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Be My Princess: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance by Lauren Wood (40)

Chapter 4


Rico was not happy when he walked into the restaurant and saw Sally and Lalena talking like two old friends.  He knew his cousin all too well; she looked like she had a crush on the blonde woman.  That would mean that she would be stopping any attempt by him to woe her.

“Shit stop it Rico.”  He thought quickly.  You can’t woe her, she’s your protection; remember you went through all this in the morning?  He shook his head.  The best thing for him to do was ignore her.

He had walked up and done just that, it had been quite hard to do.  His eyes wanted to look at her, and only her.  But instead he kept his eyes on Sally.  Even when Lalena had asked him a question a few minutes later, he had barely looked at her.

If this didn’t work, he had an alternative plan; he would get a blow job at lunch.  He had spotted a little blonde girl waiting tables.  That was the ticket; at least he could picture it as Lalena while she was licking his cock.

The whole lunch he was angry even after he had gotten the blow job.  He wanted to swoop up Lalena Swan and wrap her in his embrace.  But he knew all too well that a woman would never hold his interest.  For him to do this to his head of security would mean finding yet another cop he could trust. 

Currently that was not something he felt comfortable doing.  He was almost certain that the death threats were coming out of the police precinct.  There were a ton of dirty cops on the force, and he wanted to clean it up. 

Opposition had been met at every corner as he had tried to get cops to turn on one another and tell their superiors who the dirty cops were.  But he had tried to push on even so.  He had even hired a private investigator from another city.  Someone who he was certain couldn’t be part of the crime syndicate that was operating in his town.

All he was trying to do was clean up this little town and make it great.  But the press always remarked on his forays with woman.  Not the good things he was doing in town.  At times it was frustrating to Rico.  He couldn’t help it he was attracted to females and them to him. 

It had started at an early age.  He had been quick to mature.  Rico had also been good at sports that helped out his popularity a lot through the years.  If he hadn’t hurt his knee he might actually be a professional right now.  His sport of choice had been baseball, he had always loved it.  He was damn good at it too.  But then when he was only a sophomore in high school, he had been a starter on the high school team, he had been hurt.  The injury had cost him a lot.  His dreams had slipped away overnight.

However, it was then that he discovered his love of the political arena.  He had asserted his charisma in that area and had become class president, and leader of about every club he could join.  His dreams awoke under the veil of a mayor ship of the small town he lived in.

As soon as he graduated from high school he put his hat in the ring for mayor.  He didn’t win that year, he was far too young and a lot of the residents thought under experienced.  During the next two years of the mayor’s term he had dove into the political field in any way he could.  He had helped get many of the small problems in the town noticed and fixed.

“Why don’t the papers ever focus on those things?”  He had to wonder to himself.  Instead when he saw his picture in the paper it would be with one of his dates.  The comments would be about how the mayor had another beauty in his midst.  Many times there were questions about whether he would ever settle down.

The fact was that he hadn’t found one woman who could keep his attention long enough to stay around.  He got bored rather quickly with them, and soon found that being in a relationship was far too much work.  He had too many things he wanted to get done in his political life.  Rico didn’t have time to raise a family or make sure a woman was happy.

Sometimes he would wonder what it would be like to be settled down though.  The thought actually scared him.  He remembered watching his mother be so unhappy all the time.  His father had been a workaholic and had never been home much.  Perhaps the fact that his mother raised him helped him be more in tune with the female sex.

He had to laugh as he remembered how he could handle females from such a young age.  The two girls he had invited to the dance.  The other guys in school hadn’t believed he had done it, and pulled it off.  He still remembered talking to them before they went to the dance.

“Look I know you two didn’t know I had invited both of you, but I did.  Here’s the deal.  I find you both extremely pretty, and couldn’t choose one over the other.  So instead of being upset about this, you should actually be happy and congratulate each other.”  Rico had told them that night.

They had bought it, because he had been telling the truth, at least as far as he saw it.  The two girls had become fast friends and in fact still talked to one another to this day as far as he knew.

Rico smiled he had done a lot of good through the years, but he wasn’t a saint either.  Unfortunately he had caused a few relationship strains for other people.  Not that he had done it on purpose, he had always been last to find out that the girl he was dating was with another guy.

He thought back to the one girl, Julie, she had been the one who changed the way he looked at life.  He actually thought he might like her enough to stick around.  But she had lied to him, told him she was single. 

Imagine his shock when he was visited by the girl’s beau the next day after they went out. 

“Hey, what are you doing with my woman?”  He had heard from behind him.

Rico had turned around to see one of his best friends at the time.  “What do you mean?  I would know if she was dating you.”  He had said. 

