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Cutter by Stacy Borel (15)

THE WEEKEND WAS nearly over, and I’d just woken up to an empty bed. I had no clue where Dodger was, but my eyes had been open point zero-seven seconds and my stomach was already growling. I smelled bacon coming from the kitchen. Hmmm, my man must’ve gotten up early and made me breakfast. I got up and put on my robe and slippers. Trudging out into the kitchen, there was a food box with a note beside it, and the Keurig was on with a cup and coffee ready to be brewed. The note read:

How he signed it made me giggle. He wasn’t full of himself at all. I leaned over the counter and breathed in deeply. I couldn’t smell the pancakes, but the scent of bacon had my mouth-watering. After brewing my coffee and adding the creamer, I grabbed a fork and syrup and sat down in my usual spot at the breakfast table. My first bite into the crunchy salty bacon had me closing my eyes and moaning. God, this hit the spot. While I downed my breakfast, I looked at the wall and the hole I’d created. The whole things made me smile. I was glad it would be gone and the house would feel more open. While it may have been a little absurd how I went about doing it, the end result was going to look fabulous.

The house was really coming along. After the baby shower, I put away and assembled everything in the baby’s room. It was the only space that hadn’t been completed until now. I couldn’t wait to add our little guy and make him a part of everything. Dodger said we could go to the store today to get the last odds and ends we needed. Small things like a pacifier, a few bottles, a can of formula in case breast feeding didn’t go well right off the bat, and I wanted a simple but decent first aid kit to keep in the house. Never know when you’d need it.

I heard the front door open and shut. A very sweaty Dodger came in panting, and headed straight to the sink. He grabbed a glass from the cabinet and chugged the whole thing. He exhaled loudly.

“Whew, that was a brutal run.”

I smiled at him. “How come?”

“It’s still chilly in the morning, so there’s a bite in the air.”


He winked at me, and came over to kiss the top of my head. “Sorry, I’d hug you, but I’m gross and need a quick shower. How was your breakfast?”

“It was so good. Thank you.”

He moved around the kitchen, filling another glass of water, and making himself a cup of coffee.

“You save me any bacon?”

“Save bacon? Is that even a thing? The bacon is currently digesting and I’m sharing it with your son.”

He knew I’d eaten it all. “Well, better him have it, than it goes to my ass.”

“Hey,” I scolded as I got up from the table to put my dishes in the sink. I patted his butt on my way by. “Don’t talk bad about that ass. I happened to love it.”

He chuckled. “I’ll be right back. I need to get cleaned up.”

When he walked out, I wiped down the table and finished making his coffee. I loved our morning routine when we were both home. We moved around each other like a perfectly synchronized dance. As I was about to walk out of the kitchen and to our bedroom to brush my hair and teeth and get dressed, Dodger’s cell phone rang. He’d left it on the counter.

I was never the type of girlfriend that ever snooped or spied on my guy’s phone or things. I just assumed they always were honest with me, and if they weren’t, the truth always came out. Dodger had given me no reason to not trust him. Something in my gut nagged me to turn around and look at the screen. The ringing had stopped and I was still paused near the hallway. I was having an internal battle whether to be nosey or not. Not a but a few seconds after the call had ended, his phone started ringing again. It gave cause for alarm because it could have been his mother or father with an emergency. Walking over and picking it up, I gaped at the screen. It was not at all who I expected and my stomach dropped.

It was Dana.

I was standing in complete shock, and for the first time in my life, totally unsure what to do. The phone was in my hand and the call ended. Was I supposed to put the phone back down and act like I’d not seen anything? Or did I march into the bedroom and act like a pissed off, jealous girlfriend demanding answers? I didn’t even have time to consider my options when it started ringing again for the third time. Snapping out of my reverie, I did exactly what Macie Rosewood would do.

“Why in the fuck are you calling my boyfriend’s phone?” I growled.

Sniffling was on the other end. “Where’s Dodger?”

“I’m not falling for your shit. I’m going to ask you again, why are you calling his phone when you were told not to?”

“He told me he’d help me. I just need to talk to him.”

“I don’t think so. Find somebody else to tell your sob story to.”

I hung up. My adrenaline was pumping and my hands were shaking. Was that bitch serious? She’s lucky I wasn’t already in my car on my way to where she was to confront her. I startled when the phone started ringing in my hand again.

I pressed “slide to answer.”.

“Are you fucking dense?” I hissed.

“Macie, I don’t care what your crazy pregnant ass is trying to do, but I need to talk to Dodger now.”

“You’re kidding right? You realize you’re so fucking fired after pulling this stunt. You understand that, right?”

