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Dirty It Up by Elizabeth Kelly, Amelia Bond, Elizabeth Brown, Aubrey Bondurant, Ramona Gray (33)




I was nervous.  I didn’t want to be, I wanted to look sexy and confident but the way my hand shook when I tried to insert the card key into the lock, didn’t exactly scream confidence.  Wes’ big hand covered mine and he helped me insert the card into the slot.  The red light turned green and I opened the door before stepping out of the cold air and into the room.  As I fumbled for the light, I had a sudden dismaying thought.  What if Frannie was here?  What if she had finished with Owen and was sleeping in the second double bed?

She won’t be.  She’s spending the night with Owen and you know that you, you goober.  Relax for God’s sake.  Just because you’re about to get naked and have sex with the perfect man doesn’t mean you have to act like a complete idiot. 

I took a deep breath.  My inner voice was right.  Besides, maybe Wes was good looking and funny and smart.  Maybe the little dimple that showed up in his right cheek every time he smiled at me made me nearly drip with anticipation.  But he wasn’t perfect.  No one was.

He looks perfect.

He looked perfect, but he wasn’t.  He probably had, I don’t know, a small dick.  I seized on that thought almost desperately.  Yes, he probably had a small dick and was terrible in bed.  He probably sucked at sex and it would be awkward and weird and my first one-night stand would be a complete bust.


I realized we were still standing in the doorway in the dark and I hurriedly found the switch and flipped it on.  Both double beds were empty and I took a deep breath before turning to smile at Wes.  “Sorry.”

He studied me carefully.  The door was still open and coldness was creeping into the room. 

“Are you going to shut the door?”  I asked as I crossed my arms nervously over my torso.

“If you’ve changed your mind, I can leave,” he said.

I blinked at him.  “I – I haven’t changed my mind.  Have you?”

“No,” he said, “but you look nervous.”

“I am nervous,” I admitted. 

“Don’t be,” he said as he shut the door and locked it before taking off his boots.  I kicked mine off and held my hand out for his jacket.  He handed it to me and I tossed them onto Frannie’s bed.

“Easy for you to say,” I said.  “You’re really handsome and have the perfect body so…”

I trailed off and studied the cheap carpet under my feet.  What was wrong with me?  I usually had more self-confidence than this in bed.  Of course, I hadn’t been with anyone but Richard in the last two and a half years.  Richard was used to the scar on my tummy from my appendectomy, my weirdly long toes, and the –

I suddenly froze and gave Wes a look of panic.  “Oh shit.”

“What?”  He was reaching for me and he stopped immediately.  “What’s wrong?”

“I haven’t shaved.”

He laughed.  “I haven’t shaved either.”

“You don’t understand,” I said.  “I haven’t shaved in weeks.  We’re at Sasquatch levels of hair.”

“I really don’t care if your legs aren’t shaved, Daisy.  I swear,” Wes said.  He reached down and adjusted the obvious bulge at the front of his jeans.  “Let me show you how much I don’t care.”

“It’s, uh, not just my legs,” I said before glancing at my crotch.  “I haven’t exactly kept up with my, uh, waxing routine since I’ve been single.”

Wes followed my gaze to my crotch and I turned bright red.  “You know what?  Let’s turn the lights off.”

“Are you kidding me?”  Wes said teasingly.  “You can’t tell me something like that and then expect me not to look.”

“No way,” I said.  “I want the lights off and both of us under the covers.”

Wes grabbed my hand before I could shut off the lights and said, “Sorry, darlin’, but that’s not happening.”  He pulled me into his arms and kissed me until I was clinging to him and panting.  He kissed his way to my ear and sucked on my earlobe.  “I want to see every inch of your tight little body tonight.”

“Oh God,” I moaned.  “I – I could have a quick shower first.  My razor is like right in my bag, give me ten minutes and – aah!”

Wes picked me up and carried me to the bed, dropping me onto it before stripping off his shirt.  I sucked in my breath and stared hungrily at his broad chest and wide shoulders.  A layer of dark hair covered his upper chest and arrowed down in a thin line below his belly button.  Unsurprisingly, he had a six pack and I licked my lips and rose up on my elbows as he reached for the button on his jeans. 

“Crap!  I don’t have a condom!”  I said as he flicked open the button.  He grinned at me and reached into his back pocket for his wallet before bringing out the foil package and placing it on the nightstand.