“No you wouldn’t we didn’t tell anyone.  But she accepted my proposal of marriage just last week.  Then I hear your out on the town with her last night.  How could you?”  He had asked.

“Hey if I would have known I wouldn’t have gone out with her.  She should have told me.”  Rico had stated to him.

“She says she did tell you and that you laughed about it.  Told her that I wasn’t man enough for her and that you would treat her better.”  His then friend had said to him.

“Matt I really didn’t say anything like that, she never told me that you were dating, or hell engaged.  Congrats that’s great; I promise I won’t see her again ever.”  Rico had promised.

“Damn straight you won’t see her again.  Don’t try to lie and act like it was her.  I know how you are with the girls.  You want me to believe she’s lying.  I don’t think so.”  Matt had jumped at him and tried to beat him up.

Rico had been a lot larger than Matt and could easily fend him off.  But Matt had kept coming at Rico, so eventually he had simply just left.  He couldn’t hit his friend.  Or at least a guy who used to be a really good friend.

Matt had packed up his stuff and took the girl and moved out of town.  It had messed Rico up to hurt his friend so much.  But he knew that he hadn’t lied.  The girl had told him she was single, had never mentioned a word about being engaged.  It was at that point that he had Sally begin checking his dates.

Of course they had the one mistake afterwards, because Sally hadn’t understood just how important it was to Rico.  Not only was it important to Rico, but to anyone else who might be involved with the woman whom he dated.  He knew he couldn’t trust the women to always tell the truth, so he left it to Sally to check them out.

“Women there nothing but trouble when it comes down to it.  I should really give them up if I was smart.  But I swear I’m addicted to them all.  Perhaps that’s why so many guys pick only one woman and marry her.  They don’t have to worry about all these other things.  Oh shit who am I kidding look at poor Matt, she was his fiancée, and she still cheated on him.”  Rico commented as he looked down at his desk.



Chapter 5


Lalena didn’t see Rico the rest of the day.  She had hoped that he might approach her and at least talk to her.  Say something nice, maybe something seductive even.  Then her phone rang and she picked it up.

“Hey honey, it’s me, I can get off early tonight if you want to go out to the movie or something.  Maybe have a little bit of dinner to celebrate the new job?”  It was Jake.

“Hey Jake.  Sure I guess if you want to we can.”  Lalena answered.  The fact was she didn’t know if she was all that interested in going out with Jake.  In fact she only wanted him to spend time with her in the bedroom.  Some of her that was wanted that, the other part of her mind wanted to settle down.  The problem was the person she wanted was Rico, not Jake.

As she hung up the phone she knew that she would have to eventually make a choice.  But how could she make a choice that wasn’t hers to make.  She could tell Jake that she wasn’t interested, she knew that.  But she couldn’t tell Rico she wanted more from him.  Hell right now he wasn’t even looking at her, let alone on the market for more.

“How and why would I fall for a man who doesn’t want a relationship?”  She asked herself.  Then she thought about the comment, had she really fallen for him, or was it simply and infatuation?

She would have to figure that out later on, right now she had to decide what to do with Jake.  Her mind went immediately to their bedroom time.  It was always so amazing with Jake, and she would hate to give that up.  Especially since she wasn’t guaranteed anything with Rico.  The fact was she probably wouldn’t get anything with Rico at all, just flirting.  Lalena didn’t think that would be enough for her.

It was at that point that she decided Jake was the better option.  She should just be happy where she was right now. 

She got off and walked out the door, she said goodbye to Sally and didn’t even check to see if Rico was still there.  Instead she decided to throw her attitude and energy into her relationship with Jake.  She was almost positive that he was going to tell her he loved her soon.  Lalena was willing to settle to be in a stable relationship. 

When she pulled up she saw Jake was already home.  She went in and there was Jake, and the living room was filled up with balloons and some roses. 

“Hey honey, congratulations on your new job!  I hope your day was great.”  Jake hugged her and kissed her on the lips.

“Thank you so much, I wasn’t expecting this at ll.”  Lalena hugged him and kissed him back.

“I missed you today.  But I’ve been missing you more and more lately.”  Jake admitted.

Lalena didn’t say anything, though she had to admit she had thought about Jake several times today.  “You’re so sweet, I thought about you a few times today too.”  She admitted.  Though she didn’t share any of the thoughts she had of Rico that day.  She pushed those out of her mind; she needed to be here with Jake.

“Come sit down with me I brought you a present too.”  Jake led her to the couch.

She sat down and wondered what he could have gotten her. 

“It’s not much, but it was all I could afford right now.  Maybe once I get back on my feet I can give you something better.”  Jake handed her a small box.

