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A Reason To Breathe (Reason Series Book 1) by CP Smith (21)


Poking The Viper



“You’re just like the rest, a whore.”

“No, please, I didn’t know.”

“You whored with the sheriff and now you’re whoring with this man.”

“No, leave him alone! He didn’t do anything.”

The man in the dark mask turned his back to me, reached for Mark’s head and pulled it back. His knife slashed across his neck in a single slice.

As Mark’s blood ran from his body in a river of scarlet, I screamed, “No!”

“No, Mark.” I woke with a start, another dream about the killer never to be erased from my memory. I looked around, then turned my head to see Jack staring at me. I let out a breath and rolled to my side and looked at him.

“Hey,” I whispered.

“Bad dream?” Jack replied.

“Yeah, the killer was after me.”

“And Mark?” Jack’s face told me he was pissed, but I wasn’t sure why.

“Yeah, he was in my dream.”

“Yeah, babe, I know. Been lying here listening to you talk about him.”

“I talk in my sleep?” Jack rolled to his back, looked at the ceiling for a moment, and then rolled back.

“Yeah, you talk in your sleep,” he snapped. Realizing I’d said something he didn’t like, I bit my lips to keep from asking. Jack watched my mouth, then looked to my eyes; he narrowed his and, without any segue, started in.

“You wanna tell me again exactly what happened between you and this Mark guy?”

I grinned at Jack; he was jealous. The green-eyed monster had bitten big bad Jack. If I didn’t think it would piss him off more, I’d have laughed. Actually, on second thought, this could be fun!

“Not much, Jack.”

“What does “not much” mean?”

“He flirted, tried to convince me I was meant for him even if I was older. Wanted to take me back to his hotel room, but I insisted I go home. He told me I didn’t look a day over thirty and asked me if that would that get him into my pants.” The longer I spoke, the angrier he got, which made me want to laugh even more. I swear I could actually see his face turn green.

“You think this is funny?” Jack sneered.

“Yeah, I do,” I giggled, then threw my arms around his neck. Jack rolled me to my back and moved between my legs. I was smiling up into his face, but his was still hard.

“You don’t test a man like me, Jenn.”

Watching Jack’s face, the angry scowl and ticking jaw, I realized I’d gone too far. My smile slowly fell, and he watched with satisfaction, having gained my full attention. I watched him closely as his face changed from pissed to serious, and I felt like a harpy who played with men for enjoyment.

“I’m sorry, Jack. Nothing happened, it was harmless,” I apologized. I realized my mistake as soon as the words left my lips. Jack narrowed his eyes and then grinned.

“Did you just say sorry?”

“Yes,” I whispered. Jack’s face dipped to my neck; his teeth nipped at my shoulder, and then he kissed and tasted his way back to my ear.

“You’re gonna pay for that and for trying to rile me up,” his hot breath whispered in my ear, sending a warm feeling between my legs at the thought of how I’d pay.

“I didn’t try, Jack. I succeeded,” I answered, thinking I was right about teasing him to begin with.

“You like playing dirty,” Jack whispered.

Extremely turned on at this point, I answered him by lifting my hips into his obvious erection and then followed that action by biting his neck.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson, Jenn,” Jack groaned in my ear.

“What lesson would that be, Jack?”

“You dance with the devil, you pay the consequences. I’ve claimed you, and you’re mine,” he stated. “You don’t drink with other men or flirt with other men, and I sure as hell don’t want to hear you say another man’s name in your sleep.”

I ignored his comment and ran my hand down his back to grab his bare ass; I squeezed him, ran my tongue up his neck, and whispered in his ear.

“Sorry, won’t happen again.” Jack sucked a breath through his nose on “sorry” and slammed his mouth on mine. His tongue parted my mouth and then he bit my bottom lip, pulling back and then letting it go.

“I’m gonna fuck you into submission,” he explained and I figured he could try, ‘cause I sure as hell wouldn’t stop him. Bucking my hips, I put my foot to the bed and rolled him to his back. Lifting the t-shirt up and over my head, Jack’s hands came to my breasts, his thumbs grazing my tight nipples. I threw my head back at the sensations, while he weighed and played my breasts like a pro, pinching then rolling, until I was riding his stomach for friction. He moved to grab my waist, and I reversed my position, giving him my back. I looked over my shoulder, only to find Jack raising an eyebrow before he put his hands behind his head. Such a cocky bastard. I leaned over and, without any prelude, sucked his hard length into my mouth, taking him all the way to the back of my throat.

