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SEAL of Approval by Lynn Faye, Sarah J. Brooks (58)



“It’s so nice to see you again Senator Edwards,” I said as I ran into him outside of our offices.

“Yes, I was just meeting with Matthew for a minute. How are things going for you? Have you adjusted to Washington politics yet?”

“I’m not sure anyone can ever really adjust to this life, but I am starting to feel a little more comfortable.”

“It was good to see you,” Senator Edwards said as he walked down the hall.

“You too.”

I wanted to ask him what he and Matthew had talked about but I didn’t think that was very appropriate considering what my official position was in the office.  I would just have to ask Matthew later when I talked to him. Hopefully Senator Masson had made it onto the Arms Committee and we could move forward with our plans.

As I made my way to the office and to my desk, I felt nervous to know that Matthew was back in town. The week had gone by so quickly, I wasn’t sure I was ready to have to deal with him again.

Through the entire week, Matthew hadn’t text or called me at all. Which normally, if I were dating a guy, I would be extremely agitated about. But what Matthew and I were doing wasn’t exactly dating and I was relieved to not have to deal with him throughout the week.

During the past week, I had been more productive at work than I had ever been in the past. I got plenty of projects done, had lunches with my friends and even managed to get a couple workouts in. It was amazing how much work I could get done when I wasn’t constantly thinking about Matthew.

“Is he in a good mood?” I asked Steven.

“I think so. He asked where you were though. I said you were having lunch with Senator Masson.”

My face went pale as a ghost. The thought of me having lunch with Senator Masson was probably exactly what Matthew had intended for me to be doing while he was gone. I was supposed to have started planting the idea for Senator Masson to take over the Speaker of the House position. I hadn’t done that at all. If Matthew actually talked to George, I was going to have a lot of explaining to do.

I quickly dialed Marge to see if I could set up a time to talk with George.

“Hi Marge, I was supposed to come pick up something from Senator Masson. Does he have any time today?”

“Actually, he has his lunch hour blocked out for you from one o’clock this afternoon.”

“Great, I’ll be over then. Thanks so much.”

I needed a reason to get out of the office before Matthew realized I was there. As I looked around the room, I couldn’t come up with a single reason to leave the office. But then I decided I could run some errands for the office. My mind was blank with frustration, what errands did we need done? Oh, I felt so out of sorts knowing that Matthew was back.

“Hey Steven, wasn’t I suppose to go run and pick something up today?” I asked as I searched for a reason to leave.

“I’m not sure. What was it?”

“I can’t remember.”

“Hmmm, we could use another order of copy paper if you feel like going downstairs and lugging it back up here.”

“Sure, I’ll go grab some.”

As quickly as possible I jumped up and made my way down the hallway and to the elevators. I could certainly waste a few minutes going on a paper run. Our paper supply room was all the way in the basement and sometimes there wasn’t any way to get out of there without talking to Renee for at least thirty minutes.

Renee was a quirky girl who didn’t seem to have many friends outside of the people she talked to at work. The second I walked into her room to sign out the paper, she went on and on about a television series she had been watching. Normally, I would find a reason to leave; but I decided Renee was my perfect accomplice to spending some time away from the office.

We talked for almost an hour before I finally decided I needed to get back upstairs. I had six reams of paper in my arms, which seemed like it would be easy to carry, but I quickly realized I wasn’t as strong as I thought I was.

I used my elbow to push the elevator button and then balance the papers on the back bar to give my arms a little relief. As I reached to try and press the button to my floor, I saw George slide his way into the elevator. The doors closed right behind him and he moved over and stood right behind me.

His arms reached around me and lifted the paper up slightly. I could feel his hips moving against my ass. He started to get aroused rather quickly and I played with him a little and pressed back against him.

“That paper looks pretty heavy,” he whispered into my ear.

“Yes, it’s hard to carry all by myself.”

“I can help you with hard.”

His cock was fully erect as he pressed against my ass. Just then, the elevator door opened on our floor. George was pressed up against me with his arms around me holding onto the paper.

“Hey, George,” I heard Matthew’s voice say.

George quickly grabbed the paper from me and put it in front of his raging hard cock. He tried to pretend like there was nothing going on, but there was no way to avoid it. Matthew had definitely seen what George was doing. Now, what was Matthew going to do about it?

