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Beauty and the Billionaire: A Bad Boy Romance Collection by Cassandra Bloom (41)


Chapter 6



Cloe sat at her desk, but she didn’t do any work. She stared out the window for the twentieth time that day. This couldn’t go on. She couldn’t live like this. If she stopped working for a second, her mind drifted back to her encounter with Sonny.

He kept her locked in his bedroom for almost a week. He left her sobbing in orgasmic delight only long enough to bring her trays of food. He took her to the bathroom and did her all over again. He only let her go when she told him she had a deadline the following day.

Her editor appeared outside her cubicle and startled her out of her reverie. “I really like that article you wrote about Sonny McCain retiring. You really dug deep in that interview. You must have really made an impression on him.”

“Thanks, Tom,” she replied and his her hot cheeks at that correct statement. “I think there’s a side of him not many people have gotten to see over the years. I think there’s a lot more to him than most people realize.”

“Well, I’ll be sure to give you more jobs like that,” he told her. “You’ve kept your light hidden under a basket all this time. You deserve better. I never knew he led such a wild life.”

“He’s had it rough,” she replied. “He won millions and lost it all gambling and drinking. That’s the main reason he kept boxing.”

“Only you could come up with a story like that,” Tom returned. “That’s the sort of thing only a top journalist would get a subject to admit.”

“Thanks. I’m glad you liked the piece.”

She turned back to the window when he left. She found enough information about Sonny on the internet to write a convincing article. She wrote a big story about his run-ins with the press. Anybody could understand why he wanted to quit boxing at his age. When Tom ran the article by Sonny, he approved it. It didn’t contain anything everyone didn’t already know.

She never saw him again after she left his house, but she never stopped thinking about him. He opened up a well of desire and longing in her. She wanted to keep climaxing again and again for the rest of her life, but she didn’t try to hook up with any other guys. What if they let her down? She didn’t want anybody else. She wanted him.

Days passed. Every day blended into the next, each more hollow and lonely than the day before. She went out with her friends a few times the way she used to, but after a while, she started making excuses not to go. What could she really tell them? If they found out she lost her virginity, they would interrogate her on every detail. They would never leave her alone, and she wanted to hold this moment close to her heart.

She would probably never see Sonny again. He must be long gone by now. In a few months or years, he would be dead. He would become a nice memory for her. He would become the standard by which she judged every other man in her life.

She wasn’t getting anything done here, so she decided to go out for a walk at lunchtime to clear her head. She got her clutch bag out of her desk and got ready to leave when a shadow crossed her cubicle. She looked up to find young Cyrus Malone grinning down at her. “Hi, Cloe.”

Cloe sank back into her seat. “Hi, Cyrus.”

He sat down on her desk. “How ya doing?”

“I’m just fine, Cyrus,” she replied. “I was just going out for lunch.”

His eyes widened. “Really? Great. Why don’t you come out for lunch with me?”

She shook her head. Ever since she lost her virginity to Sonny, Cyrus couldn’t keep away from her. Sonny left some invisible imprint on her skin. He did something to her body so she sent out pheromones to every male in the tri-state area just about.

Cyrus always gave her the eye. He always wanted to talk to her, and he always smiled when he passed her in the hall. He would never dare ask her out, though. Nowadays, he not only asked her out, he did it repeatedly. He did it so often, in spite of all her refusals, she started to wonder about him. How did he know she’d done it? How did he know she was a vibrant, sexual being in need of a good, hard cock?

He wasn’t the only one, either. Several guys Cloe barely knew suddenly took a major interest in her. They swarmed around her like flies. They came into her cubicle and leaned on her desk. They eyed her just the way Cyrus eyed her right now.

They could tell. They could smell it and hear it. Her body called them on the wind, and they came running to answer it.

Cloe took a deep breath. “Sorry, Cyrus. I was going out alone. I don’t want any company right now.”

“Well, maybe some other time,” he suggested. “You must get lonely living all by yourself. You need somebody to give you some lovin’.”

Cloe cringed. “Not really. I’m pretty happy living alone.”

“Tom is telling everybody about you and Sonny McCain.”

Cloe’s head shot up. “What about me and Sonny McCain?”