“Christ,” Jack groaned, as my mouth slid back up his cock. I wrapped my hand lower on his length and pumped in rhythm with my mouth. His hips lifted as I came down, using as much suction as I could.

“My turn,” Jack growled and grabbed my hips, pulled my legs out from underneath me and my dripping sex to his mouth. I paused my movements as his tongue found my clit, then moved in quick bursts, sending an electric shock through my body. Two fingers joined his mouth, and it was all I could do to remember what I’d been doing. I licked his crest, but then whimpered as Jack’s fingers hit my sweet spot, making me buck. Next thing I knew, Jack had me on the bottom, and his mouth buried in my folds, licking, tasting and driving his fingers in until I clamped down around them.

“Ride that out, baby,” Jack growled, and I did as he said while he pumped me over and over, bringing me back again to fall off the edge into erotic bliss.

Relaxed from the massive release, I couldn’t raise my arms, but I didn’t need to. Jack turned me onto my stomach, grabbed my hips and thrust in, seating himself and then rolling his hips. I found my arms again, pushing up and then back with each brutal thrust. Hands at my hips, fingers digging in, Jack slammed into me like he was branding me.

“You want it dirty and hard?”

“Yes, Jack,” I answered, my voice barely heard above his breathing.

“Who do you belong to?”

“What?” I whimpered.

“Who.” Pound. “Do.” Slam. “You.” Roll, thrust. “Belong to?” Jack demanded to know. That was easy to answer as far as I was concerned: Jack owned my body, and, what was becoming apparent to me, my heart.

“You, Jack,” I acknowledged out of breath. He yanked me up so my back hit his chest, wrapped his arm around me and my head slammed into his shoulder. Warm hands moved from my hips, up my sides to my breasts, and then both thumbs and forefingers found purchase on my hard nipples, pinching hard and pulling, sending a shock to my core.

“Hold on, baby.”

Shaking my head, ‘cause no way could I last, but bossy Jack didn’t like no.

“Almost there, hold on.” It was too much of everything, his hands, his large size…I was overwhelmed with sensations, and I whimpered my regret. Jack knew how to bring a woman pleasure, and if he wanted me to hold on, he shouldn't be so damned good at turning me on.

I turned my head to find his mouth. His tongue dove deep, igniting me even more, and I exploded. I clamped down around his cock, and that was all Jack needed. He brought us both over together, grunting out his pleasure in my mouth, his arms tight around my waist, almost to the point of pain.

As we started our descent, Jack moved his mouth to my neck and breathed me in, while his thrusting slowed to a tender caress. His hands moved over my body, like a blind man trying to identify an unknown object, feeling his way, memorizing my curves.

With one last kiss to my neck, he fell back to the bed taking me with him, and then proudly told me:

“You’re great with your mouth.”

“Ditto,” I panted.

Rolling off, I turned and laid my head on his chest, running my fingers up and down his stomach. Jack pulled me up higher, wrapped me up, and kissed my head. We were silent for a minute before Jack asked me what I knew he had to.

“Talk to me about what the killer said again.”

Rubbing my cheek on his chest, I thought back to last night, closed my eyes and heard the killer’s whispered voice in my head.

“He said he thought I was his Annie who had come back from the dead.” Rising up on an elbow, I looked at Jack and asked, “Do you know anyone who’s lost a girlfriend or wife named Annie?”

Jack was silent, thinking as he ran his hand over my hip.

“It’s not ringing any bells, but this guy might not be from around here, so the death may have taken place in another state.”

Nodding my agreement, I tried to think of anyone I knew who’d mentioned losing someone.

“You should call Ben and Gerry. They know everyone around here. They might know, or Lorraine.”

“I’ll call them once I get to the station…Now, let’s talk about what you’re doing today and where.”

