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Wild Child by Bella Jewel (6)


I adjust the tight black dress and stare into the mirror—it’s a little short, but that’s exactly how I like it. I don’t get out much; I used to go out often with Lara but after she had Bethy, things just got harder, which is understandable. It’s been a while since I’ve just gone out and let my hair down. And after today’s events, I need it.

I run my fingers carefully through my newly-straightened dark hair and double check my makeup in the mirror. Yes, it’s all on point. Before I head over to Steph’s, I want to drop in on Slade and apologize for what happened with Ryder earlier today. I have avoided it all day, giving him time to cool down, but I know I can’t avoid it forever. I need to go and let him know I’m so sorry for what happened.

I grab my purse, spritz on some perfume, and make sure I’ve got everything I need, then I head out and start the slow walk—because I’m in heels—to Slade’s house. There are a few cars out front, and I wonder if he’s got some guests. I hesitate, wondering if I should just leave it until tomorrow, but I know that’s me chickening out.

I walk up the front steps and raise a hand, knocking softly. I can hear music coming from inside, so I doubt anyone will hear, so I do it again, a lot louder. A minute later, the door swings open and Slade appears, wearing a tight black tee, a pair of faded denim jeans, and a red and white checked shirt thrown over his shoulders, unbuttoned. He looks like he should be out chopping wood again.

I take a shaky breath and meet his eyes.

Still angry. I can see it. Dammit.

“Listen, I know what I did today was wrong. I honestly meant no harm. Ryder asked if he could come with me, and I did ask him to leave you a note. I didn’t think, and because of that, I scared you. So I’m sorry. I apologize, and it won’t happen again.”


A gorgeous, and I mean gorgeous woman appears behind Slade, sliding her arms around his waist, she pokes her head around and stares at me. “Is she here for the party?”




“No,” he mutters, turning and staring down at the woman. “I’ll be back in soon.”

The woman stares at him, all doe-eyed, and then looks at me, scowling. Magic. Just what I need—her getting the wrong impression. She does as she’s asked, however, and disappears back inside the cabin. Slade looks back to me, and in a low voice, he asks, “We done?”

I blink.

He can’t be serious. It took a lot for me to come over here and say sorry to his arrogant ass, and he’s still going to speak to me like I’m trash.

“I was saying sorry, there’s no need to—”

“Are. We. Done?”

You know what? Fuck this. Fuck him.

This jerk is not going to get away with being such a jackass any longer. Anger bubbles in my chest and I go up on my tiptoes, feeling my anger bursting at the seams, until it spills over and I jab a finger into his rock-hard chest, getting as close to his face as I can. Then, I let rip.

“You know what? I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but when someone sincerely apologizes for upsetting you or doing the wrong thing, you do not continue to speak to them like they’re stupid, or dumb, or a pain in your ass. You accept it like a fucking decent human being.”

I move my finger off his chest, pull it back, and then slam it back down over the wall of muscle.

“And you know what else? You’re a rude, rude man. I don’t know what has happened to you in your life, but you do not take it out on other people. Especially people you don’t know. What have I ever done to you, to deserve your foul treatment? Oh, that’s right, nothing!”

I jab my finger onto him again.

“Now, I’m going out. I came here to do the right thing, but considering you don’t have it in you to accept that, then I have two words for you, buster. Fuck. You.”

With that, I spin around and stomp off down the front steps. Damned jerk, who does he think he is? I was trying to do the right thing, but that’ll be the last time. I walk as fast as I can toward Steph’s cabin and see three female heads peeking over the side of the left railing, watching. When I reach the front steps, they all swivel my way, Steph’s being the one in the middle.

“Oh. My. God!” she squeals. “That was epic!”

“I don’t know you,” an attractive red head says, “but you just became my new best friend.”

“And mine!” a lovely brunette agrees, putting her hand up.

I laugh. “Thanks. I didn’t mean to get so worked up. He just ... drives me crazy. I went all the way over there to apologize and he was so rude.”

“I could watch that over and over again,” Steph sighs, “and never get bored. Anyway, Rachel these are my two friends, Chloe and Patricia. Girls, this is my awesome neighbor, Rachel.”

I wave. “Nice to meet you both, sorry you had to see the worst side of me right off the bat.”

They both laugh.

“It was totally worth it.” Chloe nods, grinning.

“Absolutely,” Patricia agrees.

“Well,” Steph says, dangling her keys, “who’s ready to party?”

“Me!” I say quickly and enthusiastically. “Definitely me.”

“Then let’s roll.”

I glance back at Slade’s cabin.

I’m not sorry. Not even a little bit.

He deserved that.


“This is a great bar!” I call over the music.

All four of us girls are sitting in a curved booth in a bar in town. It’s not massive, but it’s full. There are people everywhere, mingling, playing pool, dancing. It’s an old bar, but well taken care of. The wooden style makes it almost Western in appearance, but it has a great atmosphere.

