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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3) by Vera Quinn, Darlene Tallman (8)


“Are you Steel?” I try to get between the two but the big man backhands me back into the wall.


“That’s me.” The big man shakes his head and drills me with a death glare.

“We’re leaving for the hospital. Your two men can leave but not come to the hospital. They will be watched to make sure they don’t leave town. I’m Blake and for some reason Callie wanted to make sure you two were taken care of, but I tell you this Devil, if Callie isn’t ok, you will be going to ground and I will be sending you there. Do you understand? Callie has been shot twice now on your watch, and I hold you responsible. Now let’s get to the hospital to check on her.” This is Callie’s Uncle Blake. He is a hell of a big man.

“Have you heard any news on her? They haven’t told us anything since they put us in here.” He doesn’t look like he wants to give us any information.

“I talked to Hawser a little bit ago. No news yet, but he gave the ok for me to take charge of you after a little convincing. Stay away from Dra, Chief and Ty. They are out for blood, but I know if Callie wakes up and anything has happened to you two, she is going to be irate. By the way, you can both consider yourself detained. I am a U.S. Marshall, and if you try to run I will shoot you on the spot. Now let’s go.” I think Callie forgot to fill me in on everything about her Uncle Blake. No wonder Blake and Chief don’t get along. I don’t know how I will get out of this, but at least I will get to check on Callie.


They haven’t let us back to see Callie yet, but the doctor came out to let us know her condition after hours of sitting here. The surgery to get the bullet out was minor. She has a severe concussion and cut on her head. The baby is still fighting to stay alive, so it must be a lot like Callie. We should get to see her soon. Chief filled out all the necessary paperwork and now we are just waiting again and drinking what the hospital passes off as coffee. Can’t expect much from a vending machine. Dad let us know Callie’s Uncle Blake have Devil and Steel in another waiting room in the hospital but none of us know why Blake is even here. My woman is full of surprises. We are not going to have a dull life that’s for sure. Now if I can just tie her down to keep her safe. That is going to be a bigger job than I thought. Another surprise is Blake is a U.S. Marshall. Who would have thought that? Apparently he and Chief have unresolved issues. Just as I am about to get up to go ask the nurse one more time how long it will be, the door opens and the doctor walks in the door and goes and sits across from Chief in one of the stiff chairs.

“Mr. Black, I’m Dr. Clayton. I am taking care of your daughter. Your daughter is being taken from recovery to a room in ICU and she will be there for about two hours. I want to watch her, but if she has no complications from the concussion I think she will be fine. Since this is her second concussion in the last few months I am being cautious. The pregnancy we’ll know more about in time, but so far so good. Nothing we can do but wait and pray. We will give her antibiotics through an IV, a pain drip and then give her a script when she goes home. We are not giving her anything that could possibly hurt the baby. She’s young and strong and that works in her favor. The baby’s heart beat is strong. You have any questions? Our ER is going to be full soon. There’s been a wreck, so I will check back in with Callie, but will be in ER for a while. It’s going to be a long night for us all. My advice is to go home and come back tomorrow. Leave your numbers with the front desk and they’ll call if there’s any change.” The doctor looks tired. Not as tired as I feel though.

“I will be staying here tonight. Can I stay with her? Can we see her now?” I know I am throwing questions at him fast but he needs to understand I won’t be going anywhere. The doctor looks at me and then to Chief, “I will let one at a time go back to see her, but only for a few minutes. Don’t give the nurses any trouble. Are you all relatives?” I know Chief and Tazer will want to see her but everyone else can wait until morning.

“This is her dad, brother, and she’s my woman.” The doctor looks down at my cut and then to Chief and Dad.

“I see. Well, ok. One at a time and only one can stay after she is in her room for the night. I’ll tell the desk nurse.” Finally, we get to see her. There would not be enough men in this hospital to make me leave.

“But that little lady needs rest. If her vitals decline, everyone will be out.” Dr. Clayton doesn’t hold back, he is firm with us. Chief stands and shakes the doctor’s hand as do the rest of us. Chief looks at me like he has something to say but is considering his words carefully. “I think I need to stay with Callie. I don’t want her feeling pressure from you. I can tell you have feelings for my daughter, but I don’t want her under any more stress than she has to be. We have to let her decide what she is going to do. She’s been through enough. Everyone needs to put their own feelings aside.” I can understand Chief’s point of view, but that’s not happening.

