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Beauty and the Billionaire: A Bad Boy Romance Collection by Cassandra Bloom (5)


Chapter 5



Alyssa fell back against the hotel room door with a shaky sigh. “Thank goodness that’s over.”

Mason chuckled. “You did great. I knew you’d be perfect for this.”

As he predicted, his parents’ lack of English made meeting their long-lost daughter-in-law uneventful in the extreme. Once Mason told them Alyssa was his wife, they never questioned. They couldn’t.

Mason tossed the room key onto a table by the door and peeled off his polo shirt. He stood in the open balcony door and let the wind blow in his face. He turned around and walked toward Alyssa. “I’m going to take a shower. You can relax now. We won’t see anybody until morning.” He strolled past her and disappeared into the bathroom.

She couldn’t help but study his bare chest and shoulders as he walked by. The muscle behind his forearm curved into this wrist, where the bone cut sideways into his hand. Why did he have to be so strikingly attractive?

The shower buzzed behind the bathroom door. Alyssa ventured to the veranda door. The moon shone over the ocean, and the breeze cooled everything after the heat of the day. One day gone. Only thirteen left to go, and she would be free.

Maybe he was right. Maybe she should spend most if not all her time enjoying the resort’s many distractions. She made her appearance at the reunion. She didn’t have to do it again. As long as people saw her and Mason together, as long as he remained satisfied that she did her part, she could do what she wanted.

She resolved to ask him about it. If he told her to go play shuffleboard, she would do it. She would do anything to avoid another scene like the one with Tina. That woman gave her the heeby-geebies.

The shower stopped and the door opened. Mason came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. Beads steamed on his skin, and his damp hair hung over his eyes.

Alyssa gulped and forced herself to turn away. She couldn’t stare at him, much as she wanted to. Damn, he was hot! Now she had to spend the night in the same hotel room with him.

She turned her back to him, but her heart thundered in her chest.

Her body buzzed all over with excitement. Could he possibly be interested in her? What was she thinking? He was a troll. He was a skank. He was the male equivalent of a tramp, so that must make him a gigolo.

In her mind, she sang I’m just a gigolo, and everybody knows. She dissolved into giggles.

His voice cracked behind her. “What’s so funny?”

She turned around, but she dared not look at him. “Nothing. Nothing at all. I just thought of something funny.”

When she caught sight of him again out of the corner of her eye, he had his pants and a T-shirt on. Thank heaven for that. She could talk to him now.

She threw herself down on the couch with another heavy sigh.

He eyed her from a standing position. “I meant what I said before.

You did great out there. Thanks.”

“Thank you for saying so. I’m glad you’re happy with it. I’m worried about Tina, though. I wouldn’t be surprised if she tries to blow the lid off our whole story.”

“Don’t think twice about her. Even if she tries to pull a fast one, she’ll never convince my parents, and that’s all that really matters. Let her do her worst.”

“How did you two get so hostile toward each other?”

“She never liked me. She never liked me wanting to make something of myself. She always said I didn’t care about the family, that all I cared about was money.”

“She says you ran away from home.”

“That’s right.”

“She also says she visited you in New York.”

“She’s the only one who has. She’s the only one who comes over to the States, so she’s sort of like an ambassador for my parents to make sure I’m still alive and haven’t sold my soul to the devil.”

Alyssa shook her head. “It must be hard to have your family belittle your success like that.”

He jerked his head sideways. “I don’t care. I did it for me, not for them.”

Yeah. He said that, but Alyssa could tell it stung. He wanted them to congratulate him, to praise him for his resourcefulness, for his determination to make something of his life. They never would. They would always think he sold his soul to the devil for a handful of silver.

She studied him for perhaps the millionth time since they signed the contract papers. What could make a seven-year-old boy leave his whole family behind, his country, on the outside chance he could hit the big time?

Mason never left anything to chance. He slaved his ass off, and he didn’t quit until he accomplished the dream he set out to accomplish. No one could take that away from him.

