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Something More by Ella Jade (22)

Chapter 22


The next two months went by much quicker than Brody would have liked. He wasn’t any closer to resolving the issue with Gavin than he had been that day in his office. Thanksgiving was a few days away, but Brody didn’t see the family sitting down to a cozy holiday gathering. Claudia’s pregnancy was progressing, her blood pressure was under control, and she managed to keep herself more than busy with the nursery and plans for the new house. Brody loved seeing her so at ease and settled in. Now that they were engaged, he noticed Claudia’s perception about their relationship had changed. She no longer considered herself a burden or a charity case. He wanted her as his equal and he was happy his marriage proposal helped her to see he wanted her and all that came with her.

Gavin continued to make strides at the office, and Brody couldn’t have been more pleased with his progress. Their relationship was still strained. Gavin taunted Brody every chance he got and would undermined him in front of the shareholders whenever he had the opportunity. There were a few on the board who never agreed with the way his father handled the transfer of the company to Brody. Some felt Gavin was wronged, but that was never their father’s intention. If Gavin would just focus on the task at hand and stop playing games, he’d be a damn good executive.

Brody stopped by the main house before heading to the penthouse. He wanted to let Angela know he and Claudia were taking Alice to dinner at the country club and wouldn’t be joining them for Thanksgiving dinner. She probably wouldn’t like it, but Brody had no desire to spend the holiday with Gavin. They had too many issues to be resolved before they could reconcile. He didn’t want his first holiday with Claudia to be ruined because Gavin couldn’t play fair.

Brody walked down the main foyer when he noticed the light in his father’s study. No one really used that room anymore, but Angela kept everything the way his father had left it. He peered in to find Gavin sitting at the desk with his face in his laptop.

“What are you doing here?” he asked as he entered the room. The scent of leather and faint cigars always reminded him of his dad.

“Mom and I are going to the club for dinner. I’m waiting for her to get ready. I wanted to go over those files on the Hartford deal. I’ll email them to you when I’m done.”

“Thank you.” Brody came in and sat on the leather sofa across from the desk. It was odd to see Gavin sitting behind the huge mahogany furniture. Still wearing his designer suit, he looked as if he were ready to close a big deal. He looked like a Callahan. “I saw the numbers for your accounts. You’re doing great. Dad would be impressed.”

“You think?” He smirked. “Not sure he would have told me that.”

“He would have.” Brody nodded. “He knew you had potential.”

“How nice of you to tell me.” Gavin’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

“I didn’t come here to fight.”

“You’ve barely said five words to me in two months. You email me everything or have Autumn tell me. How can we fight?”

“I know things are awkward. We’re both in a bad position.” Brody stood and gazed out the window that overlooked the large backyard. “I don’t know how we’re going to fix it.”

“Yes, you do.” Gavin pulled a packet of papers from a folder on the desk. “You know exactly what you expect, and I’m supposed to comply.”

“I haven’t put any pressure on you.”

Gavin waved the paternity papers in front of Brody’s face. “Is this what you’ve come looking for?”

“Have you signed it?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Cut the shit.” Brody didn’t want to argue with him, but Gavin made it impossible for them to get along. “The baby will be here in less than a month and I’d like to have this resolved before then. You’ve had months to make your decision.”

“You’ve had years to make yours,” Gavin spat back.

“I’ve already told you I’m not using the baby as a bargaining chip.” The thought of Gavin using Claudia’s unborn child to gain leverage over Brody disgusted him. How many more times would they go through this? “I won’t make you partner just to get you to sign over your rights. If I can’t adopt the child it won’t matter. I can still raise him or her as my own and give Claudia and her baby a good life.”

“So you decided not to marry her before the baby comes. Are you above stealing what’s mine?”

“Claudia’s baby is not a possession, so I can’t steal the child, but if you must know, Claudia wants to wait to get married.”

“I wonder why? Maybe she can’t put up with you after all.”

Brody ignored his brother’s goading. “If you would do the decent thing none of this would be a problem.”

“You’re whole marriage thing wouldn’t work anyway. I could take you both to court and contest your sham paternity anyway. Then everyone would know your future wife slept with your younger brother.”

Brody shook his head. His little brother had done his research.

“I don’t want to be partner.”

“What game are you playing now?”

“No game.” Gavin shrugged. “I can see how much you love Claudia, and I know how much you want your name on that birth certificate. I don’t believe it doesn’t matter to you. You’re a control freak. You want everything in order before that kid gets here.”

Brody wanted more than anything to adopt Claudia’s baby, but he wouldn’t let Gavin manipulate him.

