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The Duke's Desire (A Westbrook Regency Romance Book 1) by Elizabeth Elliot (25)



Chapter Twenty-Five


Eleanor woke to the gentle caress of Storms hand against her cheek. As her eyes fluttered open he leaned forward and gently placed a kiss on her lips. Brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear, he whispered.

“You are remarkably beautiful when you wake up.”

A smile came to her lips for one moment, before she gathered her senses.

“How is Chance?”

With a soft smile, he whispered.

“The doctor helped break his fever. He should be fine.”

Stretching, she reached out and kissed him again.

“That is good news.”

He sighed and looked toward the window.

“We have to get you home. The sun is not far off.”

Eleanor sat up with such force, she almost knocked him from the bed. Scurrying from under the covers, she tried to collect herself. She had forgotten that she was not in her own home. Storm shook his head.

“I did not intend to imply that you had to move so quickly.”

“Of course, I just forgot where I was. I… I am sorry I made myself so comfortable.”

She was quickly lacing up her boots when his hand came to her arm.

“Eleanor, this is your home now. I am glad you were able to rest.”

Smiling weakly at him, Eleanor rose and tried to flatten her skirts.

“How much time do we have left?”

With a sigh, Storm looked back toward the window.

“Thirty minutes.”

Eyes wide, she started rushing toward the door.

“We will have to hurry.”

Rushing to her side, Storm blocked her path to the door and held her gaze. A moment later he gently wrapped his hand around her neck and drew her into a kiss. Eleanor sunk into the warmth of him with a sigh. Lord help her when they were finally married and she would be able to kiss him whenever she wanted.

“Are you that anxious to be rid of my company?”

Smiling, she shook her head.

“Of course not. I just do not want to cause any scandal. People will start waking up soon.”

He gentle brushed his lips against hers once more and sigh.

“Very well.”

Storm lifted a cloak off the bed and wrapped it around her.

“Here keep the hood up. In case anyone spots us at least they will not know for sure who you are.”

Eleanor quickly slipped into the cloak and was instantly surrounded by Storms scent. She wished she could stay in it forever. How quickly her life had changed. For now, though, she really did need to get home before her brother noticed that she was gone.

Storm opened the door to the bedroom and looked down the hallway. He motioned for her to follow him and before long Eleanor found herself outside and being led toward her home. The thought startled her. Somehow it no longer felt like her home. Storm had been right. Good Lord, she should never have slept in his room. All she could think about was how dear he had become to her.


Storm guided them through what remained of the night as quickly as possible. She was right about causing a scandal. If that were caught together at this hour he was not sure that even he could convince anyone that their marriage was not due to his ruining her. When she had told him that she would not marry him Storm realized just how much he wanted her as his wife. She had already become so dear to him. Pushing the thoughts aside, Storm managed to focus on the task at hand. It was fortunate that the Pinecrest residence was not very far.

They reached their destination without incident and Storm walked her to the back of the house where the servants entrance awaited her. He knew she would be safe now, but something in him was not ready to let her go. She paused at the door and looked up at him with a smile.

“I will see you later at the ball?”

Storm nodded and lowered the hood of the cloak. Her hair was still down and he barely resisted the urge to delve his hands into it and get lost in her for the next few hours. With a sigh, he controlled his urges and merely lowered his lips to hers softly. She sighed into the caress and he was pleased to know that Eleanor enjoyed his kiss as much as he enjoyed hers.  A moment later, he found himself pressing her against the wall, his arms sliding around her waist. Releasing her lips, he whispered against them.

“This, Eleanor, is how we should be spending every morning.”

Her hands came to his cheek and she shook her head.

“Thank you for not letting me talk you out of marrying me.”

Chuckling, he pressed his lips against hers once more.

“There is no escaping me now, Miss Pinecrest. Besides, I am fairly sure you did not really want to break our engagement.”

She smiled up at him and pressed her lips to his.

“I have, perhaps, grown used to having you in my life.”

With a laugh, he brought his lips to her ear.

“I will make sure that everyone knows a life with you is something I want and not something that was forced upon us.”

Their eyes met then and Storm found himself wondering how she had come to mean so much to him in such a short period of time. She would be the perfect wife for him. Every day he spent with her it grew more apparent. Bonnet had been right. She was always right, he though a bit annoyed. His sister had known Eleanor was the right choice for him the moment she had met her, and yet it had taken him so long to see it himself. He had wasted so much time. The thought of his sister had him frowning. The sun was starting to rise.

“You should try to get some rest. Bonnet is sure to be here first thing to continuing her wedding planning.”

Eleanor looked toward the sky but made no motion to leave his embrace. With a soft voice she whispered.

“She is rather good at planning things. Are you sure there is nothing special you want for the wedding?”

Storm kissed her softly and trailed his lips along her jaw and to her ear.

“All I want is for you to show up to it Eleanor.”

She laughed at that and with reluctance, he slowly released her and motioned toward the door.

“Do not forget to save me my waltzes, Miss Pincrest.”

With a bit of cheekiness in her voice, she paused and turned back to him.

“Well, Lord Wakefield, I will do my best to squeeze you into my very busy dance schedule.”

Then, her eyes met his for one more meaning for glance and she disappeared into the manor. Reluctantly, Storm stared at the spot where she had just stood for a moment longer before he hurried back toward his home.