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Axel - A Bad Boy In Bed (Bad Boys In Bed Book 2) by Kendra Riley (4)


When Rita entered her home, she went straight to her bedroom. She was still trying to wrap her head around everything that had happened last night. She could still feel the inexplicable amount of pleasure coursing through her body, but couldn’t remember any of the finer details. Had they used protection? She couldn’t recall Axel taking out a condom at any point during the night.

She bit her lip and quickened her way up the stairs. To her relief, her father was already out of the house. By this time, he was probably already at work, which was good because it meant it would delay her impending chastisement.

Finally, she made it to the second floor of her affluent home. She gently opened her door and smiled as she smelled a fresh lilac scent caress her nose. The maids had recently cleaned up her room. She took a deep breath before stepping over the threshold and closing the door behind her. She leaned against it for a moment, allowing her body to recover.

It was still slightly sore from the punishment Axel had given her, but at this point, she didn’t even care. It had been such an amazing night that nothing could make her regret it. With a pleasant expression on her face, she made her way over to the queen-sized bed. She allowed her body to surrender to fatigue and roll under the covers.

She didn’t even bother to get out of her dirty dress. She was too exhausted. Even as the residue of last night’s fun was still prevalent between her thighs, she continued to lay there. Rita bit the corner of her lip as she pressed her thighs together, feeling the squishiness of their juices still slowly seeping from her hole.

A soft sigh emerged from her lips as she allowed her body to relax for the first time in twenty-four hours. Her bed felt heavenly as she closed her eyes and allowed herself to be forfeited to the confines of sleep.


In Rita’s dream world, the strange home with the polished wood floors appeared again. She was in the kitchen. It was completely spotless. Everything was in its place and all of the appliances were top quality. She slowly moved around, allowing her hips to sway to and fro as if she were dancing. Naturally, she hummed a soft tune and found herself growing accustomed to the unknown room.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of bubbly laughter somewhere nearby. She tilted her head in confusion, like a dog trying to hear something. She stood like that for a moment before she heard the laughter once more. The sound sent a warmth through her soul that she couldn’t quite understand. Unconsciously, she started to make her way out of the room, drawn towards the unknown sound. She felt the dire need to figure out what it was and where it was coming from.

She turned the corner into the living room but saw nothing. She waited, hoping the sound would reappear, but it never did. She spent the rest of her dream searching the house, but everything remained silent. As she made her way to the stairs, about to go to the second floor, the laughter suddenly reemerged. Before she could turn around and figure out where it was coming from, a small pair of arms wrapped themselves around her legs.


Rita woke up groggily. She rubbed her head in an attempt to comprehend what her subconscious was trying to tell her with this recurring dream. She had never seen that house before, nor had she heard the laughter. It was all so strange.

She spent a few moments laying in her bed, looking at the ceiling, trying to digest the mental images, but she simply couldn’t fathom their meaning. Finally, with a sigh, she got up. Looking out her window, it was already dark. Somehow, she had managed to dream the whole afternoon away.

As she got up, she once again noticed the mess between her legs.

“I need to shower…” she muttered to herself as she stepped in front of the mirror. She admired her five-foot-eight-inch figure for a moment as her hands moved over her skinny, almost bony, body. Her eyes moved up and down, lingering on her almost nonexistent curves. Despite it all, her unusual beauty had managed to attract Axel, one of the most handsome men she had ever seen in her entire life. A smirk flashed across her face and her dark eyes twinkled with excitement as she replayed the events in her mind.

She quickly made her way to the bathroom and effortlessly tossed off her dress. She looked at her naked form in the bathroom mirror for a moment, seeing the subtle pinkness of her clit, peeking its way between her pussy lips. Slowly, her long, nimble fingers reached down, giving it a gentle rub. Instantly, a moan flew from her lips as her dark cheeks became a shade darker. Even though her own touch felt good, it was nothing in comparison with Axel’s.

She closed her eyes and allowed her fingers to move along her length as she tried to imagine Axel’s fingers dancing up and down her sensitive piece of flesh. Another moan emerged from between her lips. She could already feel herself getting wet. She opened up her eyes and shook her head.

“When did I become so horny?” she asked herself with a chuckle. “It’s like I’m turning into some kind of nympho or something.” She chuckled once more and stepped into the shower.

Slowly, she turned it on, instantly recoiling as a burst of cold water sprayed on her body, making her shiver. Immediately, her nipples hardened into little nubs on her chest. She reached upward and took her small breasts in her hands. They were still tender from all the abuse Axel had given them throughout their one night stand.