I thought about my schedule and remembered I was meeting with the organizers of the haunted house to take a tour for the article I would write. I looked at the clock and then bolted upright; it was already 7:45 and I was meeting them at ten.

“Shit, I have to get ready.”

“Not until you tell me where you’re going.”

“I have an interview and tour of the haunted house. They opened it in the old gold mine. I hear it’s really scary; you want to come, keep me safe from all the ghouls and goblins?” I giggled, and Jack grabbed my arm, pulling me back down.

“Did I tell you your giggling is a turn-on too?”

What? I’d been trying to stop from giggling around Jack all week. Swear I’ll never figure this man out. Giggling is a turn on; sorry is a turn on... I wonder if arguing is a turn on, because, if so, we’ll never leave the bed, I thought.

“I’ll remember that,” I answered, and bit my lip to keep from giggling. Jack grinned, and I melted, but then I remembered the time and pushed up. “Let me up. I have to get ready.”

“I want you to call me when you get there and to call before you leave. I want you to go straight to your office after, and then straight over to the station when you’re done. I don’t want you to come here without me, and I don’t want you near your cabin until this guy is caught. If I figure this out while you’re out today, I’ll call you so you'll know to keep an eye out.”

There was so much in that command to argue about, but I promised last night to follow his orders until this guy was caught, so I’d do that for Jack…even if it killed me.

Pushing up on my hands and then off the bed, I stared down at Jack for a few beats. Just like he and so many of the men in this town had done all week, I put two fingers to my forehead and saluted him.



Jack bounded from the bed, bent at the waist, and picked me up. Playfully, he smacked my ass and carried me into the shower… and I giggled the whole way.


“Grady, find Barry and Phil, we’ve got a lot to go over. Tell them to meet here in an hour for a meeting.” I was heading out the door when I shouted at Grady, “And call Ben, Gerry, and Lorraine Beckett as well. Let’s see if these old-timers know more than I do.”

“On it, Jack,” Grady replied and then headed back to his desk as I turned to make my rounds.

Arriving back at the station an hour later, I headed to my office and found the FBI profile on my desk. Sitting down with my coffee, I started skimming it. Our killer fell into the “Gain” category of serial killers. Christ, these sonsabitches have different categories.

“Based on the information you have given us and the evidence obtained, your killer is a white male, 25-55, maintains a job but unlikely to work in an office due to his tendency to fixate on women. He is need driven, for money, an object or person he sees as valuable. This person of interest will not be of financial means and more than likely lives in squalor. He has no problem making friends of his own sex, but will fixate on women he finds desirable. He may observe from a distance, but more than likely situate himself in a position of confidant with those he fixates on.”

My heart started pounding when I read that last line. My eyes snapped to the clock, and I knew Jenn had left for the haunted house already. I picked up the phone and called her number, but got no answer. Can’t she follow directions for one fucking day? Jumping to my feet, I grabbed my keys and gun and headed to my door. As I turned the corner, Grady was walking towards me with Lorraine and Ben in tow, and I lost it.

“Tell me you didn’t do this to her,” I shouted in anger, my hand going to my gun.

“What in the hell are you talking about?” Ben replied.

“I’ve got a profile in my hand that all but points to you. Now look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t do this to Jenn,” I roared.

Keeping my eyes on him as I made my way closer, I was still trying to process if this gentle old man could do this to Jenn.

“Son, if you’d take the time to calm down you’d know it couldn’t have been me. I’ve got arthritis in my hands, and if the guy you fought the other night was the killer, then I’m about 75 pounds too heavy. Now what in Sam Hill are you going on about?” Ben calmly answered.

I searched his face for the truth, and saw nothing to suggest he was lying. Taking a deep breath and trusting my gut, I turned to my side and indicated with my hand that they should enter my office. Once they were inside, I stood behind my desk and watched Ben as he helped Lorraine sit and then lower his own body slowly into the chair. Christ, there was no way this man could have attacked me.

I looked between the two of them and then asked, “Where’s Gerry?”

”He’s out on the river. Had a group come in two days ago and hasn’t gotten back.”

Deciding to move on and pick their brains like I’d intended, I didn’t explain; I just started asking questions on the fly.