He spun around fast and took two rapid steps toward her. He caught up her hand. “Come on. We’re getting out of this dive.” He dragged her toward the door.

“Hey! What are you doing?” “I’m taking you out for a drink.”

“A drink! I don’t drink, and neither do you.”

He threw the door open and hustled her into the hall. “We’re in the most expensive resort in Baja, and I’m taking my beloved wife out for a drink. I would take you out to dinner if you hadn’t already eaten. Stop struggling. You’re coming with me.”

She stopped struggling, but she hung back against his hand. “What’s the big idea?”

Once he got far enough away from the room that she couldn’t go back, he slowed down. He didn’t let go of her hand, though. “Consider this part of your contract. We’re husband and wife on a luxury vacation in Mexico. What would we be doing? We’d be going out for a drink after dinner, and that’s what we’re doing. I’m not sitting around the hotel room staring at you all evening long when we have better things to do.”

She couldn’t argue with that. He led her to a bar off the lobby. Low lights surrounded a bunch of tables, each with a tea light candle burning in the center.

Mason sighed. “This is perfect.” He selected a table in the far back corner where no one could see them. He pulled out the chair, and scooted it in when she sat down. He bent over her from behind and nuzzled into her ear. “You look incredible tonight, darling. What would you like? No, let me guess. You like Bloody Marys, don’t you?”

Before she could respond, he vanished. He ordered at the bar and came back with a Bloody Mary for her and a Pina Colada for himself. He reclined in his seat and cast a satisfied glance around the bar. He sipped his drink and smiled at Alyssa. He pretended not to notice her glaring at him.

“Why did you have to do that?”

He cocked his head. “Do what, darling?”

“Kiss me like that,” she snapped. “You didn’t have to do it, and you don’t have to keep calling me darling. I’m not your wife.”

He tsked between his teeth and shook his head. “You’re not playing the game. You’re my wife. What would I be doing to my beloved wife?

Wouldn’t I be kissing her and whispering in her ear? Wouldn’t I be holding her chair for her and calling her ‘darling’?”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re taking this husband and wife act a little too far.”

“Nothing is too far for my wife. Only the five-star treatment will do.”

He could drove her mad with all this wife stuff. She changed the subject, “You didn’t by any chance create this whole scenario to get me to come to Cabo with you, did you?”

His eyes flew open, and he gasped in mock dismay. “What are you accusing me of?”

“Tina says you organized this whole reunion. She says you paid for the resort and everything. Why would you do that if you knew you’d have to come up with a fake wife?”

He didn’t even try to hide his smile. “Did it ever occur to you I might want to see my family?”

“I find that hard to believe. It seems like you could save yourself a lot of money by not organizing a reunion in the first place.”

“Maybe. Not everything is about money, though.”

“Why did you invite me to do this job? You could have gotten anyone to do it.”

“Not anyone. Not just anyone would do. I had to find someone who would make a convincing wife. I had to find someone my family would believe I actually wanted to be married to.”

Alyssa fixed her eyes on him. “Are you saying you actually want to be married to me? No, wait. Don’t answer that. You don’t want to be married to anybody. You want to play the field. You want a different woman in your bed every night, just like Shaharazad. Right? Of course.

This is all some elaborate game to you, just like everything else.”

He waited until she finished. “By the way, Alyssa, Shaharazad didn’t have a different woman in her bed every night. She was a woman. It was the king, or the sheik, or whatever he was, that had a different woman in his bed every night.”

If it could happen, smoke would have billowed out of Alyssa’s ears. “Are you trying to make me mad? Are you trying to be as exasperating as you possibly can? Is this your idea of play-acting the way you would treat your beloved wife? I can just believe you would be that asinine.”

He took another sip of his drink. “Asinine. I never thought of it that way. That’s an interesting word for it.”

She turned away and sucked her straw. She wouldn’t talk to him again, no matter what he did. If he wanted to play the dick-head husband, she would play the vindictive, resentful wife. She could play that to a T.

