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Avren: An Auxem Novel by Lisa Lace (9)

Chapter Nine


I was still thinking about yesterday’s dinner while I was at work the next day. I missed my family when we were apart, and having Vanessa join us was heartbreaking. Part of me wished we could be like the other couples around the table. Together, happy, and having a lot of sex.

But we couldn’t.

I still liked having her there. Vanessa made me happy, and I hated it. She was going to leave when our project ended, and I’d have a hole in my life again. I just couldn’t stop myself from enjoying her presence while she was with me, no matter what misery awaited me in the future.

“Vanessa, aren’t you glad I forced you to take an early lunch break?” She ravenously tore into the food I brought. It looked revolting to me, but she seemed to enjoy it.

“You know something? I forgot to change my schedule. If someone’s looking for me, they’ll think I’m in the lab.”

“If that’s your biggest concern right now, you don’t have a lot of things to worry about. Who would be looking for you?”

She tilted her head from side to side, considering. “I guess you have a point.”

It was a gorgeous day, and we were eating outside in the sunshine in a large courtyard next to the lab. Vanessa suddenly stopped eating and focused her green eyes on me.

“I’ve meant to tell you something. Your expert scientists either made a colossal error or intentionally misstated the results of your fertility tests.” A disgusted look passed her face. “I need to read through the study again, but there are a dozen holes in the data, each one of them big enough to pilot a spaceship through.”

I winced. “You’re going to have to show me. I don’t know why anyone would do something like that.”

Vanessa wrinkled her nose and sniffed the air. “Do you smell something weird?”

I shrugged. I couldn’t smell anything except Vanessa’s appalling lunch. She continued berating the scientists who had decided Auxem males were going to be infertile. “It’s shoddy science. We don’t have the time to do this, but someone should commission another study immediately. If they made a mistake, we have to know.”

“I’ll get Carsegon to organize it. He’s quick and accurate.”

She glanced up from the exotic Earth food she was eating to look at me with a penetrating glare.

“And I’ll make sure to check on him every step of the way.” I slapped the table for emphasis.

“Exactly.” Her eyes twinkled. “And go through the outcome with a fine-toothed comb. But Avren, why would someone alter their results? It’s not like they’re going to benefit from a mistake like that.”

A roar sounded from across the courtyard. We watched in horror as our lab burst into flames and started disintegrating.

We ran to the far side of the courtyard, away from the fire, forgetting about our meal. Emergency services began screeching in our direction. A hovercraft appeared and began pouring water on the fire.

Personnel streamed in through all the doors and secured the area. One of them was about to go into the lab, but I ran over to stop him.

“You don’t have to risk your life. There’s no one in there.” I put my hand on his arm.

“Don’t tell me how to do my job. Vanessa Dwyer’s working in there right now.” He pushed me away and headed for the door.

“I don’t know where you’re getting your information from, but it’s wrong. She’s right over there.”

He looked in the direction I was pointing and called out. “Are you Vanessa?” She came over to present her identification.

We waited around while the firemen did their jobs and security started an investigation. Vanessa couldn’t stop pacing. “Did you send our samples to the team, Avren? Tell me we didn’t lose all our work.”

“We’re going to be fine. The team at the third-party lab was verifying our conclusions. I already called to double-check.”

“Okay.” She stopped walking and rolled her shoulders. “I can’t believe someone would do this to us.”

“Maybe it was an accident, Vanessa. We have some volatile chemicals in there.”

“They’re all properly stored and cared for. Nothing like this should have happened today.”

She was right. But I didn’t want to imagine what her implications could mean.

The head of the security team approached us with black smudges on his face and arms. “I have bad news, Your Highness.” He bowed his head and waited for me to speak before looking at me. It was protocol, but I hated it.

“You can call me Avren. Just tell us what you’ve learned.”

He seemed uncomfortable and avoided using my first name. “Someone sabotaged your lab.”

“They were trying to destroy our research?” Vanessa was fuming. She had guessed it already, but this was her first independent confirmation. “Why would someone do that?”

“Not exactly. They weren’t trying to ruin your work.”

“What do you mean?” I had the feeling we weren’t going to like what he was about to say.

“I’m very sorry, Miss. They were trying to kill you.”


The head of security spent some time explaining how they reached their conclusion. The explosion had happened at my station. There weren’t any samples there today because I had been solving some equations on paper. The detonation was rigged to look like an accident. Even if the blast didn’t get me, the toxic smoke would have killed me within minutes.

