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Dirty It Up by Elizabeth Kelly, Amelia Bond, Elizabeth Brown, Aubrey Bondurant, Ramona Gray (43)



I watched Eric come off the elevator doors. He took off the mask and gave me a smile before his gaze flicked over to my guest.

“Daniella. That’s not you, is it?”

She ripped the pink wig off her head, letting auburn locks flow down her back and making it clear she was the person he’d guessed.

She was even prettier without the wig, with her natural dark red hair cascading down her back in waves, but it was the fire in her eyes which made her stunning. Although I’d hauled him up here wanting answers about his alleged stealing—he was acting as my accountant, after all—like a sick voyeur, I was riveted to the spot. I wanted to find out what would happen once she confronted him over the cheating.

 “What the hell are you doing here?” Eric asked, still clearly in shock.

“Shouldn’t that be my question for you?”

She was calm. I’d give her that.

“I, uh, I mean some people from the office—we were working late and—”

“Oh, my God. Even now you lie. After I saw you getting fucked in the ass by some guy ten minutes ago.”

Eric went pale at her remark, and I have to say it made me happy. I’d never really liked the guy on a personal level and wasn’t surprised to find he was a cheater. The question was whether he was a thief. If he was, I was going to break his face.

“What do you expect? You’re boring as hell in the bedroom. No boobs, no adventure—”

“No cock,” she supplied, arching a brow.

At least she wasn’t about to let him insult her. There was no way it couldn’t have stung, though, especially after my earlier comment.

“As enlightening as it would be to hear you two go back and forth all night, I don’t have the time. But I do have a vested interest in bringing you up here, Eric.”

His gaze shifted to me, and I could see it. The nervousness. “Uh, what’s that?”

“Are you stealing from me?”

“No. No way, Shane.”

I raised a brow at his familiarity.

“I mean Mr. Nelson, sir.”

“Did you steal from her?”

His eyes got big, and he turned red. “No. She’s my fiancée.”

“Not any more I’m not.”

She took off the ring and tossed it onto a nearby table. If she’d been smart, she would’ve used it for leverage to ensure he returned her money first, but I stayed quiet. And in fact, before he could step over to grab the considerably sized diamond ring, she snatched it up.

“Return my money, and you can have it back.”

“What? That ring is worth over ten grand. All precedents say the man gets the ring back if an engagement is broken.”

Dumbass. But then again, this was the most amusement I’d had in weeks.

“I’m aware of what legal precedents says. However, if the man owes her seventy-five thousand dollars, the ring can be held as collateral. I want it all returned.”

“It was to go towards a house, so good luck proving anything.”

I’d had enough of this asshole. It bothered me that he wasn’t apologizing or appeared to show any remorse. She’d trusted him, and he’d betrayed her trust: not only by cheating, but also by taking her money. Neither of which was sitting well with me. “What do you think the guys at the office or your buddies would think of your little threesome downstairs tonight, Eric?”

His face started to turn a deep red. Although he was a handsome guy, if you preferred the Wall Street type, he certainly didn’t look it now. Matter of fact, he looked like he was about to puke. Which meant I had his number.

“You can’t threaten me with that. Anonymity is rule one with the club.”

I shrugged. “I can’t, but she can. She has pictures.”

His eyes darted back and forth between us. “But that’s against club rules.”

“Well, see, that’s a predicament. She’s not actually a club member. In fact, you’re in violation for allowing her to use your card tonight to get in.”

“I didn’t. She must’ve copied it.”

“Which means she had access to it, which ultimately constitutes carelessness on your part.”

“What do you want from me?”

“The truth. Are you stealing from me?”

“No. Definitely not.”

Considering he didn’t have access to my actual bank accounts but only to the reports, I chose to believe him. “Fine, but if I find one penny gone, those pictures go viral at your firm. Also, you’ll return all the money to Ms.—”

“Trivioli,” she supplied.

Daniella Trivioli. The name rolled around in my mind.

“Okay. Fine,” he readily agreed.

“And do not come back here. Your membership has been revoked.”

Now he looked like he was on the verge of crying. He certainly hadn’t been as upset to lose his supposed future life partner. “Please, don’t do that.”

“I don’t tolerate thieves or liars, Eric. Now, I suggest you leave without a scene before I make one and have you tossed out.”

He turned, but not without walking in front of Daniella and mumbling something which made her go completely pale.

“What did you just say to her?”

“Nothing.” Eric appeared in a hurry to be going.

I moved closer to step in front of her. “What did he say to you?” I might be a dick, but the last thing I’d allow was the victim in this situation to be made to feel worse. This woman, in particular, was pulling out a protective side I hadn’t felt in years.

“He said ‘have a nice life, you frigid orgasmless cunt.’”

I raised a brow. “He’s never given you an orgasm?” Why the fuck did women stay with men who couldn’t get them off? Monogamy was a foreign concept to me, especially if, at the very least, the sex wasn’t good.

She swallowed hard. Tears glistened in her prideful gaze. “Not often.”

Eric scoffed. “Because you take too long.”