“Just how you knocked your interview out of the park. What did you do to get him to reveal all his secrets? Did you sleep with him or something?”

Cloe stared at him in horror.

She stared so long, he fidgeted and looked away. “I’m just kidding, Cloe. You don’t have to take it so personally.”

Cloe smacked her lips and launched out of her chair. “Is that your way of getting me to go out with you? Are you trying to insult me, or are you just so terminally stupid that you can’t take a hint? I don’t want to go out with you, Cyrus—not for lunch or for anything else. Go bark up another tree.”

She bolted out of the cubicle, but he followed her.

He caught up and strode at her side. “I was just trying to be friendly, Cloe. I would never question your journalistic integrity. We all know you wouldn’t sleep with a subject. That’s just my pathetic attempt to get close to you. Come on. Say you forgive me.”

She didn’t stop walking. “Pathetic is right.”

“Come on, Cloe. Give a guy a break.”

Cloe rounded on him. “How would you like it if I suggested you slept with Tom to get this job? Huh? Do you think that would be a pretty good way to try to be friendly?”

He shifted from one foot to the other. He glanced around to see if anyone was listening. “Geez, Cloe, you don’t have to get nasty about it. That’s a pretty low blow.”

Cloe whirled away. “Leave me alone, Cyrus. Don’t ask me out again—not ever. Go talk to Rita in Accounting. I know she’ll give it up to you anytime you want it.” She picked up her pace and left him behind.

He let her go, so he must not have been completely brainless.

She’d never cut a guy off at the knees like that before. Then again, she never had to.

She hit the sidewalk and set off. She drank in the sunshine and let it wash her troubles away.

She found her feet gravitating toward Carl’s gym where she first met Sonny.

What was she doing there? She paused with her hand on the doorknob. What would she find inside? All the guys would turn and stare at her the way they did before. Then what would she do?

She had no reason to go in there. She couldn’t exactly explain to them that she wanted to see Sonny McCain, that she wanted to smell him and touch the things he touched and walk on the same floor he walked on. That would be absurd, wouldn’t it?

A noise from inside overruled her hesitation. She pushed the door open, and a roiling sea of sound hit her in the face. Sweating bodies packed the gym, but no one turned around to stare at her. They all stood with their backs to her. No one even noticed her.

Dozens of men screamed, shouted and pounded their fists in the air. They crowded shoulder to shoulder so Cloe couldn’t see between them. They jumped and pranced around one of the sparring rings she passed before.

She stepped into the gym. The door crashed shut behind her, but no one even heard it. The deafening thunder inside drowned out everything else. She skirted the crowd to find a place for herself. What was she doing here, anyway? Sonny wouldn’t be here.

The guys paid no attention to her. The closer she got, the more distinct their voices became. She heard them yelling, “Come on! The left! Get him!”

In the far back corner, she climbed up on a bench so she could see into the ring. Two men in padded headgear boxed in a furious tangle of fists and muscle. They pummeled each other so fast no one could follow them. Sweat and saliva flew away from every landed punch.

The tumult rose to an incredible crescendo. The concrete walls deflected the sound and amplified it until it numbed Cloe’s ears, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the fighters in the ring. She watched Sonny’s fight televised on cable, but she never saw anything like this in her life.

Those men weren’t images on a screen. They were real people who grunted in pain every time they took a hit. They dodged and danced one way and then the other, but they couldn’t escape the horrible reality of fists exploding against their ribs and skulls.

So this was how Sonny made his living. He suffered this way year in and year out, his whole life. He turned himself into a human punching bag. No wonder he got headaches. The human body wasn’t designed to take this kind of punishment.

Punishment was the best word for it. Why did these men want to torture themselves this way? Did they numb themselves to life’s hardships so they didn’t feel pain? Did those punches take the place of some deeper hurt? Maybe they needed a distraction from their woes.

A horn blew, and the two opponents retreated to their corners. Older men surrounded them and shouted into their faces. Carl coached one of them. Cloe didn’t recognize the man coaching the other guy.

She cast a hopeless glance around the gym. She didn’t see Sonny anywhere, but at the same time, she saw him everywhere. Every man in this gym was a younger version of him. Years ago, he was young, strong and hopeful, just like these guys in the ring right now. He started the same way, with older guys giving him instruction younger friends and adversaries giving him first bruises. Little did he know they were giving him his death warrant, too.