She froze up all she could think was he was going to propose to her, she was on the fence on what she really wanted right now.  This might lead to more problems than she could imagine.  Lalena took the box slowly.

“Oh it’s not a ring; it’s far too early for that.”  He said to her.

Immediately she could feel her body relax.  “Was it that obvious I was nervous?”  She asked.

“Yeah just a bit, but don’t worry I’m not upset about it.  Really we haven’t seen each other in years, and before I left we didn’t know each other well.  Except in the bedroom, but that can’t be something you make a lifelong decision on.”  Jake told her.

“I agree with you completely.”  She stated.  She opened the box and saw a necklace.  It had a silver dolphin with a diamond and sapphire inserted in the body.  “Oh it’s beautiful, I love it.  Thank you so much!”  She hugged him.

He squeezed her back.  “I’m really glad you like it.  I would buy you so many things if I could.  But I don’t make much at the pizza shop.”  Jake explained.

“You shouldn’t have spent this money either, but I really love it.”  She kissed him.

Jake wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back passionately.  “Do you want to go out, or order in?”  He asked her after he broke the kiss.

Her breathing was rapid and she really wasn’t thinking of food.  “Let’s go to the bedroom and order in after we are done!”  She said.

He picked her up and carried her into the other room.  He put her on the bed and undressed her slowly.  Jake looked at her seductively and she pulled him down.  They kissed and swirled their tongues against each other.

He ran his hands over her thin body and felt her muscles.  “I’ve always loved how in shape you are.”  He said and bit her neck below her ear.

Lalena screamed out at the bite, but moaned as the pleasure took over.  Jake lowered his head and looked at her moist opening.  He licked his lips and looked up at her and smiled.

“Please, you always have done that so good.”  She purred at him.

It didn’t take another request from her, he lowered his mouth and sucked in her clitoris and nibbled lightly on it.  She arched her back as the electricity that his mouth caused in her body jolted violently.

Soon she was thrusting her pelvis into his face as he tried to hold her hips and keep her still enough to lick her.  He clamped her body down and devoured her lips and sucked.  She screamed out as her orgasm pushed through and let go.

She could hear him murmuring in pleasure as he lapped up as much of her flowing juices as he could.  He came up and kissed her squarely on the mouth, his lips still wet with her cum.  “You taste so good.”  He said after their kiss.

Lalena pushed her hips up to meet his hard cock as it entered her.  She wrapped her legs around his middle and swayed her body to meet his thrusts.  She could feel another orgasm building inside her core.

Jake grabbed her waists and used his strength to drive her harder onto his hard dick.  She yelled out as her body shook and her second orgasm flowed through her veins.  He yelled out and she could feel his orgasm.

They fell apart sweet pouring over their bodies.  “Oh man that was so amazing.”  He kissed her.

“It always has been.  I missed this when you left so much.”  She commented.

“Tell me did you sleep with many guys while I was gone?  You still feel so damn tight.”  Jake stated.

“Actually there was only one while you were gone.  He was okay, it just wasn’t the same.”  She admitted.  “What about you while you were away?  You being the big sports man on campus and all!”  She laughed.

“I had my share I’m not going to lie.  But none of them ever made love like you do.  Damn, you drive a man crazy.”  He laughed.

She nuzzled up into his embrace and laid her head on his chest.  She felt him kiss her on the top of the head.  “This is nice, I like this.”  She said, not meaning to say it out loud, but it came out anyway.

“So what do you think about living together then.  I mean I’m over here almost all the time anyway.”  Jake said.

“Yeah sure why not.  It would be kind of nice to have a warm body to sleep next to every night!”  She said.

“That can’t be the only reason though.  I mean I’m not just a warm body am I?”  He asked.

“No you’re not just a warm body; I really like you a lot Jake.”  She admitted.

“I like you a lot too there shorty!”  He laughed as she punched him.

“There I thought you were being all romantic and sweet.”  She said as she hit him again.

“I don’t want you to get any serious ideas or anything, you know like you thought I might be proposing and all.”  Jake said.

“You’re the one who was saying it’s not very big and we can get you a better one later on, you made it sound like that.”  She stated.

“I know, I did it on purpose to see if you were getting too serious or not.”  He admitted.

“Isn’t that a shitty thing to do?”  She was getting upset now.

“I didn’t mean anything by it really.  But I do like you a lot, and if I was thinking about it now I would wait.  I saw that you weren’t quite ready for it yet.  I just wanted to see if you felt the same way as me though.”  Jake stated.

“Yeah but you could of simply asked me what I felt about you.”  She told him.

