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Wild Child by Bella Jewel (11)


Roy and I have an incredible dinner, and when he’s gone, I clean up and then flop down onto my couch with the remote and some ice cream, feeling better after the day I had. Roy’s company helped, he is so easy going and talking to him isn’t an effort at all. I’ve just pressed play on the movie I picked when my front door opens and Slade steps in.

I let off a little squeal, because he completely catches me off guard. I really need to start locking that when I’m home, anyone could walk in. Like just now, for example. I stare at the big man filling my door frame and blink a few times, wondering what the hell he wants, because it’s late and surely by now he’s ready to go to bed.

So, why is he here?

“What’s wrong?” I ask, not moving, because quite frankly I’m comfortable and I’m really excited about the ice cream I’m holding in my hands.

“Ryder said he left a Gameboy game here. Didn’t want to bother you for it until your boyfriend went home. Do you have it?”

I resist the urge to laugh at him, because he could have gotten the game tomorrow and we both know it. Instead, I glance around the living room, spotting the game on my lamp table by the door. I nod in the direction. “It’s there, and for your information, Roy is not my boyfriend, we’re only friends.”

Slade stares at me, then shrugs. “Wasn’t askin’. Just getting the game.”

I snort, and glance at my ice cream bowl.

“What was that for?” he says, his voice almost a growl.

“Nothing. Do you want some ice cream before you go?”

He stares at me for a second, then at the bowl, before walking over and sitting down. I take that as a yes, which means I have to get up, but it’s worth the effort because I get to sit next to Slade for a bit, and sitting next to him makes me feel good inside, a little funny, a lot nervous. I go to the kitchen and get another bowl, and return to the sofa to see him already eating mine.

“No, it’s OK, take mine,” I say sarcastically, sitting down and starting on this bowl.

“Where’d you meet Roy?” he asks, staring at the T.V as he shoves another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

“At the bar.”

He snorts.

That’s it.

I turn around, placing my bowl onto the coffee table and facing him. He puts the last scoop of ice cream into his mouth, and places his bowl down, too. Then glances at me. “What?”

“Have you got some sort of problem right now?”

He shakes his head. “Fuck no. Why?”

Liar, liar pants on fire.

“Because you’re acting like a jerk, earlier and right now. I’m not doing anything wrong, Roy is just my friend, if you have a problem with that then—”

“I don’t,” he grunts, interrupting me.

“Really?” I say, crossing my arms. “Anyone would think you’re ...”

“What?” he demands, looking at me.

“Jealous,” I throw at him.

He snorts again. “Nothin’ to be jealous about here, babe.”


Mega dick.

“You know what, fuck you,” I say, putting my legs on the ground and starting to stand up.

His big arm curls around my waist and he hauls me back down onto the sofa and straight into his lap.

“Let me go you giant fucking—”

“Yeah, yeah,” he murmurs, staring at my lips as I squirm trying to get away from him. “Ape. I know.”

And then he crushes his lips down over mine, kissing me hard and deep, tongue and lips, beard scratching the soft skin on my face. I can’t help but kiss him back, even though I’m so frustrated with him, because he tastes so fucking good. Still, he can’t speak to me like a jerk and get away with it, so after I’ve taken my fix of his long, deep, incredible kiss, I reach up and tug his beard so hard he hisses and pulls back.

“That’s for being a jerk off,” I mutter, climbing off his lap.

He stares up at me glaring down at him, and those eyes are so intense I want to throw myself back onto his lap and kiss him harder, deeper, maybe stick my hand up his shirt and run my hands over his chest ... No! No! Self-damned-control, Rachel. Go to bed.

“Thanks for coming over,” I murmur, trying really hard to not sound lusty right about now. “I’m going to bed, I have to work tomorrow.”

Slade stands, eyes still pinning mine, and takes two big steps toward me. I don’t move, I just tip my head back and look up at him. He curls a hand around the back of my neck, and brings his lips down and presses them against my forehead, murmuring against my skin, “Night, babe.”

Then, just like that, he’s gone.

Damn him.

He’s good.


“Sooo, he kissed you?” Steph asks, sipping the wine we’re sharing, and staring at me. “Tell me more.”

“I’m only telling you because I want you to know that I’m not the girl that takes another girl’s man and—”

Steph waves a hand. “Honestly, I’m smitten with someone else. Slade was just a fill-in for me, and now I can see it more clearly, I realize he was just a challenge. I honestly don’t mind, hon. Not at all. I’m glad he’s met someone that challenges him. He needs a girl like you.”

I shrug. “Well maybe, it was only two kisses and in the week since, he hasn’t said much to me. Granted, he went away for three days with Ryder, and has been working, but after that I thought ... I don’t know ...”

“Word of advice, and this isn’t me being jealous or anything else, I swear,” Steph says, putting a hand up. “But be careful with Slade. He likes you, which is more than I’ve seen from him before, because he never ever got jealous of me looking at other men. Even so, though, he struggles with any kind of emotion, that’s obvious by the fact that he hasn’t had any real relationships, at least that I’ve seen. He might not be what you’re looking for Rach, I’m not entirely sure he’s able to commit to anything serious. Don’t get hurt.”

I know what she’s saying, and I respect it.

Anyone can see Slade struggles with intimacy, and him distancing himself for a week after kissing me shows me that loud and clear. But, no matter how much I know that, I can’t seem to convince myself to just ignore him and be done with it. He sparks something inside me, something I’ve not felt with anyone else before.


