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Vortex (SAI Book 1) by Lea Hart (19)


One Week Later


Standing at the kitchen counter, Vivi drank her coffee and checked her email. Today was the day, and she was about to jump out of her skin. Her stomach was roiling with all the emotion that was churning around. Hearing Joel come into the kitchen made her pull herself together. “Are you off for your run?”

He kissed her cheek, and she took a moment to enjoy the affection that he always seemed to be showing her.

“I’m going to do a ten-mile run and then finish up the security analysis that I’m working on. What are you going to do?”

Oh…you know, this and that. You better get going, it’s already eighty degrees out there.” She pasted a sweet smile on her face and hoped like hell he was going to leave soon. The way he was studying her told her that her smile might not be convincing. So she did what she had to do. Leaning forward, she pulled on his T-shirt and brought him flush against her body. When his eyes showed surprise, she kissed the hell out of him. Slowly releasing his mouth, she smiled again. “Go on, then, and I’ll see you later…gator.”

It wasn’t hard to tell that he didn’t totally buy what she was selling. But since he couldn’t figure it out, there wasn’t much he could do.

“I know you’re up to something.”

Stepping back and placing her hand on her chest, she feigned both innocence and hurt. “I don’t care for what you’re saying, sir.”

“Good thing medical school worked out for you, because you can’t act, Vivi, and you shouldn’t try.” He kissed her quickly and then strode to the door. “I’ll figure it out before you know it.”

“I’ll have you know that I was the star of the fourth grade play. I think there might still be people talking about my moving performance as a zucchini.” Sliding her hands on her hips, she smirked. “You have no idea what I’m capable of.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” He waved behind his head and walked out the door.

“Whatever,” she muttered to herself. Picking up her phone, she dialed Trinity. When she picked up, Vivi gave her the signal. “Clear.”

“Be there in ten minutes,” Trinity replied.

Vivi gathered her purse and a bottle of water. Quickly, she wrote a note for Joel and then headed out the front door. Sitting on her steps, she waited for her friend to come and pick her up. There was nothing like making a getaway to make a girl feel good. Before she knew it, she saw Trinity pull up and toot her horn. Waving, she skipped down the steps and climbed in.

“Thank you, sweet friend. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

Trinity hooted as she pulled away and drove down the street. “Are you kidding me? I love this.”

Vivi put her seat belt on and giggled. “I know it does not speak well of my character that I’m so happy to have gotten one over on him. But there it is. I evaded the big, bad SEAL. I know there will be hell to pay later on, but it’s something that I’m willing to live with.”

“He’s going to be as mad as a hornet after he finds out,” Trinity replied.

“I’m not going to tell him where we went if the results don’t warrant it.” Vivi snorted. Staring out the window, she let out a big breath. “I’m not sure if I should be scared, excited, nervous, or hopeful.”

“I think you can be all of them at once. This is something that you’ve wanted, and if this is the way it has to come about, then so be it.”

“I’m not sure if he’s the man that I want to be tied to for the rest of my life. I don’t even know if he likes me. I shudder to think what’s going to happen.”

“Viv, the horse is out of the barn. It’s not like you have a choice at this point. So let’s just wait and see.”

Patting her best friend’s hand, she grinned. “I know Ruby is going to be angry that we didn’t include her, but the last thing I wanted was Ben squealing our whereabouts. Lord knows his loyalty is with Joel, and I didn’t want to put Ruby in a position where she had to lie to him.”

They pulled into the parking lot of the medical office complex and parked. Neither one of them moved. They both stared out the window and took a couple of deep breaths. “Here we are,” Vivi remarked.

“Indeed.” Trinity glanced over, and watched Vivi smooth down her hair. “We will handle whatever the answer is.”

“You’re right. Let’s go.”



Trinity and Vivi strode into their friend’s office and gave their names to the receptionist. Before they could sit down, Allen came out of the back. “Hey, ladies.”

“Hey, Allen.” Vivi stepped up and hugged one of her close friends from medical school. “Thanks for letting us come over today and use your office.”

“No problem.” Allen hugged Trinity as well and then led them back to one of the exam rooms. “I heard what happened to your clinic. I’m so sorry.”

They all walked into an exam room, and Vivi sat down in one of the chairs. “We all worked so hard to get it up and running. We had actually started to do some good before the whole thing fell apart.”

“Trinity, have you thought about my offer? Would you consider joining my humble practice as a PA?”

