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Amazon more Than Expected by Angel, Claire (5)

Chapter 5





I stepped away from my window and dropped on the couch, breathing heavily. I never had a kiss affect me that way before. Ever. Michael was gorgeous and confident and everything I thought I would never want. His mouth was like a drug that I needed more of, for the rest of my life.

He was my boss. He was the owner of the agency that I worked for. He was off limits and I could never kiss him again.

I jumped when I heard a door in the hallway. Priscilla walked into the living room and peered at me through sleepy eyes. “Where were you? Is everything okay?”

“I ended up doing an extra shoot tonight. I just got home.” I feigned a yawn, feeling too much adrenaline rushing through my veins to think about sleep right now.

“That’s good, right?” She asked as I nodded with a bright smile. “What are you doing here?”

“We were moving boxes. Jake got tired and works early, so we stayed here tonight.” She stretched and sat on the oversized chair. “I have to be at the office at nine.” She assisted a local attorney a few days a week with files and appointments.

“I have to be back at ten tomorrow. I think I am going to shoot something on my own tomorrow. I did part of the one tonight but we’re going to edit tomorrow.” I smiled at the memory of my day, including the parts when Michael was with me.

“Anything new with that hot boss?” Priscilla’s question made me freeze as I searched for what to say.

“He hasn’t fired me yet.” I offered, leaning back with a sigh. I didn’t say that he kissed me senseless or that he drove me home. I couldn’t tell her how protective he was being about this building because it confused me too much. “But still hot.”

“I’m going to get back to bed. Early morning.” Priscilla hugged me and kissed my cheek as she always did, and I smiled as she headed back to her bedroom. Looking around, I noticed that many of the boxes were gone. She was going to be gone soon, and I’d be alone.

I sat on the couch and tried to sort through the mess that was my life for a while, sipping a glass of cheap wine. I needed to focus on work and nothing more. I wanted to learn how to do everything I’d seen today and make enough money to get another apartment. There was no way that Michael meant what he said tonight. He was… Michael Mason. He could have woman and probably man that he wanted with one glance. With those lips and his kiss, he likely had.

I walked to my room once I was finally tired enough to nod off. I dropped to my back and played back the way he made my body feel when he kissed me. His hands traced sparks over my skin despite the clothes separating us. He might not have meant what he said but I knew that no man had ever affected me as much. I was still aching with need and dropped a hand over my stomach. I needed to come, and it was something that I couldn’t ignore. I sighed and slipped my hands over the thin material of my underwear, finding them soaked. I bit my lip and stroked a few times before slipping my fingers under the hem to touch myself.

I imagined Michael touching me. I imagined his lips passing over my skin as he nipped at me and sucked the right parts. I’d had sex before this, but I felt like more of a mess right now. My hand moved faster, stroking my swollen clit as a wave of pleasure threatened to take me over. I sucked in my breath and pinched, feeling myself wash over the edge. I struggled to stay quiet as my body rocked softly with the orgasm.

When I was calm, I fixed my clothing. I felt like some of the pressure was relieved, but I knew I’d always crave Michael’s touch. I fell asleep and dreamed about him, waking up when the alarm chimed.

I dressed in faux suede leggings and a loose black shirt. I paired this with some chunky heels. I put on some makeup and tied my hair back into a low ponytail. I knew that I was putting more effort into my appearance than I should be, but I ignored that. I knew I’d have to get a coffee at work since I took extra time and rushed out of the door slinging my purse over my body.

I tried to read during the commute, but my thoughts were on Michael. I wondered how he would act towards me today. I didn’t know how to act towards him. I hoped that I would be busy all day and possibly not see him, but that thought was harder than I expected it to be. I walked across the lobby to order a coffee with the little time I had left, trudging towards the elevator once I’d taken a sip. It felt like everyone was staring at me and I kept my head down, stepping inside the car as I bumped into someone. I looked up with an apology on my lips, seeing Michael staring at me. “I’m sorry.”

He steadied me so the door could close, and I realized we were alone. “Are you okay?”

“I am. I was just obsessing about this coffee. Why are you down here?” I asked as he gave me a dangerous, crooked smile. That could strip me on its own.

“I saw you walk into the lobby.” My eyes widened as he leaned against the wall.

“Cameras. Of course.” I said, trying to sound casual.

“It’s a security thing. There have been some angry women walking into this building before.” He smirked, and I wondered how many of them were headed his way. A man like Michael Mason was bound to have a long list of past lovers. “I have been told that you’re handling today’s shoot.”

“I am but Robert will be right there to guide me. I’m surprised that he did this so fast.” I blushed as he reached out to touch my cheek again.

