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The Mask by Alice Ward (34)



Cerulean water surrounded the little overwater bungalow, my new home for however long it had to be. Charles Smith, the rabbit I was sent to watch, was staying in the home away from home to the right of mine. A good-looking playboy was on my left.

And wow.

My neighbor was freaking gorgeous. At least three inches over six feet tall, it had taken all of my willpower to not stare at his muscular build. I’d felt his eyes on me before I even turned and noticed him there. Tall, dark, and handsome was the perfect description for him. And those tattoos! That man would be trouble if I allowed trouble in my life. Which I did not.

I had a thing for tall men who took really good care of themselves. Dark hair was also a thing I found attractive in the opposite sex. The playboy next door possessed everything I physically required in a sexual partner. A thing I had no time for, especially right now.

Too bad. I could instantly tell that he’d be a fun roll in the proverbial hay.

Forcing my mind from the man next door, I booted my laptop and logged in. Equipped with a global satellite internet system, it allowed me to stay in touch with my supervisor. Agent Matthews was my only point of contact for the mission. Checking in with him, I typed in my time of arrival. Thirteen hundred hours.

I frowned, thinking of the guy next door. Wasn’t it a bit early to be drinking it up with a bevy of beautiful women, but who was I to judge?

The rabbit, our name for the subject being watched, didn’t seem to be home. I typed an X by the time. That let Matthews know that there had yet to be any sightings of the elusive moneyman for the notorious New York City mafia.

Time to get into vacation garb and out of the stiff clothing I wore for work purposes. Going undercover would be fun for once. No stinky old car that no one would think twice about. No musty smelling apartment that would serve as a temporary shelter while I sat by some smudged window with binoculars for hours at a time.

Coco Bodu Hithi Resort would be the place I could call home for as long as Charles Smith did. The longer the better, in my opinion.

I was happy to stay away from Washington, D.C. for as long as possible. Stay away from the memories of breakups and broken dishes and my douche of an ex. The bastard.

Why was I attracted to muscle? And why did most men who possessed them lack a brain or personality? Paul had the arms of a gorilla. Too bad he had the personality of one too.

Was it really too much to ask for a gorgeous guy to be able to make conversation like a normal human being?

I thought not.

Of course, that attribute was only important for someone I wanted to spend more than a night with. Most men didn’t fit that bill. The playboy next door probably wouldn’t either.

But could one night hurt? Two at the most?

My fingers itched to run over the lean muscles of his back as he pumped in and out of me, his thick cock making me…

Stop it!

Summer in paradise had to be respected, and I couldn’t screw this assignment up by screwing around. Three other women and one overly feminine man had vied for this coveted position. Agent Matthews went to bat for me, and I had to prove that my mentor’s trust in me was well placed. They needed to know I could be counted on. That I wasn’t easily distracted.

I wondered what color Playboy’s eyes were?


But it seemed that my mind was currently being ruled by my vagina, because I couldn’t get him out of my head. He was a gorgeous specimen of man, and when that black bikini top flew through the air and hit him in the side of the face it cemented the other type of man I usually fell for — bad boys. Yeah. My neighbor ticked all my carnal boxes.

My cell rang, and I practically leapt at it, ready for anything to keep my mind where it needed to be. “Agent Anderson.”

Matthews’s gruff voice was immediately familiar. “No sight of the rabbit, I see.”

“That’s right. I’m about to change and make my way to the local bars and eateries the island has to offer. Listen in on what people do for entertainment around here. I should find our rabbit in no time. This place is small.” I kicked off my shoes, heading to the bedroom where my bags were taken.

“Listen to me, Anderson. Do not approach the rabbit. Although he is no physical threat to you, he can call others in who are. He can do that without you becoming aware until it’s too late. Got me?”

“Yes, sir.”

Matthews could be overprotective at times. I looked at him as one might look at an older uncle. He let me have my wings but watched over me like a hawk while I flew. I could count on him and respected his advice.

“Good. Keep it above board at all times. No mishaps. When these guys are involved, we can’t have anything go wrong. Over.”

“Over.” I put the cell down on the nightstand.

Opening my bag, I took out a few things to keep handy. My binoculars, notebook, mechanical pencil. Padding over to the living area of the bungalow, I placed them on the table and went back to the bedroom.

As I unbuttoned the top three buttons of my shirt, a knock sounded on my door. I tensed immediately, my radar alert.

Who could be stopping by?

Picking up the gun still packed away from the flight, I held it to my side as I crept to the side of the door, listening for anything out of place. “Yes, may I help you?”