“Thank God,” I muttered as he stood gracefully on one foot and removed his sock before switching legs and removing the other.

He hesitated at the zipper and I waved my hand at him.  “Hey, no stopping now.  You’re just getting to the really good part.”

He laughed and with one agile movement, pushed his jeans and briefs down his legs and stepped out of them.  I stared at the biggest, hardest dick I’d ever seen and tried not to drool.

“Oh no.”

“Not the reaction I like to hear when I take off my pants.”

I shook my head.  “You really do have the perfect body.”

“I don’t.”

“You do.  I told myself that you probably had a small dick but you don’t.  You really, really don’t,” I said earnestly.

He gave me an arrogant little grin.  “No, I really, really don’t.”

“Your self-confidence is not at all annoying or – oh!”

Wes had grabbed my feet and he quickly peeled my socks off before tossing them on the floor.  “Your turn, Daisy.”

I took a deep breath and sat up before reaching for the hem of my shirt.  “Okay, but try and remember that I wasn’t expecting to sleep with someone tonight so no judgement for my mismatched underwear.  Okay?”

“If it helps, I’m not planning on you wearing it long enough for me to notice it doesn’t match,” Wes said.  He was still standing next to the bed without a lick of clothing or shame.  When I glanced at his dick, he reached down and rubbed it.

Watching his rough hand rub his own dick made me drip into my panties and I quickly stripped off my shirt before unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans.  Wes released his cock and reached for my jeans, helping me tug the tight material down my legs. 

He added them to the growing pile of clothes on the floor before reaching for my calf.  I tried to pull my legs away and with a sexy little growl, he cupped both my calves and pulled me closer.  He rubbed his hands over my hairy shins as I closed my eyes and tried not to die of embarrassment.  “I told you - Sasquatch levels.”

“I like it,” he said with a little grin before lying on his side on the bed beside me.  He traced his finger over the front clasp of my bra.  “May I?”

“Yes, please,” I said.

He unclasped it and pulled back the cups.  When he inhaled sharply, I glanced at his face and blushed at the look of pure lust on his face.

“Wes, I - ”

“So beautiful,” he growled before cupping my left breast.  He teased the nipple with his thumb, making a noise of approval when it hardened.  He tugged on it before kneading my breast.  I arched into his touch and he kissed me softly on the mouth.

“Beautiful and perfect,” he whispered against my lips before bending his head and sucking my nipple into his mouth.

I moaned and arched again, clutching at his head as he teased and toyed with both of my nipples until I was panting and shamelessly begging.  He lifted his head and grinned at me.  “Do you have any fucking idea how hot you are, Daisy?”

I tugged his head up until I could kiss him.  We kissed repeatedly, our tongues flicking and tasting and licking.  I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his cock, marveling at the hard steel covered with velvet soft skin.  I rubbed him lightly, smiling when he groaned and thrust into my hand.

“Fuck, that feels so good,” he moaned. 

I crowded closer, rubbing my nipples against the rough hair on his chest before licking and nibbling at his thick neck.  He tasted delicious and I bit him on the collarbone.  He jerked against me and I squeezed his dick before rubbing hard.

“Oh fuck,” he muttered before pulling my hand away and pushing me onto my back.

“Hey,” I said with a small pout.  “I wasn’t done yet.”

“It’s my turn,” he said.

The tone of his voice brought fresh wetness to the crotch of my panties and I shivered against him as he reached for the waistband of my panties.  “Hips up, flower girl.”

“Let’s shut the lights off first.”

“No,” he said.  “You’re worrying for nothing, darlin’.  I prefer the natural look, I promise.”

“It’s definitely natural,” I muttered.  I closed my eyes and lifted my hips.  Wes pulled my underwear off and dropped them on the floor.  There was silence and I opened one eye.

“Wes?  Are you horrified into silence or – oh my God!”

Wes pushed my knees apart and bent his head.  He pressed a kiss against the curls at the top of my pussy as his fingers stroked my wet pussy lips.  “So wet,” he said appreciatively.

I tried not to hump his hand like a horny dog as he kissed the scar on my stomach.  “What’s this from?”

“App-appendectomy – oh my God, oh fuck…”

Wes had slid one thick finger into me and I couldn’t stop my hips from thrusting up.  He laid down next to me again and propped his head up in his free hand as he grinned at me.  “I love your greedy little pussy, darlin’.”