“I didn’t organize this reunion to get you to come with me,” he told her. “I planned this reunion long before I met you, and I did it even knowing hiring a fake wife would cost me. I did it because I wanted to see my family and because I wanted to put my parents’ minds at rest seeing me with a wife. That’s the only reason I did it.”

Her eyes drifted back to his face, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak to him. He played her emotions like puppet strings. One minute, he provoked her most hostile rage. The next moment, he soothed it until she cared for him more than she could stand. She wanted off this roller coaster before she puked.

He studied the dewy patterns on his glass. “I talked to my parents on the phone maybe twice a week ever since I left home. I never wanted them to worry about me. I wanted them to know I was okay and that I was doing well. I could always tell they weren’t quite sure what to make of it. They asked more than once to meet my wife, but I never found a chance to come to Mexico. After this many years, I knew I couldn’t put it off anymore.”

Alyssa looked down at her drink. She shouldn’t have dragged that confession out of him. She shouldn’t question his motives. He wasn’t such a bad guy. He cared about his family. He wouldn’t manipulate them or her if he didn’t have to.

“What about you?”

Her head shot up. “What about me?” “Where are your parents?”

“They live in Madison, Wisconsin.” “Do you see them much?”

“Not since I moved to New York. That was five years ago. We skype a lot, though.”

“Do they worry about you?”

Alyssa snorted. “Not because they think I’m married. They’re worried I don’t have a boyfriend. They think I’ll turn into a lesbian if I spend too much time in New York. I don’t tell them anymore that I go out to bars. They would get the wrong idea.”

He smiled while he listened. “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” “I don’t want one.”

His eyes popped. “Don’t tell me you are a lesbian? There goes the marriage!”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “No, I’m not.”

He passed his knuckles across his forehead. “Thank God! I was going to have to slit my wrists if you were.”

She chuckled. “Cut it out.”

“It’s true. If you were a lesbian, there would be no more reason for a guy like me to keep living. Dreaming about a woman like you is the only thing that gives my life meaning.”

“Now why do you have to go and spoil a perfectly pleasant evening saying something like that? Can’t we have a quiet drink in a bar, just husband and wife, without you hitting on me?”

“Are we having a perfectly pleasant evening? I thought you said I was asinine, and no, we can’t have a quiet drink in a bar, or do anything else, without me hitting on you. You’re a fox, Alyssa. How am I supposed to go through the motions of sharing a romantic getaway with you if I can’t at least admire you from afar?”

“As long as it’s from afar, you can admire me as much as you like.”

He turned his eyes up to heaven. “Oh, the torture! You really know how to drive the knife into a guy’s chest and twist it. There really is no way you would ever give me the time of day, is there? Isn’t there any hope for me at all?”

“No. I only came here to earn fifty thousand dollars, not to be hit on by you. When are you going to get that through your head?”

“Never, Alyssa. Never. You are so damn hot. You have the most perfect body of any woman I’ve ever met. You’ve got the brains to match, and you’re beautiful, feisty, resourceful, talented…feel free to stop me anytime.”

She beamed. “Keep going.”

He didn’t say anything.

Alyssa waited, but when didn’t speak, she had no choice but to say something, “I’m really sorry you feel that way. I never meant to shut you down like that. I just don’t feel that way about you. Can you blame me? How could I respect you when you’re such a womanizing player? I’ve hated you ever since I first met you on the bar scene.”

He lifted his eyes to her face. “Is that the only reason you hated me and disrespected me—because you thought I was a player?”

“You are a player, and yes, that’s the only reason. That’s reason enough. You have everything else that could make someone respect you. You’re successful. You’re magnetic. You’ve got nerves of steel. I don’t know why you want to spoil it chasing every woman on the block.”

“So...if I wasn’t a player, or if you didn’t think I was a player, you would like me and respect me? Is that what you’re saying?”

“I would definitely respect you. You’re so far out of my league I would probably live in awe of you rather than like you.”

