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The Mask by Alice Ward (23)



He’d both shocked me and touched me deeply the way he made it known he knew who I was. And it surprised me to realize how much his reaction to my concerns made me want him to stop tiptoeing around me. His generosity and kindness had filled a hole in me that had been chewing deeper into my heart for a while now.

It was like I had been set free. And the attraction that I felt for him suddenly tripled. I wanted him to yank me out of my chair, press me up against the wall, and grind that cock he couldn’t hide with a napkin against me until I forgot about the accident or Jewel or—

“Once you’re finished, I’ll see if I can root up some boots for you.” He was still talking about going out to the lake, but between the sexual tension and the shock of him figuring out who I was, I couldn’t process it all.

“How did you know?” When he didn’t seem to understand the question, I clarified, “How did you recognize me, I mean?”

“It was the moonlight. I’d felt like I knew you since the moment you fell into my arms. Then last night, when the moon lit you up in the car, it was like a spotlight and… there you were.”

He had such an eloquent way of speaking that I thought I could sit here and just listen to him talk all day. “I’m happy that you know, Roman. I was afraid to tell you. I guess I was worried you’d be like the others and make assumptions.”

Or that he’d want me to take off my mask. Dread filled my veins each time I thought of the day when I’d have to take it off, yet at the same time, I was ready. Almost.


For some reason, I believed him, and I thought he really could understand since his family was so high-end and in the public eye. But I couldn’t stay here forever, hiding in his home. I knew the day was coming when I’d have to salvage what there was left of me and face the world.

We finished our lunch, and since it was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, a day riding around exploring his property sounded delightful.

Though I couldn’t ride, Roman and I stopped so I could meet his horses. One beautiful roan who was so speckled she looked like she should have been a cartoon character, laid her chin over my shoulder and sighed, winning my heart immediately.

“I wish I could ride her.” Stroking the horse’s neck, I leaned into her as she pressed her weight against me.

Roman looked at my leg speculatively, as if he was already making plans. “That’s Sissaleigh. She was my grandmother’s and has the disposition to match. Both sweet, both determined to get what they want.”

I laughed. “And what does Sissaleigh want?”

“Right now, she wants treats. We’ll bring you some when we come back, you.” He spoke directly to the horse like she was human, and she nodded her head and snorted like she agreed and couldn’t believe he hadn’t brought them the first time. “My grandmother died last year.”

“Oh, Roman, I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah, I miss her, and so does the horse. Feel free to come down here and bring her apples whenever you want.”

When he was finally able to drag me away from the horse, we got out his side-by-side and zipped over the fields. We rode around the lake shore, and he showed me the waterfall in the creek that fed water into the dammed lake.

His property was magnificent. His was the only house you could see for miles, and very secluded from everything. I couldn’t believe he liked living alone, way out here with just a housekeeper, in such seclusion. It seemed a bit too remote for such a vibrant man.

“Why do you live out here all alone?” I finally got the nerve to ask when we were seated near the lake under a vine-covered pergola in Adirondack chairs. When he’d said by the lake, I’d never envisioned something from a movie set. “It’s gorgeous, but don’t you get lonely this far away from everything and everyone?”

“Not really.” He stretched out in the chair and looked up at the blue sky. “It’s about a twenty-minute drive from my office, so I can be back in the thick of things pretty quick, and with all my international business, I spend a lot of time on the phone, which I can do here. Then there’s the travel.”

“I wasn’t talking about work.”

“Oh.” His eyebrows went up and he shrugged. “It’s hard to hide all this.” He spread his arms wide. “It’s obvious who I am, what I have before I even start dating a woman. Most want what I have and that’s all.”

“They want you for your money, you mean.” He shrugged again, and I sighed. “Sometimes, Roman, you can’t stop stupidity.”

He grinned, a full-on smile that made my toes curl. “Behind the ridge over there is a huge housing community filled with McMansions and a golf course. Every year they ask me to sell them a chunk of my land so they can expand the community, and every year I say no without an ounce of hesitation. If I wanted to be a part of the Nuovo rich scene, all I’d have to do is hike to the top of the hill, shimmy over the fence and I’d have my pick of buddies.” He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

“God, you’re bringing back memories. I remember I couldn’t go anywhere by myself without security. The last time I did that, I stopped at Macy’s to pick up a new bottle of Chloé Love Story, and when one person recognized me it was like an avalanche. Mall security had to come get me and hide me in the stock room until it cleared out and I could leave.”

“We have crazy lives. We should write a book.” His head flew up off the back of the chair. “I didn’t really mean that. No books.” Then he sighed and flopped back down so hard his head made a clunking sound. “Ouch.”

Laughter built in my abdomen, and when it came out, it reminded me of when I was a kid and I’d open up a soda after not having had one for so long, and how crisp and clean and tickly it was as I took the first sip.

Roman turned at my laugh, and the raw desire on his face made my body feel heavy, my throat dry.

“Did you bring any water?” I asked, feeling a little faint.

He popped up from his chair, holding a hand out for me. “I didn’t bring any, but there’s a lake house near here. It’s stocked. We can ride there for refreshments.”

