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Axel - A Bad Boy In Bed (Bad Boys In Bed Book 2) by Kendra Riley (3)



Axel made his way back to the road with a sour look on his face. Being in that cul-de-sac had made him tense. He didn’t like being with affluent people and knowing that Rita was one of them just made him irritated. She seemed like a nice girl and last night had been one of the best nights of his life, but he knew that they didn’t have a chance of being together. He felt bitter and his foot pressed on the gas just a little harder.

On the curvy back roads of town, the speed limit was thirty miles per hour, but at this point in Axel’s frustration, he was approaching sixty. Still, he didn’t care. He had been in enough races to know his way on a road. He felt comfortable in this element as his adrenaline rushed through his body, urging him to go even faster. He began driving almost recklessly as his car sped the curves. He could lose control at any moment.

An almost maniacal smirk appeared on his face as his eyes focused on the road and nothing else. He could feel the car accelerate into increasingly dangerous speeds and he still wasn’t bothered. He simply tightened his grip on the wheel and continued in his almost-madness. He didn’t need her. She was nothing more than a one night stand. He would never see her again and wouldn’t be any worse for it. With this thought in mind, he took a sharp right turn and finally slowed down.

He was now in the downtown part of the city. The houses took on a different hue as pieces of plywood covered up broken windows and walls were littered with graffiti. He tried not to notice the disparity between this part of town and the Orchid district. Even so, he could not help but think of the picturesque houses he had seen when he had dropped Rita off. He sighed and parked on a small street littered with glass, the remnants of someone’s broken car window. He sighed once more, wondering if his car would survive out on the streets as he made his way into a broken-down apartment building.

The apartment was four stories high. It was painted in a dull, blue color. Much of its side paneling was chipping off by now and parts of the roof were missing. It was in serious need of repair, but the landlords would never do it. Instead, they would simply raise the price of rent, giving the tenants no other option but to pay or move out. Axel tried not to think of this as he made his way up the rickety steps, up to the third floor.

He slowly opened the door. Inside, he could hear the sound of a TV. There were loud, high-pitched voices and the sound of something crashing. Eliza must be watching cartoons. Axel tried to remain as quiet as possible, but as he made his way inside, his foot rested on a squeaky floorboard, giving away his location. Instantly, a loud bark echoed throughout the apartment. Within seconds, a large Dalmatian came bounding in Axel’s direction, before it finally pounced on him getting on its hind legs and licking Axel’s face.

Axel tried to push him away, but the large dog was too excited. Finally, Axel cracked a smile. “Okay, okay, boy! Get down!” he tried to command, but the dog continued to express its excitement.

“Spot. Leave big brother alone.”

The dog immediately dropped down to all fours when he heard Eliza’s soft voice. The Dalmatian promptly made his way over to the cute, little six-year-old, laying down by her feet. She looked up at him with her innocent blue eyes and then smiled for a moment.

100“Welcome home. I missed you.” Her voice was sweet as she greeted her brother, taking a step forward and wrapping her arms around his legs, hugging him.

Axel looked down and all the frustration he had been feeling quickly dissipated as he rested his hand on her head. “Did you eat breakfast yet?” The little girl shook her head. “You hungry?” This time, she nodded her head and the dog barked as if answering the question. “All right, let me make some breakfast. I think we should have some eggs in the fridge. Sunny side up or scrambled?”

“Sunny side up!” Eliza answered in an excited voice before running into the kitchen, the dog following her faithfully. Axel smiled as he watched his half-sister disappear. It was sad to think that their mother, despite being home all the time, never bothered to leave her room to take care of her small child. He took a moment to hang his keys on the keyring by the door before following her into the small kitchen. It was filthy and a little outdated, but it functioned for its purpose.

Once he entered the kitchen, he opened the refrigerator, his hand wrapping around the rust-stained handle. He was always afraid it would break off one day, but somehow it always stuck firm. He peered inside and grabbed a carton of eggs and a loaf of bread. He sighed as he saw the emptiness of the fridge. He would have to go grocery shopping, but that would mean making some money soon.

“Can I help?” Eliza asked as she stared up at her big brother, her blue eyes full of curiosity.

“Sure. Pop these in the toaster for me? Put it on the three for your bread and then four for mine.”

“Why the different numbers?” She tilted her head, holding the two slices of bread in her small hands.

“You like yours less toasted and I like mine darker. The higher the number, the darker the bread gets.” She seemed to contemplate the information for a minute before she shrugged her shoulders and turned around, making her way to the toaster. She grabbed the small stool and then plopped the bread into the slots of the toaster as Axel looked at her.