It wasn’t the first time someone had made an attempt on my life, either. The attack on our fighter might have been intended for me. It was frightening to imagine someone was trying to kill me again, especially since we didn’t know who was doing it or why. It was probably related to the research. It would change everything for Auxem, and some people didn’t like change.

“Avren, can I just go back to my room now?”

The head of security answered my question, not Avren. “It depends on where you’re staying.”

“I have one of the guest rooms.”

“No, that’s not a secure location. You’ll have to stay in the prison tonight.”

“Are you kidding me?” I couldn’t believe my ears. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“I’m not saying you did, but it’s secure, and nothing’s going to happen to you there.”

“We don’t have to go that far — Vanessa can stay with me.” Avren looked like he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “I have three bedrooms, plus the living room and a den.”

I blushed, but the head of security wasn’t looking at me.

“That’s good enough for me.” Apparently, he was only concerned about my safety, not whether Avren and I were fucking. “The royal apartments are the only rooms safer than the prison.”

“I’m glad we agree. Come on, Vanessa. I’ll show you to your new room.”

“Whatever you say.” I felt dazed and overwhelmed. Everything was happening too quickly, and I wasn’t used to this much excitement in my life.

“I’ll have a guard escort you. Don’t go anywhere without your personal security detail, Avren.”

Avren nodded reluctantly. “We’ll do whatever we have to do.” He took my hand and led me out of the courtyard.


Vanessa had almost died in front of my eyes.

The thought shook me. I didn’t know what I would do if anything happened to her. I couldn’t have her, but I knew I still cared about her.

When we reached my suite, I got Vanessa settled on the couch and went into the kitchen to make us a drink. I needed something to soothe my nerves. Vanessa seemed distracted, too. Anyone would have trouble processing an attempt on their life.

I brought two drinks on a tray and set it on the coffee table in front of her. She leaned forward and took a glass, sipping until her hands began to shake so badly that she couldn’t hold it anymore.

I took the cup from her and gently put it on the table before sitting down on the couch and wrapping my arms around her, pulling her close to me.

“They were trying to kill me, Madellan. You and your lunch date saved me.” She stopped, unwilling to contemplate what might have happened.

I was so thankful for my decision that I didn’t know what to say. Vanessa held on to me as if she were afraid to let go. “I didn’t intend for this to happen, Vanessa. I would never have asked you to come to Auxem if I thought you might be in danger.”

“I know.” She pulled away and looked up at me. She had tears on her face, and I wiped them away with my thumb. “You couldn’t have predicted what happened.”

“I understand if you don’t want to stay here.”

She frowned. “Are you trying to kick me out, Madellan?”

“No.” I pulled her to me again. “I don’t want you to go.” I had accidentally spoken a profound truth, but I pressed on.

“I want you to be able to sleep tonight.”

“Someone’s trying to kill me, and I don’t know why, Avren. Don’t you think the best place for me to be is in a fortified castle?”

The stress of the day hit me. Having Vanessa here in my arms seemed a very good thing. “I think the best place for you is in my bed. I don’t want to let you out of my sight. I couldn’t forgive myself if anything happened to you, Vanessa.”

Her eyes softened. “Your bed sounds pretty good to me right now, although I’m not sure if I feel like fooling around.”

My mouth dropped open. “Do you think I would try to seduce a traumatized girl?”

She smiled and batted her eyes at me playfully. “Yes? I’m not going to let a single day affect me too much.”

The servants brought her clothes and put them in one of the guest bedrooms in my large suite. We met in my room when we were both ready to sleep.

She gave me a nervous look, but I led her to the bed, tucking her in. Then I went around to my side and climbed in, spooning myself against Vanessa’s back and wrapping my arm around her.

She gave a contented sigh. “Nothing’s going to happen to me here.”

I kissed her cheek. “Of course not, Vanessa.”

After the crazy events of the day, we both fell fast asleep, more exhausted than we had imagined.


Snuggling with Avren all night had been terrible and beautiful at the same time. I had slept deeply and awakened feeling refreshed.

I even received a call from Genetic Futures, but I didn’t bother returning it. They probably just wanted to return the research samples I sent in with my application. What I was doing now seemed more important than racing to call them back. They rejected me. They could wait.

We were meeting with Avren’s eldest brother, Arnon, who was in charge until his father returned. The king was conducting a trade mission or diplomatic event — I didn’t remember which. But for the time being, Arnon was making a lot of important decisions.

One consequence was that Avren hadn’t explained what we were doing to his father. I didn’t think it was a good idea, but I wasn’t able to change his mind.