“I’m glad you can recognize my feelings for Callie, but I don’t just have feelings for her, she’s mine and I’m not leaving. You can do what you want, but I will be in her room.” I stare Chief down. There’s no way he will change my mind. “She made her mind up when she jumped in front of a bullet for me.”

“You see, that’s where you’re wrong. My sister would do that for anyone. She’s good like that.” Tazer has a smile on his face like he is thinking of all the things she might have done. One day, I would like to hear them all.

“Doesn’t matter. I won’t be leaving.” That is my last word on it.

“Well then. It looks like my daughter might have found someone to take care of her this time. Ty and I will stay in the waiting room here. She asks for us, you better make sure to haul your ass out here and get us. Are we clear?” That’s the best I will get from Chief so I’ll take it. “I’m going in first to see her. Dra, you and then Ty. Everyone else can wait until tomorrow. Sounds like a plan.” Chief gets up and goes to the front desk and the nurse takes him back to see Callie.

“Son, you need to stay calm. This is Chief’s daughter and he needs to see her just so he can rest a little. One day when you’re a dad, you’ll understand.” Dad doesn’t have to tell me he’s thinking what if that had been me. “I’ll bring Betsy tomorrow to see Callie if she’s up to it. I know Betsy is worrying herself crazy over her. She’s taken a real liking to her.”

“No dad, she loves Callie. Callie filled a void that Gram has had since Mom died. Dad, I love Callie, and I will do what I have to, to keep her. The club better be ready to back me. If I have to fight for her I will. That includes the U.S. Marshall. I will put my patch on her and wait on her until she is free from Devil if that is what she needs. When she is free I will put a ring on her finger. After we have her child to raise, I will put my baby in her, so everyone better be ready for it. This is happening.” Dad eyes me and I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up and Krill is standing beside me. Tazer is sitting across from me and he is smiling.

“You better make sure Baby Girl is on board with that. That girl has a mind of her own and don’t like to be told what to do.” He is sitting there shaking his head. “Dad was always worried about me raising hell, but I’ll be damned if my little sister hasn’t out done me this time. You seem like a good enough man Dra, but I would be asking her, and not telling her, if you want to keep her.” Tazer just keeps grinning to himself.

“We will always have your back brother. Do what you have to.” Krill lets me know I have his support.

“Listen to your heart, son. That’s what I did with your mom and I never regretted it. Not one day.” Dad likes Callie if he is comparing this situation with his and mom’s. I now know I have all the backing I need.


I sit here looking at my girl. She looks so small in that bed. She has wires running out of her. Her head is bandaged and I can see the bandages under her gown. How did this happen to her? I am supposed to protect her, but this girl is one hard person to protect. She’s been that way since she could crawl. Breaks my heart every time she hurts. The first time she took off walking I swear she ran. She crawled and then she was pulling up and it was no time until she was letting go. She was a daredevil even then. Tommy and I tried to baby proof everything in their tiny apartment. Then one day she let go and took off running as fast as her little legs would carry her. Then there was no keeping her still. Tommy, how in the hell am I supposed to protect her? I see her heart beat but there is a fetal monitor on her, too. I reach over and turn the volume up. That little heartbeat is strong. If she’d lost this baby it would have broken her, and if I had lost her it would have broken me. Tommy, please look over our girl. Don’t take her away from me yet. I still have years to spend with her. I put my hand over hers and my larger hand swallows hers. I take my hand back afraid I might hurt her. I feel the tears running down my face and I see as they fall on her hand.

“Dad, I’m ok. It’s ok.” I can barely hear her soft voice but she sounds like an angel. My angel. She starts to cough. “Can I have a drink?”


“Oh baby. I’ll get a nurse. I love you, Baby Girl.” I push the nurse call button and then I hear her again.


“I love you, dad. Is everyone ok? Where’s Dra?” That’s Callie, always thinking of someone else.

