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Wild Child by Bella Jewel (7)


Boom boom boom.




Music filters through my cabin, a constant pulse that I can’t ignore no matter how drunk I was, or how much I try to shove my pillow over my head. It’s three AM. Three. In the morning. And he’s still going. He is still over there, partying like he’s twenty-one. I can hear peoples’ voices, shouting, laughing, and that horrid pumping of music.

I can’t take it anymore.

For a solid hour I’ve tried, I’ve really tried. I’ve done everything to just ignore it, but every second that passes makes me angrier and angrier and even more sleepy. Now I’m just pissed off. I don’t mind a party, just like the rest of us, but when you have neighbors close by, you turn the music down at a certain time.

Not Slade.


I throw the covers back off my bed and walk out of my bedroom and over to the front window. I scream and leap backward when I see a couple, sitting on my porch, making out. On my porch! On my freaking porch! That’s it. That is fucking it. I storm toward the front door, swinging it open. The startled couple pulls apart, and I point at them. “This is my damned house, it is not a kissing spot. Go back over there and make out somewhere else!”

“Sorry, lady,” the man says, his voice slurring from alcohol.

My God.

No more.

I pull my jacket around myself and storm down the front steps, past the couple, and right over to Slade’s cabin. There are people everywhere, most of which stop and stare at me as I storm in amongst them, hair a mess, short shorts on, and face wild with anger. “Where’s Slade?” I demand to an attractive young woman.

“Inside, kitchen.”

I charge up the front steps and into the cabin where the music is blaring. I walk right over to the stereo and jerk the plug clean out of the wall. Everything goes silent.

“The fuck.”

Slade’s voice has me spinning around and glaring into the kitchen, still holding the cord in my hand. I wave it around as I screech, “It’s three AM. Three in the fucking morning. You’re not the only person in this little block of cabins. Your music is so loud, it’s impossible to sleep. Not only that, some of your guests were over there making out on my porch.”

Slade stares at me, and I hold his eyes, I hold them and I don’t back down. I won’t back down. No matter that there is currently about thirty people staring at me, some of them whispering, some of them laughing, others just watching the action unfold.

“If I have to take this fucking stereo and run it over with my car, believe me, I will.”

Slade, who has still not said a single word, places his beer down and walks around the kitchen counter. For a moment, I don’t know what he’s going to do. Probably yell at me, that’s the most likely scenario. He strides toward me, his eyes glassy, which tells me he’s drunk, very very drunk. I swallow, but I don’t put the cord down, nor do I break eye contact.

When he reaches me, I expect a lot of things, what I don’t expect is him to drop down, throwing his shoulder into my belly and hoisting me up into the air. A squeal leaves my throat, my ass is waving around for everyone to see, and I’m over his shoulder. Hercules is carrying me, as if I weigh nothing, and we’re moving toward the front door.

“Let me go, you giant ... giant ... ape!” I cry, pummeling my fists onto his back.

He strides down the front steps, past all the people, and over to my cabin. He climbs my steps two at a time and shoves my front door open. He walks down the hall, into my bedroom and there he literally throws me onto the bed. I bounce, my legs fly about everywhere, and I push up on my elbows, moving until I’m sitting on the edge, glaring up at him.

“Who do you think you are, buddy?” I snap. “I am not a—”

He takes one menacing step forward, leans down so his hands are either side of my hips on the bed, and he leans in close, so I can practically taste the beer on his breath. “That mouth of yours is going to get you into a lot of trouble, very fuckin’ soon,” he growls.

“Is that supposed to scare me?” I say, moving closer and glaring right back at him. “Because I can tell you right now, Hercules, it doesn’t. I’m tired of your attitude, and I’m—”

He kisses me.

It takes me a second to register that he’s closed the gap between us, and his lips are on mine, but there they are. On mine. His mouth captures mine in an angry, hungry kiss that I can’t help but respond to. It lures me in, dragging a gasp out of me, and then our mouths are moving together, rapidly, angrily, tongues and lips clashing. It’s not a soft kiss, it’s a frustrated kiss, desperate even. And it feels so fucking incredible.

He pulls back after a few seconds, panting, his breath on my face. “Goodnight, Rachel.”

With that, he turns and disappears out of my room, and my cabin, leaving me breathless, staring at the empty doorway.

Holy Jesus.

I don’t know what just happened, but now I’m even more confused than I was before.

And after all that, the music never comes back on.

He heard me.

He kissed me.

And then he walked out.


I wake in the morning and my head is pounding. With a groan, I roll to my side and stretch my neck from side to side, but nothing. I feel so stiff it hurts. I sit up and wince as the room seems to spin. I guess I drank far more than I thought. I rub my temples and try to remember the night. As it comes back to me, shame floods my cheeks.

I went over to Slade’s house, in the middle of a party, and yelled at him. And then he ...

Kissed me.

He kissed me.

Holy shit.

I rub my lips and try to remember how it felt. Good, it felt good. So incredibly good. What the hell did it mean? Was he just drunk? Was he just trying to shut me up? God, the man barely says two words to me on a good day and then he goes ahead and kisses me. And he did it like he meant it. Really meant it.

I shiver and rub my arms.

I need a shower. And aspirin. And coffee. Stat.

Maybe then I can process what the hell is happening.