“You’re good.” He told me simply as I stared at him. “I’d like to have dinner with you tonight.”

“Michael.” I protested as he stared intently at me. He handed me a card, and I saw a number on it.

“Call me when you know when you are getting off work tonight.” He told me as the car stopped on our floor. When the door opened, he stepped off, and I watched in disbelief. I breathed out slowly and walked out to head to Robert’s office. I could feel eyes on me and looked up slowly as people watched me walk by. I could see women whispering to each other and my face went up in flames.

It was my second fucking day, and the rumors were flying.

I hurried to Robert and walked inside, sitting down as I clutched my coffee. “Good morning, sunshine.” He looked me over, half-amused and sympathetic. “Should I ask about last night?”

“He gave me a ride home. That’s all.” I replied as he raised a brow.

“That’s not what everyone is saying around the water cooler. Did you go to lunch with the boss as well?” Robert asked as I dropped my face to the table. “I like Michael and he’s been all business for some time. This is unusual. Maybe it is not a bad thing if you can hold your head high. Show them what you’re made of.”

“How?” I murmured as I slowly raised my head and sip my coffee.

“We take the pictures. That keeps us away from the general staff so don’t you worry a thing about them. Michael can handle them.” Robert assured me as I stared at him. “I certainly wouldn’t kick him out of my bed.” I laughed, and he joined in.

“I needed that.” He smiled at me. “So, where do I start?”

We worked on the editing for the engagement shoot and he talked me through it. I was happy with the end results and he saved the file to show his friends. We headed to his car, and he drove us to the art gallery where I’d be shooting the new hot model. This was a big one, and I pushed thoughts of Michael away as we walked through the doors.

I guided hair and makeup based on the ad. Robert went over that with me before we got here and I was confident in my suggestions, especially when the woman from the magazine agreed. I headed to the room we’d be shooting in, taken back by the gorgeous black and white abstracts that filled it. It would be perfect for today. I got the cameras ready with Robert’s help.

When the model walked out in her deep silver dress, I thought she looked gorgeous. They set her up, and I breathed in slowly as I gazed around. “Give me a sultry look,” I began, and everything started moving at the speed of light. It took two hours as I came up with new ideas and glanced at Robert for approval. He smiled as I worked, only stepping in a couple times.

When we were finished, and the cameras were packed, I leaned my head back. I was exhausted and exhilarated all at once.

“That was great. Are you up to editing these today? We have a couple days left on the deadline.” Robert told me as I laughed. “We could also go out and celebrate. You’re going to go far in this industry.”

I remembered Michael’s words and his card tucked carefully into my purse. “I think I’ll edit tomorrow. I couldn’t make sense of it now and my sister wanted to have dinner tonight. She’s moving out of our apartment soon.”

“Ah. Good reason to head home. You’ll be ready tomorrow.” He told me as I hugged him.

“Thank you.” I said in a hard tone, meaning it.

“You’re welcome.” He told me, holding me tight. “You’re more than that agency and that building. Remember that.”

We left together, and he dropped me at home, hugging me again. I stepped out of the car and walked to the front door with my heart beating fast. I looked up at the window to see my unit dark and turned to see Robert driving away. I reached for my phone and walked into the foyer to pull       Michael’s card from my purse. I breathed in and dialed him, smiling when I heard his voice on the other end. “I’m done for the night.”

We went to dinner at a quiet, intimate restaurant that evening. We laughed and talked over the meal for three hours as I got to know him, falling harder. He was charming and compassionate underneath that thick skin that he showed to the office. We left the building, and he looked around for a moment, breathing in the cool air. “I don’t want to take you home.”

“We both have work tomorrow.” I reminded him, feeling his fingers in mine.

“I’ll get us there.” He promised me as he stared into my eyes.

“They are already talking about me in the building, Michael. I shouldn’t even be here.” I said softly as he turned to cup my face with his hands, locking our gazes together. He leaned in to kiss me, sending flames all over my body.       I slipped my arms around his waist, opening my mouth to give him access. It wasn’t just access to my body but my heart as well. I felt his tongue against mine and gripped the white shirt that he wore tonight in my fists. We both moaned together as it deepened, and I lost myself in this man.

“Come home with me,” he murmured as he pulled back for a moment, making me lean up to him again. “We don’t have to do anything, but I can’t let you go yet.”

I knew better than to say yes. I should have told him to take me home and never look back.

Instead, I agreed.