There was a reason my club offered sexual confidence classes. Because men like Eric systematically shredded a woman’s self-assurance by being selfish in bed. I stepped closer to Daniella. My arm went around her waist, pulling her to my side. I’d be lying if I said her warmth didn’t affect me. Her soft curves could be felt under the flimsy excuse for a dress she was wearing.

“I find it funny you’d automatically assume the problem is her.” I let my hand wander down her side slowly, seductively, while I told myself I was helping her save face. “Because your ex-fiancée is a beautiful, sexy woman.” I stepped behind her then, my one hand still splayed on her hip, the other inching up her skirt in the back.

How far would she be willing to let this go? Any moment I expected her to step away. At the same time, I hoped she wouldn’t.

“But she’s clearly been sexually deprived for a long time. But don’t worry, Eric. She’s come to the right place to remedy that.” Before I could think about the ramifications or the fact that Daniella wasn’t the typical guest at Club Travesty, my hand went up her skirt and between her legs.






I was absolutely frozen—no pun intended with the frigid comment. I could feel Shane’s breath on the back of my neck, his hand burning into my skin despite the layer of dress material between them, and now his other hand creeping up the back of my skirt. And I was doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

“As far as her cunt is concerned...”

Oh, God. His finger lightly ghosted between my legs at the wet silk thong. I found myself closing my eyes and gripping his arm, wanting - no, needing - more.

“It’s hot and wet.”

His whisper, meant only for my ears, caused goosebumps. “Tell me if you want me to stop now. Otherwise, I’m going to put my fingers inside you and make you come.”

Even if I could’ve formed the words, there was no way I was speaking at the moment. In addition to being wildly turned on by the man since the moment I’d laid eyes on him, curiosity had me wondering if, in fact, the problem all along hadn’t been me. I’d beaten myself up plenty for not being able to have a proper orgasm. So, with the hot guy offering, why the hell not? And although this was very un-Daniella of me, I suddenly felt uninhibited about having this sexy stranger behind me, giving me the pleasure I’d never experienced with the man who supposedly loved me.

My eyes flew open the moment he inserted a finger. Despite being a complete stranger, he was unapologetic with his tutorial in front of our audience of Eric and the bouncer. I might be covered by my dress in front, but I don’t think it would’ve mattered if I hadn’t been. Because I was lost in sensation. A breath left me when he wasted no time in inserting two and then curled them up deep inside of me where he started to move them against a spot that made my knees weak.

“You see, Eric, I could’ve gone for the easy target of her clit. Given her a nice climax by rubbing her there. But I think after the lack of orgasms she’s received from you for—how long was it?”

Jesus, was he actually asking me a question?

“Two years,” I offered on a whisper, digging my nails into his arm around my waist. I hoped he was fully prepared to take the majority of my weight as I could feel my legs start to shake.

“After two years, she deserves a G-spot orgasm which will rip through her body and have her coming like a porn star.”

He wasn’t too far off. The moment he started pressing his two fingers up against a spot I hadn’t known existed, a moan escaped my throat.

“Get out,” Shane grunted.

I flicked my gaze towards Eric’s face just in time to see it heat with humiliation before he was escorted out. I didn’t care because my climax slammed into me with full force, taking both my breath and my ability to remember it was a stranger’s fingers doing this to me.

“That’s it. Ride it out.”

His breath came in my ear, the huskiness of his voice causing an involuntary shiver. My body bucked against his hand, leaving me completely spent in the aftermath. Calming my breath, both hands gripping his forearm, I heard myself whimper when he withdrew his fingers.

“Are you okay to stand?”

I nodded, still unable to form words. Fortunately, the desk was next to me so I could use my hand to brace my legs, which remained shaking.

“So, I guess, thanks for that.” What else do you say when a stranger finger-fucks you to the best orgasm of your life?

He chuckled. “You’re welcome. Now, what?”

My gaze met his, and I felt my face heat. Something about meeting the man in the eyes after he’d had his fingers inside of me was disconcerting. Gone was the wild girl who’d wanted to be someone else tonight, and back was the reality of the jilted fiancée who’d come here for proof. This whole night was past the point of surreal. “Um, I should leave.”

He frowned. “Where will you go?”

“I have my stuff in my car and need to get a hotel room.”

“It’s three days before Christmas, so that’s not happening in Manhattan.”

I hadn’t thought much past busting Eric. Now that the adrenaline was fading, thanks in part to the whole orgasm thing, I was bone weary, in need of a warm shower and a comfortable bed. “I guess I’ll head back towards Jersey, then. I don’t know.”

“I thought you were going to show me how you cloned the ID.”


“You want Lance to keep his job, right?”

My temper suddenly flared at his use of power. But I wasn’t angry enough to take a chance on him firing the unfortunate guy who’d let me in tonight. “Fine. Get your computer guy in here, and give me an hour. But that’s it. If he can’t keep up, it’s not my problem.”

He grinned. “My computer guy is out until the day after Christmas. So how about you show me instead? And rest assured I’ll have no problem keeping up.”

I swallowed hard at the innuendo. For some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to tell him I was too tired or too emotionally exhausted. He was challenging me, and I couldn’t back down. Fine. Game on, Mr. Magic Fingers.