“I’m thinking about it. I’ve decided to take a month off and then make a decision. Will that work for you?”

“Honey, I’ll wait until the end of time for you. So don’t worry,” Allen said.

“You rascal, all the same charm.” Trinity smiled and shook her head.

“On a more serious note…I’ve let the lab know that we want the results rushed. They said that they could have it back in an hour. So get started, ladies…let’s see if Vivi got herself knocked up the old-fashioned way.”

“Wouldn’t it be a kick in the pants if all it took was some old sailor to get me pregnant?” Vivi laughed.

“Well, you have the right attitude about it,” Allen responded.

“I’m using my sense of humor to cover my abject fear. I figure, for now, it’s a much better option.” Twisting her hair up, she laughed. “Give me that cup, let me pee in it, and let’s see what’s what.”

“Not so fast, missy,” Trinity drawled. “Let me draw blood so we can send it down to the lab. Then you can pee in the cup.”

Nodding in agreement, she said, “Yes, Trinity.”

“That’s what I like to hear from all my patients.” Lifting her friend’s arm, she checked her veins. “Don’t worry; this won’t hurt a bit.”

Allen gave them both a smile. “I will leave you ladies to it. Once you draw the blood, give it to Nina at the front desk, and she will run it down the hall.”

“Thanks, Allen. We really appreciate you letting us come in here and do this.”

“Anytime.” His phone went off, and he answered it as he walked out of the room.

Trinity gathered her supplies and laid them out. She wrote Vivi’s name on the tubes that she was going to collect the blood in. Donning a pair of gloves, she grinned. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” Closing her eyes, she sent a little prayer up as her friend drew her blood. “Thanks, Trinity.”

“Open your eyes. It’s all done.” Holding up the vials, she winked. “Go pee in your cup while I run these up front.”


Vivi sat in the chair in the hall and watched Trinity run the tests in the small lab in the back of the office. She was suddenly incredibly hot and started to fan herself as she waited. Once the heat flash subsided, she started having the chills. She knew it was all because of nerves, but that didn’t make it easier.

She’d been wanting a baby for quite some time, and the possibility that it might actually happen was overwhelming. But to involve Joel in it seemed crazy. Not that she could do anything about it. Her thoughts whirled around and crashed into each other as she waited to see what the first test result was. The urine test wouldn’t be conclusive, especially at ten days. It would take the blood test results to know for sure.

Glancing over at Trinity, she tried to decipher her friend’s expression. Why did she have to have such a good poker face? Her phone buzzed in her purse, and she pulled it out and saw that Joel was calling. She almost picked it up, but decided not to. He was going to be mad, and she couldn’t speak with him until she knew. The ringing ended, and the call went to voice mail. There would be time enough later on to deal with him.

Trinity came down the short hall and stood before her. Opening her arms, she waited for Vivi to walk into them. When she was embracing her, Trinity whispered in her ear, “It seems what they say about SEALs is true. They have amazing swimmers. You are pregnant, Viv.”

The words rang in her head, and she felt faint. Trinity caught her before she collapsed and lowered her slowly to the chair.

Kneeling in front of her, Trinity checked her pulse. “Put your head between your knees before you pass out.”

“Sweet Lord, have mercy. I’m going to be a mama.”



Vivi sat in one of the exam rooms and stared at the chart describing the health hazards of smoking. How ridiculous, everyone knew it would kill you, a poster wasn’t going to make a difference. The door opened and Trinity glided in. “Well…”

“The blood tests confirm the earlier test. You are pregnant, Vivi DuMond.”

“Holy mother of impropriety. I got myself knocked up the old fashioned way.” Laying her hand on her chest, she started to feel it tighten as panic filled her heart. “What in the hell do I do now?”

Trinity sat down next to her and took her hands. “Did you think about this before you started with the artificial insemination?”

“Of course I did. I was completely ready, but this is different. I have to figure this out with Joel, who is a virtual stranger. How in the world am I supposed to co-parent with someone I don’t know?” Leaning her head against the wall, she felt her stomach roll up. It must be nerves. Clearly the idea of telling Joel was making her sick. “Maybe you can tell him for me.”

“This isn’t high school where we can get away with something like that.” Standing, she held out her hand. “Let’s go have some ice cream and then I’ll take you home. Joel probably has a search party out looking for you.”

