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The Second Chance Groom: Texas Titan Romances by Hart, Taylor (13)

Chapter 14

When Anthony pulled up to Cassidy’s place, he had to smile seeing her father sitting on the porch, but not holding the shotgun. He figured it might be a good sign. Not that he would put it past the old man to shoot him if he hurt his daughter, he’d be disappointed if he didn’t. Getting out of the truck, he walked to the porch.

Her father let out a low whistle. “Party at the Kincaid place tonight. Someone’s lookin’ fancy.”

Sporting a suit coat hadn’t been his style, but his father had insisted. Anthony did a mock fashion pose, making her father laugh. Anthony wondered if he should have invited Mr. Stone, though he knew her father cared nothing for fancy parties.

“She’s coming. You can hear everyone drive up. Take a seat and talk to an old man for a second.”

Anthony put a hand on the man’s shoulder. “Cass told me next week you get a scan to check the tumors?”

Her father wore a tired smile. “Yep. But I want to talk about this party you’re going to, to celebrate the Wildcat win.”

“It’ll be a lot of big egos bolstering each other up.”

“Sounds about right. One of them being your father of course.” Her father nodded.

Anthony laughed. “Of course.”

Her father grinned. “The team looked good last Sunday. What do you think’s going to happen this week with Boston?”

Anthony fell into easy football talk. “Shoot, we’re gonna win.”

Her father let out a light laugh. “I wish I could be there.”

The screen door opened. When Cassidy walked out of the house, Anthony felt like he had felt the first time he’d seen her in a pretty dress, when she’d come to a party after living next door a couple of months. Tonight she wore a turquoise dress that matched her eyes perfectly. It was slightly off the shoulder, tight at the waist, and flared out to her knees. Her hair was piled on her head with wisps of it hanging down. Her Cleopatra eyes caught the light just the right way, and her three-inch silver heels that matched the dangling silver jewelry made her taller. She looked like a million bucks—no, Anthony had a million bucks, and it didn’t compare to Cassidy.

Her father let out a low whistle and pulled her into a hug. “You’re beautiful, sweetheart.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” she said.

“He’s right. You’re breathtaking, Cassidy.” Anthony pasted on what he knew would be a rubbery smile. He was smitten, so smitten. Time stood still, and with effort he reached out towards her. “I better hold your hand. I wouldn’t want you slipping on the way to the truck.”

A slow smile filled her face and she took his hand. “Night, Daddy. Call me if you need me.”

They walked to the truck, and he tucked her hand into the corner of his arm as he escorted her.

“You clean up nice too,” she said as he opened the door for her.

It made him feel good to hear the words. Obviously, they weren’t lavish, but he would take them. “It’s going to be a good night.”

* * *

Half an hour later, they walked into his father’s house and were greeted by his father, Kade, and Felicity. Anthony went to his sister-in-law and kissed her cheek. “You look great,” he said, before turning to introduce Cassidy.

Felicity gave her a hard look, then shook her hand. “So you’re the lost love that’s writing crap about my brother-in-law here.”

Cassidy’s eyes narrowed and she pulled back, matching Felicity’s expression. “I just write the truth, Mrs. Kincaid.”

Felicity nodded, a slow smile filling her face, but Anthony could tell the women were squaring off. “I hope the exclusive is good.” She turned and walked away.

Kade gave Anthony a shrug and then leaned in to both of them and said, “Sorry, you know how pregnant women are.” He took off after her.

His father stood there, eyeing her up and down, and Anthony wanted to remind his father to be nice because he never knew what the old man might do. “Cassidy Stone, back in Dallas.”

She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Mr. Kincaid.”

His father moved to her, giving her a perfunctory kiss on the cheek. “Good to have you, darling. Heard your father is doing better.” He winked at her. “Tell Harrison the next party I want him comin’ and kickin’ up his heels.”

Anthony didn’t understand. Hadn’t her father said they chatted every week? Wouldn’t he have seen Cassidy?

At this Cass seemed to relax and let out a light laugh. “Yeah, you know Daddy, always kickin’ those heels up.”

Another guest arrived, and his father winked at her. “I want a dance with you later, young lady, and we can do the interview.”

Anthony ushered her away from his father, hating the fact he felt like he was in the danger zone. It was stupid. He was twenty-six years old and he was nervous around his father. Ridiculous.

They worked their way across the room and he waved at Brady Giles, Rennen Bradley, and Teo Parata, who were all huddled in a group and discussing something.

Anthony relaxed. Everything between him and Cassidy felt so not about the exclusive. The strain on his heart was getting to him. Last night he’d woken thinking of the feeling of her against him on the dance floor and kissing him. The only way to shake it was a five-mile run way too early in the morning.

“Hey, Cassidy.” Scar popped up at her side.

Anthony tensed. Which was stupid. Scar was just an intense personality. Not to mention he’d just gotten Bachelor of the Year in Dallas, so the regular trash-talking had gone up a notch.

“Hey, Scar.” She warmed to him. “How are you?”

