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Be My Forever: The Complete Series Box Set by Lauren Wood (151)

Chapter 6



I was glad that one of Bash’s maids has a dress that I could borrow. Instead of floral it was a plain green dress. I’m also glad that Sophie didn’t notice that we were gone for a while.

I didn’t regret what happened between Bash and I. It was absolutely amazing that I never wanted it to end. I was no virgin when it came to sex, but I’d just have to say that it was the best I’ve ever had. He made me feel more than just pleasure, he made me feel love and safe.

The dinner between Sophie, Bash, and I was quiet. We silently sat there as we ate our delicious lasagna. But as much as the lasagna was delicious my mind wasn’t on the food, it was on Sophie’s intense stare. Bash and I tensed as Sophie put down her fork and squinted her eyes at me, “Weren’t you wearing a floral dress when you got here?”

The question made me nervous but Bash on the other hand tried keeping in his laugh. “I spilt wine on my dress and had to borrow one,” I lied. Bash looked at me approvingly.

“You mean… this dress?” Sophie asked as she revealed my torn floral dress in her hands. Bash and I’s eyes widen like saucers. “Where on earth did you get that Sophie?” Bash asked. We made sure to dispose of that dress.

Sophie rested the dress on the chair beside her so that we all can see the dress. She then folded her arms and said “I have my ways,” mischievously.

I had to say that Sophie is smarter than she seems to be. “I… I…” I couldn’t find the right words. “Sophie, Emma doesn’t have to answer that question if she doesn’t want to,” Bash told his daughter.

“Bash you don’t have—” “Did you and my dad did the dirty?” once Sophie asked that question Bash choked on his lasagna as my eyes widened. I’m not surprise that she knows this kind of stuff, her dad is a bachelor.

“Sophie, where did you learn that?” Bash asked, he looked as if he’s going to kill the person who taught Sophie that. “My classmate told me where babies come from because I doubt your story about the storks,” Sophie answered. Bash then looked at me with a questionable look. “Which of your classmates, Sophie?” I asked her.

“Elias told me and a few others. He said…” she started going into detail how Elias told her, and to our horror, it was extremely detailed. I pinched the bridge of my nose, how come I’ve never heard of this before? Not only does it make me seem like a careless teacher but it also teaches the children’s mind something they’re not yet supposed to know.

“I’ll have a word with Elias Santiago and his parents,” I assured them that this is the last grown up story you’re going to hear from Elias. “From now on Sweetie I want you to keep that information to yourself,” Bash said. Sophie nodded and pointed out “You didn’t ask me question, did you and Ms. Pierce do the—” Sophie was cut off as Bash gave her a look.

“Look dad! I just want to know if I’m going to be a big sister or not?” Sophie asked, and this time it was my turn to choke on the lasagna. Bash chuckled as he replied to his daughter “Sweetie, only married couple can have a child… but putting that aside, Sophie how would you feel if Ms. Pierce and I would be boyfriend and girlfriend?”

Leave it to a billionaire bachelor to make it sound so romantic. He didn’t even asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. Well… we did have sex that must count as a yes.

Bash and I stared at Sophie awaiting her answer. Sophie looked at her dad then to me, she suddenly stood up from the table and ran upstairs. Bash sighed as he put his fork down. “I’ll go talk to her,” he offered.

“No Bash, let me.” I said. “Are you sure?” he asked. I smiled as I gave him a nod. I made my way upstairs expecting Sophie to cry or start calling her mom but it was the complete opposite. She just sat there on her bed with no emotion displayed on her face.

I quietly shut the door behind me as I stood there waiting for Sophie to talk. But when made no sign of talking I decided to make the first move.

“Sophie, I—”

“Who’s Sophie?” Sophie asked with a creepy grungy voice as she smiled wickedly. To be honest, it gave me goose bumps.

I knew she was trying to scare me but I actually found it adorable. I put my hands on my hips and asked “Then who I am speaking to?” Sophie’s head tilted the other way as she sat completely still. “I’m a ghost that possesses Sophie’s body. Tell me are you worthy enough for Sophie’s father?”  She said in her creepy voice.

Before I could do anything else Sophie’s act got me thinking. She doesn’t do this to scare off the women her dad brings but she does it because she’s waiting for someone to pass her test.

I kneeled in front of Sophie and said in the creepiest voice I could conjure “I may not know if I’m worthy but I hope to be… Not only as Sophie’s dad’s girlfriend but as Sophie’s step-mom as well,”

My words made Sophie drop her act immediately, in complete shock. She stared at me like she couldn’t believe it. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears as she stared at me in a whole new way. In a blink of an eye she lunged towards me as she wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face into my shoulder.

We both stood still in each other’s embrace.

Then Sophie whispered “I approve,”