She allowed her hands to run along her body as her mind began replaying the events of last night. As she did, she could feel her body build up into a sexual frenzy as her hormones rose and her need to satisfy herself grew at an expedited rate. Slowly, her fingers made their way back to her pussy, where they danced along her flesh with an adept precision that left her moaning as the cascade of warm water fell over her dark body.

Soon, her fingers found their way inside of her. First one, and then two, made their way into the wetness of her sex, hooking around and exploring her folds. Her moans became a little louder as her breath become ragged and her fingers picked up speed. Soon, she allowed herself to get lost in the emotion of the moment.

The steam of the hot water wrapped around the bathroom like a lover as Rita continued to pleasure herself, inserting yet another finger. With three of them now knuckles-deep inside of her, she spread her legs a little more, allowing herself better entrance into her eager pussy. As she did, her free hand moved to her petite breasts, kneading them the best she could as her fingers slowly worked to tweak at her nipples, pulling and twisting them until they were rock-hard.

Her moans grew even louder as she brought herself closer and closer to the edge. She could feel her body tensing up as her three fingers pumped in and out of her at an increasingly faster rate. Her mind thought about Axel pumping his cock in and out of her, shaking the car with his efforts. She could almost feel his large dick deep inside of her, wreaking havoc on her tight pussy. Finally, she was thrown over the edge as her body experienced the blissful pleasure of orgasm.

Wave after wave of ecstasy rushed through her as she leaned against the shower wall, slowly allowing her body to slide down until she was sitting at the bottom of her shower. With her arms slung over her knees, she allowed herself to regain composure as the water continued to pour down on her, making her hair stick to her skull. Rita didn’t care. In that moment, she was feeling nothing but bliss. If only she had managed to snag Axel’s number at some point during their exchange, she would have been able to call him. She would have been able to see him again and feel the divine nature of their intimacy.

Sighing, she finally got up and grabbed a sponge, delicately washing her body clean. Once done, she shut off the water and stepped into the fogged-up bathroom. She grabbed a towel and made her way into the bedroom. With her body soaking wet and dripping onto the floor, she was startled by a loud knock on her door.

“Miss Green, Miss Clark is here to see you,” the timid voice of one of their staff called through the door.

Rita cursed under her breath for a moment. She wasn’t mentally prepared to talk to Carolyn just yet. “Thank you, Dorothy. Tell Carolyn she can come up in fifteen minutes.”

“Thank you, Miss Green,” the maid called out before Rita heard the sound of her receding footsteps down the hall.

Quickly, Rita worked on drying herself off before allowing the towel to fall to the ground by her feet. Stark naked, she made her way over to her drawers and picked out a pair of purple lace panties to put on. She searched through her other drawer, looking for the matching bra, but couldn’t find it. She sighed and grabbed a pink one instead. Rita was always irked when her undergarments didn’t match.

Already a little irritated, she bent down and looked through her pajamas. It was already night time anyway. Finally, she grabbed some of her old, college sweatpants and tossed them on as well as a ragged, baseball shirt she had gotten while still in high school. She passed by the mirror and sighed. She looked kind of like a slob, but a moment later, she simply shrugged. It was just Carolyn.

She tousled up her short brown hair for a moment, but before she could do anything else with it, there was a loud, elaborate knock on the door. Rita rolled her eyes at her friend’s antics before she walked over and opened it. In an instant, Carolyn barged through the door and slung her arms around her best friend.

“So… tell me, how did it go?” Her voice had a sweet, singsong quality to it. When Rita didn’t answer for a moment, Carolyn dragged her over to the bed and forced her to sit down. “Come on, I want all the details.”

“Do I have to?” Rita finally responded as she made herself comfortable. She crossed her legs one over the other and looked at Carolyn whose light colored skin seemed to glow with excitement. “Why are you all excited anyway?” Rita asked, tilting her head.

“Because you spent the night with him. That can only mean one thing!” Carolyn blurted out as she bounced onto the bed, right next to Rita. She laid down and looked up at her friend with a devilish grin painted on her face. “Come on. Just tell me already. You wouldn’t want me to force it out of you, would you?” Suddenly, Carolyn’s voice took on a dark intonation as her eyes seemed to shimmer with mischievous intent.

“Fine,” Rita finally conceded and sighed as she laid down, right next to Carolyn. There was a small gap between the two girls as they laid there. Carolyn was looking at Rita expectantly, impatiently waiting for her to start her story. She couldn’t stop fidgeting.

“Would you stop moving? You’re making me nervous,” Rita chided, her voice a little cold.

“Fine, but get on with it. I don’t have all night. I have a final tomorrow and plan to do some late night studying.” Carolyn rolled her eyes as she sat up and looked down at her friend, growing even more impatient as the minutes ticked away.

“I thought you didn’t cram for exams anymore.”