Avren and I made the short hovercraft trip to see Arnon, who was conducting official business in the government building adjacent to the castle. I entered the large, ancient building with trepidation. It was dark and constructed from heavy stone. I felt like I had been called to the principal’s office, even though I hadn’t done anything wrong.

“I’ve got bad news for you, Avren.” Arnon didn’t even bother with a greeting. His dark brown eyes looked grave.

“What else is new?” Avren and I sat down in chairs opposite Arnon’s desk. “What could be worse than yesterday?”

“Well, an explicit death threat, for one.” Arnon raised an eyebrow. “And Vanessa, I’m afraid it’s directed at you. It says you need to stop what you’re doing or they’re going to kill you. As long as the research ends, they promise to spare your life.”

Avren stood up and started walking back and forth like a caged animal. “We can’t stop. What we’re doing is critical. But don’t we have to?” He looked at me. “There’s no way I’m putting your life on the line. I’m not going to trade Allex for you.” He glanced at his older brother.

I looked up. “Wait a second. I’m right here, but you’re talking about me like I don’t have a say in anything. Aren’t you going to ask me what I want to do, Madellan? You don’t get to decide things for me.”

“I do.” Arnon drew our attention back to him. His voice was grim. “I can shut down your project if I don’t think it’s worth the risk. Convince me.”

“It’s too important to let someone else direct us.” I turned to Arnon. “Allex isn’t the only one suffering from terrible pain. I’ve been reading the research papers on your condition. Why hasn’t anyone been working on this before now? It’s ridiculous and wrong.”

“But we don’t have to fix everything right now. We’ve waited for a long time. Allex has always managed to muddle through.” Avren continued to pace while speaking, arms flailing for emphasis.

I started trying different arguments to change Avren’s mind. “I think we’re close to a breakthrough. We’ve almost finished altering the gene and are on the verge of starting clinical trials.”

Avren stopped pacing for a second to look at me. “What happens if we stopped? Would we have to start over from the beginning?”

“Of course not. You know that.” I faltered. “We could pick up from where we left off at any time.”

Arnon’s voice became gentle. “Vanessa, as a guest on our planet, I cannot put your life in danger. You may continue the research after we determine who’s behind these threats. Until then, you have to stop working.”

Avren spoke up. “Arnon, maybe there’s another option. Have you considered the summer palace?”

“What about it?”

“There’s room to set up a clandestine lab up there. We could quietly step up the security. There’s hardly any people there, and we can work without looking over our shoulder all the time. No one would know where we were.”

Arnon considered the proposal. “If there is any more trouble, do you agree to take a break?”

Avren glanced at me.

I nodded. “We’ll do what you want. How long is it going to take to build the laboratory?”

Arnon laughed. “You are determined, aren’t you?”

“I don’t think there’s anything funny about it.” I put my hands on his desk and leaned toward him. Why couldn’t they see the same things I did? “The pain you go through isn’t necessary. We’re going to fix it.”

He sat back, steepled his fingers, and stared at me. “I believe you, Vanessa. I’ll order my staff to prepare the new laboratory within the week. Your determination and courage are admirable.”

“Thank you.”

Arnon gave his brother an inscrutable look. “You two will have to take care of each other out there. We will have a heavy security presence, but if anything happens you’re going to be on your own.”

He meant Avren wouldn’t have his brothers to support him.

Once we were in the hovercraft going back to the castle, Avren took my hand. I didn’t try to stop him.

“Vanessa, maybe this is a bad idea. Have you thought about stopping the research and going somewhere else?”

“We’ve been over this before, Madellan. The safest place is right here.” I refrained from adding ‘with you’ at the end. It seemed too sappy.

“I know, but it’s the most dangerous place, too. If you keep working, they’re going to try to harm you again.”

“I’m not a coward, and I’m not going to be intimidated by a few assholes. Let me clear up something for you — I’m not quitting. Arnon is going to send the best security he has, and you’ll be right beside me the whole time. It’s the best we can do, I’m not afraid, and I’m not going to go running because someone thinks he can intimidate me.”

Avren gave me a grin that made me melt. “You’re not going to let anything stand in the way of science, are you?”

“Of course not, Avren. You should know me by now.” I linked my fingers with his. “Let’s go spend some credits for the laboratory.”

“You are a woman after my own heart.” Avren patted my arm with his hand. “What better way to spend an afternoon than buying things with a beautiful woman?”

“Exactly.” I felt happiness flash through me. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the day.