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The Escape by Alice Ward (116)



I had an almost impeccable public reputation, which I’d spent a lot of money to maintain, so I couldn’t let my darker side out of the box just yet. Not before I knew what this intriguing, beautiful, original woman was made of. She didn’t seem the sort to blab for the sake of flapping her jaws, but like she’d said, she was in it for the money. I’d learned from being a part of a prestigious family never to leave anything to chance when it came to reputation.

“How old were you when you lost your father?”

Her question shocked me. Had she not read all the tabloids? Mason and I were practically the poster boys of rampant gossip for the publications.

“Nine,” I said almost before I realized I was forming an answer. She was just so easy to talk to. I’d have to watch that. “My father, Uncle Harv’s older brother, Ronald, died of cancer at the age of forty-five. My mother, Gloria, raised me alone. I became the man of the family at an early age and thus grew up way before my time.”

“So, you didn’t have money growing up.”

It was something we had in common, I realized, and I liked her even more for her strength in following her dream. I knew it couldn’t have been easy. Sitting here with me not knowing whether I would ravage her couldn’t be easy either.

I smiled and shook my head. “Mason is the only one here with a golden spoon in his mouth. Uncle Harvey wasn’t raised wealthy. In fact, my grandparents were what could be considered poor. Mason’s mom, Uncle’s sister, married a man from an extremely wealthy family who thought she was beneath their son’s station, but since Marianne was so pretty, they made an exception for her.”

Ava nodded her agreement with a rueful look. “Beauty can buy a person a lot.”

She looked like maybe that lesson had been learned the hard way, and probably in school. Future fashion queens could probably be pretty cutthroat.

“The trade-off was, they owned her life. She couldn’t say or do anything that violated their strict upper-class etiquette. Any problems Mason had led to finger-wagging and blame pointed at her and her low-born family. The tragedy in her case was that to retain the lifestyle for her son, she watched her husband cheat with other women. To cope, she focused her love and attention on Mason. Then she didn’t really have anything left over for herself when he finally divorced her. And Mason ran wild with her trying to compensate for his father’s lack of attention. His only steadying influence was my mother.”

“So you were raised very differently. Still, you must be very close.”

I barely stopped myself from laughing. Time for a change of subject.

I knew what I wanted to ask, but didn’t know why I was practically shaking from the inside out. Was I really this nervous? I felt electrified, as if I’d already gotten into this game and wanted to push her until she’d reached her edge.

“Under what circumstances, if any, would you agree to engage in a sexual activity that was beyond your comfort zone?” My voice portrayed my careful consideration of the question, but I’d been so overly anxious I’d forgotten to lead her in.

Ava’s eyes widened, and she dropped her pencil.


She recovered quickly, picking up the pencil and threading it back in forth in the fingers of both hands. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times before she said, “I don’t think I’d enjoy engaging in any activity that was out of my comfort zone.”

I could’ve sworn my heart detached from my chest cavity and plummeted into my stomach. “Oh.”

She looked directly at me then. “However, if my partner was a person I cared for deeply, I might consider making sexual concessions for him if he really needed… what was beyond my comfort zone. That said, I’d prefer that the act not be debasing or demeaning to me, because if you can hurt someone you love… well, it isn’t love, is it? I guess, if it was a way of sharing love with my partner I might consider doing something I otherwise wouldn’t have tried.”

My muscles relaxed. When they did, I realized how important it was to me that she approve of what we would be doing. Like it, even. The thought of her crying out for more had me rock-hard in an instant.

I smiled as if I didn’t have a stellar boner jutting up under the table. “Thank you for your candor, Ava. Again, I find it delightful.”

And there was no way I was going to stop now, this had just gotten fun.

“May I use one of your pages? Torn out, please. My uncle gave me a bit of a challenge earlier, one I could work on while you concentrate on your designs.”

My dick tingled just thinking of all the toys and contraptions I’d order for us to use during the challenges I’d design. Three tasks were all I needed to win this, three that I knew there was no way Mason could accomplish. I was excited to try them out on Ava and watch her stretch her boundaries. Without seeing them, I knew Mason’d design mundane tasks that would have my cock wilting. Champagne and strawberries, picnics in the great outdoors, dancing the electric slide… whatever the man planned, it was bound to be boring.

I commandeered one of Ava’s pencils and jotted down the first challenge that came to mind. I wasn’t one to play games. I didn’t have the head for a “social game” strategy. I was just me. With a bit of an unconventional bedroom appetite.

But Ava seemed so innocent.

Holy fuck. Had Uncle Harv matched me with a partner who knew nothing of the lifestyle? My underarms were suddenly damp, and I was pretty sure my dress shirt would be a sweaty mess when I took off my jacket. How could Uncle do that to me? From what I’d observed, she was a total and complete innocent.

Maybe she hadn’t even had sex.

That would be the absolute worst situation for me. To be hooked up with a woman who abhorred my desires. I tried to play it cool and not let my disquiet show as I worked on the second challenge, but dammit, how was I going to play this game with a woman who could and probably would bolt the minute she was restrained, or god forbid, flogged?

If that happened, I was a goner… there was no way I was going to win this thing with Ava.

I could see my uncle’s work in this. In the end, you’ll figure out why I’ve chosen the women I have for you. Thanks, old man, I can see it clearly. He got me a vanilla girl… to tame me? Or could I turn the table, tie her to it and spice her up? It would be a challenge. I loved challenges. The third and final challenge appeared on the paper almost of its own accord.

I had to know more, and there was only one way to find out. My mind was a turbulent firestorm, yet I kept it all neatly bundled under a let’s-play-nice face.

