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Cutter by Stacy Borel (10)

ALL WAS RIGHT IN Macie Land for the last two months. I was slowly starting to grow a little belly, we closed on the house, and morning sickness was definitely a thing of the past. I’d had two doctor’s appointments, which went completely uneventful. It amazed me listening to my unborn baby’s heartbeat. I was on track with growth and weight gain. I was pleased that the “pudge” phase didn’t last too long. For a while there, I looked like I’d over eaten at the China Buffet or something. Then it was like one morning I woke up and boom, there was an actual baby belly there. I’d stared at myself entirely too long in the mirror, deciding whether I liked it or not. My usual thin, in-shape-self wanted to revolt against these new lush curves. Not only had my stomach grown, so had my boobs and butt. Nobody told me everything would expand. But when I allowed myself to move past the extra pounds being put on, and the new sizes I was now having to wear, I really embraced the life that was growing inside of me. Crazy that a woman’s body grew a person. Like baking a freaking cake. Throw together a little lovin’, some baby batter, some moans and groans, and voila! You have a human. Okay, maybe it’s not that simple, but whatever. The explanation worked for me, and humored me at the same time.

A month after we’d learned about getting the house, and all of the papers were signed, Dodger and I wasted no time moving in. That was a crazy ass process to deal with, and frankly I’m not exactly sure how Dodger is still alive. The man wouldn’t let me move anything that weighed over five pounds. So basically I was in charge of shoes. He managed though with the help of his dad and Camden. Turner wanted to come home and help, but we said there wasn’t much to do that they couldn’t take care of themselves. Turner and Annabelle were currently doing work as traveling physician and nurse in South America. He wanted to show her different parts of the world, and she only felt okay doing it if she was helping people in the process.

Since being in the house, there has been a different set of hardships. It wasn’t so much that Dodger and I weren’t getting along. In fact, it was the opposite. While he was adhering to my self-imposed rules like a flipping champ, I was struggling to “keep it in my pants.” I knew the pregnancy hormones would make me hornier than I normally was, but I had no idea that it would make me feel like this. Dodger was sticking true to his word and not touching me, while I looked like a puppy in heat. If I wasn’t humping him, I’d gladly hump the nearest pillow to just make myself feel good. I needed the dick and I needed it now. I just wasn’t sure how I could seduce him enough to make him slip me the D. I was about to negotiate with him over it and say we could just do it once, and then we wouldn’t even have to talk about it. No matter how strong I wanted to be on the matter, I knew it was going to be me that would fold like a wet paper towel.

I was currently putting the finishing touches on my make-up, adding some gloss to my pregnant glow, and was heading out the door. Today was a big day. It was ultrasound day. The day we would find out if this little nugget was a boy or a girl. I had my own feeling what it was, but I’d kept it to myself. After reading those stupid Chinese calendars, and old wives tales, I was pretty sure it was a girl, but at this point, it was anybody’s guess. Paul and Keegan had a Brooks family pool going, which made me laugh. And I was shocked to find out that my dad put in on it. My parents were coming around. It took a solid month of news being dropped on them about the baby and the house before it sunk in. My mom has even sent me pictures of baby outfits when she’s been out shopping.

I was just walking in to the gym after the short drive to pick Dodger up so we could go together. Much to my dismay, Dana was still here. He had already told me he couldn’t just fire her because I disliked her, and I understood. But I still hated how she would call him sometimes to remind him about an appointment that I was sure he was aware of himself. Or how every time I came here, she was dressed extra slutty. How Camden felt her work attire was appropriate was beyond me. I’d bitched to Keegan about it, and she wasn’t happy either. But neither man said she was doing anything against the rules. Camden said she was polite to the gym patrons, kept the books up, and did the job better than anyone that he’d had working in her position. The one time I tried to convince him she was bad for the gym, he tossed back at me all of the “positive” things about her, to which I only heard Charlie Brown’s teacher coming out of his mouth.

And there she was, sitting at the front desk like she owned the place. She had a cleavage revealing V-cut black shirt that exposed her tattoos among other things. Dana’s attempt at a welcoming smile looked more like a how I pictured what a Great White would look like grinning at prey. I curled my lip in return.

“Hello, Macie.”

I grunted, giving her my back and leaned against the counter. I sent a text Dodger, not wanting to interrupt his current appointment, to let him know I was here. I might have included to hurry his ass up.

“So how have you been?” she asked.

I twisted around and glared at her. “Why are you talking to me?”

She shrugged. “I’m being polite.”

“You wouldn’t know polite if it bit you in the ass.”

“Yeah, well, I am to everyone that comes in here.”

I huffed a fake laugh. “Because you’re being paid to be. Let’s cut the act while I’m here though, shall we. I don’t like, you don’t like me. No need for niceties. Why don’t you go back to your tippy tapping on the computer and leave me alone?”

It got quiet besides the sound of metal hitting metal. Weights clanked together and music was playing throughout the gym. I impatiently tapped my foot, looking at the time on my cell phone. That man of mine had better hustle.