“What do you want?” Gavin wasn’t going to give up that easily. “If not partner, what?”

“I think it’s time Callahan Industries gets a new CEO. What do you think?”

“You’re out of your mind.”

“Am I? Your title for my child. I think it’s a fair trade. There are enough board members who would side with me. They might like a regime change.”

“You have lost your fucking mind.”

“You want my signature on here?” He waved the papers in front of Brody again.

“I’ll never hand anything over to you. Not a partnership, and sure as hell not my company.”

“Then I guess you’re not getting my child.”

“You smug son of a bitch.” Brody lunged at Gavin, but Gavin pushed him back before Brody could make contact. Brody hit the desk, knocking the lamp to the hardwood floor. It shattered just as Angela made her way into the study.

“What the hell are you two fighting about?” She shook her head as she looked down at the broken glass. “In your father’s study? What would he think about this?”

Brody straightened his jacket. “This doesn’t concern you, Angela.”

“I think it does,” Angela said. “You two have been at one another since that cocktail party. Whatever the issue is, it’s far more than just something to do with the company. What’s going on?”

“I said it was none of your business.” Angela was the last person Brody wanted to involve.

“Maybe we should let my mother in on what’s happening.” Gavin sat down on the leather sofa. “She’s a smart woman. She may have some insight.”

“Gavin.” Brody knew how much more complicated the situation could get if Angela knew.

“One of you better speak up,” she said. “Your father intended you to work together. He made a huge mistake when he isolated Gavin.”

“This isn’t about what my father did.” Brody glared at his brother. “It’s about doing what’s right.”

“Right for who?” Gavin challenged. “In your perfect world you get everything. All I’m asking for is my birthright.”

“I’ve assured you that you’ll have a place when you’re ready.” Brody was growing tired of this conversation. “It was a mistake to think you were mature enough to understand what I’m doing for you and Callahan Industries.”

“The board has been saying very positive things about Gavin,” Angela said. “Maybe it’s time to reconsider.”

“No,” Brody said. “I won’t be forced into making a decision for the wrong reasons.”

“Neither will I,” Gavin countered.

“What are you two talking about?” Angela said. “Gavin, what are those papers?”

Gavin looked at the papers and then back to his mother. “Brody wants something from me, but he isn’t willing to give me anything in return.”

“That doesn’t seem fair, Brody.” Angela held out her hand for the papers. “What do you want? Have the attorneys looked these over?”

“I’ll save you the time,” Brody said. “You want to know what it is that I want from your son?”

She nodded.

“His child.”

“What?” Angela looked at Gavin. “What is he talking about?”

“Tell your mother what you’re trying to do,” Brody demanded. Maybe it was time to get this out in the open.

“What is your brother talking about, Gavin?” Angela’s irritation was evident in her tone. “What child?”

“Claudia is pregnant with my baby,” Gavin said. “Brody wants me to sign my rights away so he can adopt the baby.”

“What?” Angela turned her attention on Brody. “How could you ask him to do such a thing?”

“Because he doesn’t want the baby,” Brody said. “He never did. Depending on his mood, the baby isn’t even his half the time.”

“Is the baby yours?” Angela asked her son.

“Claudia says it is,” Gavin said. “Who knows? She jumped out of my bed and into Brody’s, so I can’t—”

“Watch it,” Brody growled. “The baby is his, but he’s too irresponsible or stupid to admit it. He doesn’t want anything to do with Claudia or her child. He allowed her to scrub floors after she told him she was having his baby.”

“Gavin,” Angela said. “How could you?”

“I thought she was running a scam.”

“There is no way the baby is yours?” Angela looked at Brody.

“She was pregnant when I started seeing her.” He shook his head. “This baby is Gavin’s, and now he wants me to resign from the company or he won’t sign over his rights.”

“Gavin, please tell me that’s not true,” Angela said. “Tell me this isn’t your plan.”

His stepmother surprised him. She’d always taken Gavin’s side on every issue. Brody never would have thought she’d be appalled by her son’s actions. Maybe he should have come to her sooner.

“I don’t know what else to do. I can’t make Brody see what has to be done any other way.” Gavin threw the papers on the floor. “You want me to sign? You know my terms. Is the company more important than a life with Claudia and her child?”

“I can still have a life with Claudia. The birth certificate is just a piece of paper.”

“Would Claudia feel the same if she knew?” Gavin asked. “Maybe I should enlighten her. As a matter of fact, maybe I’ll tell her I was wrong and beg for forgiveness.” He leaned against the desk.