“Good.” He winked at her and turned to Anthony. “Could we chat with your dad about the vet project at some point?”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll come get you in a bit.” Anthony veered away from Scar. He wanted Cassidy to himself.

“See ya, Scar.” Cassidy gave him a wave.

Anthony locked eyes with Scar and saw him giving Cassidy the once-over. He gave him a brief shake of his head, in guy speak saying, “She’s off limits.”

Cassidy turned to face him, nearly running into his chest. It was the first time that evening their eyes met. She was three inches taller with her heels, so she was in kissing range at the moment. “Anthony.”

“Yeah.” He put on a seductive smile. “You look like you might kiss me.”

Their breath mingled, and he couldn’t tell if she wanted him to or not.

A bit scattered, he took her by the hand and led her to the patio. “Pfft, whatever. I just think you can’t get me out of your mind, Ms. Stone.”

She let out a soft laugh, but he could tell she was a bit tense. “I don’t … I’m not great at these parties.”

He stopped next to a guy with a tray of water and took two, handing one to Cassidy. “You look beautiful, Poe.”

She took the water with a chuckle. “Too bad the sister-in-law I need an interview with seems to hate me.”

Anthony scanned the crowd and saw Kade and Felicity next to the bar at the kitchen, staring back at him. “Naw, she’s just … Felicity and I have a close relationship, so she’s protective of me.” He smiled at Felicity.

Now Cassidy looked intrigued. She put her hand out. “Phone, please.”

“You want my phone?” He pulled it out and gave it to her.

She went to the timer. “Ten minutes. Please explain your relationship with Felicity.”

He had to laugh, and dang if it didn’t feel good to have the woman’s full attention. He decided not to be careful. “As you know, a bunch of stuff happened over the years between Kade and I after you left.” He sighed. “You kissed him. I got a high ankle sprain and he took my spot as first-string quarterback. I hated him for lots of reasons.” He sighed. It sounded stupid and petty.

“First World problems.” She cocked an eyebrow.

He laughed. “Yes, I know.”

“But they are still problems.” She nodded. “Continue.”

“Well—and please don’t put this in your exclusive—it wasn’t until my accident last year that Kade and I got close again.” He thought about the accident and sitting in that hospital room with his brother. “He had started dating Felicity and she encouraged him to come when I got hurt. He stayed with me.”

“I’ve seen that coverage,” she said in true reporter fashion.

“Yes, but you didn’t see the part where my dad freaked out on me in the hospital and Kade had to forcibly remove him from the room.”


He smiled. “Yeah.”

“Okay, but explain more on Felicity.”

“Right. She was instrumental in us becoming closer again. I had the accident, then Felicity had a heart transplant.”

She did a double take. “What?”

“Another thing not for the media. She needed a new heart and my father found her one, saved her life.”

“That’s incredible.”

“It was,” he agreed.

“Second chances,” she said quietly.


“Nothing. I’m just thinking second chances for the Kincaids are kind of a theme.” She pushed him in the shoulder. “And you’ll get yours, on the field.”

He shook his head. “I told you, I want this year for Kade on the field.”

“That doesn’t mean you can’t, like, play a game and be awesome to prove you’re back.”

He thought about that. “Nah, I’m good.”

“Second chance, Boss.”

With a wink, he said, “If you believe in second chances in relationships, then I’ll believe in them on the field, too.”

The moment intensified, and there was so much in her eyes he wanted to know.

All he wanted to do was kiss her, but he resisted. He let her go and cleared his throat. “So, because I’d been injured and Felicity had heart surgery, we both had a lot of time on our hands. So we played the piano together.”


“I really feel like she’s a sister to me. It’s … it’s cool.”

“So she was personally offended at what I wrote,” Cassidy said.

He grinned. “Yeah.”

She nodded. “Three, two, one.” The timer sounded.

Anthony took it back and turned it off. Movement caught his eye, and he turned. His father was at a microphone on the makeshift stage with the band on it in the center of the room. “I want to welcome the Titans! The first big win! James, come up here!”

James Knight went up as everyone cheered, and accepted the microphone. “Okay, have fun tonight, guys. But not too much fun. We’re taking down the Minutemen this weekend!” The team hollered enthusiastically, and James Knight looked around. “Kade, get up here and rally the troops!”

“Zeus! Zeus! Zeus!” the team started yelling, Anthony included.

Kade got up and didn’t disappoint, pep-talking them. He capped it off by shouting, “Titans!” The rest of them rallied right on cue.

His father took the microphone back. “What are you waiting for? It’s a party. Get dancing!” He pointed to the band and they erupted into a country song.

Several people rushed to the dance floor. Anthony grinned, loving the energy of being part of the team.

Cassidy watched Kade and James Knight and his father. “They are quite the act, aren’t they?”


Her eyes turned back on him, and it was like her walls came down. “I think you’re pretty amazing, Anthony Kincaid. All you’ve gone through to make it back. It’s cool, you get legend status too.”

This hadn’t been what he’d expected. “I don’t think so.”

“You even grew up surrounded by egomaniacs and you’re still a good person.”