“Dodger said there was a really good place just outside of town to eat fried catfish.”

“What’s your point?” God, her voice was like a screeching cat.

“Dunno, maybe I should ask him to lunch one day so I make sure I have the right place.”

I was about to snap. “Are you trying to piss me off?”

“No. Just fun getting a reaction from you. You’re so jealous.” She smiled.

“Listen you little tramp. That man back there is taken. You so much as talk to him I’ll rip limb from limb.”

“He’s my boss. Pretty sure that means I have to talk to him.”

I was going to lose my shit. She had no clue how close to death she was right now. I saw Dodger coming out of his office following behind an older man. He smiled at me, but it was quickly wiped away when he saw my face.

“Not for long.” I grinned.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Her nasally voice asked.

I leaned across the counter and said, “We’ll see if your job sticks.”

She jerked back. “What does that mean?”

I sounded even menacing to myself. Dodger was quickly approaching me. I spoke so only her and I could hear. “It means watch your back. One little slip up and you’re gone.”

“Babe, everything okay?” Dodger said as he looked back and forth between us.

I looked up at him, batting my lashes. “Perfect.”

He knew something was up. “Right.” He glanced at Dana. “You good? I’m out for the rest of the day.”

I stood slightly behind him and mouthed ‘fired’ while using my finger to mimic slashing my throat. Her eyes got wide. Dodger twisted to look at me. My arm dropped and I smiled sweetly. Oh no, I’m not up to anything.

“You’re clear for the day,” she said apprehensively.

Her ass better be nervous. She may think she was mistress of her games, but she had never dealt with me when I wanted something this badly. I was a force to be reckoned with. I watch when no one else watches. She had no clue how bad I wanted her gone.

When we turned to leave, I flipped my long brown hair over my shoulder and made eye contact with her one more time just as Dodger was holding the door open. I winked. Her eyes narrowed, and I knew . . .

Game on.

“Macie Rosewood?” An ultrasound tech called my name from a door that led back to the rooms.

Dodger and I stood, and headed toward her. She smiled at us both and led us to our room.

“Hi, I’m Amy. I’ll be doing your ultrasound today.”

“Nice to meet you,” Dodger greeted.

When we got into the room, she instructed me to lay down on the bed and unbutton my pants. She placed a white towel over my slightly extended abdomen and tucked it under my pants’ line. She flipped through some papers and clicked around on her high tech machine entering in my information. I didn’t know much about what her profession did. I only knew a decent amount of what I was looking at when things popped up on the screen.

“Okay, so today your doctor wants us to check the fetus’ growth, make sure all ten fingers and toes are there, and possibly check the sex. Are you guys wanting to know?”

“Yes.” I said way too quickly.

Dodger smiled at my eagerness. “Feels like we’ve been waiting forever.”

Amy smiled. “I know. These week twenty appointments are pretty brutal. Most moms and dads don’t wait and go to those ultrasound places that let you peek early. I know when I was pregnant with my youngest, I decided to try one out. I was only fifteen weeks.”

“You can know that early?” Dodger asked.

“Mhmm. Granted it’s not one hundred percent accurate. They can still usually get a decent idea.”

“What in the hell did we wait so long for?” He directed at me.

I rolled my eyes. “We had other things going on. It wasn’t going to kill us to wait. Besides we are here now, and we’ll know soon enough.”

Amy said, “Yes we will.” She squeezed some warm blue gel on my belly. She placed the wand in it and moved it around, spreading it so it coated me. “Okay, so first I’m going to get some measurements of the head, kidneys and placenta.” She clicked on her keyboard while she simultaneously did her work.

Dodger was watching with rapt attention. I knew he had no clue what he was looking at, but the look on his face right now was something I’d remember the rest of my life. It was complete awe and wonderment. He was seeing his child for the first time and he didn’t take his eyes off the screen. Amy explained a few things about what we should be seeing. I should have been watching just like he was, but I was focused on him and how he took in this whole moment. All I saw was pure love in his eyes. I felt myself getting emotional and I swallowed hard.

“Do you guys see this red flashing? I’m currently checking the blood flow through the umbilical cord.”


“How does it look?” I asked.

“Technically I’m not supposed to tell you anything, but you’re a nurse, you know a lot of the medical jargon. Everything is measuring perfectly. Valves of the heart look great, placenta is in a good location. Baby is already head down, although I’m sure you know baby can still do flips in there, so it may not stay head down.”

“Whoa!” Dodger exclaimed. “Did you feel that?”

Our baby had done some crazy kicking movement. I’d only recently been feeling some slight fluttering movements. I chalked most of it up to gas.

“A little, but I feel more of the wand on my stomach right now.”

Amy gathered a little more gel and moved to the other side of my stomach.

“Awe, what a perfect little profile. Would you like me to print one out?”

“Yes,” Dodger replied.

More clicking sounds and a printer started up. She didn’t hand us the photo, probably because she was going to print us a few more. Amy pointed out a hand and a tiny foot. The both of us stared at the screen with adoration. It was the sweetest thing I’d ever seen, aside from I’m sure, the actual baby.

