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Something More by Ella Jade (19)

Chapter 19


When Claudia came into the guest bedroom, she found her prince waiting for her. He leaned against the dresser and watched as she entered the room. He’d already removed his jacket and draped it across the bed.

Claudia locked the door before making her way to where Brody waited. Warm tingles coursed through her veins as the pounding of her heartbeat strummed loudly between her ears.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Callahan?”

He reached for her hand, pulling her toward him. “You look stunning tonight. I had a hard time keeping my hands off you through dinner.”

“As I recall, you didn’t succeed.” She shivered when he kissed her neck. “Remember where your hand was when I was eating my salad?”

He slipped his hand under her dress and moved his finger inside her panties, running his thumb along her slit. “It’s a good thing I was distracted with business talk or else, I would have done this.”

She let out a low, breathy moan when he took her clit between his thumb and forefinger.

“I knew you’d never be able to keep quiet at the table.” He placed soft kisses along her jaw and neck, dipping his tongue between the valley of her breasts as he kept a steady rhythm with his fingers. “I thought about making an excuse so I could take you home.”

“Brody…” she cried out when her impending climax threatening to overtake her.

“But having sex here where I found you was far too tempting.” He set an unyielding pace between her legs causing her to release quicker than she expected. “Let go.”

As she came down from her high, she vaguely heard him unbuckle his belt and lower his zipper. Before she had time to regain her composure, he spun her around, leaned her over the dresser, and then pushed her panties to the side. There wasn’t time for her to slip out of them. Her man was on a mission.

“Are you ready for me?” he whispered into her hair.

She gripped the edge of the dresser, closed her eyes, and let him take over. He always knew what she needed and when she needed it.

“All of me?” He eased inside her.


He set his hand on the small of her back as he worked himself in and out of her. She could tell by his quick, desperate thrusts this wasn’t going to be a marathon session, but that somehow made it all the more enticing.

“Claudia…” His voice was strained. “It’s like you were made for me.”

She belonged to him in ways she never thought possible.

He moved his hand along her hip and up to her breasts. When he swirled his thumb against her nipple, she came undone for a second time.


“That’s my girl.” He went rigid against her back, and then his warm liquid pulsed inside her. He filled her completely in so many ways. As he continued to swivel his hips for a few seconds, he placed hot, open-mouth kisses along the back of her neck. When he pulled out of her, he whispered his love for her.

He had a way of drawing every emotion out of her. One minute she was hot and full of desire, and the next she was totally in love. Each time they came together, they formed a deeper bond. He poured his heart and soul into their relationship.

Could he feel it from her too?

She turned and wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him with a force that overtook her. She was consumed by him. At times it was overwhelming.

“Hey.” He stroked her hair. “What’s wrong?”

“You do too much for me.”

“What?” He looked into her eyes. “You’re crying. Why?” He wiped her tears away with his thumb. “What has you so upset?”

“I don’t want to make trouble for you. I can see how much pressure you’re under with work, and I don’t want to make things worse with Gavin.”

“You could never make things worse. I’ve never been so relaxed and at peace before. When I found you in this room, everything changed for me.”

“I’ve complicated your life.” Angela’s words came back to haunt Claudia. She didn’t want to be the reason Brody lost everything.

“You’re why my life isn’t as crazy as it could be. You’ve given me a new perspective on things. My whole world is no longer my work. I wanted more, but I didn’t know it until I found you.”

She wiped away her tears. “I’m sorry. I’m emotional.”

“It happens.” He rubbed her stomach. “It won’t be much longer.”

“I’m really tired. It’s been a long night.”

“I’ll take you home.”

“You better put yourself back together.” She looked him over. “You look like you just had sex. What would the board think about that?”

“Who could blame me? Have you seen my girlfriend?” He took her face between his hands. “You worry too much. Everything is going to work out. I promise.”

“I trust you.” She kissed him. “I’m going to the bathroom because I probably look like I just had sex too.”

“It only makes me want you more.” He nipped at her bottom lip.

She pushed against his chest. “Not again.”

“I’ll meet you in the foyer.” He kissed her forehead. “Don’t take too long.”

“I won’t.” She hugged him one last time before disappearing into the guest bathroom.

* * * *

Brody hated to see Claudia so emotional. She had been doing well the past few weeks, having fewer breakdowns since they moved in together. He wondered what had set her off. Maybe bringing her there tonight was too much. Dinner hadn’t gone as smoothly as he would have liked, and he knew he’d have to deal with the board on Monday, especially now that Gavin had made some noise.

He made his way down the back staircase and through the kitchen when Gavin stopped him in the hallway.

“Where did you disappear to?” Gavin approached him. “The last game of pool got intense.”

“I got bored.”

“Hmm.” Gavin looked around. “Where’s your other half?”

“Claudia is meeting me in the foyer. She’s tired, so we’re leaving.”

