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Something More by Ella Jade (8)

Chapter 8


After Brody dropped Claudia off, he met with his client and then ended up working at home for a few hours. It was well past midnight, but he couldn’t settle his mind down. Not even the two glasses of scotch soothed him. He knew what he needed, but he couldn’t keep showing up at her door. Things were different with Claudia. He’d never pursued a woman the way he had her. His past relationships had usually consisted of dinner and sex. Those types of dates were all he ever had time for. They fit his lifestyle until now. He wanted more with Claudia.

She intrigued him, but something was off with her. It was as if she wanted to open up to him, but something was preventing her. He wished he knew what it was.

His cell buzzed with a text. Who could be contacting him at this hour, he wondered.

Just wanted to say goodnight… Claudia

He smiled because she’d never initiated a text conversation before.

What are you still doing up?

She responded within seconds. Couldn’t sleep. Was thinking about you.

He must have been sending vibes in her direction. He couldn’t get her off his mind if he tried. You’ve been on my mind too. I enjoyed dinner.

Me too. Can’t wait until Saturday.

I’ll count the days…

Night, Brody…xoxo

He was surprised by the signature, so he replied back. Xoxo?

Too high schoolish?

I like it. Night, beautiful…xoxo

He placed his phone on his desk and ran his fingers through his hair. What was she doing to him? She made him feel like he was eighteen. Never did he imagine he’d be signing texts with hugs and kisses. That just wasn’t Brody Callahan, President and CEO of Callahan Industries, or at least it wasn’t until he met Claudia. Things were different now. She was changing him, and he liked it.

He headed up to bed, but it was going to be another restless night of sleep. Claudia was on his mind constantly. He’d memorized everything about her face right down to the three freckles on the bridge of her nose. He closed his eyes and thought about what he wanted to do to her in the backseat of his car. It had taken every ounce of control he had not to flip her onto her back and take her hard and fast.

His raging erection wasn’t going anywhere on its own, so he headed to the bathroom. If he couldn’t be with Claudia tonight, he’d have to pretend. He was on edge and wanted to be close to her. Things were moving quickly between them, but he didn’t care. Claudia was who he wanted.

He stepped into the oversized shower stall and let the stream of the seven powerful jets overtake his body. He closed his eyes and tried to relax, but no matter what he thought about, he couldn’t get the images of Claudia’s beautiful face out of his head. His cock twitched when he thought about the way she’d kissed him in the back of the car. She wanted more. That seemed to be the theme between them.

As he lathered the body wash over his skin, he pictured Claudia’s soft hands moving down his chest and stomach. He tensed when he got close to his erection and he couldn’t resist any longer. Taking his length into his hand, he thought about how good it felt when she rubbed against him in the backseat. He had to stifle a groan when he was with her, but now he could be as vocal as he wanted. He gripped his shaft and moved up and down, moaning out her name.

He pumped fast, imagining it was her hand bringing him so close to the edge. After a few minutes, his stomach muscles tightened. Looking down he watched as he slid in and out of his palm. He thought about pushing inside her. He bet she would feel like heaven.  Tight, silky and warm. He could be slow and tender, and there would be a time for that, but right now all he could think about was pounding deep and hard. Images of her bent over as he took her from behind clouded his thoughts. His thrusts were relentless.

He placed his other palm on the wall in front of him and a few seconds later he had brought himself a much needed release. He pressed his head against the wet tiles and waited until his breathing was regular. He couldn’t remember the last time he needed to do that. Claudia had him so keyed up.

Feeling more relaxed than he had a few minutes before, he finished washing up. He wanted to hurry to bed before he got himself worked up over her again. Maybe now that he had calmed himself down with some self-help, he could sleep. He hadn’t had a full night’s sleep since finding her in the guest bedroom. She was on his mind constantly.

He pulled back the sheets and climbed into bed. Saturday couldn’t come soon enough. Maybe he could get her to spend the night. In a few days, he could be sharing his bed with his Sleeping Beauty. He turned on his side and wrapped his arms around his pillow. Sleep came much easier. He knew what he wanted. Now he just had to figure out how to get her.

