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A Pinch of Salt (Three Sisters Catering Book 1) by Bethany Lopez (29)



I looked up to see the waiter standing patiently next to me. Our drinks were in front of us, and it had been five minutes since Jackson had left to take his call. I looked toward the door he’d exited, hoping to see him walking back in, but he didn’t.

“Just a few more minutes, please,” I replied, then looked at my sisters and said, “I’m going to go check on Jackson.”

When I opened the door and stepped outside, I saw him standing on the curb staring off into space, his phone in his hand by his side.

“Hey,” I began, causing Jackson to flinch and turn his head toward my voice. “Is everything okay with Kayla?”

“Uh . . . yeah,” he replied, running his empty hand through his hair and letting out a deep sigh before turning fully toward me. Jackson lifted his hand holding his phone and said, “That was Mick, my PI.”

“Oh.” I looked down at the phone, which now only showed a blank screen, and asked, “Did he find her?”

Jackson’s face was pained when he replied, “Yes.”

Not sure what to say, I waited, hoping he’d let me know what was bothering him, and honestly a little nervous about what his reaction to finding his wife was going to be. Would he want to go back to her after all, now that he knew where she was? Was he hoping for a reconciliation, if not for his sake, then for Kayla’s?

I know Jackson meant it when he said he didn’t want her back, but will that change when he actually sees her again?

“Julie’s in Hampton. Hampton. Do you know where that is?” Jackson asked, his voice rising.

I nodded, because I did know where it was, and it wasn’t that far away.

He took a deep breath. “I have to go see her. Talk to her . . . My lawyer has the papers drawn up, he said that he can give them to me right away, or serve them himself. But, I think I have to do it . . . ya know?”

“I do.” And, I did. I knew he needed answers, because without them, he may never get closure, for himself and for Kayla.

If closure is what they want . . .

“You should go,” I told him, even though it made me sick to say it.

“But,” Jackson began, looking miserable as he looked over my head at the restaurant behind him.

“It’s okay,” I assured him.

“Millie, it’s your birthday lunch, I’m not just gonna . . .”

Putting my hands on his shoulders, I looked up into his sweet handsome face, taking in his disheveled hair, glasses, and the tell-tale lack of dimples.

“You need to go handle this; it’s time. It’ll still be my birthday later, and I’ll see you at Dru’s party.”

“Are you sure?” Jackson asked, obviously torn.

“Positive,” I said with a nod.

“Okay, but I will see you later, and we’ll celebrate your birthday after Dru’s party, just the two of us.” Jackson frowned, then leaned down to press his forehead against mine. “I really hate to do this to you on your birthday, but I have to see her, face to face, and now that I know where she is, I feel like I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything else until I did, and that wouldn’t be fair to you either.”

“I understand.”

“You’re amazing,” he whispered, pulling back to look down at me as he smoothed my hair back in a sweet gesture. “I’ll save your present until tonight. I don’t want it to be tainted by this.”

“Okay,” I agreed with a somewhat forced smile. “I look forward to it.”

I stepped back, and could see Jackson still warring with indecision, so I pointed down the street and ordered, “Go, and I’ll see you tonight.”

Jackson nodded, then walked away. I stood there watching, smiling for real when he looked back over his shoulder, then blew me a kiss.

After a couple seconds, I went back in to the restaurant and sat at the table.

“What’s going on?” Dru asked, looking over my shoulder for Jackson, then frowning when she realized he wasn’t with me.

“His PI found his wife. He’s going to go see her and give her the divorce papers.”

“Now?” Tasha cried. “Couldn’t it have waited until after lunch?”

“He left your birthday lunch?” Dru asked incredulously.

“You guys, I told him to go. He would have been thinking about confronting her, and I’d be worrying about how he was doing and everything. It’s just better that he goes and handles everything now. Get it over with. I’ll see him at the party tonight, and he said we’ll celebrate my birthday after.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Dru asked, her hand reaching for mine.

I grasped it gratefully and admitted, “I’m happy he’s found her, and hopeful that he’ll get the answers and closure that he needs . . .”

“But, you’re worried,” my twin guessed.

“What if they see each other and realize they should still be a family?” I asked softly.

“Then you’ll get through it, with us by your side. Together, we can do anything, right?”

“Right,” Tasha confirmed.

“Would you like to order now?” our waiter asked.

“Yes,” I confirmed. “It’ll just be the three of us. Can you get me the Butter Chicken, and change this Thai Tea for dirty martini, extra dirty, with three olives?”

“Yas!” Dru exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “Make that three martinis’ and I’ll have the curry.”

“Me too,” Tasha said, and we all handed the waiter our menus.

Inadvertently, my eyes drifted back toward the door, then I felt Dru squeeze my hand and Tasha grab my other one, and I turned my attention to my sisters.

“It’ll be okay,” Dru assured me, and I prayed she was right.