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Dance With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 4) by Blake, Joanna (9)

Chapter Nine


“H ush little baby, don’t say a word… mama’s gonna buy you a mocking bird …”

I walked Petunia back and forth until she settled. She was such a good baby. She was sweet and rarely cried. But she did wake up fussing sometimes in the middle of the night .

Even the tiniest whimper seemed to wake me up from across the hallway, even with the AC on .

Having a baby had forced me to learn to go to bed a lot earlier than I used to. I valued rest in a way I never did before. I used to stay up reading or texting with friends until after one. I had always loved sleeping in and missed it more than I could say. But Mae had promised to force me to stay in bed late a few days a week .

It was impossible not to worry about my baby, but with Mae on duty, I could relax a little bit .

Petunia made a soft snoring sound where she was huddled against my chest. I smiled and carried her into the nursery. I pressed a kiss to her forehead and carefully laid her down, settling her into the position the baby books had recommended. I couldn’t resist watching her sleep for a few minutes, just like I always did .

Eliza had been unexpected to say the least and I was woefully unprepared to be a mother. But I did my best and caught on soon enough. I loved my snuggly little burrito more than life itself .

Even if she did have her daddy’s eyes. Or maybe that just added to the magic I felt when I looked at her. It was one of his best features after all. Heck, all his features were gorgeous .

And he’d passed those good looks onto his daughter. I’d just have to get used to it. She was perfect in every way. Even if she would remind me of him every single day .

Hopefully, she’d have my personality along with her daddy’s looks. Or at least, not be a two timer! Still, I’d love her all the same .

I gave a silent ‘harumph’ to that .

I did not want to spend the rest of my life mooning over Whiskey, that much was certain. Maybe if I met someone else, they would wash his memory away. I doubted it, but it was worth a shot .

What I needed was a rebound. Just for fun. Sure it was already a year later, sure. But nobody had to know that .

I was certain Whiskey had had more than his fair share while I was sitting at home with a bun in the oven. He’d probably had rebounds on top of rebounds. And then some more .

Maybe even some double rebounds .

Rebounds a trois .

I sighed, tiptoeing back to my bedroom. I did not want to think about that. Ever again .

But my mind was sneaky and kept showing me imaginary pictures of him with other girls. I groaned, sitting and resting my head in my hands .

Whiskey was so handsome, and so damn sexy, what girl could resist? I sure hadn’t been able to. It was going to be next to impossible to forget him, even if he was a dog. With a capital D !

I knew there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hades of washing him away. That was never, ever going to happen. I would just have to learn to deal with it. He was my cross to bear, but since he’d given me my little love, it was worth the pain .

I crawled on top of the covers, still wearing my robe over my silky nightshirt and matching shorts. I kicked off my fuzzy slippers and shut my eyes, feeling exhaustion wash over me. I’d been up early with the baby, then worked a double .

Not to mention having two separate confrontations with my past. One pleasant and one… not so much. It was a hell of a lot for one day !

I was beat .

That’s when I heard it .

Singing .

Someone was singing .

It sounded like it was right outside my window. I sat up abruptly. It was right outside my window .

I hurried to shut my door softly, so the sound wouldn’t carry. Then I ran to the window, praying that Petunia wouldn’t hear the ruckus in her room. Or Mae. She needed her sleep too .

I threw the window open, pressing my face against the screen. I didn’t have to look far. It was dark but I knew who it was .

Two big, muscle-bound men in black leather jackets were out there, singing at the top of their lungs .

Freaking Whiskey and his buddy Callaway were in the backyard, howling like a couple of cats. Of course it was them. They were serenading me apparently, wailing an old school rock ballad soulfully right at my window .

“Be quiet! Have you lost your minds ?”

Whiskey staggered forward, smiling at me goofily .

Hey babe .”

“Do not call me babe .”

He just smiled wider .

“You are so pretty when you are mad .”

“I’m mad because you are going to wake the whole neighborhood !”

He looked instantly contrite, like a little boy who was told he’d have to finish his dinner before he got a cookie .

“I’m sorry .”

“You should be! Now, go home! Both of you !”

“But I wanted to see you .”

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, praying for patience .

“You already saw me .”

The smile was back .

“I did. You’re so pretty .”

“You are drunk !”

I’m sad .”

“Please do me a favor, Whiskey .”

“I would do anything for you, Becks. Just name it .”


I slammed the window shut loudly. Too loudly. Petunia let out a wail. I didn’t spare a backwards glance to see if the fool had actually left. Or worse yet, if he’d heard the unmistakeable cry of a baby .

Dammit !”

I pushed my feet back into my fuzzy slippers and stomped down the hall .