I blushed bright red, but his words made me squeeze around his finger.  He groaned and brushed his mouth against mine.  “I can’t wait to feel you squeeze like that around my dick.”

“Me either,” I moaned.  “Grab that condom.”

He shook his head.  “Not yet, little flower.  I want to watch you come all over my fingers first.”

I immediately tensed.  “So, uh, don’t take this personally because this is my issue, not yours, but it’s really difficult to make me come.  I usually need to, uh, do it myself.”

He studied me silently and I said, “I’m sorry.  I swear it isn’t you.”

“Don’t apologize,” he said.  “You have nothing to apologize for but,” he leaned down and kissed me as he pressed his thumb against my clit, “would you let me try?”

I gave him a cautious look.  “I don’t want you to be upset with me when it doesn’t work.”

“I won’t be upset.”

“You say that now but when it doesn’t work…”

I trailed off as anxiety replaced the lust in my belly.

A flicker of anger crossed his face.  “Did your ex get upset?”

“Sometimes,” I said.

He rubbed my clit with his thumb before kissing and nuzzling my neck.  “I promise I won’t get upset, Daisy.  In fact, why don’t you show me how you like to be touched?”

He pulled his finger from my pussy and reached for my hand, guiding it to my clit.  “Show me,” he whispered.

I rubbed at my clit as he watched.  He was watching me with such intensity that I felt a little self-conscious.  I wasn’t sure I would come even by my own hand, but when he bent his head to my breast and sucked on my nipple, a new wave of lust rolled through me.  I moaned softly and concentrated on touching my clit while his warm mouth worked my nipple into a hard bud. 

When Wes pushed two thick fingers back into my throbbing pussy, my eyes popped open and I cried out with surprise and pleasure.  He had released my nipple and was staring at my hand between my legs.  I ground my pussy against his hand, my fingers rubbing my clit frantically.

“Good girl,” he said in a low voice.  “Rub your pretty little clit for me while I fuck you with my fingers.”

The rough need in his voice, the firm thrust of his fingers sent my lust spiraling out of control.  Panting and moaning, I rubbed at my clit as he watched closely.  I made a sharp cry, gave my clit one final hard, little pinch and my orgasm burst inside of me in a sweet and almost overwhelming flood of pleasure.  I shook wildly, my pussy clenching and unclenching around Wes’ fingers as he bent his head again and kissed one hard nipple.

“So beautiful,” he murmured.

I lay on the bed in a daze as he slowly eased his fingers out of me and then sat up.  He grabbed the condom and quickly rolled it onto his cock before lying on his back beside me.

“Wes, that – that was really good,” I breathed.

He grinned at me.  “I’m glad.  Climb on top of me, Daisy.”

My legs felt like wet noodles but I did what he asked.  I straddled him, grabbed the base of his cock and guided it in.  He groaned loudly but stayed perfectly still as I slowly sank onto his thick length.

“Good?”  He asked.

I nodded.  Wes was bigger than I was used to, but his thickness felt amazing as I stretched around him.  “Yeah, so good.”

I braced my hands on his broad chest and did a few experimental bounces.  He groaned and his fingers dug into my hips as he stared hungrily at my breasts.  “Your tits are amazing.”

I grinned at him.  “Thank you.”

“Touch them,” he demanded.

I cupped both of them, pulling on my nipples as Wes watched.  I gasped when he grabbed my ass and made two hard thrusts.  He groaned again.  “Fuck, you’re so goddamn tight.”

Bracing my hands on his chest again, I met each of his strokes, using my knees for balance as I rose up and down.  Wes’ low groans of pleasure and his hard hands cupping and squeezing my ass made my swollen clit throb.  I was reaching to touch it again – multiple orgasms weren’t my thing but Wes had me so hot, I figured it was worth a try – when Wes let go of my ass with his right hand and moved it to my pussy.  He caressed my swollen and wet lips before rubbing my clit with the pads of his fingers.

I moaned encouragingly and dug my fingers into his chest as I rode him with hard, long strokes.  I loved the roughness of Wes’ fingers, they were so different from my soft skin, but he was touching me too gently.  I needed a firmer touch, needed him to move a little to the left…

Without thinking, I grabbed his hand and moved it slightly before pressing hard on his hand and moving his fingers in firm circles against my clit.  It felt incredible and I cried out happily before rocking back and forth against his hand as I continued to move his fingers the way I wanted.

