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Naughty but Nice: A Best Friend's Dad Christmas Romance by Rye Hart (5)



The nightclub was in the middle of downtown Chicago. For a Wednesday night, I was impressed by the line of people stretching around the corner of the building. The people were all huddled together in thick coats while my driver pulled up to the VIP entrance. I spotted Neil standing inside the doorway, talking with security. I hopped out of the SUV after leaving orders for my driver to pick me up in a few hours, unless I texted him before.

Cold air bore down on me as I strode down the pathway to where Neil pushed the door open for me. Music and bass thumped hard against the walls as I shook Neil’s hand with a grin.

“Nice place,” I commented, eyeing the luxuriously furnished lounge and bar inside. “I still have a feeling that you are trying to booze me up for a good reason.”

Neil laughed. “Maybe. Come inside, and let’s have a couple of drinks.”

“So, you are trying to get me drunk,” I replied as I followed him to a small booth that sat back a little way from the crowd. Chatter filled the entire lounge as we weaved our way through other tables. “If you are planning on trying to take advantage of me, I have to tell you you’re not really my type,” I said with a grin.

Neil’s face had suddenly gone serious. “There are just some things going on that I think you need to know about.”

I waited for the waiter to bring us a bottle of whiskey before pouring myself a hearty glass to sip at. The fire of alcohol sent a pleasurable shudder through me. The stress from the past couple of days lifted from my shoulders. I needed a break away from the office, but I also needed to distance myself from the temptations waiting for me at home.

“So what’s going on?” I asked him, though the look on his face told me I might not want to know.

“There’s something that you need to know, Gabriel.”

“Like what?” I asked, looking at Neil, who was studying his own glass of whiskey with a frown. “Come on then. Spit it out. I’ve got a few sips down, if that’s what you’re waiting for.”

“It’s about your ex-wife and ex-best friend,” he said.

I stiffened in shock to hear those words coming out of Neil’s mouth. He didn’t know either one of them personally. As usual, a bitter anger tore through me whenever the subject was brought up.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I demanded, setting my glass down on the table harshly. “How do you know them?”

Neil held up his hands in a universal sign of peace. “I don’t know them, man. Don’t shoot the messenger.”

“What is going on Neil?”

“They’re coming into Chicago,” he said. “To have a meeting with some government folks about what to expect with U.S. spending. They are pitching for a contract to predict consumer behavior for the next year, given the shit state the economy is in.”

“Bastards,” I blurted out, shaking my head while fury rose in me. “First, Jack Miller stole my original research for predicting consumer spending, and then he stole my wife. Now they are going after the contract we are pushing for?”

“I’m just letting you know before anyone else tells you,” Neil said grimly. “The only reason why I found out is because I called in to check on when we needed to have our shit together. They informed me that there was another company also giving input, and when they told me who it was, I had to tell you right away.”

A headache throbbed in my temples, then. I would need something much stronger to get through the night to kill the dark anger now rising up in me all over again.

“We are going to go over everything next week,” I said. “Triple check everything. I don’t care if we have to stay in the office all day and night, either. They aren’t going to get the contract.”

Neil nodded as he sipped at his whiskey. “I figured that. I’ll send out an email to everyone first thing in the morning to let them know what we are preparing to do. It’s going to be fine, Gabriel. You’re the best at what you do.”

“Jack Miller is no slouch either,” I replied coldly. “Especially since I taught him everything he knows.”

“He’s a piece of shit. I don’t know how many people actually enjoy his company besides your ex-wife.” He grimaced at the sharp look I gave him. “They’re both perfect for each other.”

I downed the last of whiskey before raising my glass to gain the waiter’s attention. “No shit. They aren’t going to get that contract, though.”

“We’ll make sure of it, Gabriel. Don’t worry. Have another glass of whiskey. Relax.”

I couldn’t relax, though. The ache in my groin was prominent now. I refused to let myself go there with thoughts of Penny still lingering in my head. I kept wondering what was inside of the Victoria’s Secret bag that she had carried with her to lunch. Now, I needed something much stronger to deal with the tumult of emotions raging inside of me.

“I need something stronger than alcohol,” I commented dryly. “You going to stay behind for a little bit?”

Neil sighed at me in exasperation. “You know, it amazes me how a man like you can get laid so often when you want it.”

“How is that amazing?” I asked, laughing. “I know that I look like some game nerd who stumbled into money.”

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about.” Neil reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet. He tossed a crisp fifty-dollar bill on the table. “I told Marissa that I would be back home after talking with you to help with the kids. Try to stay out of trouble while I’m gone.”