“Hey, Matthew, I was just helping Michaela with some paper,” George said as he walked right past Matthew.

The look on Matthew’s face was dangerous. He looked like he might just punch George in the face right there in the hallway. I had to smile and shrug at Matthew as I pushed past him. He was the one that wanted things to be professional. He was the one that fucked me and left me without so much as a text all week long.

I couldn’t have planned it any better. The way Matthew found us; he knew that George was pressed up against me. It was gloriously perfect. Although, I still hadn’t talked to George and put the idea of running for Speaker of the House in his mind yet. I liked the idea of getting Matthew a little jealous.

George was halfway down the hall and I followed closely. Matthew had decided he didn’t really need to go downstairs and instead was only a few steps behind me. His eyes were fixated on George and he looked angry.

“I can carry that into the office, George,” Matthew hollered from behind me.

“No worries, I have it.”

When George reached the office, I opened the door and let him in, then closed the door and turned toward Matthew.

“Don’t ruin this. Don’t be a jerk,” I said and then opened the door and made my way to my desk.

I didn’t have time to have a regular conversation with Matthew, but he needed to slow down and realize that getting George into a little bit of a compromising position would help Matthew get what he wanted. No matter what else Matthew thought was going on, he really had the upper hand over Senator Masson.

Matthew came in and seemed to have changed the expression on his face. He shook hands with George and I watched in utter shock as Matthew invited George into his office.

Oh shit, Matthew was going to talk to George about the Speaker position, or about me. Crap!

My heart raced as I watched Matthew’s door and waited for the men to come out. I hoped that Matthew wouldn’t find out that I had been flirting with Senator Masson, George, and not really talking about anything that Matthew wanted me to.

My stomach ached and I felt light headed the longer the two men were in the office. I couldn’t imagine what on earth they had to talk about in there for so long. It took well over an hour before the two came out.

They shook hands and then Matthew shut the door and George left the office without even a look in my direction. My stomach churned. I had gone from being angry with Matthew, to wanting to make sure he wasn’t angry at me.

I sat at my desk and pretended to work as I waited for Matthew to call me into his office. But as the hours of the day faded away, I finally decided it would be best just to head home. Whatever was going on with Matthew, he certainly didn’t want to talk to me about it.

Throughout the ride home, I felt so conflicted. I didn’t want to feel used by Matthew. I didn’t like that feeling at all. But I really didn’t want to continue whatever it was I was doing with Senator Masson. I just wasn’t cut out for that sort of thing, even though I had thought I was.

In my mind I could flirt with George and get him to do whatever I wanted. But the truth was, George was going to want a lot more from me than I was willing to give to him. I saw the way he looked at me. George wanted me in his bed. He wanted to feel his throbbing cock inside of me and if I wasn’t careful he was going to take what he wanted. I needed to stop flirting with him right away.

The drive home from the subway was quick. It was only about a mile or so, but my neighborhood was so dangerous that I always left my car at the parking area near the subway.  I pulled into my parking spot before I realized Raymond was parked across the street.

The last time he had been at my apartment he had refused to leave until I came with him. I wasn’t going to fall for that again. Whatever reasoning Matthew had for sending Raymond, it didn’t matter; I wasn’t going over to his house. At Matthew’s house I didn’t feel in control. It was his home turf and nothing like how I felt at my house. Even though I didn’t like Matthew seeing my apartment, it was done and over now so I might as well just make him come to me if he wanted to see me.

Reluctantly, I walked over to Raymond to see what it was that he needed to tell me. There was no way in hell I was going over to Matthew’s house. He hadn’t even spoken to me at work. I didn’t feel like getting trapped at his house for the night. And I certainly didn’t want Matthew to have the upper hand in whatever it was that was going on between the two of us.

“Hi, Raymond. I’m not coming anywhere with you. I’m sorry, but please don’t sit out here all night.”

“I just needed to give you this,” Raymond handed me a small box.

“What is it?”

“Do you seriously think I would ever look inside?” He said with a smile.

“Yes,” I smiled back.

“It’s a key with a note. The note was sealed so I couldn’t read it. Not sure what the key is to. Good luck.”

Raymond rolled the window up and drove away.