“Okay, you ready know the sex? Baby is being super cooperative and its legs are wide open.”

Dodger grasped my hand tightly. I felt a little tremor, like he was shaking in nervousness.

“Any guesses?”

“I say girl,” I stated.

He looked at me. “Really, you think it’s a girl?”

“Mhmm, I do.”

“What about you?” Amy asked.

“Ummm . . .” Dodger was trying to hide his smile. “I’m going with boy. That way our bases are covered.”

Amy laughed. I shook my head and grinned at him.

“Real slick there, sir,” I teased.

“Okay, moment of truth.” She shifted the wand in the correct position and there it was. I knew right away what I was looking at.

“Oh my god.” I couldn’t catch my tears fast enough.

A cheerful and expectant Dodger became concerned.

“What? What’s the matter?”

I shook my head and laughed. “Nothing’s the matter.”

“Congratulations, Dodger. It’s a boy,” Amy announced.

He whipped his head back to her so fast, I’m surprised he didn’t hurt himself. His hand was squeezing the life out of mine, and I had to wiggle my fingers to get blood flowing again.

“A boy? You’re sure?”

“Mhmm. See this right here?” Her cursor pointed on the screen. “It’s definitely a penis.”

“That whole hamburger and hot dog bit you learn in school and all that.” I laughed some more.

“What?” he asked.

Sniffling, I was over the moon. “In elementary school, they teach you that girl parts are like a hamburger and boys are like a hot dog.”

I was getting looked at like I was insane.

“No? Just me that picked up on this? Okay then.”

Dodger continued to stare at the screen like it would possibly disappear if he so much as blinked.

“Holy shit, a baby boy.” He coughed. “Shit, I’m sorry. I cursed, and did it again.”

Amy giggled. “Believe me, I hear all sorts of reactions in here. It’s the fun part of my job.”

Oh, I bet it was. I’m thinking I was in the wrong profession. Well, I get some pretty good ones too when a baby is being pushed out. I call us even.

“Anyway, I’ll go ahead and print out a couple of these for you to keep and possibly frame. Then I’ll get the paperwork sent over to Doctor Carrie and he will discuss anything further with you at your next appointment. I’ll leave a clean towel here on the end of the bed, and if you both think you can find your way out, I’ll just step out and leave you to it.”

We both nodded.

“Okay then. It was a pleasure meeting you both. Again, congratulations and enjoy the rest of your day.”

“We will, thank you,” Dodger answered politely.

When she left, he picked up the black and white photos and handed me the towel. I cleaned up and looked upon him as stared at his child.

“Jesus, babe, there’s a little human being inside you.”

A giggle bubbled up. “I’m aware.”

“Like right now. It’s growing.”


I was sitting on the table still when he reached his hand out and placed it on my stomach. It was such a loving and tender moment that it almost took me by surprise. His fingers spread and he rubbed his thumb back and forth. Never in all the time I’d been together with him had he showed such an emotional moment. One where he was practically sitting here with his heart hanging outside of his body expressing the love he had for his child. Times of regret and what if’s flew right out of my head to never be thought of again. I wouldn’t wonder if this baby would ever be taken care of or loved unconditionally by both of its parents. I knew he would be.

He pulled his hand away and I saw he wiped away a stray tear, hoping I didn’t see. I wouldn’t mention it. Not that it embarrassed him, but it was him being a caring man. Those things didn’t need to be discussed. Helping me off the table, I tugged my shirt down and grinned at him.

“Sooo, you happy about having a boy?”

“Couldn’t be more thrilled. How about you? You said girl.”

“Eh, it was just a guess. Goes to show those Chinese calendars are made up by bored idiots.”

“Huh?” He was confused.

I shook my head. “Nothing. Guess my world is about to filled with blues, and browns, and green. Oh shit, wait until we tell your mom.”

He chuckled. “She’s going to spaz. I’m actually shocked she hasn’t been blowing up my phone asking if we found out yet.”

“Oh, just wait. I’m sure it’s coming.”

Just then my phone chimed. “And there we go.” I expected to see Donna’s name on the screen, but it was Keegan. “The other half of the nosey crowd is wondering.”

“Don’t answer.”

“What? You mean leave them hanging?”

“Yeah. Let’s go to lunch and celebrate. Everyone else can wait. In fact, we can ask them to meet at Mom’s house this evening and we can let them know all together.”

I exhaled. “Wow, you are a brave soul. You do realize you asking your mother to wait, she is liable to hunt your ass down and kill you for making her wait longer than she already has.”

He grinned devilishly. “I know. And that’s just too bad.” He opened the exam door and led me out of the room and imaging area. “I’ll take the tongue lashing like a big boy. Right now I just want to take my girl, and son out on a date.”

He didn’t have to convince me. Just the sound of those words were music to my ears. Somebody pinch me, is this how my life is turning out? Who cared about molds and expectations. Sometimes better things come from the unexpected. I knew because I had never felt better in my life.





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