“You know anyone in town who was ever married or had a girlfriend by the name of Annie who died?” I watched as both of them thought, but neither seemed to hit on the name.

“What’s this got to do with the killer?” Lorraine inquired.

“The killer went after Jenn last night, stabbed a man in the back. The killer indicated he’d lost someone close to him, and her name was Annie.”

Shock and anger passed over their faces and then Ben jumped in.

“You said the profile fit me… What did it say that makes you think it was me?”

“Said the killer would be easy for men to like, and that he either would obsess over Jenn from a distance, but more likely situate himself in a position of confidant.”

“Can I see the profile?” Ben asked, so I handed it to him and watched his face as he read the same description as me. While he was reading, the color drained from his face.

“Merciful heavens,” Ben whispered.

“Talk to me, old man.”

“It can’t be; he loves her…”

“Who loves her?!” I roared.

“Gerald… This is him right down to the living in squalor.”

I closed my eyes, simultaneously feeling relief that we might have a name, pain at what this would do to Jenn, and sadness for Ben. Jesus, he tried to give me advice and warned me away from Jenn.

“His wife died,” Lorraine whispered, disbelief written all over her face.

“He told you that?” I barked.

“Years ago, when he first moved here. I remember him saying he was escaping the loss of his soul mate. Said he had to get away from the memories. He even left a son to be raised by her parents.” I turned to Grady and gave him a nod, indicating I wanted Gerry brought in.

“Ben, do you have Gerry’s full name so I can run his information?” Ben, still lost in thought, looked up and answered me.

“Gerald Marcus Walker, age fifty-four.”

“Gerry’s fifty-four?”

“Years in the sun aged him ten years. We always joked about him looking my age and not his own. We even laughed…oh, God…we laughed when Jenn said we didn’t make the list of possible killers because we were both too old. I didn’t correct her because I knew he was innocent. I, I mean I thought he was…That son of a bitch!” Ben shouted. “He tried to kill my Jenny, he really tried to kill her?” he asked, confused, still trying to make sense of it.

He turned to Lorraine and in a voice full of pain tried to explain himself, like he thought that, somehow, we blamed him for Gerry’s betrayal. “I promised I’d keep her safe. I spent sleepless nights watching over her before you came into the picture, Jack.”

His last statement hit me.

“It was you in her window that night.”

“Yes, dammit, it was me. I’ve worried about her since she moved here. She reminds me of my first girlfriend, the one who got away. Something about Jenny makes me want to protect her, so I’d go up in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep and check on her. Then the killings started, so I went every night.”

I studied him and asked, “You throw a bird through the window?” Ben’s face grew angry, and I knew the answer to that question. I held up my hand to stop his outburst when Grady walked back in.

“Jack, called Scenic River Tours and they said Gerry hasn’t been on the river since Tuesday.”

I bolted from my seat and grabbed my gun, then handed Grady the paper with Gerry’s name and said, “Run this.” Then I grabbed my phone and headed down the hall towards the front of the station just as the mayor walked in with a council member.

“Don’t have time for your bullshit, Mayor,” I growled as I made my way past him and to the front doors.

“I think you’ll want to make time for me, Jack. I’m lodging a complaint with the City Council that you’re ignoring your responsibilities as sheriff. Once that’s done, we’ll be appointing Grady as acting sheriff until we can review your case, which should be sometime in the near future.”

I stopped, turned slowly to face this prick, and with controlled anger, told him exactly what I thought of his threat.

“John, be a man and accept when a woman thinks you’re an ass. Don’t run to your council members to eliminate the competition.”

The mayor said nothing but turned three shades of red. I was done. I didn’t give a shit, so I turned and headed to the door, but before I walked through them, I heard Grady address his father.

“I’ll turn down your appointment, and if you force me to take it, I’ll quit.”

The doors opened behind me, and I moved to see Barry, Grady, and Phil all heading to their vehicles, all of us with one objective in mind.

Find Gerry.

I paused as I reached mine and gave them a nod, and then I climbed inside to find this sonofabitch and put the killing to an end. But first, I had to find Jenn and tell her a man she trusted and saw as family had betrayed her and had tried to kill her light.