“Stay quiet and be still until the nurse gets here. Dra is fine.” I guess my girl does have feelings for Dra because she settles right down. The nurse comes over to Callie. “Well hello, Mrs. Steel. Welcome back. You can have a little sip until you get used to it. Does your head hurt? Need anything for pain? You have a pain drip. Just push that button.”

“My head feels like I was hit with a sledge hammer. I want to see Dra before I get meds. Dad can I see Dra?” Yeah, my girl cares for Dra.

“Listen, Dra will be here in just a little while. I’ll send him in. Only one of us at a time are allowed. Ty wants to see you, and your Uncle Blake is here. I’m going to send them in one at a time and then Dra is staying the night with you. Is that ok?” I know if Dra ever gets back here he’s not leaving. I bend over and give Callie a kiss on the head and I can finally breathe.

“Mr. Black, you go ahead. I’ll be here and it probably won’t be long until she is ready for those meds, then she’ll probably be out for a while.” The nurse is trying to be helpful, but I wish Callie would go ahead and take her drip so she’d be out of pain. I know she won’t until she sees Dra.

I walk back into the waiting room and as soon as I open the door I see the eyes of the man who put Callie here and I feel a rage that no man can contain. I take big steps towards him and Ty and a man I hadn’t seen in two years step between us. Blake is here. The son of a bitch I swore I would kill if I ever laid eyes on again.

“Back off, Chief. These men are in my custody and unless you want the entire Marshall’s office to come down on you, back off.” I give Blake a searing look.

“Always hiding behind that badge, aren’t you? One day you won’t have it, and we will settle our score. What is this son of a bitch doing here?” Blake knows I will tolerate him, but Devil is a different story.

“Callie asked me to come before. She asked for my help and I’ve never been able to tell her no, about anything. She won’t want them hurt and they are being detained by me. If she wants to press charges, then Devil goes to jail, but we both know our girl.” Blake shakes his head.

“Callie is awake.” Dra jumps to his feet and I now have everyone’s attention. “She’s still groggy and she won’t take her drip for pain until she sees Dra is ok. You can go back one at a time or you can wait until tomorrow and Dra can go back and she’ll take her meds.” I look around. I was watching Devil out of the corner of my eye and when I said she asked for Dra it took the wind right out of him. I feel satisfaction in that.

“I’ll wait until tomorrow if you say she’s ok, Dad. I’d rather her have her pain meds.” That’s my boy. I look at Blake and wait. Blake goes in front of Dra.

“Tell her I’m here and I have Devil with me. It will ease her mind. Also tell her I will see her tomorrow and I love her.” At least Blake hasn’t lost all his mind. He still puts Callie first.

“Thank you both. I will tell her Blake, and I’ll tell her for you, too, Tazer.” Dra turns to leave but Devil speaks up.


“Will you tell her I’m sorry?” Dra turns and glares at Devil and nods his head quickly and he is gone.


“Ty let’s get something to eat so we can get back here. Waiting room is ours tonight.” I am headed toward the door.

“You know I’m not going away. I’m transferring to Colorado. I’m going to be close to Callie and you’re going to have to deal with it.” I don’t have to deal with the asshole. I am almost to the elevator with Ty behind me when the doors open and I thought I was leaving the two men I hated most behind me when who steps off the elevator but Diamondback himself. Fuck! Could anything else happen today?

“Well, Chief we meet again. Where’s my daughter? And who do I need to kill for hurting her?” Diamondback is in true form and for once I agree with him. I just can’t figure out how he found out so soon.

“Don’t make me regret calling you old man. Is this how you’re going to repay me, by making me arrest you?” Blake had made it over to us and now I know the years of being undercover definitely fried his brain.

“You called him? Why the hell would you do that?” I just don’t know why Blake would even think to do this.

“Callie had me get in touch with him. Do you think he came all the way from west Texas in a few hours? He was already on his way here. I just told him to put a move on it and some of what happened.” Blake is loving this.

“Why would Callie have you get in touch with him?” I am on that edge again and I am going to go ape shit on someone soon.

