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The Mask by Alice Ward (53)



The wind picked up as I headed to the restaurant. I hurried to get inside and found Charles and Grace. Pulling my cell out, I laid it in my lap and turned on the recording app. I’d make it up to Sloane for fucking up the other recording.

“My apologies for taking so long. Sloane’s stomach was upset. She went back to the bungalow to rest. Have you two already ordered?”

“No, we were waiting for you guys.” Charles gestured to the waiter, and he came our way. “I’ll have the lobster. She’s having the Mahi.”

The waiter turned to me. “The shrimp sounds good. Thanks.”

He turned away, leaving us alone. The room was dimly lit, only candles were used to light the small restaurant. “I haven’t been in this one. It’s very romantic.”

“Yeah, it is.” Charles wrapped his arm around Grace, nuzzling her neck. “Too bad your girl is sick.”

“Yeah.” I rubbed my chin as I tried to think of questions that would have him repeating what he said at the bar. “When did you say your friends were coming?”

His eyes narrowed as he looked at me, and I knew I’d fucked up. Suspicion clouded his usually relaxed face. “Next week.”

Still, I pressed. “You don’t know what days, exactly?”

He shook his head. “No. Is there a problem?”

I sat back, trying to act nonchalant. “Not at all. I’m just a planner by nature and was thinking of what we can do with Grace while you’re busy. No big deal. We can wing it.”

Charles looked appeased but he hadn’t fully relaxed. Grace smiled and shifted in her seat. “Do you think we could do a bit of shopping?”

“That’s a great idea. In fact, I want to buy Sloane some clothes. You have amazing taste, so maybe you could help her pick some out.”

She clapped her hands and looked excited. “Yes. I love shopping. It’s my number one hobby. And I heard there are some great shops on the other islands too. We could go island hopping and take in all Maldives has to offer. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

“It does. We’ll make that our plan then. Shopping, it is.” I sat back, happy the conversation had taken a turn for the better but also a little worried about how we’d get any evidence on Charles if we were gone all day. I pushed that thought away. We had time to figure it all out. It was Friday, there were a few days before the new week would begin.

Our food arrived. Charles rubbed his palms together as he looked at the steaming lobster on his plate. “This looks great.”

I took the opportunity to ask another question as Charles cracked open the lobster claw and pulled out the white meat inside. “I’ve already forgotten the name of your family restaurant. Sloane seems keen on visiting and I don’t want to forget.”

He looked up from his meal, his eyes narrowed once more. “Rubio’s.”

I stabbed one of the shrimp on my plate and put it in my mouth. “Mmm.”

Grace nodded. “My fish is fantastic.”

“Everything’s good, huh?” Charles continued to eye me.

“Perfect.” I felt a certain amount of ominous weight with his eyes on me. There was a definite shift in the vibe Charles was giving off.

Unspoken threats seemed to radiate off him.

Had I asked too many questions? Seemed too eager? I was way out of my wheelhouse after all.

Trying to lighten the mood and take his mind elsewhere, I changed the subject. “Have you all been to Texas? I’ll be visiting there next month. Heard they have amazing barbeque.”

“I can’t stand barbeque.” Charles looked grim. “Sorry. My stomach is beginning to hurt too.” He got up and pushed his chair in. “Excuse me.”

My balls tightened. “Hope it passes soon.” But I doubted he heard me because he was already walking away. Grace shrugged and tucked back into her dinner. “Thank God, my tummy feels fine. You feeling okay, Zane?”

“I’m good. Maybe it’s a little bug going around. I don’t think it’s the food.” I popped another shrimp into my mouth. The truth was, mine was beginning to bother me too. I knew it was nerves though. Just like Sloane’s nerves had gotten to her. Was that Charles’ problem too?

A nervous mafia man seemed like a dangerous thing, much the same way they said to stay away from a dog who appeared to be afraid. They tended to bite without thinking.

Would Charles bite without thinking too?

“You know what, I better go see if he’s okay. I’ll be right back, Grace.”

She gave me a nod as I got up and left the table, tapping the pause button on the app. I went in the direction Charles had gone. Finding the bathroom, I opened the door. He wasn’t in the men’s room.

Where was he?

Looking around, I could see in the kitchen and a screen door led outside. Could he have gone outside? Only one way to find out.

The busy cooks didn’t seem to notice me as I walked through the kitchen and out the back door. Staying close to the wall, I moved slowly, listening intently.

“Hey, I might have a problem here.” It was Charles.

I froze.

“No, no, nothing like that. It’s this couple. They’re asking a lot of questions. The guy seems jittery.”


“Of course, I haven’t told them anything.”

But he had told us something. He’d told us both something that could pose a problem for him if he found out we weren’t who we told him we were.

“The chick is almost too smooth. You know the type.”

I frowned, listening harder.