He smiled a bit before grabbing two eggs. He tossed the empty carton in the trash before he started to heat up a skillet. He played with the eggs in his hands as he waited for it to warm up. When it was finally hot enough, he cracked open the first egg, letting it sizzle loudly.

“Where were you last night?” Eliza asked as she sat down on the stool, looking up at him with her bright blue eyes, her elbows on her knees and her hands under her chin. By her feet, Spot laid down, his head in his paws, almost mimicking her.

“I was out.”



“Where?” Eliza was always so persistent.

Axel shot her a glare for a moment before he grabbed the skillet and slid the first egg off onto a plate and then started to work on cooking the second.

“Where?” she repeated once more when she didn’t get an answer. This time, even Spot barked in Axel’s direction, trying to coax him to listen.

“I went to a…party.”

“Did you see any of your friends?”

“Not exactly,” he muttered, his mind focusing on Rita.

He could picture the curves of her body, the intoxicating color of her skin, the way her short hair framed her face and the luster of her eyes. He stood there, thinking about her. His arousal promptly sparked and he blushed deeply as he shifted his position, trying to keep his excitement hidden from his sister. He turned away, pressing himself into the counter as he tried to look busy.

“Were there any pretty girls there?” she inquired.

Even though Eliza was six, she was very mature for her age, and often times Axel would be surprised by the things that she asked him.

“A few,” he finally replied when he felt the seriousness of her gaze on his back.

“What were their names?” she pressed him, wanting to know everything about his night, now that girls were involved.

“I don’t remember.”

“You gotta,” she whined as she got up and got closer to him. “Please?” She gave him a puppy dog face and he groaned, knowing he was helpless to resist her.

“I only remember one.”


There was silence between them for a moment as she looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to provide her with a name, but he never did.

“So….” She rocked on her heels impatiently. Spot barked.


“That’s a pretty name.”

Eliza paused as she saw Axel grab the last egg and put it on a second plate. He then walked across the kitchen and grabbed their toast, putting it on the plates. With the food in hand, he placed the plates on the small kitchen table they had near the back wall.

“What do you want to drink?” he asked kindly.

“Do we have milk?”

Axel peered in the refrigerator and grabbed a half-empty gallon of whole milk. He poured her a cup before filling another with tap water for himself. His eyes focused on his sister, sparked with a sense of compassion, as she clambered onto her chair directly across from him. As she took her first bite, he held his breath, waiting for her approval.

“It’s good. Thanks Axel!” she chimed happily as she dunked a piece of her bread in the yolk, watching the golden yumminess running down her toast.

“I’m glad you like it,” Axel replied with a smile before he started on his own breakfast. They spent a few minutes in peaceful silence as they both worked on eating their food.

Finally, Eliza spoke up. “We didn’t feed Spot.”

With that, she got out of her chair and went over to a large bag of dog food. Carefully, she measured out two cups of food for him and placed it in his dish before replenishing his water as well. She gently petted his head and hugged his neck before she made her way to the table again.

“You really love Spot, huh?” Axel asked with a mouthful of toast.

“Yup! He’s my best friend!” She smiled happily, looking over at him for a moment before she grabbed her fork and started to eat again. Once more, silence settled between them before Eliza looked up. “What does Rita look like? Is she pretty?”

“Very pretty.”

“How pretty?”


“No. I want to know more.” Eliza pouted.

“Like what?”

“What does she look like?” Eliza clarified.

Axel looked at his sister before he leaned back in his chair, finishing off his toast. His sister never ceased to surprise him.

“Don’t worry about it.”

As he thought more and more about Rita, he couldn’t help but remember their financial disparity. As this happened, his bitterness came back and his voice turned harsh.


“No buts… finish up your breakfast. If you do, we can go to the park. Do you want to go to the park?”

At the word park, Spot’s ears perked up and he came bounding over to the kitchen table, his tail wagging happily as he looked from Axel to Eliza, expecting someone to bring out the dog lead.

Eliza giggled as she looked at her canine companion.


She obediently started to chow down her food. Axel’s bitterness quickly melted as he watched her. He started to work on his food once more and when he was done, he got up and placed his dishes in the sink.

“Hurry up.”

Axel looked in her direction, but Eliza was already by his side, holding up her empty plate and cup, so he could place them in the sink.

He chuckled. “Go grab your coat.”

Eliza nodded and ran off into the bedroom, looking for her coat.