I scanned the room absently as Neil rose from the table. “Yeah, make sure to say hello for me, and a Merry Christmas, too.”

The VIP lounge was full of the usual sights I had gotten used to over the years. Rich and snobby women who thought they were more important than others. Some of them were half plastic to keep ahold of their youth, while a few other women lingering about the bar appeared to be so young that I briefly wondered if their IDs were fake. I had standards. Even if people didn’t believe it, I didn’t nail young women that I met at the clubs. I tried to stay clear of that sort of situation.

Picking up my glass, I tossed a fifty-dollar bill on the table as well and headed into the thick of the club. The thrum of music and energy crashed over me as I downed another drink before setting it on the bar top. I scanned the dancing crowd in the neon lights in front of the DJ before taking a seat on a bar stool to wait patiently for someone to catch my interest.

The swing of long, luxurious blonde hair caught my attention further down the bar. A tall and petite blonde was perched delicately on the edge of a bar stool, dressed in a black mini dress that seemed to just wrap around her in all the right ways. It revealed long and toned legs that were clad in dark nylons that disappeared in a pair of teetering heels. That was the type of woman that I could take back to a hotel tonight to fuck.

“That’ll do,” I muttered and hopped off the bar stool with a new drink in hand.

I approached the blonde-haired woman with ease and confidence. Taking a seat next to her, I noted the glass of wine as her choice of drink. Classy. For night club standards, anyway.

“I’d be happy to buy your next glass if—"

The blonde turned around in her seat. I started back in surprise to see Penny staring back at me. Shame shot through me when I realized that I had been fantasizing about taking her to a hotel to enjoy a night of pleasure. My dick, however, was anything but remorseful.

“Shit,” I said and leaned away from her with an embarrassed grimace. “I’m sorry, Penny. I didn’t realize it was you sitting here.”

“It’s fine,” she shouted over the music, though her cheeks were pink. “I was just sitting down for a break from dancing.”

I nodded.

“So, where is Alyssa?” I asked, scanning the crowd for any sights of my daughter. “I imagine this was her grand idea of you coming out here to the nightclub.”

A smile tugged at Penny’s red lips. I found my eyes focused there for a moment longer than appropriate before I pulled my gaze away.

“You’d be right,” she said. “And I think she went into the bathroom. I told her that I would be at the bar.”

“Well, wrap it up. Alyssa isn’t even old enough to be here,” I said. “The both of you are going home for the evening. I don’t want either one of you dancing and drinking around this club. I know the men that come here.”

Penny sipped at her wine. “Then, why are you here?” she asked boldly.

I didn’t get a chance to respond. Alyssa sidled up to Penny and stopped short when she saw me sitting on the bar stool. Horror filled her eyes as she immediately went to adjust a dress much too short for my liking.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I was meeting Neil for a drink,” I responded, shaking my head at Alyssa’s dress in exasperation. “Really, Alyssa? That dress is kind of inappropriate, don’t you think?”

“It’s not any shorter than Penny’s,” Alyssa pointed out with a pout.

I kept my gaze focused on Alyssa because it was entirely too tempting to look over at the slender pair of thighs I had been drooling over earlier.

I reached for Alyssa’s arm. “Come on, girls. We can all go back to the condo and—”

Alyssa shrugged my hand away with glittering eyes. “No, Dad. I’m an adult. I’m not drinking, obviously, because I’m not old enough, but I came here to dance. I can handle myself, believe it or not.”

I didn’t want to believe it, but she had a point. She was an adult and I had taught her how to take care of herself. I watched as Alyssa blended into the crowd on the dance floor before I downed another glass of whiskey.

I studied Penny’s profile as she finished the last bit of her wine. She appeared to be relaxed after a few glasses, but still alert to her surroundings. Curiosity burned within me.

“Are you going to tell me why you aren’t talking to your mom?” I asked.

Penny glanced over at me with a frown. “Why does it matter so much to you? It’s a long story.”

“I’d be glad to hear it,” I said, standing up from the bar stool. “Come talk with me in a booth back in the VIP lounge.”

“What about Alyssa?” she asked. “Never mind. She’ll come find you when she’s done dancing.”

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. “Exactly. We can talk in private without having to shout over the music.”

“Sounds good to me,” Penny said, rising from the bar stool. She swayed for a moment and I grabbed her around the waist to steady her. Electricity shot straight to my dick and alarm bells went off in my head.

“Sorry,” she mumbled. “Apparently that last glass was one too many.”

“No worries,” I told her, letter her go just long enough to take her hand. “I’ve got you.”

But whose got me? I wondered.