“I know I could have, I guess I was worried about what I might hear.  You know I’m not ready to settle down yet.  I really am going to try to do rehabilitation on my knee and get better.  If that happens I’m going to try out for the pros.  If I make it I don’t think I want to be tied down.  But maybe by that time I’ll feel different too.”  Jake explained.

“I get it Jake, I understand.  I’m not upset that makes sense now that you explain it that way.  I know you don’t want to be stuck here forever.  You are more adventurous and want to get out and explore the world.  I really hope you get to do that, and I don’t know if I would be happy doing that either.  However, like you said in the future that could change.  I might decide, or better yet, we might decide to take this a different way.  For now though we can enjoy each other’s company and this.”  She said as she moved lower and took his cock into her mouth.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her mouth making love to his organ.  It was something she excelled at and he had never found another mouth near as good as hers. 

Jake grabbed her and lowered her onto his erect member.  She slid down him and moved up and down on his stiffness.  Soon she could feel her body as it got closer to climax, she felt the telltale shudder of her legs and she was off.

She had always loved being on top of Jake.  He had the perfect shaped dick that would hit her g-spot instantly.  The orgasms she enjoyed when she was on top of him were mind blowing and more than she could count.

Finally she could move no more, her body was rung out.  Jake picked her off of him and moved behind her.  Lalena braced herself on her elbows and knees as he thrust forward.  He fucked her quick and hard, pounding away as he could feel her and his body getting close to another orgasm.  Jake grabbed her waist and pulled her back and he pushed forward and he moaned as he emptied his seed into her.

She melted into the bed exhausted from the sex. 

“I love having sex with you.”  He said again as he pulled her into his arms.  “But I’m starving, what should we order?”  He asked.

“How about Chinese, I feel like some Sweet and Sour Chicken.”  She said.

“Yeah that sounds good.  I’ll order it.”  He walked out of the room, his naked butt the last thing she saw.

Lalena smiled at his ass, he was in great shape.  If she hadn’t seen the limp every now and then she would think he was fully healed. 

Her mind shouted out, I wonder what Rico looks like under those clothes.  She tried to push it out of her mind as quickly as she could.  No her and Jake weren’t getting married, but they were moving in together.  That was a big step and something she would take seriously.  It meant in her mind that she was no longer available.

This also meant that she needed to try to not think of Rico in any sexual manner whatsoever.  But her he was jumping into her mind as she’s looking at Jake’s naked ass walking away.  She didn’t think it was a good thing, and she felt ashamed.

How could Rico still be in her mind if she was with Jake?  She knew she didn’t love Jake she knew that, but she should at least only think of him in this way.  Or shouldn’t she?  What did it mean for her as a person, was she a slut?  No she couldn’t be, but here she was still wondering what Rico looked like naked and wanting to see him.

“Okay it will be here in 15 minutes.”  Jake said as he walked into the room.

“Sounds great, I’m starving.”  She commented.

He looked at her the lust strong in his eyes.  “You know I’m kind of hungry for a little bit of a snack too.”  He pulled her down and pushed into her again.

“Oh my goodness, you’re ready already?”  She was shocked.  She had forgotten all about this part of Jake.  The one that could seem to go on and on all night long at times.

The doorbell rang shortly after he had finished again.  Lalena was too tired to go and answer the door.  So Jake threw on some shorts and went to the door.

“Hey it’s for you, it’s the mayor.”  Jake came back into the room.

“What, he’s here?”  Lalena was shocked.  She hurried up and got up, ran into the bathroom and tried to clean up a bit.  Her hair was a mess and she had bit marks on her neck from Jake.

“Tell him I’ll be right out please.”  She said to Jake and tried to make herself presentable.  She felt like her thoughts had brought Rico to her home. 

Lalena got dressed and went into the living room.  “I’m sorry Mr. Mayor I didn’t mean to make you wait.” 

The look in his eyes was cold.  “It’s okay I didn’t mean to bother you at home, but I tried calling you on the phone and got no answer.  So I was out and decided to stop by and just talk to you.”  He said.  “But I can see I’ve interrupted your night so I’ll just leave.”  Rico turned to leave.

“What is it?”  She said meeting him at the door.

“Well it obviously doesn’t matter does it?”  He began.  Then he stopped and composed himself.  “I’m sorry; I just came by to tell you that you didn’t need to come into the office until noon tomorrow.  It will be a short day for you, but you’ll still get your full pay don’t worry.”  Rico said.

“Okay, you know I think there might be a misunderstanding her between us.”  Lalena said.

“No I think perhaps you are reading more into my stop then you should.”  He said and walked out.

She could tell he was upset but she didn’t know why.  She turned and went back to eat with Jake.

“What was that all about?”  He asked her.

“I don’t have to be in until noon tomorrow.”  She told him.





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