“You’re really going through with this whole pregnancy sham, huh? Everyone here tonight couldn’t stop talking about Claudia and your baby. You’re a family man in their eyes.”

“Is that why you needed to be the center of attention at dinner?” Now Gavin’s behavior made sense. He couldn’t allow Brody to upstage him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, big brother.” He smirked. “I think the board knew what I was trying to say, don’t you?”

“The board can have their opinions, but I have the final say when it comes to you and your position with Callahan Industries.”

“You’re going to need me once that kid gets here. You’re not going to have the time you used to devote to the company. You’ll be too busy playing house.”

“Does that mean you’re willing to consider what we discussed before you left for Boston?” Brody reached inside his jacket pocket and took out the papers he’d drawn up regarding Gavin’s rights to Claudia’s child. “Will you look this over?”

“I’ve thought about your request,” Gavin said. “I’ll look them over, but I’ll be doing it from my office in New York.”

“You’re going back to Boston.”

“You can’t force me.” Gavin took the envelope from Brody and waved it in front of his face. “To do anything.”

“I’m not trying to force you to sign anything, but you’re not going to use them to blackmail me into a partnership.” Brody wanted more than anything to be able to tell Claudia he could adopt her child, but he wouldn’t allow Gavin to use her child as a bargaining chip.

“Blackmail is an ugly word, isn’t it? I’m only asking for what is rightfully mine. You can’t keep the partnership from me forever. If you want that baby, you’ll put some serious thought into giving me what I want.”

“You’re disgusting.” Brody took a step toward Gavin. “Do you know how deplorable you are?”

“No more than you are,” Gavin said. “You’re trying to send me back to Boston and steal not only half my company, but my child as well.”

“Your child? Are you kidding me? All you did was get Claudia pregnant. That doesn’t make you her baby’s father.”

“Getting her pregnant gives me certain rights, and if that child is a Callahan, it’s because of me. I finally did something you didn’t.”

“It isn’t a competition.”

The clock is ticking, big brother, and it’ll be my name that goes on that birth certificate. Think of the water cooler conversations when people find out I have visitation for your girlfriend’s baby.”

“You son of a bitch. I’ll never let you—”

“Brody?” Claudia stood in the entryway of the kitchen with Mona close behind her. “Is everything okay?”

Gavin looked at Mona, and then to Brody. It was obvious in his expression he no longer wanted to discuss custody. “We’re fine.”

“I was looking for you in the foyer.” Claudia walked over to Brody and took his hand. “I’d like to leave now.”

“Of course,” Brody said. “Gavin, we’ll discuss this on Monday.”

“In the New York office.” Gavin wasn’t going to let this go.

“I didn’t agree to that.”

“I don’t care what you did or didn’t agree to,” Gavin said. “I’m not going back to Boston.” He moved toward Mona. “It’s too hard on my relationship with Mona. All the back and forth is exhausting.”

Mona gave Brody a small smile, and then looked down at the floor. She was clearly uncomfortable being in the middle of this feud.

“You have a job to do in Boston, and I don’t—”

“I think you should let him stay,” Claudia said in a soft voice, taking Brody by surprise.

“What?” Brody looked in Claudia’s direction not quite believing what she was suggesting.

“I can see the strain this is putting on your relationship,” Claudia said. “Maybe if you worked with Gavin, you could get this partner issue resolved. Isn’t that what you want?”

“She has a point,” Gavin said. “We could resolve other things too.”

“I told you that issue has nothing to do with Callahan Industries.” Brody’s anger bubbled to the surface. Claudia must have sensed it too, because she gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

“What other issue?” Mona asked. “What else is going on between the two of you?”

“It’s nothing,” Gavin said. “My brother is stubborn and wants everything his way. I’m sure Claudia will talk some sense into him. Won’t you?”

“Brody, can you take me home now?” Claudia rubbed her temples. “I have a headache.”

“Are you okay, Claudia?” Mona asked. “You look like you may be ill.”

“I think I overdid it tonight,” Claudia said. “I’m beat.”

“That’s normal,” Mona said. “You’re in your last trimester now, so the tiredness will return. Brody, you need to make sure she gets her rest, plenty of fluids, and takes care of herself.”

“I will.” He put his arm around Claudia and led her to the foyer. Gavin and Mona followed.

“Claudia,” Mona said. “Don’t let what’s going on between Brody and Gavin upset you. I have two brothers and a sister, we fight and we work it out. They’ll be fine.”

Brody looked at Gavin, shaking his head in disgust. Gavin didn’t deserve a woman like Mona. “I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Think about what I said,” Gavin said. “It’s best for everyone involved.”

“You can come back to New York.” Brody opened the front door. “But not because of any demands you made tonight.” He wanted Gavin to know this had nothing to do with signing those papers. “You have Claudia to thank for your relocation. She obviously has a weak spot for your love life. Good night, Mona.”