Annoyance rippled through him at the truth he wouldn’t tell her, that he’d messed up enough. “Don’t give me too much credit.”

“Yes, I was thinking about when you helped Bucky, and my dad punished you by making you muck out the stalls for two months.” She smiled at him.

He shook his head, not liking that it was that big of deal. “I liked Bucky and your dad was angry.”

“I know, and you made it right.” She tilted her head to the side. “And you took a punishment that wasn’t yours, it … I don’t know. I guess I felt like you were a man at that moment.”

“Really?” With Cassidy staring kind of dreamily into his eyes, he figured this was the only place he wanted to be for the rest of his life.


Wishing he could change so many things in the past, he had to force himself not to reach out and brush his lips to hers. It felt like quicksand with this woman.

His father hovered at his side. “Cassidy, could I have that dance?”

Cassidy swallowed and turned to him. All the intensity that had been there evaporated for the moment. Biting back a grumble, he watched her saunter off with his father to the dance floor.

Felicity appeared at his side, taking his hand. “Dance with a sister-in-law. I won’t be able to stay long; my feet already are swelling and Kade is worried.”

Anthony met eyes with his brother, who was hovering. Kade always hovered in regards to his wife’s health. “Sure.” His brother looked annoyed, a far cry from the legend that had just been on the stage.

They fell into a two-step and he tried not to look at Cassidy and his father. “You should be home if your feet are swelling. You have to take extra care of yourself.”

Felicity smiled at him. “You love her, don’t you?”

It was easy to see why his brother had fallen in love with Felicity. She was not just a pretty face. She had a depth of compassion that was just as fierce as he’d ever seen. But he knew her. Her background. Her parents’ life. What she’d been through. He understood her better.

So he told her the truth. She knew him as well as his brother, probably knew about his deepest secrets. “I don’t think I ever stopped loving her.”

Reaching out, she touched the center of his chest. “Be careful with your heart.”

He nodded.

They danced another minute. Then he started moving to his brother.

“I am fine,” she protested.

He handed her off to Zeus, patting him on the shoulder. “Get your people to bed even if you have to carry them.”

Kade grinned.

Felicity rolled her eyes and growled at Anthony. “Why did you give him that idea?”

Kade whipped her off her feet, carrying her like Zeus would carry his woman around.

Felicity scowled at him, but didn’t fight it. “Tell Cassidy to call me and I’ll give her the interview,” she told Anthony.

Kade trudged through the crowd of teammates, who whooped and hollered at them.

Anthony let out a laugh and the other teammates all clapped. Everyone watched them leave, most of them knowing what Kade had gone through with Felicity and how this child was a miracle.

The song ended and another slow one began. It didn’t look like his father was done chatting with Cassidy, but she didn’t look like she was having a bad time, so that was good. He watched them dancing for a few seconds, then decided he couldn’t stay away from her any longer.

“May I?” He tapped his father’s shoulder.

“No.” His father turned away from them.

She laughed, but Anthony didn’t relent, gently taking her hand and nudging his father out of the way. “Go,” he said, casting him a mock challenging look.

His father shook his head, but relented. “Ruin all my fun. Have a good time.”

Cassidy laughed again. “I guess I’m done dancing with your father.”

“Did you still need to?”

“Nope. He filled in some of the gaps I had from the google doc.” She frowned. “But something doesn’t seem to fit. It outlines all the major happenings in your medical life since your accident, and he told me some interesting things, but …” She trailed off, and they swayed to the music. “I don’t know. Guess I’ll just keep digging.”

“Sounds good.” Making a note, he told himself to check out that Google doc. To make sure he followed the timeline.

“I love this song.” Cassidy began singing softly with Montana Crew’s song, “Fire and Ice.”

Anthony rolled his eyes. “Did you know Cameron Cruz actually wrote this song?”

Giving an exaggerated smile, she put her hand to her mouth. “I know. A quarterback who sings country music on the side, who would have guessed?”

He laughed.

She patted his chest. “Who knows, maybe one day you’ll do a song with Kent Sloane.”

Loving her touch and not hating the idea, he shrugged. How could he tell her in this moment he felt a lot of things could be possible for him. “Maybe.”

She leaned into him and he closed his eyes, loving the feel of her in his arms. Gently, she pulled back and their eyes locked. He wanted this moment to last forever. “How did you start interviewing elite athletes anyway?”

A smile crossed her face. “Nope.”


“I’m interviewing you; you’re not interviewing me.”

He scoffed at her teasing. “Poe, this is getting old. I need to know about you.” Gently, he pulled her closer. “Talk to me.”

Their eyes met again and his heart pounded. He wouldn’t kiss her, not yet. After what had happened at the club, he didn’t want to risk all the yards he’d gained.

To his amazement, she leaned closer. “Just hold me.”

If he had died in this moment, he could honestly say he was a happy man. The feel of her body against his let him imagine that she was his.

The dance floor was crowded and the party was busy. Yet he was still startled as his father approached them, having picked his way through the dancers. “Sorry to interrupt you two, but Anthony, will you come with me, please? We need to have a chat.”