He would never be another Carl. Sonny would never settle down to earning a decent living running a successful business. He was too famous and too traumatized by the whole experience. He would be lucky to die in his sleep without too much pain.

The next round started, but she didn’t stick around to see any more. She’d seen enough. She understood now. She headed back outside and kept on walking. She didn’t pay attention to where she was going until she found herself back in the park by the duck pond. She watched the birds diving and let her fantasies take over.

What if she could see him one more time? She might as well at least walk past the house. Even if someone else lived there now, she could stand on the sidewalk and just look. That’s the closest she would get to him again.

She meandered down the blocks and stopped dead when she saw the fifth- wheel still parked in the driveway. He wasn’t gone after all. Should she knock on the door? He wanted peace and solitude. He didn’t want some desperate slut crying on his doorstep. He must have hundreds of women begging to throw themselves at him. What was she, anyway? She was a cheap journalist. He had his fun with her, and that was all.

Even as she stood there trying to decide what to do, the house door opened and Sonny stepped out onto the porch. His eyebrows flew up. “Hello. What are you doing here?”

She kicked an invisible pebble. “I don’t know. I just wanted to see if you were still here. I thought you would be on your way to the California by now.”

He waved toward the fifth-wheel. “I had to get my truck serviced. I’m just doing my final packing while I wait.”

“When are you leaving?”

He shrugged and looked away. “I don’t really know yet. Shouldn’t be too long now.”

She looked away, too. Could he see how miserable she was? She hated herself. Situations like this gave her all the reason she needed never to have sex with a guy in the first place. How could a few great orgasms reduce her to a sniveling wreck?

“Actually,” he went on, “I was kinda hoping you would come back here.”

Her head snapped up. “You were?”

“Sure. I was hoping I would see you again—not like that, I mean. I just wanted to see you and talk to you. How are you? How are you getting along know.”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks, by the way. Thanks for approving my article. I hope I didn’t step on your toes by revealing too much.”

“Not at all,” he replied. “I should be thanking you. You did a very good job of not telling anybody anything. I was impressed, and I’m very grateful. I trusted you, and you didn’t disappoint.”

Cloe blushed to her eyelashes. “Sonny?”

His cheeks flushed pink. “You don’t have to call me that. My real name’s Gavin.”

Her mouth fell open. “It is?”

He nodded. “Gavin Snyder.”

She shifted from one foot to the other. “I don’t think I could ever call you that.”

He smiled. His face looked so much nicer and more inviting than before. He looked handsome, strong and determined. No wonder the girls went wild for him. “So what were you going to ask me?”

She blinked. “I can’t remember now.”

“Well, do you want to have a look inside?”


“Inside the fifth-wheel.”

“Oh.” She had to think a minute. “Okay.”

He opened the door and led the way inside. The thing extended all the way beyond the kitchen and dining table to a big king-sized bed in the back. A brand new comforter tucked under the mattress, and new pillows piled at the end. It looked exactly like a very nice apartment—much nicer than his house.

“Well, this is it. What do you think?”

“I’m sure you’ll be very comfortable.”

“I will be as long as I don’t get a headache. Then I’ll be an ogre.”

She tried to laugh, but nothing seemed right. She couldn’t figure out what to do with herself. She wanted out of this thing, and fast.

He moved down the aisle. “Well, come on in. Do you want to sit down? I can make you a cup of coffee or something.”

She stayed where she was. “Nah. Thanks anyway. I should get going.”

He shot her a grin and waved her forward. “Come here. I want to show you something.”

She walked to his side. He opened a cupboard down below the bed to reveal a bunch of cardboard boxes. She bent over to take a look. “You see? It’s my secret hoard. This is the biggest collection of Sonny McCain memorabilia on the planet. After I die, this will be worth some serious cash, and no one knows it exists.”

She straightened up. “What good will that do you when you’re dead?”

He chuckled low. “Whoever gets this will be rich. It must be worth a couple million dollars.”

She set her hands on her hips. “Is that what you came in here to show me?”

The smile melted off his face. “Actually, I was thinking of giving it to you. Do you want it?”