“Don’t forget Spot’s harness and leash!” he called out to her.

A few moments later, Eliza came back in a red coat. Axel offered her a warm smile as he took the dog’s leash from her hands and started to fix it around the dog’s neck. He handed the leash to the young girl.

“Don’t let go or you might never see Spot again,” he warned.

She shook her head. “I would never let go!”

With that, she grabbed her brother’s hand. Together, they made their way to his car. It was only then that he remembered the mess still present on the backseat of his car, where his sister would sit for the ride.

“Uh…Liza…just wait a second…I need to clean up something, okay? Don’t get in the car yet.”

His voice sounded embarrassed as he ran back up the stairs and grabbed an old dish rag and gently wet it under the faucet. He then made his way back onto the street. Eliza was still standing there by the car, waiting for him, the large dog standing guard by her side, eyeing any passerby suspiciously.

“What happened?” she asked in confusion as he opened up the back door and started to wipe the backseat clean.

His cheeks turned a bright red color as he realized just how dirty the backseat was. It was covered in Rita’s juices as well as a good amount of his own cum. His mind replayed the events of the night and his dick throbbed in his pants ever so slightly. He bit his lip and tried to focus. Just when he thought he was done, his eyes caught sight of a piece of pale blue cloth under the passenger seat. He picked it up to see it was one-half of Rita’s destroyed panties. Leaning further into the car, he looked for the other half before he shoved it into his pocket, hoping to hide it from his sister.

She just looked at him with a confused expression, but Axel didn’t bother to answer her.

“Right…it should be okay now. Sit down. Put on your seatbelt.”

Eliza nodded and made her way into the car. She slid over all the way to the other side of the seat and then waited for Spot to jump in. He laid down, taking up what would’ve been space for two people and then rested his head on Eliza’s lap as she started to play with his big, floppy ears.

Axel closed the door and sighed in relief. That had been a close one. With his cheeks still burning red, he sat down in the driver’s seat and made way for the park. Unlike many other times in his life, he drove within the speed limit. He was always a safe driver whenever his sister was with him. He didn’t know what it was, but his sister always made him more cautious.

“Was she a princess?” Eliza’s sudden question made Axel pause and look in the rearview mirror, raising an eyebrow.



“No,” he answered harshly, his voice now firm. He didn’t want to think about Rita anymore. He just wanted to forget about her. He couldn’t be with her anyway, so what was the point of constantly thinking about her? He wished his sister would just stop talking about it, but it didn’t seem like she wanted to drop the subject.

“Why not?” Eliza finally asked, staring out the window.

“I don’t know,” Axel answered and they both grew tired of the subject.

To his relief, they made it to the park without further questions. As they reached the park, he got out and opened the door for her. Eliza got out, holding Spot’s leash firmly in her hand, remembering her brother’s warning.

“Axel?” she whispered, looking up at him. By the expression on her face, Axel knew she wanted something. He sighed.


“Can you braid my hair so it doesn’t get messy?” she asked sweetly, a hopeful expression on her face as she looked at her older brother.

Axel looked around quickly. He didn’t want anyone to see him doing that. He passed a hand across his facial hair, now growing bushy after a few days without shaving. He sighed, knowing he would give in to her sooner or later. Eventually, he leaned down and grabbed her soft hair in his fingers and started to weave it together.

“Scrunchie?” Promptly, Eliza held up a purple scrunchie at his request. He tied off the braid and then started to work on the other half of her hair. When he was done, he smiled at her and kissed the top of her head. “Okay, go play now. I’m tired and I’m going to go sit on one of the benches. Don’t run off very far, okay?”

Eliza nodded her head and together with Spot, she started to run around in the open grass. The two of them made up games together and Axel smiled, seeing her enjoy herself. He slowly made his way toward a vacant bench, where he would be able to keep a close eye on his sister. Even though this was one of the nicer parks in town, one could never be too careful.

He sat down, his hands on his knees. He was dying for some sleep but was glad he could spend this time with his sister. Slowly, his hand reached up, grabbing hold of the small leather strip hanging on his neck. He slowly pulled out his necklace, looking down at the small crystal at the end. His sister had given it to him when she was four. He had kept it ever since.

Axel leaned back and got in a comfortable position, closing his eyes for a moment. As he did, the image of her appeared. He felt like he could almost touch her, almost smell her and it drove him wild. If only he had given her his number or something, maybe he could talk to her and figure out some arrangement, but instead, they would never see each other again. Shaking his head, he sighed, knowing Rita would never be more than a one night stand.







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