I’m on my third Cosmo, and it can’t hit my body fast enough. I was already wound up enough after the few encounters with Terrence, but adding Slade into the mix just tipped me over the edge. Honestly, alcohol seems like the only reasonable explanation right now, and it’s working a damned treat. I feel lightheaded and happy already.

“These drinks came from the three men at the bar,” a waitress says, placing four Cosmos down on our table.

We all look over to the bar where three men are staring. The one in the middle, a handsome, sandy-blond-haired guy, waves. I wave back without thought and he flashes me a gorgeous grin.

“Oh, my God, Rach,” Steph says, leaning in close. “You should totally go over and say hello.”

“No way.” I laugh, looking back at her.

“Oh, come on,” Chloe encourages. “You at least have to thank him for the drinks.”

“Why don’t you thank him?” I say, and she grins at me.

“I’m a taken lady.”

I sigh, looking to Patricia. She holds up a finger showing me a wedding band. Dammit. I finish my Cosmo and stand, straightening my dress, smoothing my hair, and then I walk toward the three men all staring still. I stop when I reach them, focusing on the spunky blond. He’s better looking up close, with dazzling green eyes, model-type features and a tall, muscled, lean body.

“I just wanted to say thank you for the drinks.” I smile, holding up the Cosmo I brought over for the walk. “We all really appreciate it.”

“No problem, darlin’,” Blondie drawls, and oh, he has a sexy accent. “What’s your name?”

“Rachel, and yours?”

I lean against the bar and his friends start talking amongst themselves, clearly having figured out they’re not getting any attention any time soon.


Roy. Masculine. Hot.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Roy. Thanks again for the drink.”

“What brings a pretty girl like you here tonight?” he asks, taking a long, leisurely sip from his beer.

“Just a girls’ night out. I’m new to town.”

“That so?”

I nod, sipping my drink again.

“I’ve only been here a few years myself, but I know a few great places to eat and a few great spots to see, if you’re looking for a tour guide.”

I hesitate, not because Roy isn’t gorgeous and sweet, but because I swore off men, and after tonight, I’m even more certain on that, but he is being really kind and I could use a friend ... right?

“No pressure,” he says, noticing my hesitation. “Not here to put any pressure on at all, darlin’, choice is yours.”

Dammit. Well, I only live once, right?

“You know, I’d love to go and explore a few places.”

He grins, big and wide. “Well, you got a phone on you? I’ll give you my number.”

“I’ll go and get it.” I smile, finishing my drink and turning, walking back to the table.

“Oh, my God,” Steph says. “He’s super cute!”

“He asked me to go exploring the town with him,” I say, smiling. “He’s giving me his number. He’s so hot up close!”

“Eeeek!” Chloe claps. “Good on you, girl.”

I lift my phone and turn, walking back over to Roy. He reads out his number to me, and I send him a text so he has mine. “I’d love to keep chatting,” I say, “but I really should get back to my girlfriends.”

“No problem, darlin’. I’ll give you a call.”

“It was nice to meet you, Roy,” I beam.

“You too, sweetheart.”

I wave and head back to the table, feeling so much better about myself and everything that’s gone down tonight. I spend the next few hours drinking and dancing with the girls, and it feels good. It’s exactly what I needed. Chloe offers to drive us home toward midnight, and we all agree. Stepping out into the fresh air, the alcohol runs through my veins even quicker, and I realize I’m quite tipsy.

The entire car ride home, we laugh and sing, talking about the night. I feel good, free, even. Everyone I’ve met tonight has been so nice, which is a great change considering how things have been going thus far. When we arrive back at home, there are cars everywhere. I was right, Slade is having a party. Music can be heard pouring from his cabin, and there are people strewn about all over the porch.

“Wow, he doesn’t usually throw any kinds of parties,” Steph says when we pull up at her cabin.

“Guess he changed his mind tonight. I wonder what he did with Ryder?” I think out loud.

“He would have given him to one of his good work friends and his wife, they live around the corner,” Steph tells me. “They’re like the only people he trusts.”


“Should we go over?” Chloe asks.

“Nah,” Steph says, shaking her head. “I don’t feel like dealing with him and his shit tonight.”

“And I have to get home,” Patricia says.

“If I go over there,” I say, “I’ll likely stab him with something, and that something will probably be blunt.”

Everyone laughs.

“Well then, ladies, I guess that’s my cue for bed then,” Steph yawns. “I had an awesome night, thanks for coming.”

We all thank her, and I give her and the other girls a hug, before stumbling subtly back to my cabin. I’m exhausted, my whole body is tired and sore. I kick off my heels and change into a pair of cotton shorts and a tank, pulling a sweater overtop. And then I crawl into bed, passing out before my head even touches the pillow.




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