“I don’t want you to live in awe of me, Alyssa. I don’t want anybody to live in awe of me. I’m just a man like any other. I’ve encountered challenges, and I’ve overcome them. That’s all.”

“I realize that now, but I can’t get over what I already know about you. I’ve seen you with women in bars.”

“What have you seen?”

“I’ve seen you pick up girls and take them back to your cave.” He laughed, but she kept on. “I’ve seen girls in floods of tears after you dumped them and hooked up with somebody else right in front of them.”

“What do you say I should have done differently? Do you say I should pretend to love someone I don’t, just to spare her feelings?”

“Of course not, but you could be a little kinder about it. You don’t have to shove her nose in it by making out with somebody else.”

“What if she understood from the word go that I never intended to do anything else? What if we agreed beforehand to have a one night stand and kiss each other goodbye in the morning? Would that make it okay?”

“Then why is she crying into her shot glass about how you did her wrong?”

“How should I know? Maybe she agreed to something she didn’t really want, but that’s not my problem. As long as I was honest with her upfront, I don’t see how you can blame me for that.”

Alyssa shook her head. She couldn’t understand this man, and she never would.



Chapter 6



They finished their drinks, but when they left the bar for their room an hour later, Mason appeared to forget to take hold of her hand. They just walked back side by side without saying anything.

Once inside the room, Mason threw his keys on the table the way he did before. He turned around and found Alyssa staring at him. “Is anything wrong?”

She shook her head. “Nothing’s wrong. I was just thinking a guy like you shouldn’t really need to chase women the way you do. Why haven’t you got yourself a steady girl or a wife? Why do you have to pretend to be something you’re not?”

“I don’t chase women. They chase me.”

She waved her hand. “Come on. You don’t have to lie about it. I’ve seen you leaving the bars with women before. You’ve got a different woman every night of the week.”

“If I do, it’s because I haven’t found the right girl yet. I keep looking, but I never find her.”

Alyssa cocked her head to one side. “How many women have you told about your past?”

He turned away. He paced to the open door and murmured into the night, “None. I’ve never told anybody. You’re the first person I ever told the truth.”

She couldn’t hold back. She blurted out, “Oh! I’m so sorry! That must be terrible.”

He looked over his shoulder at her. “Do you think so?”

She jumped to her feet. She couldn’t keep still. “It must have been a nightmare for you all these years, keeping your real self a secret. It must have been torture.”

He looked away. “I never minded it until now.”

Alyssa stopped in mid-step. “What do you mean?”

“These last few days,” he replied, “I never knew talking to someone would feel so good. I never thought I needed to tell anybody where I came from or what I did to get there. I never realized I needed someone to talk to about that. Now I realize how much it hurt to live alone, with no one understanding, without a single person I could trust enough to tell. Now I know what having that person would be like.”

She couldn’t take her eyes off him. His shoulders rose and fell with his breathing, his words. She wished like anything she could put her arms around him right now, to assure him she would always keep his secret, that it would be safe with her.

She didn’t dare do that, though. She didn’t dare let this episode turn into something she would regret later.

In the end, he made the decision for her by turning around. His clear dark eyes bored into her soul. “I’m glad it’s you. I’m glad you’re the one who knows.”

She stared at his face as his voice caressed her.

“I trust you. It feels good to trust you, to face this with you standing next to me. I wouldn’t want anyone else.”

She wanted him to turn away, to go back to gazing out at the ocean, but he didn’t. He crossed the room to stand in front of her. His whole being radiated intoxicating magnetic energy so she couldn’t get away.

Her mind told her to pull back, to put some distance between them, but that force of nature only succeeded in moving them closer together.

He released a breath. “I had the idea that time I saw you in the bar. I always thought you were the hottest thing on legs I’d ever seen, but when you said you needed a job, I got the idea to ask you.”

“Mason, I—”

“I never chased anybody. Don’t you see? Women throw themselves at me wherever I go. I can’t walk into a place without a bunch of women making eyes at me. They don’t want me, though. All they want is money. That’s another thing I noticed about you. You didn’t want my money.