“Does that feel good, darlin’?”  Wes panted.

I froze against him and then yanked my hand away from his.  Richard had always hated it when I grabbed his hand, said it made him feel useless and incompetent.

I gave Wes a nervous look as I perched completely still on top of him.  “I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have done that.  You’re doing a great job at touching me, really.”

He laughed and I moaned a little when it made his cock rub against my inner walls.  “It’s not that I don’t appreciate the pep talk but can we get back to the fucking?  You do whatever feels good and makes you come all over my cock.”

“I – are you sure?”  I whispered.

An almost painful look of need flickered across his face and he gave my clit a rough pinch that made me squeal with pleasure and clench around his dick.

“Fuck!  Yes, I’m sure!”  He muttered.

I pressed my hand over his again and moved his fingers against my clit.  His left hand was still cupping my ass and I leaned back a little into his grip before letting my head fall back.  I wanted to come again, wanted it desperately, and I closed my eyes and concentrated.  Vaguely I was aware of the way Wes pushed in and out of me with slow, rhythmic strokes, as I manipulated his fingers against my clit.  The feel of his hard cock filling me up, the roughness of his fingers against that throbbing bundle of nerves made me nearly weak with desire. 

When Wes squeezed my clit between his fingers and gave it a sharp tug, my orgasm hit me as hard as a runaway train.  I screamed, my back bowing and my nails digging into Wes’ chest and wrist as I was consumed by the overwhelming intensity of my orgasm.  I’d never had such a powerful orgasm before and my pussy squeezed Wes’ cock in a vice grip.

He made a low moan and then muttered a curse under his breath before shaking free of my grip and grabbing my hips with both of his hands.  He pumped rapidly as I rode him like a boneless rag doll.  His back arched and he groaned loudly.  My legs shaking, I collapsed on his chest, clinging to him as he thrust hard and came inside of me.  His warm breath stirred my hair and I listened to the rapid thump of his heart beneath my ear.

“Fuck,” he rumbled, “I’ve never lost control like that.”

“Hmm,” I said.  I was suddenly exhausted.  I nuzzled his neck and whimpered in complaint when he eased me off of him.

“Shh, flower girl,” he said in a low voice.  “Let me get rid of this.”

I curled on my side and watched sleepily as he disposed of the condom before pulling out the covers from under me.  He pulled them up over both of us and spooned me before kissing me on the back of the shoulder.

“Should I leave?”

“Nuh-uh,” I said before yawning.  “Do you need to call your mom and ask her if you can have a sleepover at a friend’s house?”

His laughter made his chest vibrate against my back and I twitched when he gave me a playful slap on the butt.  “Smart ass.  Go to sleep, flower girl.”

“Yeah, kay,” I mumbled.  “It was really good, Wes.”

“It really was,” he whispered before kissing my shoulder again.


* * *


“Daisy, wake up.  C’mon, we gotta go.”

I muttered a curse and pushed at the hand that was poking me in the forehead.  “Stop it.”

“It’s time to wake up.”

I opened my eyes and stared blearily at Frannie.  “What?”

“We have to go,” she said as she sat on the other double bed.  “I told my mom we were leaving the city early this morning and would be at her place by ten and it’s nine-thirty.”

I suddenly sat up, clutching the blankets to my naked chest and staring wild-eyed behind me.  The bed was empty and there was no sign of Wes or his clothing.  I breathed a sigh of relief as Frannie gave me a curious look.


“Nothing,” I said.

“You looked weird for a minute there.”

“You look weird.”

“Shut up.”

“You shut up.”

“Hey, Daisy?”


“Why are you naked?”

I blinked at Frannie before clearing my throat.  “Uh, I was really hot last night.  Plus, I always, um, sleep in the nude.”

“Sure you do,” Frannie said as she collapsed on her back and stared up at the ceiling.  “I guess as your girlfriend, I should know that.”

“You really should,” I said.  I sat up, keeping the bed covers wrapped around me, and ran a hand through my hair.  “I need a shower.”

“Why do you have just been fucked hair?”  Frannie asked suddenly.

“I don’t,” I said.

“Yes, you do.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Shut up.”

“You shut up.”

