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Housekeeping by Summer Cooper (47)

Chapter Fourteen

Kelly could not believe she was on the back of a motorcycle. The wind whipping in her hair, the smell of the desert air, and the warm sunshine on her face was a brutal combination of joy and freedom. She had to resist the urge to lean back and let go, becoming one with the earth and her surroundings, but since she didn’t want to crack her head open and die, she figured she would have to be content with just enjoying the ride.

John cranked the bike faster, twisting the accelerator slowly and with purpose. The bike lurched slightly coming to life on another gear and increasing speed as Kelly held on, her arms wrapped tightly around John’s waist, feeling his rock hard abs beneath his tattered tank top. His tattoos glistened in the sun, illuminating his ripped muscles, turning his body into a living piece of art. It was so sexy.

The town whirred by them in the distance and Kelly found herself wondering what boring topics her professors were going over in her classes today. She enjoyed college, and she enjoyed her area of study, but it was a bit much at times. Especially, when she combined it with several hours a day of work and then studying when she got home. She had not realized how burnt out she was. This felt so freeing and so amazing that she could not believe she had even had a doubt about it.

She found herself hugging John tighter and tighter, enjoying his warm, rugged body against hers. She loved his sweet, masculine smell, laying her face on his back and just allowing the wind to dance with her hair. She had often dreamed of a life where she could just cut loose and let herself embrace freedom on a total level, but she had never been able to take the risk and let go. This was one of those times and she definitely wanted more in her future.

They had been traveling on the highway for about twenty miles when John pulled the bike over and pulled up in front of a building. Kelly had never really been in this part of town and she was excited to see where they were headed. One thing people realized when they came to the Phoenix area was how unbelievably huge the city really was. It would take you well over an hour to travel from one side of the metropolitan area to the other if you used the highway.

The building was a bit older and rustic, and it kind of reminded her of a warehouse set aside from the rest of the community, but she saw a line of cars parked in front. As they got closer she read the sign “West Phoenix Gun Shop and Range”.

“What are we doing?” Kelly asked.

John looked back and smiled at her as he pulled the bike to a stop and shut off the motor.

“You ever fire a gun before?”

Kelly looked at him and smiled.

“Ok, now both hands with a firm, but relaxed grip. Keep your body loose and bend your knees slightly,” John’s voice was a bit muffled outside her headphone enclosed ears. Everything sounded like it was underwater, which was actually kind of neat.

Kelly bent her knees and took a few deep breaths trying to relax. She had never fired a gun before and guns in and of themselves had always terrified her, but gripping the pistol in her hand and feeling the cold metal melding into her grip—she felt lethal and strong. It was so empowering and she couldn’t wait to fire away.

“Ok, now you are going to squeeze the trigger. Don’t pull it. Just take a deep breath first, aim at your target and squeeze.”

Kelly followed John’s instructions to the letter and squeezed the trigger slowly. The gun came to life and blasted a round at her target, hitting it dead on the chest. The recoil from the gun was much stronger than she had estimated, but her arms were able to absorb it, transferring the shock through her chest and down into her legs, vibrating warmly. It left her whole body tingling with a mixture of excitement and power.

“Great shot,” John said.

“Yes!” Kelly said. She started to jump up and down but thought better of it when she remembered the loaded gun in her hand.

“Try again,” John said.

Kelly got back in her stance, aimed, and fired another shot. Then another. And another. Eventually emptying the chamber. John pressed the button and the target came back to her. He held it up for her to see. She had hit bullseye on half the shots and hit the target in several key places with the others. She couldn’t believe it.

“You are a natural, baby,” John said.

Baby. She loved it when he called her baby. It was essentially their first date, but she had never had anyone really call her baby. The way he said it with that sexy smirk and that cocky swagger of his was irresistible.

He leaned over, put his hand on her ass, and kissed her deeply, catching her by surprise. Then he put a new target up and she got ready for another round.

It was exhilarating. Just knowing that she had the power in her hands at that moment to stop anyone or anything that life had to throw at her.

John was no slouch himself. He was actually pretty amazing. After she’d had two rounds he took over and took several rounds himself, hitting the bullseye with amazing accuracy, firing shot after shot with a laser-like focus and an intensity that turned Kelly on beyond belief.

After the gun range John took Kelly back home. She had to get ready for work soon anyway. He pulled up in front of her apartment building and she had expected him to just let her off, but he asked her if he could use the bathroom. So she let him up.

When he came out of the bathroom she was drinking a bottle of water and was just about to offer him one when she saw the look in his eyes. It was the look of desire. It was the look of a man who had one thing on his mind.

He approached her slowly, grabbing the bottle from her hand and set it down on the counter. John wrapped her up in his arms and pulled her close, pressing his mouth down on hers. She surrendered herself to the kiss, letting his energy consume her, flowing into her being. It was like being placed on another planet where the real world she knew no longer existed.

Suddenly he grabbed her and flipped her around, bending her over the counter. In an instant he had her pants and underwear down around her ankles. Kelly knew that she shouldn’t be doing this, but he was so sexy and it had been so long. She wanted it so badly and she knew it was going to feel so good.

He was suddenly deep inside of her, forcing her body to open up to encompass him. Kelly thought of all the times she had dreamed of a sexy man taking her like this. It was her deepest fantasy to just be taken and ravaged. She loved it rough and needed to feel a bit helpless. She was his and he would do with her what he wished.

Feeling him moving in and out of her body, using her, owning her, making love to her, was intense in its passion and she surrendered to every urge she had ever had. She was relinquishing all feelings of control at that moment. She was tired of having to stress and worry about everything. She was tired of being totally in control of her life. It was time that she let go.

She felt herself about to hit her climax and he beat her to it, but only by a few seconds. She closed her eyes and breathed nice and deeply and let it finish deep inside of her.

Afterwards, John got dressed, and kissed her sweetly.

“See you later, baby,” he said leaving through the door.

Kelly stood there with her pants still around her ankles for several minutes trying to compose herself and allow her heart to calm down. She had to laugh at the absurdity and the pleasure.

It was a good day, so far.