You’re the first woman I met in a long time to tell me to go stick my head in a hole. You don’t know how attractive that is.”

“We shouldn’t do this. We’re supposed to have a business arrangement. You said you’d sleep on the couch. ”

“I will sleep on the couch,” he replied. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do. I just want you to know how I feel about you. I’ve never wanted anybody the way I want you, and not just to pretend there was something between us. I’ve spent years looking for the right woman I could spend my life with. You’re the first woman I’ve ever met I thought I could love.”

Alyssa sucked in her breath. “Love!”

He shrugged. “Yeah. Crazy right? Forget it. It’s not going to happen between us. We’re here for two weeks on a business arrangement. It’s just something I thought about.”

Alyssa couldn’t call him back. She couldn’t tell him she wanted anything with him. That would be wrong, wouldn’t it? She would be using him the same way he used others—or at least, the way she always thought he used them.

She stared at him until he took his same immovable place in the doorway. He might stand there all night long. She better go back to pretending. A terrible shudder passed through her from head to toe. She could go back to pretending, but nothing would ever be the same again. Love? He did not just say that!

He didn’t come right out and say he loved her, but he might as well have. How could she think of him that way? How could she think of anybody that way?

She headed for the bedroom. At least, she could close the door and forget him. He would stay on his side of that door until morning, and she would stay on her side.

His voice interrupted her thoughts. “Are you okay, Alyssa?”

She waved her hand, but she couldn’t look at him. “Sure. Why wouldn’t I be all right? I’m your wife.” She burst into hysterical giggles.

He stared at her in surprise.

“I mean,” she babbled, “what could be wrong? I hate you, right?

Now you’re telling me you….I don’t know what you’re telling me. I don’t want to think about it. You said it. Now let’s forget it like you said. It’s nothing. We’re not married. We’re never going to be married—at least not that way.” She laughed again. The whole thing was too ridiculous to take seriously.

He stiffened, but he didn’t answer. He didn’t tell her to pull herself together or to go to her room, or any other such nonsense. He crossed the room, swept one arm around her back and kissed her.

She gasped as soon as she could get her mouth free. “What are you doing?”

He didn’t let her go. “We’re married. You’re my wife and I’m your husband.”

Before she could reply, he dodged in and kissed her again. He didn’t let her go this time. He stayed locked on her mouth. She struggled to get away, but he wouldn’t release her. He tugged her in tight and pressed his lips even more intensely onto hers.

She fought her way free. “Stop! I’m not your wife. We’re just pretending. You can’t kiss me like I’m your real wife. This wasn’t part of the deal.”

He gazed down into her eyes. Suppressed passion smoldered in his face. “Then make it real.” He moved in again, and his lips took hold of hers.

Make it real? How could she make it real? Even as her mind worked overtime to comprehend what was happening, she already knew the answer. She already wanted him. She just didn’t want to admit it to herself.

Why couldn’t she kiss him like that? Why couldn’t she even love him like that if she wanted to? They were both adults and they were already married. Exactly what would she have to do to cross that line between pretending and really loving him? Nothing. That’s what.

He seemed to sense the shift through her lips. She softened against him. Her lips inched open ever so slightly. What was she doing? How could she kiss him like this? Her mind came up with a thousand reasons why she shouldn’t be doing this, but her body and her mouth did something else. The electric tension between them grew greater and she felt herself give in to her instincts.

Her lips parted. They danced around his mouth in perfect harmony.

Their tongues met in a fiery clash. She opened her eyes, and there he was in front of her. Mason? Was she really kissing Mason?

Out of nowhere, she became aware of a burning warmth between her legs. Her pussy throbbed for him. Her breasts hungered for his touch. In a daze, she threw herself into the kiss for all she was worth. What the hell? She wanted him, so why not? What was there to stop them? Everybody expected them to. She could make it real with one tiny adjustment of her thinking.

He lifted her off the floor and she wrapped her legs around his hips.