“Ava, are you a virgin?”

Her face immediately turned beet-red. “No! I mean, I don’t have a lot of experience, but it’s been a while and I…”

I couldn’t keep the grin off my face. As long as she wasn’t a virgin, it occurred to me that with her artistic flair she might be willing to learn all sorts of things.

In a graceful move, I stood and faked a yawn. “I’m ready to get into something a little more comfortable. Why don’t you join me?”

Ava immediately gave her attention to the sketch pad. “I need to finish these tonight, get them turned in.”

“Sure. But why not finish them in the comfort of the bed.” She swallowed, the sound audible in the quiet kitchen. “You can gaze up at the stars through the skylight while you create. Do you have a skylight in your apartment?” That was cruel but necessary for my cock’s well-being.

“No.” She slowly laid down her pencil.

“There are no cameras in the bedroom.”

She glanced up at the electronic eye that stared down at us from its mount in the corner and seemed to make a decision. When she stood and began gathering her supplies, I topped off her wine glass quickly before she could object.

In the bedroom with the lights low, I thought of how the king-sized bed positioned right under the skylight so we would be looking up at the stars wasn’t just a nice touch, it was a blessing.

Brittle with nerves, Ava’s amazing smile still lit up her face as she stopped at the foot of the bed and gazed up at the twinkling stars. “The way this room looks out on the sky, both from above and the windows, it reminds me of a tree house.”

“Me Tarzan, you Jane,” I said as I went to pick her up with the idea of tossing her onto the bed to loosen the mood.

I skidded to a halt when her blue eyes reflected fear. Dammit. The female aspect was supposed to be the fun Uncle had thrown into the competition. I wondered if Mason was fairing any better in that regard.

“Lucas, I’m sorry, but Harv has expressly forbidden any contact today,” she said with a fun-killing face. “I would hate to lose the contest the first night.”

She was right, and I’d just about blown it. “Arggh,” I groaned and flopped on to the bed. The sky was nothing but stars. “Wow, it’s really beautiful.” I was sort of shocked. I never took the time to look up at the sky and the New York City lights drowned them out, made you forget they were even there for a while.

I liked Ava. She was unique, innocent, introspective, creative. This might be a lot of fun… breaking her in. My cock certainly thought so, as it started inflating the moment I got close to her. I casually slid to the side of the bed and laid my arm over the assaulting member and thought about anything horrible that would come to mind.

Dead puppies, slugs, traffic school. That did it.

When I stood, I noticed the large deck, which I remembered wrapped from the bedroom to the living room. I went to the door, thinking a bit of frigid air would do me good. Maybe I could freeze my libido into submission so I could even contemplate sleeping next to her with no touching.

“Are you sure there are no cameras in here?”

I nodded, torn between listening to her voice and doing the equivalent of jumping in a cold shower. “None. You didn’t sign a consent for recording of sexual acts, did you?”

She shook her head with a quick snap.

“Neither did I, and don’t worry, there wouldn’t be. Otherwise, there’s too much of an ethical and legal risk. The ones we do have will be dismounted when the game has ended.”

She stood there clutching her sketch pad, seeming pale and unsure.

I had to admit, I felt the slightest bit daunted, so I understood Ava’s change in temperament. I was feeling it too, but for the opposite reasons.

I waved toward the bed, offering it to her. “I think you should start on those and get them done, so you and I can spend some time getting to know each other. I’ll look over the movies ol’ Harv has on offer. I figure, we have to do something, and that’s the only thing I can think of that’ll keep my mind off of your amazing body.”

At my mention of her body, her eyes flickered and caught mine, and then swept all the way down to my Salvatore Ferragamos. My chest swelled. At least she found me attractive, which was a start.

I could go slow, and it might be fun to teach her everything from scratch. I’d never been with a woman who hadn’t known at least the basics of my lifestyle.

I wanted her to know that soon, maybe not tonight, but soon, I’d own every single inch of that gorgeous frame. As I let my thoughts become apparent in my intense gaze, her nipples peaked under her t-shirt. So she was responsive. That was so fucking sexy.

“Great idea,” she said, blowing off her attraction to me and getting comfortable on the bed I’d vacated.

It was going to be so easy to get her where I wanted her.

I went over to the TV, which waited with a note from good ol’ Uncle Harvey.

I read it out loud to Ava. “Welcome Lucas and Ava to your new home for the next four weeks. The television has been programmed for your enjoyment. Enjoy.”

I fired up the TV and cringed when an Elvira-looking chick popped up on the screen and announced that she would be teaching us the basics of BDSM. The graphics made it look like she slapped the screen with a tasseled whip, making my cock leap. Shit.

I turned to look at Ava, whose eyes were bigger than I’d seen them yet. If I wasn’t careful, I was going to lose her before the fun even got started. I clicked off the TV and redirected her attention. Focusing on the sketches that showed her raw talent, I said, “Your sketches look impressive. Can I take a closer look?”

She hesitated, as if she were hovering over a decision. “Actually… would you mind helping me with this one?”

She pointed her pencil toward a sketch that was basically a faceless woman with bare arms and legs and no firmly outlined torso.

“I have a list of outfits, but… I’m not sure what I need for the last one.” She handed me the list.

I read each item, and when I came to the last, I had to give my uncle a mental high-five for such incredible forethought.

A BDSM outfit.

Like this chalet, which I knew took years to construct to his exact specifications, Uncle had planned well with this game. I might not be able to touch her now, but waiting would be worth it.

I couldn’t wait for the real game to begin.