“Grab my robe out of my suitcase, would you?”  I said in exasperation as Frannie grinned at me.

“Listen, honey, I’m all for you getting laid but try not to forget that you’re pretending to be my girlfriend okay?  You can’t be fucking random guys all week.”

“I won’t!”  I said as Frannie dug through my suitcase and pulled out my robe.  “It was a one-time thing.  Besides, it’s your fault.  You were the one who told me to go to the bar and have a drink.”

Frannie laughed and handed me my robe before kissing me on the forehead.  “I’ll take the blame for it.  Honestly, I’m glad you found someone to have a little fun with.  We’ve lived together for nearly six months and you haven’t had sex once.  I’m surprised things haven’t dried up down there.”

I glared at her and she giggled before kissing my forehead again.  “Seriously though, good for you.  Now, get your butt in that shower so we can go to my parents’ house and pretend to be lesbians.”


* * *


Frannie’s childhood home was a cute little two-story with grey brick and dark blue trim and shutters.  As I pulled into the driveway and shut the car off, Frannie said, “Dad’s truck isn’t here.  I thought mom said he was finished work already.”

We climbed out of the car and Frannie stared at the house to our right.  It was a similar looking two-story as well but covered with cream coloured siding and the trim and shutters were a cheery red.  A large oak tree grew between the houses and Frannie grinned at me.

“When we were kids, dad and Owen’s dad got into a fight over that tree.  It’s smack dab in the middle of both our properties and they almost came to blows over who it actually belonged to.”

“Sounds like a fun memory,” I said as I grabbed my suitcase from the trunk.  Frannie laughed and grabbed her own suitcase before slamming the trunk lid shut.   “That’s Owen’s bedroom right there.  It’s right across from mine.”

She stared up at the window on the second floor with a look of longing on her face.  I nudged her with my elbow.  “Hey, try not to be so obvious, would you?”

She sighed. “You’re right.  I just miss him so much already.”

“It’s been what?  An hour since you saw him?”  I said as we headed up the sidewalk toward the front door.

“Yeah, but we only had time for sex once this morning,” Frannie said in a low voice.

I rolled my eyes.  A mental image of riding Wes flickered through my head and a shameful amount of liquid immediately dampened the crotch of my panties.  I shifted my suitcase to my other hand.  I had to admit that I was a little upset he had left without waking me up and saying goodbye, but I had been the one who told him it was only sex last night.  Still, waking me up would have been the polite thing to do.

Are you mad that he didn’t wake you up to say goodbye or mad that he didn’t wake you up to have sex again?

I ignored my inner voice and followed Frannie as she opened the front door and stepped into the narrow hallway.  She dropped her suitcase with a loud thump and shouted, “Mom?  We’re here!”

A slender, blonde woman stepped into the hallway and made a loud squeal of happiness. “Oh, Frannie!”  She hugged Frannie before kissing her on the cheek.  “I’m so glad you’re home.”

“Me too, Mom,” Frannie said.  We hung up our jackets and took off our boots.  Frannie indicated for me to follow them as her mom took her hand and tugged her down the hallway to the kitchen.  The kitchen was small and tidy with a little nook at the end of it.  An heavy-set man with an iPad in his hand and an older woman with short white hair were sitting at the table that was placed in the nook and Frannie hurried over to hug both of them.

“Hi, Dad.  I didn’t see your truck out front so I thought you weren’t here.”

“Your brother has it,” Frannie’s mom said as she grabbed mugs from the cupboard.  “I asked him to run to Phil’s Buy and Save for me.”

“It’s good to see you Frannie-pants.”  Her father had a deep voice and he hugged Frannie before sitting back down.  “How was the drive?”

“Fine,” Frannie said.  “The roads weren’t bad.  Hi, Grandma.”

“Francine, you look so cute today,” the older woman said as Frannie bent and kissed her cheek.  “You’re in love.  Who’s the lucky boy?”

Frannie jerked all over before giving her grandmother a guilty look.  “Grandma, I’m not in love.”

“Of course you are,” her grandmother said.  “I can see it on your face.”

Frannie’s mom laughed.  “Mother Francine, hush now.”  She turned toward me.  “You must be Daisy.”

“I am,” I said. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. McKinley.”

I held out my hand and squeaked in surprise when Frannie’s mother gave me a tight hug.