“I don’t want that!” she cried. “Are you nuts?”

He looked away. “Oh. Well, forget it, then.”

She hesitated. “Is that all you wanted to show me?”

He turned around, and she couldn’t mistake the look on his face if she lived a thousand years. His eyes glittered, and his jaw muscle tensed. “Sit down.”

She gasped out loud. “What?”

He growled through his teeth. “I said sit down.” He didn’t wait for her to do it. He pushed her down on the bed. She sat down hard, and the mattress sank under her weight. She stared up at him in amazement. He did want her. That business of showing her his stuff was just a ruse to get her into the camper.

He loomed large over her, but he didn’t try to touch her. He gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists. “You want it, don’t you? You came back here because you want it. You want more of the same.”

She stared down at her hands in her lap. Her fingers shook when she laced them together. “Yes.”

“Look at me when I talk to you!” he thundered.

Her eyes shot to his face, and the breath stuck in her throat. What was he doing to her? He wanted her to admit she wanted it. He wanted to see her submissive and willing. Didn’t he know how much she wanted it?

Maybe not. Maybe he thought she disappeared out of his life. He put off leaving in the hope that she would come back, that she would show some sign that she wanted him. Now here she was, sitting on his bed. She admitted she wanted it.

He tensed all over. His chest quivered under his shirt. He strained every fiber to hold himself together. “Move back on the bed and lie down.”

Cloe crawled backward and rested her head on the pillow, but she couldn’t relax. Racking tension tormented her all over. She needed this so bad, but he wouldn’t touch her. He just stood there watching her. She fixed her eyes on the creamy white ceiling. She couldn’t do anything until he told her what to do. So this was what it felt like to belong to someone, body and soul, to lie panting and aching for them, to anticipate their next move.

“Take your clothes off. I want to see you on display for me. I want to see you begging and squirming.”

She stripped off as fast as she could. She spread her body out on the bed. The moment the open air touched her skin, it aroused her in ways no man ever could. It excited her and titillated her beyond endurance. Every pore tingled in insatiable lust. Her nipples stood erect, and her hot juices oozed between her legs.

He watched her from a distance.

Her breath rasped in her throat. She struggled to contain her rising desire, but even her own heaving breasts excited her until she could barely contain herself. She seethed on the bed. She couldn’t stop her thighs gliding against each other, and that thrilled her even more.

“Spread your legs for me, baby. Let me see your sweet pussy. Let me see how wet you are right now.”

She inhaled deep breaths to get control of herself, but it did no good.

Goosebumps erupted all over her skin. She lifted her knees and let them sag apart. Oh, dear God, help me! She needed him so bad. She couldn’t stand this.

His breathing came louder, rougher. Was he as turned on as she was? “Touch yourself. I want to see you make yourself come.”

How was she supposed to do that? She never touched herself—ever. She never brought herself to orgasm. She never knew she could until she met him. Just like last time, she had to let her desire show her what to do.

She raised her arms and dragged her fingertips up her sides. Yes, that felt good. She hummed between her lips, but when she closed her eyes, she realized that wasn’t right. She had to look at something, and he stood right there. He wanted to see her, so she would show him. Whatever she could or would do, he could see it.

Didn’t she want him to? Didn’t she want him to bear witness to her desires and fulfill them? His presence anchored her. His burning eyes calmed her to go through with this. She wasn’t dirty. She wasn’t slutty. He wanted her to. He wanted to see her wet and quivering and sucking her breath between her teeth in unholy craven lust.

She came to her breasts. They draped over her sides, and her nipples pointed to the ceiling. She circled them in slow spirals. Tremors rippled down her body to tickle her cunt. Her juices ran down her ass and cooled in the air.

She locked her eyes on his face and spread herself before him. She touched her own breasts until she moaned in delight.

“Does that feel good, baby?” he rumbled. “Does that turn you on?”

“Oh, yes,” she murmured. “Oh, God, I’m so hot right now. Can you see how wet I am?”

He eyed her slit down there between her legs. “Oh, yeah, baby. Touch your pussy for me. Let me see you get yourself off.”