I stood in the street for a minute as I tried to decide whether I wanted to look inside the box or not. It was obviously some sort of game of Matthew’s and I wasn’t sure it was a good idea to play along with him. He wanted to be in control and he had the control, even when I tried to stand up to him I couldn’t.

Slowly I opened to box and took out the key. It didn’t look like a car key, but I wasn’t exactly sure what the key was for. Perhaps a safe or some locker somewhere, I wasn’t sure.

I didn’t feel like standing in the street as I opened the letter so I went and sat back in my car. It was a short letter and certainly not an apology, I could tell that right away.

“Go to this address. Use the key. It’s a surprise.”

The note read like some sort of scavenger hunt or something and I really wasn’t in the mood. Whatever was at that address was just going to have to wait because I was going to head to bed early for the night.

But just as I was about to get out of the car a text message came through from Matthew. It was the first one I had received in a week from him.

“Don’t ignore it. You need to go now.”

He made it sounds so urgent. Like there was some sort of living animal there that would suffocate to death if I didn’t show up.

“Can’t, I’m going to bed,” I text back to Matthew.

“No. Go to that address now.”

I hated how he thought just because he told me to do something then I would do exactly that. I wasn’t his slave. I had a brain of my own and I could decide for myself if I was going to go to wherever the address led me.

As much as I wanted to continue to protest, I knew that Matthew wouldn’t stop until I went to the address he told me to go to. So I caved in and started to drive back into the city. Luckily it was close to eight o’clock by then and all the business traffic for the day was gone.

I typed the address into my GPS and it brought me to a fancy building right across the street from the Capitol. I had passed the building several times on my way to get coffee or have lunch outside of the Capitol. It was beautiful. There was a doorman and a fancy lobby. I couldn’t figure out why Matthew had given me that address to come to.

I tried to text him, but he didn’t answer.

“Am I supposed to go inside?” I text.

There was no answer.

Finally I decided to park and just go and talk to the doorman and see if he knew where I was supposed to go.

“Hello, my name is Michaela Wilson. I have this key…”

Before I could continue to say anything, the doorman opened the door for me.

“1715. The elevator is straight through the lobby on the right hand side.”

I looked at him suspiciously and then walked into the building. It was something out of a movie and I felt extremely out of place. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to find when I got up to room 1715, but I was nervous.

The elevator had mirrors all around and fancy elevator music playing. It reminded me of a fancy hotel that I had stayed in when I went to Las Vegas one time. I got off the elevator slowly and walked toward the apartment. I glanced around to see if there was anything that looked suspicious, but there wasn’t.

First, I knocked on the door and waited for a little bit. No one came to the door so I decided to pull the key out that Matthew had sent me. It slid perfectly into the lock and I slowly turned the handle and went in.

“Hello,” I hollered.

It was dark in the apartment so I felt along the wall for a light switch and flipped it on. The apartment was empty but I saw a light on from what I assumed was the bedroom.

“Hello,” I said again.

I pressed the door opened to the bedroom and there was a bed in there. It looked like there was a set of brand new sheets on it and since there was nothing else in the apartment I had to assume that the bed was new as well.

I walked toward the bed and placed my hands on it. It seemed like a really comfortable bed and the apartment was really nice.

“Do you like it?”

“Holey fuck! Matthew! You scared me to death.”

“Do you like it? I hope you like it?”

“Yes, it’s a nice apartment. But you have a beautiful house, why do you need a tiny apartment like this for?”

“It’s not mine,” he said.

Matthew stood there and smiled at me with a boyish grin and I couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on. All day he ignores me and then tells me to show up at some strangers apartment to meet him. Did he just want to fuck closer to work or something? I didn’t know what to think.

“Whose is it?”

Matthew looked down at the key in my hand and just continued to smile. It took me a long time to figure out what he was trying to say. I looked at him and then back at the key. Did he want me to give him the key? Did he want me to put the key down? I was so confused that I had to laugh a little. Then I figured out what was going on.

“It’s mine?” I shouted.

“Yes. I couldn’t have you staying in that dangerous neighborhood.”

“What the fuck, Matthew. You can’t just give me an apartment.”

“Actually, I can,” he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. “It has your name on the lease. Only your name. I paid the first year of rent. Then you can pay after that, or move; whatever you would like.”