Claudia bit her lip and fidgeted with her hands, much like she had done when they had arrived a few hours before. Brody wondered if she realized she’d overstepped. He hurried out to the car with her a step behind him. She did her best to keep up as he walked.

“Brody, I—”

He opened the car door and nodded for her to get inside. He wasn’t ready to talk. Between Gavin’s nonsense and Claudia’s suggestion that he stay in New York, he’d had about enough for one night. How much more was he expected to take?

He drove down the driveway in silence. Claudia gazed out the passenger side window. Occasionally, he glanced in her direction. They made love twenty minutes before. How did things go downhill so fast?


There was no denying he’d always be involved in their lives, and in the life of the baby. Two months ago, his brother wanted nothing to do with Claudia and her child, and now he was shouting out demands about visitation. Would custody be next?

All he wanted to do was protect the woman he loved and her unborn child from a man who would use either one of them to get what he wanted.

“I didn’t mean to interfere,” she finally spoke after about ten minutes.

“Why did you?” He didn’t want to be harsh, but he didn’t understand why she would want Gavin to be around them for the remainder of the pregnancy. “I told you I would handle him.”

“You couldn’t keep him away forever.”

“You don’t think so?”

“Brody.” She sighed. “I don’t want you to fight with your brother. I never wanted to come between the two of you, but that’s all I’ve done since I told you about the baby.”

“Gavin and I have deeper problems than this,” he said. “I can find a way to get him under control, but you’ve given him ammunition to use against me.”


“It doesn’t matter.” Brody didn’t want to worry her. “You have to let me figure this out.”


“Excuse me?”

“You’re not in this alone. I’d say I’m a big part of this equation. I can’t let you fight this battle without me, and you can’t lie to me. You said we couldn’t have any more secrets, or did that only apply to me?”

“Of course not.” Brody pulled into the underground garage of the penthouse. “I don’t want to upset you.”

“You can’t protect me from everything.”

“But I want to.”

She unbuckled her seatbelt and maneuvered herself into his lap. He pushed the steering wheel up and moved his seat back so she could get more comfortable. Even though she was over six months pregnant, there wasn’t much to her. She was petite and fragile on the outside, but he knew how strong and independent she was inside. He wanted to take away some of the burden she’d carried her entire life. He could make things better for her.

“I know you want to defend me and the baby, and I love you for that, but you can’t keep things from me. What did Gavin do that has you so upset?”

“I gave him the papers to look over.” He placed his hands in her lap, and then she cuddled deeper into his chest.

“You knew he wasn’t going to sign anything.”

“I know, but I didn’t think he’d threaten me. I underestimated him.”

“What did he threaten you with?” She stiffened and Brody was afraid her blood pressure would spike.

“I don’t want you to work yourself up over what he said. I’ll find a way around it. Now that he’s staying in New York, perhaps he’ll drop this nonsense.”

“What nonsense. What does he have on you?”

“Nothing on me.” He wrapped his arms around her because he just wanted to comfort her. “He threatened to file for visitation if I didn’t let him come back to New York.”

“He wants visitation with the baby? Like weekend visits? Brody? He doesn’t want the baby, why would he do that?” He recognized the anxiety in her voice. “That can’t happen. I...”

“Shh.” He held her tighter. “He’s using the baby as a tactic to get what he wants. I’m not going to let him do that.”

“I should’ve let you handle it, now he thinks every time he wants something you’ll give in because I asked you to. I didn’t know.”

“It’s okay.” He kissed her hair. “But why did you suggest he stay in New York?”

“Because I listened to Angela.” She buried her head in his chest.

“Why would you do that?”

“She told me she was upset about the two of you fighting at dinner. She was worried something other than the company was coming between you. I couldn’t tell her she was right, but I felt responsible. When I came into the hall and heard you and Gavin fighting I wanted to help.”

“I appreciate that, beautiful, but you’re going to have to let me take care of this. You have something more important to do.”

“I do?”

“You need to stay healthy for me and get the little one here safely. Can you do that?”

She took his hand and placed it on her stomach. “The little one is very active tonight.”

“Nice kick.”

“I’m glad you think so. I’m going to be up all night.”

“You’ll be asleep within five seconds of your head hitting that pillow. I’ll entertain the baby just as I do every night.”

“What do you mean?”

“The little one has been up every night this week.” He gently pressed against her belly and just as he anticipated the baby pushed back. “We play while you sleep.”

“Really?” She giggled. “I don’t even feel it.”

“I know.” He pushed again, causing Claudia’s whole face to light up when the baby kicked back.

“That’s so cool.”

“It’s one of my favorite times of the day.” Brody smiled. “You look so peaceful while you sleep and I feel connected to the baby. The hour I spend touching your stomach and talking to the little one helps me unwind.”

“You talk to the baby?”

He nodded.

“I love you.” She leaned in and kissed him. “So much.”

“I love you.” He kissed her back. “Both of you.”