“Macie, who is that?” Dodger came walking in with a perplexed look.

Dana started screaming through the phone his name. His brows furrowed as he came toward me and tried to take the phone.

“No.” I hung up. “You tell me why Dana is calling you when you told me she had been informed of the rules.”

“I don’t know. She hasn’t called me since that one day.”

“Why don’t I believe you?”

He held out his hand for me to give him his phone. “I’ve never given you a reason to not believe me. Why would you start now?”

The phone rang again. I screamed and raised my arm to throw it across the room. He came forward so quick I couldn’t jerk my hand back before he snagged it from me.

“I swear to god, Dodger, if you answer that phone, I will walk out of that door right now.” My chest was heaving up and down, and I meant every word.

He shook his head. “Are you serious?”

“Look at my face, do I look like I’m kidding?”

“Macie, come on. Let me just see what she wants.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Don’t you think you’re overreacting?”

“No.” I started firmly.

He sighed. The phone stopped ringing briefly before it started again.

“Okay, this is ridiculous. I want that girl gone. Do you understand me? I will not wait around for you to make this choice.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. I guess he wanted to call my bluff because he put the phone to his ear and said, “Hello?”

Unbelievable. Well, no way was I going to stick around to find out what Dana wanted. She’d been told that she was never to call his phone when he wasn’t supposed to be at work. With these calls, I drew the line in the sand and he knew my comfort level. And right now, it felt like he just punched me in the gut. I bit down on my tongue to prevent myself from crying. Instead of yelling at him, I left him to his conversation. I blocked out whatever he was saying on his end. I heard him raising his voice, but none of it mattered. It felt like he’d picked her over me.

I walked into our bedroom, threw on some stretch pants and pulled on a shirt. Throwing my hair up, I walked out, grabbed my keys and left. I knew right where I was headed. Dodger was at the front door when I’d pulled out, but he could go fuck himself. I wasn’t stopping this car. He might as well have handed me the keys to drive away.

When I pulled up to Keegan and Camden’s apartment, I got out and rang their bell. I heard the dog start barking. Camden answered and took one look at my face and his brows furrowed.

“What’s wrong?”

God, he was so much like his brother it wasn’t even funny. Tears pooled in my eyes as I stood there. Camden glanced behind me as if looking for his brother. His expression softened when he saw that I was alone and distraught.

He took me by my arms and led me inside. “Come in.” When we were both inside, I heard Keegan yell from upstairs.

“Who was it, Babe?”

“Keegan, come down here please.”

I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

“Does my brother know you’re here?” he asked.

“No. And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell him.” The dog was wagging his tail at me excitedly trying to get my attention. I patted its head.

“Macie.” He almost sounded like he was pleading with me.

I heard feet coming down the stairs. “Oh hey, Macie. What are you doing?”

When she got closer to me and saw my face, she rushed to my side. Her arms automatically wrapped around me and she brought me to sit on the couch.

“Honey, what happened? Where’s Dodger? Are you okay?”

“He’s at home, probably still talking to that cunt.” I tried not to yell.

Camden hung out in the kitchen giving us our space, but listening.

“Who are we talking about exactly?” Keegan asked.

“Dana. Who else?”

“Okay, what happened?”

I heard the coffee maker going, and Camden started doing dishes.

“Dodger had just gotten home from a run and he was in the shower. His phone started ringing off the hook, so I finally went and checked to see who it was. I was worried maybe his parents were trying to get a hold of him or something. Dana was calling. And she didn’t just call once, she called over and over.”

Keegan sat up straight. “You’re kidding. She knows that’s not allowed.”

“I know.” I deadpanned.

“What did Dodger say?”

“Well, I ended up answering the phone and she asked to talk to him. She sounded like she was crying or at least fake crying. I told her to find someone else to call. But she wouldn’t let up.”

Camden had stopped what he was doing and came around the island to sit on the ottoman next to Keegan. He was all ears and listening now.

“Did she say what she wanted?” he asked me.

“No. She just kept saying she wanted to talk to Dodger. He came out and saw me on the phone. ” My body quaked. My nerves were completely shot and I was struggling to come down from my anger. “Camden, I swear to god if you don’t fire her—”

He didn’t even let me finish the sentence. “She’s gone. You don’t have to worry about it anymore. Okay?”

“Just like that?” Keegan asked, astonished that he was so quick with that answer.

“Look at her, Keegan. Nobody needs to be this worked up over someone. I was there when Dodger told her what his hours were and defined when it was acceptable to call him on his cell phone. Dana was reprimanded and she signed an agreement that she knew what was expected of her. So yeah . . . just like that.”