She pinched one nipple between her fingernails. Her other hand dallied down her ivory skin to the black nest between her legs. Her fingers sank into a soggy marsh until she discovered the nub of her clit. She rubbed it a few times before she found out flat fingers felt better.

She laid her three middle fingers over it and swept the wetness in tight, sharp circles. That much she remembered from her first meeting with him. She arched her back and moaned against the rising flood.

He growled down at her. He stroked his crotch through his pants, but he didn’t take his cock out. He rubbed it sideways and pumped it against his hand. “That’s it, baby. Let me see you scream for me. Come on, baby. I want to hear you come. Huh? Does that feel good? Do you like that? Do you like showing yourself off to me?”

“Oh, yeah. Oh, God, I’m so fucking hot right now. I need you, baby. I need you so bad.”

“Do you want me to fuck you, sweetness? Huh? Do you want my cock in that hot little pussy of yours?”

“Oh, Jesus, please give it to me? I need it so bad.” She never knew she could beg like this. She never knew she could talk dirty to a man. She never knew a dirty-talking man could turn her on so much. She wanted his cock. She wanted him to fuck her the way he did the first time. She wanted him to make her admit how much she needed him.

Hot blood rushed to her cheeks. She left off playing with her nipple and went to work on herself with both hands. She dabbled her fingers in her wet slit and rubbed her clit harder and faster. She panted and moaned. The closer she came to orgasm, the more he stroked himself. He shoved his hand down his pants and handled his cock.

She clamped her eyes shut against the freight train barreling down on her. It was coming, coming closer all the time. She needed it. She sipped it closer until it blasted over her in shrieking fury. It hauled her down into its black self, and the climactic explosions rocketed her away.

She screamed. She hurled her hips in the air against her own maddening hands. She gave herself over to her orgasm, even though she knew this was nothing but a warm-up.

Lightning quick, he attacked her in all his ferocious mania. He pried her legs apart and dove between her legs. He lapped the gushing juices from her pussy and tormented her sore clit to shuddering agony.

He mouthed her up and down. He licked from her ass all the way up to her heaving mound. He spread her juices all over her, all over himself, and mingled his saliva with them. He quickened her flagging energy to fresh bouts of screeching ecstasy.

She laced her fingers behind her head and bucked against his face. She whined and pleaded. She wanted more. She wanted so much more. She wanted his cock and his fingers and his face. This was it. This was the erotic fantasy she dreamed about so many lonely nights without him.

All of a sudden, he stood up. He squared his shoulders and fingered the stiff rod poking through his pants. “Turn over, baby. I want to see that ass.”

She obeyed without question. That’s one lesson she learned from him last time. When he told her to do something, she did it. Whatever he wanted her to do, he would only excite her and please her more.

She rolled over on her stomach, but she didn’t stop touching herself. She raised her hips in the air and diddled her clit from underneath.

“That’s it, baby,” he murmured. “Don’t stop. Make yourself come. I want to see your ass.”

Her wetness swallowed her fingers. She could barely feel them anymore. She only felt the mounting energy coursing through her. She was so close, she could taste it. Her scented vapors filtered into her nostrils.

Far away, he snarled under his breath. “You little demon, you. You want that, don’t you? You like to fuck me, don’t you? Do you want a hard cock in that ass of yours? Huh? Is that what you want? Come on, baby. Let me hear you moan for it. You want to bend over and take my cock in that pussy of yours?”

He didn’t expect any answer to these questions. He talked as much to himself as to her. She looked back at him once. He had his pants open and his cock in his hand. He stroked himself while he watched her.

She couldn’t look anymore. She couldn’t watch him harden himself to destroy her. She set her chin on the comforter. She closed her eyes and moaned the fleeting climax rushing through her. She didn’t have to look at him to see him standing behind her with his cock hard and ready in his hand. She wanted to taste that cock in every hole. She wanted to drink his salty mixture and leave him breathless the way he left her.

At that moment, another catastrophic climax blasted her apart. She caught her breath in aching anticipation. The next moment, the ragged screams wrenched out of her very soul. His murmurs rose to shouts and he yanked himself harder. “Yeah! Come on, baby. Oh, fuck, yeah.”

