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Naughty but Nice: A Best Friend's Dad Christmas Romance by Rye Hart (117)



I hurried out to greet Carrie, and my blood pumped like fire in my veins when I saw how amazing she looked. She was more beautiful than I remembered and it suddenly felt like it had been ages instead of a week since I’d seen her.

I stepped out to meet her, and she smiled. “Finally, a familiar face.”

“How was your trip?” I took her hand and headed into the house, but she turned and looked at her bags which were left by the door. “I’ll have an attendant gather those and bring them up to your room.”

“Oh, thank you. It was fine—the trip. I’ve never flown before. Actually, I’ve never left Nebraska before.” She gave a little shrug and glanced around as we walked down a long hall and into the great room. Her eyes widened. “This place is so big. It’s a real castle.”

I chuckled softly and nodded. “Yes, it’s a real castle, and while I’ll show you most of it, we’ll stay in this tower.”

She nodded, still taken aback by the scale of things. “Right. Tower. And there are others?”

“Four; one for each corner.”

She narrowed her eyes. “You’re not like a prince or something?”

“No. I’m a billionaire. I own a few businesses, but if I were to tell you which ones, I’d have to kill you,” I teased, trying to break the tension.

She rolled her eyes gave a reluctant laugh.

“Ah, right. Anonymity.” She folded her arms across her front.

“Come, let’s get you something to drink and make you comfortable. I know it’s late, but I’d like to talk a minute. Give you time to acclimate.”

“That would be nice, thank you.”

I took her hand and led her to the bar area on the far wall and poured her a drink. She started to take a seat on the nearest barstool, but I took her hand. “I think there are more comfortable places here.” I led her to my den where the furnishings were less formal.

One of the first things I’d done to personalize my castle home was order four custom-built black leather sofas. I placed them in the room in a square formation, and they were comfortable to lounge on and the perfect place to get more acquainted.

“Have a seat.”

She lowered herself onto the leather and smiled. “This is amazing. I could sleep right here.”

“You’ll have a bed that’s twice as amazing as this. You’ll see. But first, I wanted to talk to you about the contract and answer any questions you have. I like to get this out of the way to avoid any confusion.” I also didn’t like the ugly talk of arrangements screwing up the mood once we got started.

“I believe I understood it just fine. Everything will be at your whim and in your control for the next two weeks. I’ll have no say.” She made a face as if that part wasn’t to her liking.

“I think you’ll be surprised at how much control you’ll have. You’ll influence every decision I make. I’m not a monster, Carrie. I want this to be fun for you.”

She seemed to mull that over for a moment. “I haven’t had much fun lately. My father’s sick. He’s got to have surgery, and since we’re broke, I’m hoping to use the money so he can get it.”

I had lost my own father a few years ago to a heart attack. He’d been a tyrant who had made most of my life miserable to make is fortune. Though we hadn’t been close, it had still been painful to lose him. Carrie’s face softened when she spoke of her father, and I imagined that seeing him in failing health was excruciating for her. I wanted to make her forget all about that for a while.

“I’m sorry to hear that your father is so sick,” I said, to which she shrugged. Deciding to change the subject to more pleasant things, I cleared my throat. “When you do get a chance, what do you like to do for fun?”

“I used to paint; acrylic mostly, but sometimes I’d work with oils. My father used them. He loved the textures. I thought they were too messy and took too long to dry. I prefer faster results, I guess,” she answered.

“Impatient?” I’d have fun with that. She’d get a good lesson in patience while she was here with me.

“I suppose. But I love creating, and I have so many ideas that I do better with smaller projects; ones that give me instant gratification.”

A sly smile played around the corners of my mouth as I thought about gratification and how much of it she’d be getting. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

Seeing her in the dress she’d worn, per my dress code, really showed off her curves and her long legs. Her skin was like honey and hair was a pale blond that complemented her bright green eyes. I could feel my dick straining against the fabric of my jeans.