I just stood there as I tried to take it all in. I had never been given a gift as big as that before. It was huge. The apartment had to cost close to $2,000 a month and he had just paid for an entire year. I really didn’t know if I wanted to be put in that kind of position with any man. I would certainly owe him, even if he said I didn’t.

A man didn’t gift something like an apartment without some sort of strings attached. He was going to want his money back in some way or form and I needed to know what way that was before I was going to agree to stay in his apartment. If all he wanted was my help with Senators, then I was fine with that. But if there were other stipulations to the apartment, I had to find them out now; before I moved into it.

“I don’t know Matthew. It’s pretty big.”

“That’s what she said,” Matthew joked as he stepped close to me and pulled the paper out of my hand and threw it on the ground. “We can talk about this later. I have something else I’d like to do.”

“What did you talk to George about in your office for so long?” I blurted out.

“You want to talk about Senator Masson right now?” Matthew unzipped his pants and his throbbing cock sprung to attention.

“Just in general, what did you talk about?” I couldn’t stop my curiosity, I desperately needed to know what the heck they had talked about.

“We talked about him wanting you to go work for him.”

Matthew continued to strip his clothing off as he told me more about what they talked about.

“I said no and then we turned the conversation to talking about him taking on the role of House Speaker. I’m pretty sure he was thinking about the role anyways and my telling him to do it just made things worse. But only time will tell.”

“So that took an hour?”

“Then he asked for you again. Man, he really wants you.”

I looked down in embarrassment. I didn’t know what to say or do; I knew George wanted me too. There was no doubt that my teasing him had made him lust for me even more than he had been before.

“What did you say?”

“I told him yes.”

“What? You did not! I don’t want to go work for him,” I said as I pushed Matthew.

“I’m kidding Kayla. I’m not about to let you go anywhere,” he said as he started to take off my clothes. “I plan on keeping you all for myself for a very long time.”

I couldn’t think straight with his hands on my body. Every brush of his fingertips against my skin made me go crazy. I got wet just from the first touch and continued to pulse wetness with each additional touch. Damn if Matthew wasn’t one of the sexiest men I knew.

I wanted to fuck him almost the first second I walked into the apartment, there was no denying our chemistry was insane. It was like an electric current that ran between the two of us that just couldn’t be turned off.

His dark eyes and hair framed his face perfectly. There was a distinguished nature to his chin and because he was almost twice my age, he also had some distinguished lines around his eyes. Every part of his face was perfect though, just about as perfect as the rest of his body.

My hands lingered on his chest as I inhaled the sweet scent of his cologne. There was something so calming about his smell. It was like nothing I had ever been around. I was sure it was just a combination of his shampoo and soap, maybe a little cologne; but it was delightful.

“I didn’t like seeing his hands on you,” Matthew said as he turned me around and held my ass up against his pelvis.

“I’m sorry,” I said as I pressed my ass against him.

“You should be, I almost lost it right there. Seeing the way he had his hands on you. Fuck I couldn’t take it another second.”

“You know I didn’t sleep with him, right?”

“That’s good. I want you all to myself.”

Matthew grabbed my panties and slid them down to the ground. I stepped out of them and leaned over onto the bed. I was about to climb onto the bed when he stopped me though. His lips moved gently along my spine as he pulled me up toward him.

“I’ve got a better idea,” he said.

Matthew pulled me out to the balcony that looked out over the city. We were high enough up that no one from the sidewalk could really see us. But anyone from across the way in the other apartments could, if they were watching.

“Matthew, no way.”

I pulled on his hand to bring him back inside, but he wasn’t having it. He grabbed me roughly and pressed me up against the railing of the balcony. With one hand he held onto my hands so they were firmly gripped onto the balcony, the other hand spread my legs apart.

“Oh….fuck,” I moaned as he entered me.

It felt like it had been weeks since he had been inside of me. The pressure of his raging cock as it entered me had my whole body screaming with desire. Matthew’s lips rested on the back of my neck and he pressed my hair to the side. I could feel his pleasure with each thrust.

Matthew didn’t try to quiet me at all though, he seemed energized by being outside and by hearing me moan.

His thrusts started slow as his hands made their way around to my breasts and then down to my hips. I continued to hold onto the railing for my balance as his body filled me up. It was erotic to be fucking out on the balcony, but I was scared to death that someone was going to see us.