The voice was deep, smooth, yet cheery. “Hi, welcome wagon here.”

The door had no peephole, but a window made it easy to see who had decided to come calling. Dammit.

The wet dream from next door stood on the other side, bottle of bubbly in hand. A strong hand that looked as if he could wrap it around my waist and lift me up while he…

Stop it!

I cleared my throat and my head. “Your name?”


I tucked the gun in the small of my back, tugging out the shirt to conceal it. “I need a little more than that to open my door.”

“Zane Boyd. I’m in the bungalow next door. I wanted to say hi. You know, welcome you to the island?”

I pressed my forehead to the wall. Seriously? Why couldn’t I have one of those chubby, balding older neighbors who wore speedos to cover their minuscule dick? Instead of broad chest, muscular arms, toned stomach with just enough hair to trail down to…

Damn I was screwed.

You wish.

Mustering my professionalism, I opened the door, and forced a tight smile on my face. “Hello.”

“Hi.” Dear Jesus Lord, even his teeth were perfect. “I brought you a little welcome gift.” He presented the bottle of champagne as if I were royalty.

He’d changed. A pair of sensible khaki shorts, a pale green button-down with the sleeves rolled up a quarter. Biceps suitably hugged, top three buttons undone to allow glimpses of magnificent pecs.

“Thanks, but I have some. I believe it’s complimentary with the room.” My smile didn’t change. It was a practiced fuck off smile, but he didn’t appear to be affected by my chilly reception.

One hand moved up and pulled away the dark glasses, revealing gorgeous sea green eyes. “One can never have too much.”

Those eyes were like beacons that were calling me in. Come to me, Sloane. It’s safe here.

But I wasn’t safe with him, and I had a job to do. The man would be a distraction, but only if I allowed that.

Squaring my shoulders, I remained centered in the door, blocking his passage.

He looked past me. “Can I come in?”

“I don’t know you.”

A brow arched. “Are you alone?

Could he be with the rabbit? Could the muscle-bound man be the rabbits’s bodyguard come to check me out? Charles Smith was a small man in stature. He may have been traveling with a guard. It wasn’t outside the realm of possibilities.

I studied him more closely. “I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name.”

“Zane Boyd.”

I leaned onto the doorjam. “From?”

“Scranton, Pennsylvania.” He shifted his weight, all two-twenty or so of it. All muscle, no fat that I could see. He was a beast. “And you?”

I ignored his question. “Here on vacation?”

He nodded. It made his hair fall across his left eye and he flipped it back with a gesture that appeared to be a normal as breathing. “And you?” He frowned, the question apparently taking him off guard. Maybe he wasn’t as dumb as I’d hoped he was.

“Of course. Who isn’t here on vacation?” I ran my eyes up and down him, finding no bulges that might hide a concealed weapon, but I’d need to see his back to be sure. I pointedly looked over his shoulder, and hoped he’d turn to see what I was looking at.

In the few seconds I had, I looked for any bulges there too. I relaxed a little, having confirmed that there was no gun in sight. He was probably clean. Most likely a man on the prowl. A man I should stay away from. A man who could handle me like a rag doll, lift me up high. Maybe toss me over his shoulder and do God only knew what to me.

I broke into a sweat and waved a hand in front of my face to give myself a much needed breeze.



“I’m not used to such warm temperatures.” I lowered my hand, giving myself a mental shake. I needed to get rid of him and get to work.

I had a job to do. A man to find and keep under my watchful eye. This guy was a dangerous distraction.

The last thing I needed was a man. Especially a tall, tanned, and hot as hell man. I had to remember why I was in Maldives in the first place. Work, not play. I was to pretend to be on vacation, but I was not on vacation.

He put the bottle behind his back, rocking on his bare heels. “Are you married?”

“No. You?”


I was talking like we were in some singles bar. I had to turn this around and fast. But how?

“No, I’m not married.” He smiled, and I went weak in the knees, holding the doorframe to keep that a secret. “I’m not dating anyone seriously either. Single to the bone. You?”

Me? Well, I was fired if I couldn’t pull myself out from under the spell the sexy son of a bitch was trying to cast on me.

Time to regroup. Time to FBI up.

I kept my gaze steady, not answering his question. “Excuse me for being rude, but I really must—”

“Would you like to join me for a drink?”

Yes, I would.

“No, thank you.” I used my Agent Anderson voice. Stern, hard, no-nonsense.

There, that was dealt with. There would be no fraternizing with the sexy neighbor.