“I left him a note, saying I would be gone most of the day. He has no reason to worry.” Heaving herself out of the chair, she lifted her purse up. Her phone buzzed and she knew it was Joel. There was no way she was answering it. Avoid and deflect.

“How many messages has he left?”

“I stopped looking after the tenth one.”

“Maybe just text him and let him know that you will be home later on. You are going to have to get used to having him in your life. Make the first step, Viv.”

“I hate when you’re right.”

They met Allen in the hall, and they each hugged him. “Thank you again for letting us crash your office today,” Trinity said.

“I’d say congratulations, but your face is telling me that it might not be welcomed.”

“I’m a mess, Allen. I appreciate everything you’ve done today.” Leaning forward, she hugged her old friend.

“Let me know how it’s going,” he replied, as he patted her back. “That baby is going to be lucky to have you, Viv.”

“The idea of the baby doesn’t scare me, it’s the daddy that has me a little worried.”

“You need me, you call me,” he said. “Nobody messes with my friends.”

“Thank you.” Vivi tugged Trinity’s hand and they walked out of the office. “Let’s go and have a banana split. The good news is that I can eat whatever I want for the next nine months.”

“That’s true. See, things are already starting to look better.”



Vivi slowly walked up her front walkway and studied her big old house. It was a beauty. All the time and work that she’d poured into it showed. It would be a good house for a child to grow up in. Hearing the front door open told her that moment of reckoning would soon be upon her. Mentally, she pulled up her big girl panties and girded herself for the conversation ahead. Glancing up, she saw Joel standing with his feet set apart, arms crossed over his big chest, and a look in his eyes that told her that the storm brewing was going to be a good one. “Hey, Joel.”

The fact that he was breathing evenly suggested that he was counting slowly to keep his temper in check. Well, he better keep counting, because the news she was about to lay on him was going to make his head explode. Climbing the front steps as slowly as she could, she waited for him to start yelling. When she stood in front of him, she prepared herself for the blast. When his arms wrapped around her and he hugged her tightly, she started crying. So much for emotional control.

“You scared the shit out of me, Viv. When I came home and you weren’t here, I assumed the worst. I thought the guy who is after you came and snatched you.”

“Didn’t you see my note?”

“I saw it after about twenty minutes.”

“I’m sorry. I thought you would see it right when you got home.”

Leading her into the house, he closed the front door and led her back to the family room. He grabbed a box of tissues and then made her sit next to him on the couch. “What’s going on, Viv?”

She took several tissues, wiped her eyes, and blew her nose. Breathing deeply, she gathered every ounce of strength she had. “Well…” Before anything came out, she felt a ball of emotion fill her chest. Swallowing, she tried to push it down. When that didn’t work, she started gulping deep breaths. Sweet Lord, she was giving herself a panic attack. Scooting away from him, she concentrated on a spot on the wall and breathed slowly in and out.

“Take your time, Viv. You can tell me later if you want.”

The way he was looking at her almost made her lose the precious control she’d gained. Closing her eyes, she continued to breathe slowly. For a woman who was always in control, this was a fairly magnificent way to lose it.

It took a good ten minutes before she felt like she was able to breathe normally. Suddenly, she was exhausted and just wanted to get it over with. Sitting up, she looked him in the eye and said it. “Joel, I’m pregnant.” The way his eyes bugged out of his head suggested that this wasn’t what he expected.

Then he stood and shouted, “Hooyah.” Pumping his fist up and down in victory, he shouted it again. “I knew it, Viv.” Picking her up, he swung her around and kissed her cheek. “I told you that I would give you a baby for your birthday, and I did. Always count on a SEAL to deliver. No matter the circumstances.”

When he set her down, she stared at him blindly. “That wasn’t what I was expecting.”

“Was that why you were so upset? Did you think that I would be unhappy?”

“I didn’t think you would be celebrating. We have barely known each other for two weeks. You told me that you don’t have relationships, and most of the time, I’m not sure if you even like me. So…yeah. I wasn’t thinking that this would make you so damn happy.”

Holding her hands, he beamed at her. “First of all, it’s been twenty days that we’ve spent together. And, we have known one another for a year. The part about the relationship doesn’t even apply, and it probably never did. As far as liking you, Viv…I do. I like you a whole lot.”

“Oh, poo. You’re just saying that to get on my good side.” Slumping against the couch, she laid her head down and curled up.

Sitting next to her, he kissed her cheek. “Vivi, I never say anything that I don’t mean. I told you that I wanted to give you a baby. Why would I do that if I wasn’t serious?”