“Oh, please, call me Patricia or mom,” she said.  “We aren’t formal around here.”

“Uh, sure, okay,” I said as Frannie stepped toward me and put her arm around my waist.  I tried to look natural as Frannie took a deep breath.

“Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you.  Daisy and I aren’t just roommates.  We’re, um, dating.”

There was complete silence and I gripped Frannie’s hand when it slid into mine.  She cleared her throat and said, “I’m a - a lesbian.”

“You’re a what?”  Her father said.

“She’s a lesbian,” Frannie’s grandmother said.  “It means she likes to have sex with other women, Gregory.”

“I know what it means, Mom!”  Her father replied as his face went red.

Frannie clutched my hand in a death grip before staring at her mother.  Patricia bit her bottom lip as tears slid down her cheeks.

“Mom, please don’t cry,” Frannie pleaded.  “Don’t be upset okay?  I know this is a shock but - ”

“Upset?”  Her mother said.  “Honey, I’m not upset.  I’m crying because I – I’m so happy!”

Frannie gave me a bewildered look as her mother threw her arms around both of us and hugged us hard.  “I was so worried that you were all alone in that horrible city but you aren’t!  You’re in love!  Oh, honey.  I’m so happy for you both!  And honestly, I always kind of suspected that you were a lesbian.”

Frannie gaped at her and I bit the inside of my cheek to stop the laughter from spilling out. 

“You – you suspected that I was a lesbian?”

Patricia nodded.  “Of course I did, dear.”  She kissed both of us on the cheeks and stepped back before wiping the tears away.  “Gregory, say something to your daughter.”

Frannie’s father was already scrolling through his iPad again.  He looked up and said, “Happy for you, honey.  Hey, did you hear that I’m the head of the historical society of Darville now?”

“Yes, Dad,” Frannie said.  “We already talked about it.”

“Right, right,” he said distractedly as Frannie’s grandmother stood up with a grunt and walked slowly toward us.  She took both of our hands and squeezed them.

“I knew you were in love, Francine,” she said with a grin.  “You can’t hide that from your grandma.”

“I – I guess not,” Frannie said with a quick look at me. 

“Now, Daisy do you want kids?”  Her grandmother asked.

“Grandma!”  Frannie said.  “It’s a little soon to be talking kids.”

“It isn’t,” Patricia said as she added coffee in neat little scoops to the filter in the coffee machine.  “As lesbians, it won’t be as simple to get pregnant.  You’ll need to decide if you want to do sperm donation or adoption and if adoption, are you adopting a baby or an older child and are you adopting locally or internationally.  There are lots of decisions to make, not to mention are you going to get married here at home or - ”

“Mom!”  Frannie said.  “Stop talking about marriage and kids.  You’re freaking Daisy out.”

“I’m sorry, Daisy,” Patricia said with a warm smile.  “Sometimes I do get a little enthusiastic about my kids.”

“Uh, that’s okay,” I said.

There was an awkward silence and Frannie said, “So, we’ll just take my suitcase to my room and Daisy’s downstairs to the basement.  We’ll be right back.”

“Downstairs?”  Patricia said.  “Honey, don’t be silly.  Daisy can stay in your room with you.”

“Oh, um, that’s fine,” Frannie said.  “I told Daisy that we would have to, um, have separate bedrooms and she’s fine with it.  Aren’t you, Daisy?”

“Yes,” I said.  “It’s not a problem.”

“Oh please,” Patricia said.  “You act as though everyone in this house are old fuddy-duddies.  We’re perfectly fine with you sleeping in the same bed together.  But do remember that both your father and I are light sleepers so if you’re going to have sex, keep the - ”

“Mom!”  Frannie said as her face turned bright red.

Patricia shrugged.  “No need to be embarrassed, sweetie.  Sex is perfect natural.”

Before Frannie could reply, we heard the front door slam and a deep voice said, “Mom?  I’m back.”

The blood drained from my face at the sound of the familiar voice and my entire body stiffened as I tightened my grip on Frannie’s hand.  She winced and tried to pull her hand away.  “Daisy, ouch!”

“I got the lemon pepper, but Phil says they’ve never heard of tarragon.  I’m not shocked.  Honestly, I’m surprised they have spices beyond salt and pepper.”

I stood frozen to the spot as Wes, my one-night stand with the perfect goddamn body, walked into the kitchen.





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