* * * *

Claudia had been jumpy all day. She’d been with Brody many times over the past few weeks, but this was the first time she’d be in his apartment. The heat between them had been intense the last few times they were together. Kissing wasn’t enough anymore, but she couldn’t sleep with him. She had to tell him the truth before she could take this any further.

But she wasn’t ready to let him in. If she told him she was pregnant, she’d have to tell him about Gavin. There could be no half truths. Brody was the head of the Callahan family and he’d make Gavin take responsibility for her and the baby. She wanted no part of Gavin. She’d made up her mid to have this baby alone, not with an irresponsible jerk who threw her out on the street when she told him she was pregnant.

She stepped off the elevator and looked around the stunning entrance. There were two gorgeous floral arrangements, emitting a lovely scent on the table directly in front of the elevator doors. The arch windows located at the end of the hall overlooked the river. Brody obviously had a thing for water. On the opposite side of the windows were a set of double doors that mirrored the windows, right down to the decorated glass panes. If this was just the entrance for the elevator, Claudia could only imagine how beautiful the inside would be.

Before she could ring the bell, Brody opened the door.

“Hey,” he said. “The front desk buzzed me and told me you were on your way up.”

“I’m speechless over this area alone. Those windows…well, I’ve never seen anything like them.”

“They came from Italy. I bought them when I was there a few years ago and placed them in storage. When I renovated the penthouse, I knew I had to incorporate them.”

“They’re perfect.”

“Come inside.” He held the door for her.

The foyer was even more breathtaking then the entryway. She had no idea an apartment could have an upstairs. She’d never been in a penthouse before.

“You’re speechless again?”

“This is incredible.”

“I was thinking that about you.” He pulled her against him and kissed her. “Another dress. I like it.”

It was the last one she had. He’d already seen the other two, but she wanted to look pretty for him. When he said he liked her in sundresses, she knew she had to wear it for him. Plus, it draped nicely over her stomach, so she could conceal any new baby weight.

“I wore it for you.”

“Thank you.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “How am I going to keep my hands off you?”

When he brushed his lips along her jaw and to her neck, a shiver coursed through her.

“I’ve been waiting for you all day.” He took her hand in his. “I’m impatient when it comes to you.”

“I’ve been waiting all day too,” she said as he led her to the kitchen.

“Have a seat.” He motioned to the large island in the center of the room. “Can I get you a glass of wine?”

“Oh, um, no thank you. Water would be fine.”

“Do you not drink?”

“Not really.” Even when she wasn’t pregnant, she didn’t drink that much.

“Or, are you trying to keep your wits around me?”

“Maybe.” She laughed but she really wished she could tell him everything.

He went to the refrigerator and took out a fancy bottle of water. “Is sparkling okay?”

“Yes.” She smiled. “You could put it in a wine glass if you don’t want to drink alone.”

“Good thinking.” He removed an expensive looking crystal glass out of the cabinet. “How is your grandmother?” He placed the water in front of her.

“She’s doing really well. Never misses a game of Bingo.”

“Who would?” He smirked. “She was always a spunky one.”

“I told her I was coming over for dinner.” Claudia sipped and crinkled her nose because the bubbles tickled.

Brody laughed. “You’re adorable.” He sat on the stool next to her, turned her so that her legs were between his, and placed his hands on her knees.

“She had a message for you.” She tried not to be distracted by his touch. But her whole body hummed with desire.

“Alice? Uh-oh.”

“You haven’t been to visit her in a few months.”

“Guilty.” He slipped one hand under her dress and rested it on her inner thigh. “I’ll have to rectify that.”

“I told her you were busy.” Claudia swallowed hard when he ran small circles on her skin with his thumb. Her nipples hardened and her panties dampened. She was there all of three minutes and he already had her going.

“Maybe I could go with you next time? We could take her to dinner if she’s feeling up to it.”

“You want to take her to dinner?”

“Of course.” He smiled as he slipped his hand a little higher. “If you want.”

“She’d get a kick out of that.” Claudia squeezed her thighs together when he ran his thumb along the area where her panties met her hip. “What are you doing to me?”

“Touching you.” He leaned forward and whispered into her ear. “I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off you, after all.”

“I have something for you.” She needed a distraction.

“Do you?”

“It’s in my bag.” She hopped off the stool.

“In the foyer?” He frowned. “Do you need to get it now?”