Rubbing her head, she felt exhausted. “I can’t debate with you, because I’m tired.”

“We have all the time in the world to figure this out. We made a human being, and we’re going to do what’s best for the person we made.”

“I will always put the baby above everything else.”

“I know, Viv. But we’re a family now, and we have to figure out what that looks like.”

Tears started to leak out of her eyes, and she didn’t even have the strength or desire to make them stop. Her mind was on overload, and she didn’t want to discuss it anymore. “I’m going upstairs and taking a bath. Then I’m going to crawl into bed and go to sleep.”

“You go on up. I’ll make some dinner and bring it up.”

“I’m not hungry, Joel. You don’t have to.”

“What did you eat today, Vivi?”

“I had some yogurt and a banana split.”

Shaking his head, he stood up. “That will not do. Our child needs to be fed, and you need to keep up your strength. You have to eat properly.”

Standing, Vivi let her hands slide to her hips. “I am a doctor, so I’m well aware of the proper nutrition required to grow a human body inside of mine. If you plan on living past next week, I suggest that you never repeat the statement you just made.” Turning, she stomped toward the staircase.

“I’ll make tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. You go on up and relax, honey.”

This was what she was afraid of, Joel McDade, boss of the bosses, telling her what to do. Well, there was no way that was ever going to happen, and she would let him know at the first opportunity. Right after he brought her supper on a tray. That would be the perfect moment.



They sat in the upstairs den and watched TV. Joel had been true to his word and made them soup, sandwiches, and a fruit salad. Glancing over, she noticed that he was especially relaxed. Also happy. The smile had never left his face. It was as though he’d accomplished something and was proud of himself for doing so. He hadn’t brought up the baby once. Shrugging, she wondered how long it would last.

“Are you finished, honey? Or would you like more fruit salad?”

“I’m full. Thank you for making a delicious dinner. I appreciate it.”

“No problem. I’ll cook from here on out. You just relax and rest. You have a big enough job in front of you.” Lifting the tray off her lap, he picked up the other one and walked out of the room. “I’ll do the dishes.”

“Leave them, and I’ll get them in the morning.”

He frowned at her and shook his head. “I’ll take care of them tonight.”

Apparently, leaving dirty dishes in the kitchen wasn’t acceptable. Must be a navy thing. He was the neatest person that she ever met, and that was saying something, because she considered herself to be neat as well. Relaxing further into the couch, she pulled the blanket up and returned her attention to the show. It was about all she could handle right now.

When Joel returned, he handed her a glass of water and sat down next to her. When she was done with the glass, he took it and set it on the table next to him. Lifting her up, he rested her against his chest. “What are we watching?”

Blindspot. It’s my new favorite show. It’s about a woman who gets left in Times Square with a note. The FBI comes in, and she gets involved with the group in New York.”

“FBI guys are weenies.”

Raising herself, she stared at him in surprise. “Every man in the FBI is a weenie?”

“No, the hostage rescue guys are a solid group, but I’m not too sure about the rest of them.”

“That is un-American to say that the FBI guys are weenies. You would piss a lot of people off if they heard that.”

“Which is why I will never say it outside of this room.” Tightening his hold, he kissed her head. “Is this going to be one of our shows?”

“I didn’t know that we were going to have shows together.”

“Isn’t that what couples do? The married guys on my team have shows with their wives. Jack and Ana have about ten shows, and even Ronnie and Chase have a couple. I figured we would have at least six.”

“Six. Do you pick three and I pick three?”

“You’re the one who is pregnant, so I figure that you’ll pick most of them. Maybe you’ll let me pick one or two.”

“This is a whole world that I’m completely unaware of.”

“It’s a good thing that you have me, then, because I can explain things to you.”

“Well, if this is going to be our show, then we have to start from the beginning. Because I can’t be explaining things to you during every episode.”

“Okay, great.”

Laughing, she laid her hand against his chest. “This morning, I was free and single. Tonight, I’m pregnant and picking shows out. Lordy, what is going to happen next?”

“We’re going to get married.”

Sitting up abruptly, she shook her head and repeated, “No way,” again and again.

Rubbing her back, he smiled at her. “Not this week. Calm down.”

Lying back down, she took a deep breath and muttered, “Not ever.”

Quietly, he responded firmly, “We’ll see about that.”

And this was what she had to look forward to…a contest of wills. “Yes, we will,” she replied.