Keegan smiled. “Oh, see, honey, you have nothing else to worry about.”

I tried not to flip out on her, but I couldn’t help my frustration. “Keegan, are you fucking kidding me? I have everything to worry about. While she may have signed some stupid paper, Dodger is the one that is bending his own rules and allowing her to call him!”

“What do you mean?” Camden leaned forward.

“He took his phone from me and she called again. I told him I was leaving if he answered.”


“Am I sitting here on your fucking couch?” I put my hands on my stomach.

The stress of the morning was catching up to me. My body’s reactions were now affecting the baby. He was moving all over the place kicking me, reacting to my residual adrenaline. Poor baby. This was all Dana’s fault. How did my morning go from perfect to complete shit?

“Okay, I get it,” Camden said. “Well, you can stay for as long as you need to, but if he calls, I’m not going to hide the fact that you’re here.”

“Cam,” Keegan pleaded.

“No. I feel for everyone involved here, but that’s my brother and she is carrying his child. He has a right to know where she is. I’m sure he’s already out searching all over the place for Macie.”

“I doubt that.” I wiped at my puffy eyes. “He is probably wherever with Dana, saving her from her burning house.”

Camden took his phone out of the pocket of his gym shorts he was wearing.

“Who are you calling?” my best friend asked.


Keegan snorted in disgust, while I glared at him. He shook his head at me and put his finger in the air. I flung myself back on the couch, and the dog jumped up to cuddle next to me. Probably sensed my tension and was trying to soothe me. When he set his phone down I looked at him expectantly.

“She didn’t answer. But don’t worry, I’ll be letting her know as soon as I get a hold of her that she’s worked her last day at The Dugout.”

I kept my mouth shut. Her being fired may have been something he thought would make me feel better, but it didn’t. I was anxious knowing that I’d left Dodger, and he likely went to help her. The very idea made me want to run to the toilet to throw up. I wished he wasn’t the type to feel like he was someone’s savior. Sure he was there for me whenever I needed him to be, but making exceptions for someone that was an issue for me was more than I was willing to compromise.

Camden got up and asked me if I’d like something to drink.

“No, thanks.”

“You probably should drink something, and try and settle a bit. This kind of stress is not good for you or the baby.”

“I know. I just wish I knew where he was.”

As if divine intervention was taking place, the doorbell rang.

Camden strode over and answered. I heard Dodger speaking.

“Where is she? I know she’s in here.”

Camden blocked the entrance. “Yeah, she’s here, but she doesn’t want to see you.”

I hadn’t actually told him I didn’t want to see Dodger, but he did well answering for me.

“Well, that’s just too damn bad.”

“Dodge, you really messed up, man. What in the hell happened?”

I tried to peek around him from where I sat on the couch. The dog oddly hadn’t gotten up to greet Dodger when he showed up. He stayed by my side with his head in my lap. Animals were good at sensing things.

“Dana called. I told her to never talk to me again.”

“Why did she call in the first place?”

“Camden, would you just let me in so I can talk to Macie.”

“No can do, bro.”

Judging from Camden’s rigid stance Dodger was doing something he didn’t like.

Bro, if you don’t get out of my fuckin’ way, I won’t hesitate kicking your ass until you move. Either way, I’m here for my girl. Now move.”

I saw Camden nod. Shit, he was coming in. When Dodger came into view, the tears welled up in my eyes all over again. Keegan gave my hand a squeeze and she stood up from the ottoman and went to Camden’s side. Dodger and I made eye contact and I saw him swallow hard. I must look as rough as he did. His hair was ruffled like he had dragged his hands through it a million times.

“We’ll be in the other room if you need us.” Camden looked at Dodger. “If you upset her, I’m not going to hesitate in throwing your ass out of here. Understand?”

Dodger wasn’t going to answer him. He was busy staring at me, almost like he was trying to read if I was okay or not, and how he could approach me.

“Are you okay?”

“No,” I stated simply.

He exhaled and his shoulders dropped. “I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for? The fact that another woman called your phone and I answered it? Or because even after I asked you to not answer it, you did it anyway while looking me in the eyes?”

I was really laying into him, and I had no intentions of going easy. He didn’t deserve easy. Dodger came over and sat in the same spot Camden had.

“The latter.”

“Yeah? ‘Cause you sure didn’t look sorry when you still picked up that phone to talk to that crazy cunt.”

“Macie, I know. And I shouldn’t have. In hindsight, I really shouldn’t have.”

“Was it worth it?”