“You can only cram for exams in medical school. It’s so stressful. I barely have time to sleep anymore.” Carolyn groaned as she said the words before placing her hands on her ankles and leaning forward. “But you’re avoiding the question at hand. Tell meeee.” She dragged out the syllable, like a small child trying to get their way.

Rita propped her head with her hand as she leaned on her elbow. “Alright, alright. Stop whining. So after the club…I went with him for a spin in his car.”

“Ooh, exciting.” Carolyn mused with a smile on her face. “Then what?” Her voice grew louder in her excitement.

“Well…” Rita paused as she felt her cheeks turn dark under her blush. Was she really about to tell her best friend about her lustful night with some stranger? “We went to this abandoned parking lot…and well…you know…” Rita allowed her words to trail off as she refused to go into specifics.

“Come on! You can’t be vague about it. I would tell you about my hot one night stand!” Carolyn interjected, trying to guilt trip Rita into giving her more details.

Again, Rita sighed. Carolyn was always so persistent when she wanted something.

“Well…” Her pauses were just adding to Carolyn’s ever growing anxiety to know about Rita’s passion-filled night. “We got into the backseat…made out for a bit…then one thing led to another and we fucked.”

“Look at you.” Carolyn winked and patted her friend on the shoulder. “I didn’t think you had it in you. You were never one for flings,” Carolyn commented with a smug look on her face. “But I could tell from the way you eyed that guy on the dance floor that you found him sexy. Well, did you snag his number? What’s his name?”

“His name is Axel,” Rita responded before she looked down, her fingers tugging on the fabric of her sweatpants. “This morning when he dropped me off, he drove away before I could ask for his number,” Rita answered, her voice a little downcast as she let out a loud sigh.

“Hey, it’s all right. Where there’s one there’s another. I’m sure you’ll find some other hot cutie in no time,” Carolyn said, trying to cheer her friend up.

“No,” Rita answered harshly before she could stop herself.

Carolyn looked at her a little shocked and recoiled just a bit. She hadn’t seen her friend react this strongly before and it scared her.

“You don’t understand.” Rita’s voice was hollow as she uttered the words.

“What don’t I understand?” Carolyn whispered, trying to get her friend to look at her. She could feel a shiver run through her body as the hairs on the back of her neck stood on edge. She swept her long, dark hair over her shoulders and tried to give her friend a supportive look, but Rita refused to look at her.

“He was simply amazing. I have never felt pleasure like that in my entire life. The way he touched my body…I can’t explain it. It was like he was sending sparks flying under my skin and it made me feel so alive. I can’t explain it…it was just one of the best experiences of my life. I can almost feel it now. It was that good.” Rita chanted the words as if under some sort of spell.

Carolyn studied her for a moment. “Can I ask you something? And this is just because I’m a medical student and it’s my job to ask you these questions…but did you use protection?”

Rita’s head suddenly snapped up when her friend asked her this. She stared at Carolyn for a moment as she tried to replay the events of her lustful night, but she couldn’t remember a time when Axel had stopped to put on a condom. She bit the corner of her lip as fear crept under her skin. She wasn’t on the pill. What would happen if in fact they hadn’t used protection?

“Rita…?” Carolyn’s voice broke through to Rita, who was becoming enraptured in her current train of thought. “Are you okay?” She gently placed her hand on Rita’s and gave it a soft squeeze. “You can tell me,” she reassured as she spoke softly, hoping to encourage her friend to confide in her.

“I can’t remember…” Rita now wished she had paid more attention. She chided herself as her hands turned into fists in her lap.

“Are you sure?” Carolyn asked again, her voice laced with concern. “Because if you didn’t, that wouldn’t be an ideal situation. You have no idea if this guy had any sexually transmitted diseases. Plus…” Carolyn took a pause as she processed the words in her mind before she finally dared to utter them. “You could get pregnant. You aren’t on the pill, are you?”

“You think I don’t know that?” Rita snapped suddenly, feeling the weight of her decision on her shoulders. Suddenly, she couldn’t believe her own lack of responsibility. What had she been thinking? She stood up quickly and paced around the room, trying to find a solution to the situation. She didn’t even want to think about what would happen if she was, in fact, pregnant. What would she do? What would her father do? Fear and anxiety wrapped around her and she suddenly felt suffocated.

“What do I do…?” Rita asked as she finally sat back down on the edge of the bed, holding her head in her hands.

“It’s okay…” Carolyn whispered in an attempt to comfort her. “A lot of people don’t actually get pregnant without trying a few times…it’s like a seven percent conception rate or something like that…so there’s that…”

Carolyn noted the lack of confidence in her statement as she tried to reassure her friend, but Rita, herself, wasn’t so certain.




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