As his thrusts increased, my eyes looked from one window to the next in search of anyone that was watching us. Luckily, it didn’t seem like anyone seemed to care at all. They weren’t around, or they were sleeping for the night.

I tried to relax as he moved, but my mind just was so afraid of getting caught that I couldn’t relax at all. I just wanted to go inside. I wanted to lay on the bed. I couldn’t have sex outside where people could see me. That was just too much for me.

“Let’s go inside,” I said as I tried to turn around and look at Matthew.

Something was different with him though. He wasn’t paying attention to me at all. Matthew grabbed the railing of the balcony and started to thrust so hard into me that I couldn’t help but scream out.

Harder and harder his cock moved inside of me and I felt like my knees were going to give way underneath me.

“Matthew,” I screamed. “Slow down.”

He didn’t respond at all, Instead I felt his thrust go as deep as he could and then he pulled out. Matthew pressed me down to my knees and grabbed my hair to pull my mouth to his cock. I obediently opened my mouth and took him deep into my through.

I was happy to be on my knees with him in my mouth. It was much more hidden than standing up for everyone to see me.

Matthew managed a few more thrusts before he released his load into my throat. He grabbed my hand and helped me up and then walked me to the bathroom as he turned the shower on.

Nothing was said as we both got into the shower and Matthew used the washrag to clean me off. Something was different with him.

When we had started to have sex he was holding me tight, his lips were right up next to my ear; I could hear his passion for me in each of his breaths. But the more we continued on the more distant Matthew got. It was like he purposely tried to be rough with me.

Little did he know, I liked to play a little rough with him, too. I couldn’t wait until the day I could tie him up to my new bed post and ride him for hours while he begged me to cum. It was a thought that already ran through my head and I had just seen the bed frame less than an hour before.

We silently took our shower and then I expected that Matthew was going to make his escape, like he had done the last time we were together. I was at least a little more emotionally ready for it on that night.

I dried off from the shower and grabbed a fresh towel to lay over my pillow as I climbed into bed. I didn’t say a word to him. Instead, I just turned and faced the balcony and closed my eyes.

As much as I tried to fight it, I felt the tears as they welled up. I hated this, whatever it was between us. I just wanted things to be back to the way they had been in Chicago. Why couldn’t we just get things back to that way? The politics of Washington didn’t have to destroy us. We could define our relationship in whatever way we wanted to.

It didn’t matter though; I heard Matthew as he gathered his clothes and prepared to leave. I needed to jut stay quiet until he was gone and then I could break down and cry. Slowly I took some deep breaths and tried to keep myself from crying.

“Goodnight Kayla,” I heard Matthew say from the doorway.

I wasn’t going to answer him. I couldn’t bear to try and talk through the tears that were forming. I just lay their silently, waiting for him to just leave.

“Kayla, I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said as I heard his voice getting closer to me.

He stood in front of me and leaned down and kissed my cheek. I hoped that he couldn’t tell I was crying and I hoped that he hadn’t felt the tears on my cheek.

His footsteps got further away and I heard him out in the main room. It sounded like he locked or unlocked the door and I waited to hear it open. But there was nothing.

I sat up to look and see what was going on. Matthew stood in the doorway and threw wallet and keys onto the ground. He walked quickly over to the bed as he took off his clothes again and threw the covers back.

“I’m going to stay,” he said as he grabbed my face with both of his hands and kissed my cheeks. “If that’s alright with you?”

I couldn’t talk, I just shook my head yes and I fell onto his chest.

With his arms around me I tried to stop myself from crying. I didn’t know why I had gotten so emotional about the night. We were having fun, it didn’t need to be anything more than that. But it was so much more than that to me.

I wrapped one arm and one leg around his naked body as I finally drifted off to sleep. It wasn’t a perfect night, but it did feel like a start to something really different than we had for the first few weeks I had been in Washington.

I was happy. I needed things to be different. I was fine with helping him on his rise to the Whitehouse, but I wasn’t fine with being used for a toy and then thrown away. The fact that Matthew had changed his mind and decided to stay the night was huge to me. I felt like the battle of good and evil had finally ended inside of Matthew and he had given in to his good side. He had felt the same chemistry I did and he was willing to see where things would lead us.

I was convinced with us working as a team, Washington was not going to know what hit them.




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