His mouth devoured hers in a deep lustful Rhythm. She answered this pulse of heat as fast as she could. She wanted this. Oh, how she wanted this! What was the point of coming to a luxury resort with a man sexier than sin if she couldn’t enjoy herself?

If she took a roll in the hay with him, she could consider it another fringe benefit of the job. Fifty thousand dollars in the bank? Check. Five thousand dollars spending money and a round-trip ticket back to the States? Check. Smoking hot guy in your bed every night? Why not? Then she caught herself. Thinking of money and sleeping with him?

The thing was…They both knew exactly what was going on now. No more questions. No more pretending. Maybe she would never see him again when they went back home, but who cared? She had him now, and he had her.

He tipped her over backward to kiss her harder, deeper. He pulled her in tighter to press her body against him. His hand slid down to squeeze her ass. How long had he waited to get his hands on her ass? Had he really dreamed of it ever since he touched her in the bar?

She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter as she arched herself up against him. She moaned against his mouth as he teased and toyed with her lips. She’d never been kissed like this before. He locked his arms around her and pressed his bulging cock against her. She hoped he would touch her soon.

The whole time, their eyes locked as they were caught up in each other. She searched his face but found no answers there beyond his bottomless desire. She gave him the green light with that kiss. Now he would run onto the inevitable conclusion.

She looped her arms around his neck and drew him down to her. Her thigh rose into his grasp. He lifted her leg aside and pressed himself between her legs. Her skirt brushed out of the way and somehow, his cock was out of his pants and to her quivering mound. “Oh, yes,” she urged him to go on and panted for him to delve into her pussy.

She wanted him to lie her down and drive into her. She wanted him inside her. She wanted every part of him all over her at once.

He didn’t do any of that, though. He kept her standing up, kissing her. His tongue in her mouth. He teased, taking his time with her, but she was already too worked up.

When she couldn’t stand the waiting anymore, he pulled away. He delivered delicate kisses down her neck before drawing away to gaze into her eyes. She tried to dart up to kiss him more, but he wouldn’t let her draw him in.

He inclined his head one way. “Are you okay with this?” he asked, in a sultry voice.

Alyssa smacked her lips and gave a gentle nod. He knew she was.

How could he tease her like this? She caught his lips between her teeth. In answer, she ran her hand up his thigh to the thick bulge between his legs. She took hold of his cock and rubbed up and down his heavy shaft. “Are you okay with this?” she retorted.

He nearly jumped in her grasp. Then he grew harder in her grasp. He pulled away a little to get control of himself. His abs seemed to ripple with his struggle for control as he exhaled. His cock throbbed under her fingers. He nearly burst out of his clothes, unbuckling his belt and dropping his pants to get at her.

He started to grin... “So that’s the way you want to play it? Well, all right.” He grabbed her hand and moved it away. “Are you wet down there for me? Does this make you hot?”

She panted through pouting lips. “You know I am.”

Without looking, he stroked up her inner thigh, lifting her skirt upward and laid two fingers over her clit.

When would he take her panties off?

He stared into her eyes with that penetrating gaze of his. He watched the color spread over her cheeks and her lips drop open in moaning ecstasy when as he worked his way up to the sweet spot between her legs.

He flipped her panties aside and touched her wetness as he caressed her clit with his fingers. Then he gently probed in and out of her aroused hole. His breath tickled her ear as he breathed more and more deeply. “Holy shit, you are so fucking wet. I want to eat your sweet pussy out right now.” He swirled his fingers through her juices.

She groaned against his fierce kisses. His fingers drove her insane. Christ, he turned her on like nothing else. She never wanted to fuck someone so bad in her life. She’d never had foreplay as intoxicating as this.

He plunged one finger deep into her welcoming pussy and she tightened around him in excitement. He withdrew his fingers leaving her gasping for more.

He couldn’t leave her like this. He couldn’t turn her on and leave her hanging. She couldn’t stand it.