I force my body out of bed and trudge into the shower, stripping off and stepping underneath the warm water. I wash my hair, spending extra time rubbing my head, and then I get out and dress into a pair of casual shorts and a tank, throwing a jacket on before moving into the kitchen and turning on the coffee machine.

My phone is on the counter, and I quickly reach over and grab it, seeing a few messages from an unknown number.

U – Hey, it’s Roy. We met at the bar last night. If you’re not doing anything today, I can show you a couple of great spots, maybe get some lunch? Let me know.



I completely forgot about Roy. I put the phone down, not having decided yet what I’m going to do about that situation. I’m more focused on the other situation. Slade kissed me. What the hell does that mean? I didn’t even think he liked me and now he’s kissing me, randomly. My skin tingles as I remember it. It did feel incredible. Something strange stirs inside me. Could it be affection?



I don’t even like him.

I make a coffee and step out onto the porch, breathing in the cold, fresh air. It makes me feel a little better. I glance over at Slade’s cabin. There are still a few cars around, a few people on the porch, but I can’t see him. I wonder if I should go and talk to him about what happened last night? Will he even remember it? God, what if he doesn’t? Then I’ll look like a fool.

Why am I thinking so much about this?

I sit on my old chair, sipping my coffee and glancing over to Slade’s cabin every now and then. I decide I will go and talk to him today. I probably won’t mention the kiss, but at the very least, we need to make some sort of peace between us. Repeats of last night simply can’t keep happening. Let’s hope he is more willing to have a decent conversation with me.

Maybe he’ll bring up the kiss?

I glance over again and stop, coffee halfway to my mouth, when I see Slade walk outside with the attractive blond woman he had over earlier yesterday. He walks her down the front steps, and then she turns, raising up on her tip toes and kissing him so deep, my cheeks burn and I have to look away. Something unfamiliar stings in my chest. Jealousy? Rage? Confusion?

I’m not sure.

All I know, is my skin is tingling, my heart is pounding, and I feel so damned stupid. He kissed me, but he probably doesn’t even remember. He probably doesn’t even know he brought me home last night. God. What a jerk. He spent the night with another woman, after locking lips with me first. That makes me feel ... so incredibly dumb.

I stare at my coffee mug for so long, I don’t hear him approach. It’s only when he clears his throat that my head whips up and I look down to see him standing and staring up at me, intense eyes on mine. I swallow the lump in my throat and try not to let myself get captured by the brown depths that feel like they can see my thoughts.

“Can I help you?” I murmur, avoiding his gaze and taking another sip of my coffee.

“Just checkin’ in to see how you are.”

Oh. Like you actually care. You just fucked another woman after kissing me. Dick. Dick face. Double dick face.

“I’m fine, thank you.”

“How’s your head?”

Why is he acting like he cares? When we both know he absolutely does not.

“Fine. Thanks.”

I can feel his gaze scanning over me, but I don’t look up.

“Hey,” he says.

I still don’t look up. I feel so stupid. If I look at him. He’ll see it and I won’t give him that satisfaction. No. I absolutely will not.

“Listen,” I say, standing. “I’d love to chat, but I’m going out today with a friend. He’ll be here soon.”


I don’t look at him as I turn and walk toward the front door. “Good day, Slade.”

I step inside and shut it.

I feel like an idiot. Dammit.

Swallowing the last of my coffee and trying to stop my hands shaking, I walk over to my phone and find Roy’s number, responding to his text.

R – Yes, I’d love to come out with you today. What time?

He responds a second later.

Roy – Whenever you’re ready.

R – Give me half an hour and I’ll be good to go. What should I wear?

Roy – You’ll be beautiful in anything. Whatever makes you comfortable.

I smile. That’s nice.

R – OK, well I’ll see you soon then.

Roy – What’s your address?

I text him my address and then go into my bedroom to find something to wear. I settle on a pair of jeans and a casual tee. It’s a nice combo, but isn’t over the top. I pull on a pair of sandals, pull my hair into a ponytail and grab my sunglasses. I finish getting ready just as a knock sounds out. I double check myself in the mirror and then rush to the front door, pulling it open to see Roy standing, smiling at me.

He’s even better looking today than he was last night.

His blond hair is messy on his head, he’s wearing one of those hunky cowboy shirts tucked into a pair of well-fitting blue jeans, and a pair of boots. He looks the part. I never much went for the cowboy type, but he does it justice in a big way. It’s hot. Totally hot. Melt your panties off hot. He grins at me, showing me a set of perfectly straight white teeth and two gorgeous dimples, and I feel better right away.

“Hey there, darlin’,” he drawls.

God. That accent is even better today than it was last night, too.

“Hi, Roy,” I smile. “How are you?”

“Good now. You look beautiful. Are you ready to go?”

I nod. “Absolutely.”

I lock my front door and follow him down to his big, black truck. It’s impressive, and it suits him. I go around to the passenger door, and he’s already there, waiting with it open. A gentleman. You don’t get many of those anymore. “Thank you,” I smile, climbing in. He winks at me, shutting the door.

I glance over at Slade’s cabin and see him standing on the front porch, staring at me. The urge to flip him the bird is huge, but I shove it down and look away, focusing back on the handsome cowboy who climbs into the truck and grins over at me. “Ready to go?”

“Hell yes. Where are we going?”

He winks at me. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

“I’m not a big fan of surprises, but I trust you.” I laugh.

“You’ll like this one. Promise.”

I have no doubt I will.

Roy doesn’t seem like the kind to disappoint.