“I will be careful, I promise,” I say, because I will, be careful that is.

I can’t promise I’ll stay away, but I will be careful.

“I’m glad he has found someone like you, if anyone has the power to penetrate that concrete fort he’s built around himself, it’s you. I just would hate to see you get hurt in the process. You’re too good.”

I reach over and squeeze her hand. “Thanks for saying that, but I’m fine, I promise. I’m eyes wide open with Slade.”

“Yeah, you’ve got this one covered, that’s obvious.”

“I hope so. What about you, what’s this new guy you’re smitten with?”

“He’s the one I was telling you about,” she says dreamily. “He’s been chasing me, which is nice for a change. We’ve been out a few times, and he was great, he opened car doors, paid for dinner, old fashioned. You don’t see that much anymore. I really like him, Rach.”

I beam at her. “I’m so happy for you, you deserve it. You’re a great girl.”


We talk for a bit more, and then my phone rings alerting me that Lara is calling. I wave goodbye to Steph and thank her for the chat and then answer the phone as I walk back to my cabin.

“Hey,” I say to my best-friend the second the phone hits my ear.

“Hey! Sorry I haven’t called, life has been hectic. How are you?”

“I’m getting there, got so much to fill you in on.”

“Oh, my God, tell all. What’s happened? I’m sitting down with a cup of tea, fill bestie in.”

I laugh. “Well, firstly, my boss is a damned dick.”

“No way!” she gasps. “Like what level of dick are we talking?”

“Major dick, like major. He’s being a pig to me for no good reason, he hadn’t even met me before deciding he didn’t like me.”

I tell Lara about what he’s been doing, and she listens, only gasping or dropping a swear word here and there.

“Rach, you shouldn’t take that. You have rights, trainee or not.”

I sigh. “You’re not the only one who has said that, but I don’t want to risk my job.”

“Record the dick.”

“I’m fairly sure that’ll get me into more trouble.”

She makes a pondering sound with her throat, and then says, “You do need to do something. Honestly. You know that, right?”

“Yeah,” I sigh. “Anyway, let’s move onto something else.”

“How’s the neighbor?”

I go silent for a moment, wondering how much I should tell her. I mean, she’s my best friend after all, but still ...

“Oh, my gosh,” she squeals before I get the chance. “Something has happened, I just know it. You don’t go quiet for no reason, I know you too well.”

Damn her.

“OK, OK, he kissed me. Twice.”

She squeals louder. “Oh, oh, oh, I knew you’d go for a mountain man.”

I roll my eyes even though she can’t see it. “I had absolutely no plans of going for any mountain men, he kind of ... just made his way in.”

“That’s how they work, with all that broody mountain energy. Tell me everything.”

I reach my cabin, and sit on the porch, telling her about Slade. When I’m done, I wait for it, and it comes.

“Oh, babe, be careful. He sounds like he could really hurt you ...”

“I know, believe me, but honestly—I don’t think he’s a bad person, he’s told me things about his life that I get the feeling he hasn’t told anyone else. But don’t worry, I’m not about to marry the guy.”

“Don’t let him play little games with you. If he wants to kiss you, make him earn it.”

I laugh. “Yes, boss.”

She giggles. “Seriously, you’re too good to get played around with.”

A car comes into the big turn-around bay at the front of the three cabins, slowly circling around once, before finally coming back around and stopping at my cabin. Slade isn’t home again, neither is Ryder, so I have no idea who it could be. A woman gets out, dressed in a pair of slacks and a blouse, her dark hair is down and she’s wearing glasses.

“Someone is here, I’ll call you later, OK?” I tell Lara.

“All right, later.”

I hang up and stand, walking down and stopping in front of the woman. She’s taller than me, and really graceful looking. Tall and slender.

“Hi, can I help you?” I ask her.

“Yes, sorry to barge in, I was just wondering if a Slade Matherson lives here by any chance?”

I hesitate, because honestly, he’s told me about his sister. This woman is tidy, well dressed, and looks to be normal but I don’t know. I don’t know what she looks like, or what I’m supposed to be looking for. She must see my hesitation, and she quickly opens her purse and pulls out a business card. “Sorry, my name is Samantha. I’m just here in regard to a property he has for sale at the other end of town. I was interested in advertising it for him.”

A real estate agent.

I exhale.

“Sorry, he’s not here, but I can give him your card if you like?”

She nods. “Thank you.”

With that, she gets back in her car.

Slade arrives home about fifteen minutes later, and I use the card as an excuse to go over and approach him for the first time since our kiss. Ryder waves happily to me before running into the cabin. I reach Slade, who is unloading groceries, and when his eyes meet mine, I have to stop my knees from trembling. Just one look has me going to water. I need to toughen up.

“Sorry to bother you,” I say to him, extending my hand and presenting the card. “A real estate woman came by and was looking for you. She was interested in some property you have for sale.”

He glances at the card, and then orders, “Chuck it.”


“Throw it away. I’m not interested. They’ve been onto me to sell that land for years, it’ll never happen. Throw. It.”


“OK, no problem,” I mutter. “I’ll throw it then.”


He starts carrying the groceries inside.

I watch him for a few seconds, and then shake my head and mutter a frustrated curse about ignorant men before turning and walking back to my cabin.

I hear him call my name.

I ignore it.

Screw him.




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