“She exhibits signs of being a government agent. I just want to be careful is all.”

A government agent?

Could Sloane be more than just helping out her friend? Was anything she said true?

“Her name is Sloane Anderson. See if you can find out who she really is. And don’t fall for the photojournalist thing. It’s probably a cover.”

I was stupefied the man knew so much about her. When had she told him all that? Or had I just not been paying attention?

“No, you know I don’t carry a gun. I hate those things.”

My knees went weak with the mention of a gun. This was getting real.

“If you find out she’s an agent, you’ll have to send someone to shut her up. Permanently. That’s outside my pay scale.”

My heart was pounding so hard, I began to worry he might hear it. He was asking for someone to come and kill the woman I was falling in love with.


Yes, I was falling. Hard. In love with a government agent. A professional liar.

I shook my head. Was anything she said or did with me the truth?

“The guy? No, he’s an heir to some candy fortune. He’s probably nothing. If I’m right about her being an agent, I’m sure she’s using him. He’s one of those playboy guys. I’m sure she scooped him up upon arrival so she could get an in with me.”

He saw right through everything, and I saw through nothing.

I was a fool. Blind.

My damn heart squeezed as I went through the past few days in my mind. Maybe I’d find out she didn’t care about me. Hell, she might not even like me.

But what about our heat? Our chemistry?

As an agent, could she be trained to make men feel more for her? I bet there was a training program just for that. Fuck Men Over 101.

God, I felt stupid.

“I just sent you a picture of her and the guy, his name’s Zane Boyd. I wouldn’t fuck around and kill him, even on accident. His family has lots of money to look for his killer. We don’t need that kind of heat on us.”

There it was. I was safe only because my family was rich. But Sloane was their target. And nothing I could say to Charles would stop that. No amount of physical threats to him would work to stop what he’d started.

And it was all my fault.

No matter how much Sloane had lied to me, she didn’t deserve to die. My foolishness could cost her dearly. I couldn’t allow that to happen.

I wouldn’t allow it to happen.

Barely breathing, I listened to Charles finish the call and walk away. I needed to get to Sloane and get her to the airport. I’d put her ass on a private jet and get her as far away from the island as possible.

Would I go with her?

I shook my head to clear it. Our relationship, fake or not, wasn’t a thing I should even be thinking about. Sloane’s safety was all that mattered. I had to get her to safety.

If what Charles Smith said was true, I wasn’t sure which agency she worked for. CIA? FBI? Did it even matter? All that mattered was her making it out of this situation alive.

I eased back into the kitchen and saw one of the men looking at me. “You can’t be in here.”

“I’m not staying.” I hurried out, feeling lightheaded.

Grace was still eating when I sat down again. As much as I wanted to get to Sloane, I knew I didn’t need to fuck things up any worse than they were. I thought it would be best if I was sitting there if Charles came back. I didn’t need to raise his suspicions further. “How’s he doing?”

“I don’t know. I couldn’t find him. Maybe he went outside.” I couldn’t bring myself to eat another bite. “You know, maybe there is a bug going around. I don’t feel like eating either.”

“I hope that bug doesn’t get me.” She took the last bite just as Charles came back to the table.

I sat there, smiling directly into the eyes of the man who’d just ordered a hit on the woman I cared for. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. All I wanted to do was reach across that table and choke him to death. But even that wouldn’t stop them from coming for her.

The truth was, I didn’t know what would stop them from coming for her. But I’d do everything in my power to stop it from happening. It was all my fault after all.

“You feeling better?”

“Lots.” He began to dig into the lobster again. “My appetite is back with a vengeance.”

“Good for you.” I clenched my jaw as my hands fisted in my lap. I pressed them to my stomach instead.

“Zane said his stomach is hurting now.” Grace wiped her mouth with the white linen napkin then laid it over her plate. “I hope I don’t get whatever is bothering you guys.”

She didn’t have to worry about getting a thing. She was safe. And so was I. The only two in jeopardy were the people we were with. I’d make damn sure Charles got what was coming to him. And I’d move Heaven and Earth to make sure Sloane never got hurt.

“Yeah, you’re not lookin’ so good.”

My stomach somersaulted, and I lurched to my feet. “I should go. See you guys later.”

“Bye, Zane,” came Grace’s cheery voice. “Hope you feel better.”

“Tell Sloane we hope she gets to feeling better. I hate that she’s sick.” The bastard actually sounded concerned.

I couldn’t even look back at him, fearing I’d dive for him and kill the man with my bare hands. “I’ll let her know. Night.”

I walked out into the dark night. The winds had picked up even more, and I could hear the waves breaking on the shore. Lightning flashed in the distance, accentuating my mood. There was a storm growing inside me. A storm of emotions that would spin into a tornado the likes of which no one had ever seen.

My woman was in danger, and it was all because of me.