“That sounds wonderful. And another nice surprise.” I took his hand, and tried to hold in the gasp when his skin against mine made an electric arrow shoot straight to my core.

“The bungalow just beyond the bluff is always fully ready for a stay and is meant for couples. My sister had it built so she and her husband could get away from her children occasionally, but they hardly ever get to use it.”

I struggled to get up out of the chair, and in one move, he scooped me up and carried me bridal style to the side-by-side, then drove us to the bungalow.

My heart melted in my chest. He was such a hero underneath the strict businessman, and it felt so nice to be taken care of for once. It made me want to abandon my tough girl attitude for a little while and just enjoy this. But I couldn’t let it last.

“Does your leg always hurt?” he asked, looking concerned.

“I’m fine. I’m just a little sore from my escape through the woods last night.” And all the stairs at the country-mile-wide mansion, and the fact that my pain medication I rarely used was back at Jewel. But I couldn’t bring myself to tell him all this and sound ungrateful. “The bones were shattered, there are a lot of pins and wires holding it together. I need a few more operations, but it works well enough. Having the brace helps.”

He carried me through the bungalow doors, and as with everything else, the place was gorgeous. There was a large L-shaped couch that blended with the cabin decor, a full-sized sleek kitchen and long banquet table in a screened porch off the living room. But my attention was drawn to a set of gauzy drapes, behind which was a king-sized bed surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows. You could lay in the bed and have a full view of the woods.

He put me down on my feet, and I ran my hand over the silky partition, gazing out at the green.

“It’s one-way glass. You can see out, but no one can see in. Have a seat, I’ll grab a couple waters.”

I did as he said and sat down on the couch so my eyes would stop going to the bed.

“Do you ever come out here and sleep?” I asked, thinking it would be nice to fall asleep looking out at the trees.

“I designed it just for that, but honestly, I’ve never done it.”

“I think this is where I’d live if given a choice.” I got up off the couch to walk around the place, too antsy to sit still.

He went to the kitchen again where he popped open a beer. “You want one?” he asked, raising his bottle.

“No, just water is fine for now.” I wanted a beer but needed a clear mind for what I was about to ask from him.

He followed me out on the deck, and we sat in the cushioned chairs and watched the lake for a while. I tried to gather my thoughts, but my attraction to him was distracting. He was physically perfect and such an interesting man. It’d been so long since I’d loved anyone, I wasn’t even sure how to do it, but the Roman of my dreams kept coming back to me.

Don’t ever forget this, the dream Roman had said. And I didn’t want to. In fact, I wanted to see if we would be anything like the us in my dream.

But I needed something else first.

“Tell me what you saw that night from the VIP lounge.”

His head whipped in my direction. “Adara—”

“Please.” I turned to him, pleading with him with my eyes. I had to know, needed to know if I was ever going to be able to put it behind me and move on. “You said you would do whatever I needed. I need this, the memory of it.”

Roman paused and gazed out at the lake, so I did too. When he started talking, it was like I was back there on that stage, the wind whipping into the lights above, the crowd chanting our names.

To the sound of Roman’s voice, it all came tumbling back, as if his words had opened a dam.

The way the wind changed in a heartbeat from gusty to tempest.

The sound of metal screeching overhead.

I felt the warmth of Nate’s strong body hit me as he wrapped his arms around me, and we tumbled to the stage floor together.

“I love you,” I had shouted through the roar, and I thought he said it back to me. When I looked up, the lighting truss was coming down on us in a twist of metal.



Everything being cut off by merciful blackness.

“When I opened my eyes again, all I knew was pain and horror. I could hardly breathe from the pressure of Nate on top of me, and the mangled piece of metal on top of him. When we were finally freed, I was rushed into surgery for my face and leg.”

Roman was silent now, holding my hand as the dam he’d opened streamed down my face.

“Afterwards, the police told me he lived for twenty minutes, laying on top of me. Protecting me.”

Roman kissed my hand. “That’s what you do when you love someone. You protect them any way you can. Sometimes with your life.” His eyes were so raw that I had to look back out at the lake.

We sat there for a long time while I thought about that night and everything that had come after.

Was I ready to let Nate go? Let Roman in? How would I know?

“After we met at the club…” I wasn’t sure what I was starting, but even though I was shaking a little on the inside, I wanted to see it through. “I dreamed of you.” I took a sip of water to calm my nerves as I waited for his reaction.

He laughed, the sound muffled and uncomfortable sounding.

“Well…” I backtracked, “I mean it was—”

He squeezed my hand tighter. “I’m laughing because I dreamed of you too.”

I linked my fingers through his. “Seriously?”

“Yes. Well, it was a little more than a dream…” He licked his bottom lip then bit down on it as his eyes traced over my body.

I met his stare when his eyes returned to mine and swallowed hard. “I guess if we’re being honest, mine was a little more than a dream too. You told me I was beautiful and made me promise to let you love me.”

“Did I? How smart I am.” His eyes dropped to my lips.

“I’m not what you think I am. You haven’t…” I bit back my words. I couldn’t bring myself to highlight the fact that he hadn’t seen my face yet. I knew all the illusion would rain down on me once he did.