He broke away from her mouth and hoisted her upwards and off of her feet. He scooped her up into his arms. He supported her knees on one elbow while his other arm held her around the shoulders. He carried her into the bedroom and tossed her onto the bed.

She bounced onto the pillows and giggled, but he was ready to move in. He caught the waistband of her skirt and panties together and stripped them down to her feet. He balled them into a wad and dropped them on the floor as if they offended him by their very existence.

He crawled slowly up the bed between her legs. His dark eyes studying every part of her as he worked his way up towards her. He kissed her from her stomach up to her breasts and toyed with her nipples in his mouth.

Then he lowered himself under her knees and raised them over his shoulders. He pushed her thighs apart and started to kiss her inner thighs. Before she knew it, his face had fallen between her legs. He circled her tiny hard clit with his tongue and teased her folds in his mouth. His tongue went inside of her, and he began stroking in and out of her.

She grabbed hold the sheets either side of her as he worked her into orgasm.

Alyssa collapsed back on the bed. The breath blowing from his nose warmed and tantalized the sweet spot between her legs. Could this be real?

Once again, he buried his face into her and started eating her out.

Oh, my God, there was no denying it, he was a complete master at this! He lashed her clit and prodded her lips apart with his mouth. As she got wetter and wetter, he only worked into her deeper and more intensely, any time he moved away, he plunged his fingers into her depths and massaged her button.

She writhed and heaved, but he held on. He started to pump his fingers in and out of her until she moaned aloud in glorious ecstasy. He jumped up onto his knees and pulled her up onto hers. He flipped her over her knees and entered her. She never had a chance to stop coming before his huge, hard cock split her in two.

He jerked her back against him, and her curvy ass bumping his hips. She whined in tortured delight at that thickness filling her like she’d never done in her life before. He eased into her all the way to the hilt, and there he stayed.

He held his rock solid cock right there, fully inserted, and didn’t move. Her throbbing channel squeezed his shaft so fast she couldn’t believe it. Dear Lord, what was he doing to her? He didn’t move at all. No pounding, no stroking, no thumping. He just sat there and let her inner muscles do all the work.

She quivered around his shaft so fast, and that maddening fullness excited her so much she exploded into another crashing climax. She threw herself back against him, but she couldn’t go any further with him already buried inside her. She thrashed in every way, but she couldn’t go any higher if she tried.

What kind of man was this? What kind of devil didn’t fuck a woman when he got her on her knees? He must be some kind of machine to hold her like that and let her own unstoppable desire carry her over one peak after another.

He murmured encouragement to her, “Oh, yeah, baby. That’s so fucking good. God damn, that pussy feels so good. Come on, baby.  Come all over my fucking cock.”

His words broke down any barriers she previously had. She had to keep on coming, again and again. She couldn’t escape. What would he do to her? Would he hold her there until she collapsed in exhaustion? Then he would go to work. Then and only then, would he work his cock on her until he came.

Crazy words, lunatic prayers filled her mind. Oh dear God, please God please. Oh sweet Jesus, he’s fucking me but he’s seated so deeply that I can’t stand it. Oh yes, that cock is so hard I can’t stop.

Nothing made sense anymore. Her clenching wetness surrounded his cock.

Somewhere out of the long-lost reaches of her mind, she felt his fingers touch her. He slid his hand between her ass and his hip and circled her clit with his fingertips.

Little by little, he pumped his massive tool against her muscle spasms. One sensitive inch at a time, he worked faster in time to those fingers titillating her nub. She slammed back into his hips. Her ass quivering from the impact. He let her set the rhythm. The faster she rocked, the faster he fingered.

She screeched in yet another tempestuous climax. She couldn’t stop it. His cock touched her cervix and every inch along her channel. She orgasmed all down his shaft, and his fingers nudged to her greater heights. Everything he did, she drank him to the limit and collapsed on his cock in joy.

Never had she’d been done over like this. She never knew sex could be this hot and intense. Mason took her over and she became an animal. She c was panting and heaving like her life depended on it. She just lost her mind and body to Mason Harwick!




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