in, Storm heard his brother whisper.

“It is terrible hot in here and I dare not go unescorted. Miss Nillward is currently there and you must protect me from her.”

Miss Pinecrest place her hand delicately on his brothers arm and whispered her own response.

“I cannot believe an outstanding man like you are afraid of someone named Miss Nillward.”

“Well, I may not be as afraid of Miss Nillward as I am her mother. The woman is determined to see me married to one of her daughters.”

Storm watched as the couple headed toward the refreshments and could not stop himself from eavesdropping.

“Would being married be so horrid?”

And then Storm heard his brother’s answer and knew that something truly was different about his brother.

“That depends entirely on who I am married to, my dear.”


Eleanor sipped her punch, happy to have a moment away from the duke. Hunter was truly charming and she found herself laughing and enjoying his company. Had she met him before the duke, she daresay she would have been far more attracted to him. But the truth was, as angry as the Duke made her, she could not help the flutter of her heart when he was near.

“Do tell me, Miss Pinecrest, how was the rest of your day after you were forced to enter our home this afternoon?”

The gentleman’s green eyes trapped hers and Eleanor was sure he knew every secret about her. He could not possibly, but his eyes were so intensely focused on her that she could not help but think it. She realized, quite suddenly that there was much more to him than she suspected most knew.

“Not very well, I am afraid. Although your brother seems to have taken a great interest in Felicity, I can assure you, he now only has animosity for me.”

Her companion laughed.

“My brother is mostly a very amiable man. I suspect, my dear sweet Miss Pinecrest, that you have managed to do the one thing that rarely anyone has managed.”

Curiously, she whispered.

“And what exactly did I do?”

Hunter emptied his glass and placed it on the table.

“You have challenged him, and, if here is one thing that my brother cannot stand, it is losing a challenge.”

Eleanor sighed. She really could not afford to irk the duke, but she would not accept a gift from a man who wished to court her sister. But Hunter spoke again and Eleanor felt a shiver run down her spine.

“I cannot wait to see what you have in store for him this season. I confess, I believe you are exactly the kind of challenge my brother needs right now.”

With a slight shake of her head, she whispered.

“I do not want to cause trouble between our family’s. If he is going to pursue my sister, I would hate to get in the way. You did warn me about his temper.”

The man smiled down at her.

“Oh, Miss Pinecrest, I hope you get in the way as much as you can.”

Then, before she could respond, Lady Garrington joined them.

“You Mister Westbrook, should go chase that Patrick fellow away from Aria. I do not trust him. I will keep Miss Pinecrest company.”

Having been firmly dismissed, Hunter bid a soft farewell to them both and headed toward his sister. When Lady Garrington was satisfied that he would do as instructed the older woman turned her attention back to Eleanor.

“Now, as for you, my godson Storm says you will not accept a bonnet from him.”

Lady Garrington seemed to tower over her even though Eleanor was a few inches taller than her.

“There is no need.  It was my fault that my bonnet was on the ground for him to step on, your grace.”

“But he did ruin it.  It matters not how that came to happen.  He should have watched where he was stepping. Now, he will call on you tomorrow, with the bonnet. I expect you to take it. It is not as if he can wear it.”

Eleanor wanted to argue, but it seemed like an inappropriate thing to do.

“I will not wear it.”

“You are a stubborn woman.”

“And I cannot believe that your godson sent you over here to order me about.”

And, to her surprise, the dowager laughed.

“Oh, Miss Pinecrest, you are charming.”

Whatever Eleanor had expected the Dowager to say, it was not that.

“You are right.  Storm should fight his own battles.”

And then, Lady Garrington, linked her arm through Eleanor’s and motioned toward the seating area. Having no ability nor inclination to escape the woman, Eleanor strolled back toward her seat as Lady Garrington continued to speak.

“Are you enjoying the entertainment?”

Smiling Eleanor nodded.

“Very much. This is the first event we have attended and it is a splendid way to start the season.  My sister was so excited to have received the invitation.  We are very grateful.”

Nodding, Lady Garrington motioned toward the group of Westbrooks that had now seemed to have reassemble. Eleanor was glad to see Felicity and Marcus were with them still.

“Your family will be great friends.  You will be surprised at how many invitations will be arriving.  I believe Peaches’ come out ball is next week. Perhaps your sister should make her debut there as well.  They seem to have formed a quick bond.”

“Oh, we could not possibly impose.”

Laughing, Lady Garrington smiled.

“It would actually be a help.  I know Peaches very well.  She does not want to make a match this season.  Your sister will help divide the suitors. I will speak to Bonnet about it after the rest of the show and, being unwed yourself, I will be happy to also watch over you and your sister at the upcoming balls. I do not believe you have had your own season yet.”

Eleanor tried not to grimace.

“My father passed just as I was about to make my debut. After the mourning, my brother and I felt it best to wait until Felicity was of age, before coming to London.”

The older woman studied her for a moment and Eleanor wondered what the woman must be thinking of her.

“I see. Well, Miss Pinecrest, I will help you both in any way I can. Intermission is nearly over.  I hope that you enjoy the rest of the evening. If I do not have the pleasure of speaking to you again I must beg you take it easy on Storm. He has had a hard go of things at times, and misplaced as they may be, his intentions are usually good.”

Then, as quickly as she appeared, the dowager was gone.


Storm had spent the intermission watching the elder Pinecrest woman. First with his brother, then with his Aunt, and finally as she sat alone for the last few moments waiting for the musicale to begin again. She confused him in so many ways. When she smiled, it seemed to always be sincere and when she laughed, you could see the mirth in her eyes. It was uncommon for a woman to display such emotions while at a social event.  Though, uncommon did seem to be a word that suited her. As he watched her talking with his brother at the punchbowl, he wondered what had caused her such amusement. Still, he resisted the urge to join them at the punch table. He even resisted approaching her when Aunt Garrington was scolding her about the bonnet as he asked. But when she was suddenly alone he felt a twinge of pity. And a twinge of envy. When was the last time he had a moment to sit by himself in a room full of people? Never, he suspected.

“Tell me, Miss Pinecrest, why is it that you have not been to London before?”

Pulled abruptly from her thoughts, she looked to him confused.

“I have been to London many time, your grace.”

He frowned, but then, with a sigh, the woman continued.

“My father used to take us here often, but he passed away right before I would have had my own season and Marcus and I felt it best to stay in the country for our mourning period.”

Taking a seat beside her, he found himself reaching for her hand to console her.

“I am sorry for your loss. We lost our parents as well.”

She returned the condolences and Storm realized at once that their conversation was turning out to be as dreary as her clothing. He had not come over to her to cause her heartache, and yet, there was actually something comforting in the silence that followed. Storm could not remember a time when he found comfort in silence. The rest of the crowds seemed to be filtering into their seats again and Storm knew that they would not have much more time to speak. Before their families joined them, though, he wanted to at least solicit one laugh from the woman, but he seemed to be unable to think of anything witty to say. Finally, as their families took their seat and the next performer took to the stage, he leaned toward her and whispered the only think he could think would make her smile.

“My father would have scolded me for quite some time about attacking a woman with chestnuts, if that is any consolation.”

He saw a smile spread to her lips and with a sly look she leaned in to whisper softly back.

“And mine would have scolded me about not tying me ribbons.”

Then, just as the performer started to sing, Storm found himself smiling as well. An honest smile. As he settled back into his seat, he wondered who the last person was outside of his family that could cause such a smile. It was most likely prior to his parents passing. Nearly five years. Miss Pinecrest was a very interesting woman indeed.





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