“I’ll be right back. Is it almost time to eat? I’m starving,” she called over her shoulder. She heard him chuckle as she made her way down the hall.

She sat down on the staircase and placed her head in her hands. Her body was on fire. The moisture gathered in her panties, and she wasn’t sure how she was going to hold him off. She needed to create some distance or she would have let him take her right on the counter.

Hot kitchen sex with Brody. She almost came just thinking about him moving deep inside her.

“Did you get lost?”

“Um, no.” She reached inside her bag and took out a folder.

“Is everything okay?” He dropped down to his knees in front of her. “Why are you sitting out here?”

“I was just getting this.”

“Your portfolio?”

She nodded.

He held out his hand. “May I?”


“Why not? Isn’t that why you brought it? To show me?”

“Not while I’m here. I don’t want you to look at it until I go.” She couldn’t be in the room when he looked at her sketches. What if he didn’t like them?


“Just don’t, okay?” Claudia worked hard on the sketches and wanted to impress him. She wasn’t sure why because it wasn’t as if she could take the job. Brody had so much confidence in her, she didn’t want to disappoint him.

“I promise, I won’t.” He took the folder from her and placed it on the foyer table behind him.

When he turned to look at her, she reacted on instinct. She took his face between her hands and pulled him close to her lips. “Kiss me.”

“I thought you were hungry.” He placed his hands on her hips and slipped between her legs.

“I am,” she whispered.

He ran his tongue along her bottom lip and then attacked her mouth with a delicious force. She leaned her head back, giving him access to her throat. His wet tongue left a hot trail down her neck as his fingers dug into her hips.

Moving her hands to his shoulders, she pushed him down, needing him to help with the pulsing between her legs. He bent her knees and rested her feet on the bottom step, and then lifted her dress just above her hips.

“You smell so good.” He nipped and sucked on her inner thigh. “Your skin is soft. I almost came when I touched you in the kitchen. I would have if you hadn’t put some distance between us.”

“I felt it too.”

He moved his hand to her breasts and gently squeezed as he slipped his other hand inside her panties.

“Ah…” she moaned as she rocked her hips against his palm. She closed her eyes and indulged in his touch. She was aroused and wanted him everywhere all at once.

“You want this too.”

She continued to rock against his hand.

“I want to see your beautiful body.” He slipped his hand off her breasts and down her body. She tensed when he got to her stomach, causing her to quickly snap back to reality.

What am I thinking?

“Stop.” She sat up and saw the stunned look on his face. “I can’t.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Everything is wrong.” She put her dress back into place. “I’m wrong for you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“This isn’t right.” She stood from the steps. “We can’t do this.”


“Brody, please.” She headed for the door. The only thing she could think to do was run. “This isn’t going to work.”

“Claudia.” He reached for her arm and then turned her to face him. “Talk to me. I know something is on your mind. You can trust me. What is it?”

“I’m not right for you.”

“You’re more right for me than you know.” He cupped her chin in his hand. “You have no idea what you’re doing for me.”

“You’re Brody Callahan,” she said. “You’re rich, smart, and successful. I’m your housekeeper.”

“That doesn’t matter to me. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”

“Don’t say that.” She started to cry. “You don’t deserve what I’m doing to you.”

“Tell me, so I can fix it.”

“You can’t.” She was falling in love with him. There was no denying it. She had to stop it before either of them fell deeper into a relationship that could never work.

“If we’re going too fast, we can slow down. I want more than a physical relationship with you.”

She closed her eyes and let the tears drip down her nose and cheeks. Pregnancy made her extremely emotional. She’d never been one to cry, but that seemed like all she did these days.

“I hate to see you so sad,” he said. “I can give you anything you want but you have to let me in.”

“I know,” she whispered. “That’s the problem.” She backed out of his hold and then picked up her bag.


“I have to go. I’m sorry.”

“Let me at least take you home.” He grabbed his keys from the foyer table. “I can’t let you leave like this.”

“No, I don’t want you to, please.” She ran to the elevator, quickly pushing the button.

“Claudia, why?”

She wiped the tears from her eyes, turned, and said, “Because it’s the right thing to do.”

She stepped into the elevator and watched as the doors closed. Her heart broke when she saw his face. He looked disappointed and confused.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.