“You stay the hell away from her.” Brody stepped toward him, but Angela pushed him back. “You better get him under control.” He glared at Angela. “This isn’t a game. The baby will be here in a month, and we need to get all of this shit resolved before that happens.”

“I agree,” Angela said. “I’ll talk to him.”

“Don’t take his side,” Gavin yelled. “He wants to be in control of everything. You might be able to tell me what to do at work, but you’re not going to do that with my kid.”

“All of a sudden it’s your kid? You needed to take responsibility eight months ago when Claudia came to you and asked you for help. She needed you to step up then. Get it together, Gavin. One way or another, you have to make a decision. But no more fucking around. Any partnership or promotion or taking my job discussions are off the table. I swear to God, I will send your ass so far away from here it will take you weeks to get back to Mona.”

“Fuck you.” Gavin pushed his hair from his eyes. “Go home and enjoy your pregnant fiancée, because your life just got a hell of a lot harder. Tell Claudia she’ll be hearing from my attorney.”

“If you do anything to upset her, I’ll kill you. Do you understand?”

“Brody,” Angela scolded. “Stop it.”

“Get him in line, or I will.” Brody stormed out of the study.

* * * *

Brody took a long drive and tried to clear his head. He didn’t want to bring his negative energy home to Claudia. She was extremely perceptive and would know something was wrong. When he arrived home, he retreated to his study and poured himself a scotch. He’d promised her he would fix this. He made her believed he’d have everything resolved with Gavin before the baby came. They were less than thirty days away and he was no closer to finding a solution than he had been the day he told everyone he was the father of her child.

Brody couldn’t believe the audacity of his brother. How could Gavin think he would just hand over the company in exchange for a baby? The whole situation spiraled out of control. Now that Angela knew about the baby, Brody could only imagine what kind of destruction would ensue. All he wanted was to provide Claudia with some measure of peace. He wanted to give her the life she deserved.

Maybe he should walk away from the company. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t branch out on his own. He slammed his glass down on his desk. That wasn’t what his father wanted. He wanted both of his sons to carry on his legacy, and Brody promised to make it happen.

“Are you okay?”

Brody looked up to find Claudia standing in the doorway of his study. Her eyes were barely open, her long hair tangled at the ends, and her nipples poked against the thin material of her tank top. Her flannel pajama bottoms hung off her full hips and he could see a sliver of her skin peeking out. The sight of her was enough to make him instantly hard.

“Of course.” He smiled as he extended his hand for her. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You’ve been home for a little while, but you didn’t come upstairs.”

“I’m sorry.” He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her sweet smelling hair. “I’m dealing with a situation.”

“Can I help?”

“I don’t think so.”

“It’s Gavin.” She ran her palm along the stubble on his chin.

“How do you know?” She had a gift for perception.

“When you’re stressed about work, you usually leave it at the door.” She pulled him over to the sofa and cuddled into his lap. “Gavin has a tendency to make your stress linger.”

“Aren’t you observant?” He twirled the ends of her hair around his fingers.

“I’ve been observing you for the past few months. I don’t think I have that calming effect on you anymore. You’ve been upset since the cocktail party.”

“You still calm me.” He rested his head against the back of the couch while she loosened his tie and undid the first few buttons of his shirt.

“Then what’s wrong?”

“I’ve failed you.”

“You could never.” She kissed him. “If this has something to do with Gavin and the baby, it was never in your control. So, you didn’t fail me.”

“I told you I’d fix it.”

“You can’t and that’s okay.” She took his hands and placed them on her stomach. “I know who my baby’s father is and so will our baby.”

“You sincerely mean that, don’t you?”

“Of course I do.” She looked up at him. “We’ve been going about this all wrong.”

“Have we?” He ran his thumb along her bottom lip.

“Gavin isn’t going away. He’s your brother and half that company belongs to him. The more you push him, the more he’ll resist. He doesn’t want the baby, but I’ve given up on the hope he’ll sign away his rights.”

“You have?” Brody wondered when she’d come to that realization.

“I think you should to.” She turned in his arms. “It doesn’t matter.”

Gavin created entirely too much stress. Perhaps if Brody let it go, Gavin would to. Maybe they could find a way to work everything out.

“The baby will still have your last name.” She smiled. “We’re going to be a family. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

“You’re an amazing woman, you know that?” He kissed the tip of her nose.

“I want the next month to be drama free. Everything will work out, I know it will.”

“I feel much calmer.” He sighed against her hair. “See, you still have that touch.”