He kissed me hard at my answer, pulling me against his body. I held onto his shoulders and returned his passion, sure that I’d never get this a second time in life. We stayed this way for several moments until Michael tore himself away from me. He took my hand and led me to the car, opening my door before walking around to his side. We drove into the heart of Manhattan, a place that always took my breath away. Apart from being close to the office, it just held a certain feeling here. I stared around the streets, taking in the buildings as my heart raced in my chest. He pulled into a private garage and parked, turning towards me. “You’re certain about this? Once were on that elevator, there’s no turning back for me.”

I leaned in to kiss him for an answer and he slipped his hands into my hair. “I’m sure.” I whispered, lost in his mint and outdoor scent that made no sense here in New York.

“Come.” He told me as he left the car and walked around to open my door. We rushed to an elevator and got on and I gasped as Michael pressed his body against mine while the doors closed. He claimed my mouth in a kiss and I felt him harden against my lower stomach, thick and long. I moaned as my body went into molten heat, needing and wanting him. The door opened, and he pulled away, staring into my eyes. Michael took my hand and pulled me into the hallway to a door as I panted, feeling like the world was spinning.

Once we were inside, I took a moment to look around the brownstone to calm down. It was spacious with a beautiful open floor plan and a row of windows overlooking the city. The floors were a smooth hardwood and black furniture was scattered around the large living room. “This is stunning,” I told him as I heard keys drop onto something. I knew that it was what I wanted in my future if not a bit smaller. I just wanted to live in Manhattan.

“Thank you. I like it better with you in it.” He told me, making me gaze at him.

“Are you for real?” I asked as he gave me his winning smile, backed my sincere eyes.

“Everything you see is real. Would you like a drink? I have everything.” He offered as I stepped out of my chunky heels.

“Wine. Thank you.” That was light and something I could handle being near him. He went to the large kitchen and fixed a couple drinks, telling me to have a seat in the living room. Instead, I walked to the windows and looked out. I heard glass clinking softly against something and felt his arms around me. “I want this view. I want this feeling of a home like this.”

“I have seen your work, before and after joining me. It’s above the rest, Delila. You’ll have all of this and more.” He let one hand skim my hips, and I closed my eyes as heat washed through me with just this touch.

“It is?” I asked as he tightened his arm around my stomach, continuing to touch me.

“I saw it in your portfolio. You capture the essence of a moment.” I felt his lips against my neck and arched against him. The hand around my waist spread, touching just under my breast while the other cupped my pussy. I gasped, and he drew my earlobe between his teeth. “I saw you that day. The most beautiful and intriguing woman that I have even known. I wanted to know all of you.” He passed his thumb across my pebbled nipple and I jerked.       “Dinner was perfect tonight, just talking about life. Now, I want to touch you as much as you’ll allow me to.” I felt his finger start stroking the seam of my pants, hitting me where I needed him the most. My clit throbbed as it strained towards his touch and I sucked in ragged breaths.

“Please don’t stop.” I murmured as he applied more pressure, teasing me until I was slack in his arms, so close to coming that it hurt. Michael lifted me and carried me through the living room and down a hall into a massive bedroom. There was a bed that had to be larger than a king centered against one wall and he strode to it, letting me down to the mattress slowly. He kissed me as I held onto him, our mouths molding together while he moved in front of me. He pushed me back, spreading my legs with his muscular legs.

I was in so much trouble.

He kissed me until I forgot my name. His mouth moved down my neck and then my chest once I granted him permission to strip my shirt from my body. I’d give him anything tonight. He kissed between my breasts, still clasped in the red lace as I arched my back. I needed him to suck me between his lips and teeth and he chuckled as he moved his mouth over the thin bra. He sucked gently, pressing his body into mine as I whimpered. When he dragged his teeth across my skin, I cried out and tugged at the collar of his shirt.

Michael rose and unbuttoned the shirt, tossing it to the side along with mine. He was muscular but still lean and I greedily took him in as he loosened his slacks, letting them fall to his ankles. He was wearing briefs, but they left little to the imagination. I shivered as he returned to the bed after kicking off his shoes and pants, reaching for my own leggings. I nodded, and he slid them down, revealing a matching set of boy shorts in red. “Your ass looks incredible in these pants. Even better in red.” He reached out to stroke me over my underwear, growling when he felt how wet I was. “Jesus fucking hell.” I shuddered, and he pressed harder.

I unhooked my bra, and he lunged forward, taking me into his mouth. I felt him slip his hand under the lace and his fingers against my clit. Nothing had ever felt like this and I closed my eyes, lost to the pleasure. He slipped one inside of me, making me cry out. He moved slow since I was so tight, and I rocked with him. I was drenched and slick with heat and he moved easily, telling me how hot this was. I knew that I was going to come quickly and didn’t last a minute with his touches. I cried out his name as I fell over the edge, wondering what he did to me that was different from anything before.