She humped her own hands. Her ass rose and fell to her rhythm. She didn’t have to wonder what he saw back there. He had her on his bed. He made her come. In half a second, his iron bulk descended over her and crushed her into the bed. She took her hands out from under her, but his cock already wormed between her legs. He planted his knees on either side of her hips, and that wicked demon cock plunged into her molten cave.

He held her legs together with his knees, but his cock never failed to find its way into her. He would take her, no matter what she did. He weaseled between her puffy lips. No force on Earth could keep him out of her now.

She tried to back into him, but he pushed her down. He pinned one mighty hand behind her neck and crammed her face into the bed. “Take it, baby. Take it so hard.”

His hard dick plowed through her gushing juices to the red center of her being. He bumped over the swollen entrance, and another blistering orgasm hit her. Where would it stop? It would never stop as long as he kept fucking her. He took her from every angle, and every new position brought her to the heights of ecstasy. This bed would be no different.

He drove his shaft between her butt cheeks, and his rigid length shot into her.

He banged her cervix and bounced away. He planted his other arm on the bed and flexed his washboard abs to pound that piston home.

She couldn’t look at him with her face smashed into the pillow. She could relax and let him do the work. She howled and screeched to her heart’s content while he nailed her harder than ever.

His pelvis shivered her milky-white ass. He slapped the sweat, jizz and honey all over her creamy flesh.

She lost count of how many orgasms he gave her. She went limp in glorious pleasure until his cock dribbled out on a river of juice. His body vanished from above her. She never got a chance to wonder what he was doing. He climbed off the bed and seized her by the ankles.

He hauled her to the edge and hoisted her to her feet still sobbing in mortal fulfillment. He stood her on her feet and balanced her to stop her from toppling over. He tightened his back and aimed his dick between her legs.

He eased it into her cunt still standing up. He never checked his advance until he delved back inside her hidden orifice. He fucked her standing on her own two feet so she had no choice but look him in the face.

He took one meaty handful of ass. The other hand clasped her behind the neck. He held her to him against his penetrating thrusts. He slipped back and forth between her wet folds until the steaming nectar bathed his smoldering cock.

All the time, he kept her hypnotized with his penetrating eyes. What did he think when he looked at her?

Did he care at all about her the way she cared about him? She was nothing but a hole to stick his dick in. That’s all she would ever be, and she didn’t care.

As long as he let her stay near him, as long as he gave her this mind-blowing ecstasy, he could think what he wanted about her. He could call her every bad name in the book. He let her get on her knees and suck his cock. He let her crawl all over the floor for his pounding treatment. That’s what she wanted, and that’s what he gave her.

His mouth worked in silent curses, but all his breath went to fuel his raging hard-on. He plunged to her deepest anatomy. When he withdrew, he lingered at her entrance until she exploded in shrieking orgasms all over again.

On and on it went. When would he stop? Never, if she knew anything about him. He nagged her until she squirted her syrup all over his cock. It dripped off his balls and sprinkled her thighs when he swung in for another thrust.

Cloe held onto his arms and begged for mercy, but her begging got all mixed up with pleas for him to do her even harder. She couldn’t get enough. She wanted him, even as she feared and worshiped him. He was everything. She couldn’t escape.

Just when she thought she couldn’t bear it any longer, he took his throbbing cock away from her again. He left that gaping hole yawning inside her. She could never fill that hole with anything but pulsating man meat. Nothing would ever satisfy her hunger again. She felt like had to keep stuffing herself full of it until she died.

He took hold of her shoulders and turned her around. She didn’t know what to expect. He backed her against him, and her ass touched his upturned cock. She would have fallen if he hadn’t held her up. He laid his hand flat against her stomach and showed her where to go. He burrowed between her legs, and their wetness sealed them together.

He angled her hips back to meet him. She would have bent over to take him, but he grabbed her shoulder in his other hand. He held her upright so she couldn’t bend. He pumped between her butt cheeks into her and her thighs held her pussy tight closed.

Her ass spanked his damp pubic hair. Her thighs rippled down to her knees, but he didn’t stop. He stuffed her full of himself. He answered every aching need she never knew she had until nothing remained but clear, bright joy. So this was what her curvy body was made for. What her rounded ass was made to do. He bonked it to pieces and christened her to undying perfection.




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