“No.” He looked down at his feet. “She said her ex-boyfriend had beat her up again and she was bleeding and had a black eye. When I told her she needed to stop calling me and call the police, she said no, that she just wanted me. I told her that I would call the police for her. She said that she didn’t want the police called. After she waivered with the facts of her story and some from other things she’s told me, I finally figured out that she had been lying about everything.”

I rolled my eyes. “Dodger, really? I’m pretty sure I told you that.” I scooted forward, my belly was getting uncomfortable sitting slouched down. The dog got up and moved away. “Why is it that when I told you she was a liar, you chose not to listen?”

“I don’t know. I wanted to help, you know? It all just seemed real. She showed me pictures of the bruises. I saw what she said was being done to her. I didn’t want to believe you were overreacting but, she was very convincing.”

“Yeah, and her not wanting to call the police is what finally tipped you off?”

He looked up at me, sadness etched all over his face. He was completely defeated. “No. I was leaving the house and when I walked out she was parked in front.”

I nearly knocked him over when I stood up so fast. My belly would have hit him in the face. “Are you kidding me? Dana came to my fucking house to see my god damn boyfriend? Oh . . .” I paced. Anger, hate, and negative energy was flowing from my fingertips. “She’s so fucking lucky I wasn’t there. The police would have definitely been called. I would have laid her ass out on the front lawn.”

“I know.” He attempted to grab my hand and pull me back to sit down, but I jerked away from him. “Like I said, it was all a lie. She told me she had feelings for me. The bruises I’d seen . . . she gave them to herself. Never in my life had I met someone so sadistic and manipulative.”

My lower lip started to quiver. All of my nerves, anxiety, anger, and heart break was catching up to me. I wanted to hurt him as much as he hurt me and ask why he couldn’t just believe me. And typical of my emotions lately, I also wanted him to comfort me. I wanted him to hold me and tell me something like this would never happen again.

“Macie, please don’t cry. God, please don’t. It’ll kill me.”

“Yeah, well, maybe you need to feel an ounce of what I’ve been feeling the past few hours.”

He stood up and walked to me anyway. He knew I’d resist. I pushed his chest back as he moved forward. It knocked him away but he came back. I used both hands this time and shoved him harder. He braced himself this time and held steady. My tears were freely flowing now. When I attempted to move him away from me for a third time, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me into him. Sure I had a stomach that was definitely in between us, but Dodger didn’t care. He put his hand behind my head and he buried his face in my neck. He breathed deeply almost as if it was his reassurance that I was here and that I was okay.

“I love you. Nothing like that will ever happen again. I promise.”

I nodded against his chest. “How do I know that it won’t?”

“Because I’ll listen to your gut if there’s ever a next time. I should have known that you know women, just like I know guys. And I’m filing a restraining order against Dana. I don’t want her anywhere near you, me, or our son. She steps anywhere near our house, or the gym, we will have her arrested. In fact, if she knew what was good for her, she would move out of town.”

“Do you really think a restraining order will keep her away?” I mumbled in his shirt.

“Yes, I do. I threatened her with it already and she kind of freaked and left the house. Kind of makes me wonder a bit more about her and her past. I got the feeling she’s done this before but to someone else.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it.”

We stood there, wrapped in each other, trying to settle from everything that had happened. I know I may be forgiving him quickly and easily, but honestly it wasn’t worth the effort to keep it going. I know he knew better and he had learned a tough lesson. The pure worry on his face when he came here and saw me was enough to tell me that he wouldn’t be doing it again. I never questioned Dodger’s love for me. But he needed to understand that there were greater things at stake here. He essentially tested the strength of our relationship and my resolve. He ever tried to pull something like that again, I’d be gone and it wouldn’t be so easy finding me. Nor would I be handing out forgiveness.

“Can we go home?”

I shook my head. “No.”


“No, we have baby things to get.”

He leaned back and cradled my face between his hands. “Yes, we do.” He kissed me gently on the lips, and then my nose. He bent down and kissed my belly, and placed his hand on it. “Sorry, little man. I didn’t mean to get your mommy all worked up.”

I brushed my fingers through his hair. “We forgive you. But can you feed us to?”

“Of course.”


He chuckled. “If that’s what you want.”

“It’s what your son wants.”

“Right . . . my son.” He smiled his crooked smile and it melted me. “Come on. We can leave your car here, and we will pick it up later.”

We left after I yelled to Keegan we were out of there. She hugged us goodbye and threatened Dodger’s life and body parts if he ever hurt me again. Camden drove it home when he socked his brother in the arm a little harder than a friendly punch. Yeah . . . pretty sure lessons had been learned here.





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