“I think I know enough about you not to care too much about what’s under your mask. I’m assuming that’s what you’re worried about?”

I nodded, more tears coming to the surface.

“I’ve been wanting to do this since the moment I first saw you.” He leaned in and scooped me out of the chair, depositing me on his lap.

Slowly threading his fingers through my hair, he pulled my face down to his, his gaze grabbing mine with the spark of desire in his eyes. A delirious breath escaped me as his sensuous lips pressed against mine, softly, gently.

I opened for him, and heat radiated through my body as his tongue played with mine. He tasted of mint and beer, and all I could think was that I wanted more.

Pulling back, he gripped my face in his hands, giving me the intent stare that sent shivers down my spine. “I want you, Adara. Let me love you.”

Emotion choked me, and all I could get out was, “Yes.”

He surged to his feet with me in his arms and carried me inside, laying me on top of the bed as he slid in beside me.

“Are you sure you’re okay to…” His chest heaved in an effort to tame his need and remain in control, his erection pressing against my hip.

“Yes. Please. I want this. Want you.”

He positioned his body closer to me as his fingers ran through my hair and his mouth returned to mine. This time, he laid his leg across me, so there was no denying the rock-hard cock throbbing against my thigh.

His hand massaged my scalp, sending tingling sensations all over my body as his mouth and tongue explored my neck before making its way back to my mouth. Our tongues danced, swirling, growing familiar with the other. I moaned at the loss of his lips when he nibbled down my jaw and neck, licking at my collarbone. I squirmed beneath him, wetness blooming between my legs.

My hands flew to his hair and laced into the silky strands as he lifted my gauzy shirt up and unclasped my bra, freeing my breasts to his mouth. All the pent-up energy and sexual tension we’d held at bay ignited.

His wonderful mouth found my pert nipples standing erect, and he tugged on one with his teeth, his tongue flicking first one then the other. I held onto his shoulders and arched up, wanting him to take more, then shifted closer to him and ground myself onto his erection, pressing as close as our bodies would allow.

He stroked his tongue over one nipple and moved to the next, sucked and nibbled and my entire body tightened. “Oh my god,” I gasped, my fingers fisting in his hair. I was forced to release him when he lifted my shirt over my head and shimmied my bra off my shoulders.

“I want your shirt off too.” Wanted to see all the muscles that teased me as I pressed up against them.

His eyes blazed smoking holes in me. He growled and straddled me as he unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off his incredible chest. My hands smoothed over the hard ridges and valleys that knitted his abdomen, then up the tattoo across his shoulder. He didn’t have an ounce of fat on his body. His skin was silky, and he smelled of the outdoors with a hint of musky male.

I sat up to take his nipple in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the tiny tuft of hair that encircled the deep brown bud. He growled, the low rumble of the sound vibrating against my lips, urging me on. I didn’t need the encouragement as I took the other nipple between my teeth, then moaned as he leaned down to kiss my ear, running his tongue around the edge. I sighed as he gripped my hair harder, pulling my head back until he could take my mouth again.

I clutched at him when he abruptly broke away and propped himself up on his knees as he looked down on me, his eyes darkened with lust. He was so strong and powerful, it was a bit unnerving to see him devour me with his gaze, but then he was caressing my thighs, stroking closer to my heated center and nothing else mattered. I wanted to touch him, could see the bulge where his cock begged to be freed from the thick denim.

“Is this okay?” he asked as fingered the button on my jeans.

“Please, yes.” I bit my lip as my heart cartwheeled in my chest and I laid back onto the bed.

His voice rumbled out a long, low purr while he unbuckled my brace, then began to slide my jeans and panties together over my hips. Panic picked at me. I wasn’t on the pill, and worse, without the jeans, the long line of scars that coursed down my twisted leg would be revealed.

As if he could sense what I was thinking, his hands paused, and he met my eyes. “You’re beautiful exactly the way you are.”

Tears burned, and I nodded, giving him permission to expose me. If he was going to reject me, it was better for him to do it early in our relationship before my heart got any more involved.

But the desire in his eyes never wavered as my thighs, knees, shins were laid bared. He sucked in a sharp intake of breath, but his attention was on the apex of my legs, the scrap of dark hair that peeked at him. His hands continued their gentle massage, moving over my inner thighs, teasing me as if the twisted and puckered skin didn’t exist.

My voice trembled with both fear and desire. “I’m not on the pill.”

He looked up at me, and his face lit up with humor. “I make sure anyone who stays here is stocked. The last thing my sister needs is more kids.” Then he dipped his mouth down into my navel, and I gasped and arched as he swirled his tongue in small circles around it.

“Yes.” I exhaled sharply, unable to believe how close I was to orgasming with only his touch. He was driving me crazy with his wandering hands and mouth. And it had been so long since I’d allowed anyone to do more than shake my hand.

He stopped momentarily and looked at me, his face open and sincere. “Adara, I’ve wanted to make love to you from the moment I first met you. I want you to feel loved.” He leaned down and kissed me again. “Today is all about you.”