She cleared her throat, and I snapped out of my daze. “Your father is an artist too, then?”

“Yes. He’s really good.”

“I bet you’re good too.” I had a feeling she was going to be good at whatever I threw at her,

“I’m okay, I guess. I was featured at a local art show, and one of my works hangs in the library back home. It’s not much, but other people seem to enjoy it.”

“That’s amazing. There is a gallery here in the castle. I’ll show it to you tomorrow if you like. There are some amazing old portraits throughout the castle, as well.” I suddenly wanted to show her all those things and was glad she seemed to share my love of art. “You know, my mother used to paint some. I have one of hers hanging in my bedroom. You’ll see it.”

“Right, when we—”

“Right.” I looked at her, and she shifted in her seat and sipped her drink,

“I’ve never been away from home.”

“Well, you certainly picked a good place for your first visit. Is someone caring for your father back home or is he in a facility?” I hated that I put her out to come, but on the other hand, I was selfish and couldn’t help but want her.

“He’s in a home. Our old house is a bit behind on taxes, but I hope that some of this money will fix that too. It also needs a bit of repair. I’ve been taking care of things since my stepmother left. She took my dad’s savings on her way out.”

She had seen hard times, and it made me feel for her. I’d had some rough times with family issues as well, and it was never easy, rich or poor. Money didn’t solve everything, and it didn’t make a home a happy place to be.

“Is there anything else about the contract that you needed to know? I don’t mind explaining the reasons behind some of my rules, but I’d rather discuss these things now instead of later. And I especially think you should ask before we have sex.” I wasn’t going to tell her, but if she felt she had to leave, I’d do the courteous thing and pay her fares and see her home safely. I could certainly afford it, and it was only put in the rules so no one could try to take advantage of me.

“I do have one question, and I hope that you won’t take it the wrong way, but I’m a little confused by it.” She raked her hand through her pale hair and took a deep breath.

“Of course, ask me anything. Now’s the time.” Her question was sure to be a familiar one. It wasn’t too often that the women I’d brought asked me something I’d never heard before.

“Why go through all this just to have sex with someone? I mean, you’re kind of super hot, so it’s not like you should have to pay for it or buy someone’s time.” She let out a breath and then looked away.

“You think I’m super hot?” I leaned in and gave her a smoldering look.

“Oh, that’s it; you totally didn’t know it, right? Well, let me be the first to tell you.” We exchanged a laugh, and she shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m here.”

“Why? Because I’m so hot?” I chuckled. “Yes, I’ve been told that before.”

“A few times?” she asked, her tone still steeped in sarcasm.

“How often are you told?”

The question took her by surprise, and she looked down to her drink and then finished it off. She swallowed hard and then looked up to the ceiling.

“Maybe once or twice by someone other than my father. He thinks I’m the most beautiful girl in the world.” She rolled her eyes and made a silly face.

“I’d have to agree with him.” She was by far the most beautiful, and I could tell she thought I was not being serious. I made a mental note to change that.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“I like controlling all my business arrangements so that no one can sue me, trap me, or use me. Besides, this way I get what I want when I want it.”

Her eyes burned into mine, and that look of uncertainty returned to her face. “When are you going to want it?”

“Carrie, I’ve wanted it from the first time I walked into that diner.”

End of Sneak Peak. Would you like to know how this continues?

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What would you do...
If the man of your wet dreams made you an offer?
One that made you blush.
But accepting would mean total and complete submission.

It's sort of my thing...
I see a woman I want and I go all in.
One-hundred thousand dollars.
My private estate.
Non-stop orgasms.
No strings attached.
But there's one catch...
I own her for those fourteen glorious days.
Every delicious morsel.
It's how I feed the beast at night.
So I can conquer the world by day.
It's my equilibrium.

At least it was, until two weeks stopped being enough. How will I convince the woman of my dreams to stay after she's had a taste of the beast?