“Cool your jets, Chief. Diamondback was part of Callie’s surprise for everyone. You don’t give that girl enough credit. She knew you were scared for her to meet him. It was the only way to take his power away.” Blake points to Diamondback. “She took control of the situation. You were afraid he would come out of the woodwork for her, so Callie was taking the big scary away by controlling when he got to meet her. She called me in as her backup if I was needed. He wouldn’t see me coming. She’s pretty damn smart when people get out of her way. Have some confidence in her to know what she can handle.” Blake is loving every single second of this. I do have confidence in Callie, I just don’t think she needs to take everything on herself.

“Ok. Let’s all talk. I’m going to tell everyone just how this is going to go.” They will listen to me.


“There you go again, trying to take charge of everything. This is Callie’s show. We will wait until she is ready.” Blake is pressing his luck.


“Lucky for you that is exactly what I was going to say.” I stare Blake down.

“Ok, neither one of you ass jacks told me where Callie was.” Diamondback needs to get back on that elevator and leave until he is wanted. Blake goes and stands in front of Diamondback and looks down at him. “I told you when I called the first time, and I will only say this one more time, Callie is in charge. The four of us are going to a motel and staying tonight and we will come back tomorrow. Diamondback, you’re with your guys. If you try to return here tonight, I will arrest your old ass. Are we clear?” Then he turns to Devil and Steel. “You two are with me and we are going to the same motel your men are at. We all will return in the morning.” Blake goes towards the elevator and the others follow him. I guess his big ugly ass is good for something. When the elevator doors close behind them I turn and look at Ty, Krill and Hawser. I shake my head.

“I never spanked that girl as a child. I think I m ight should have, because she can stir up more shit than anyone I know. Hawser, your boy is going to have his hands full if she decides to stay with him, is all I can say.” I just don’t know what to think. CHAPTER 23


I spent most of the night staring at this beautiful woman. I was afraid if I slept, she would disappear. I’ve watched the monitors. After she was finally put in a room a few hours ago, we have more room and I pulled my chair up beside her bed. I just hope she wakes up again soon. She’s been out most of the night and really groggy when she was awake. She just wanted to have me close she said, and I am good with that.

“Hey handsome. Did you sleep in that chair all night?” I can barely hear what she is saying. She sounds half asleep and the other half mush mouth like a drunk. “Water, please.” That one I could understand. I hand her the cup of water and she drinks it all slowly. “Thank you Dra.” She’s easier to understand now. “You look tired. Do you want to go home to get some rest? My head doesn’t hurt nearly as bad this morning, but now I feel my shoulder.”

“Do you need to push the pain drip?” She’s shaking her head no.

“If I push the pain thing, I will go back to sleep, and I need to talk to you. Besides, I don’t want to take any more than I have to. I want to talk to the doctor about if it can affect the baby. I was out of it last night and I didn’t get to talk to him.” Callie is talking much better, so she must be coming out of the med stupor. “Doctor assured us last night it wouldn’t affect the baby. It’s safe.” I want her to take it if she needs it. Stubborn woman.

“Climb in here with me, please. I need to talk to you about us. Just for a little while.” I don’t want to hurt her but I also can’t stand to tell her no, so I get up in the bed carefully beside her. I feel like I could fall off the bed, but it feels good to have her next to me.

“Ok, darling you have me. Now what?” I give her my best smile.

“Will you please listen to me before you say anything? This is important and I want to get it all out.” I don’t like the sound of this, but I have to give her a chance to say what she needs before I tell her what’s going to be. I guess I can try and take Tazer’s advice. So I nod my head yes, and kiss her hand softly.

“Dra, yesterday when I saw Devil was going to shoot you, I could hardly move. I was so scared. I was afraid you would be taken from me. I didn’t know I had such strong feelings for you, but I have to tell you I do. Only thing is, I don’t trust myself very much right now. I let Devil get close and I can’t go through that again. I need complete brutal honesty. Straight up nothing but honesty. Can you do that? Because if you can’t, I can’t let you in. Ok, your turn.” She’s laying it out for me. Can I give her complete honesty? Hell yeah, I can! Wait, first I need to clarify.

“Callie, I can be completely honest. Brutally honest with everything that has to do with us, but I cannot tell you everything about the club. However, if you are involved in it, I will tell you everything. You ask me if your ass is wide then I will tell you if it is. You ask me if I like your dress or whatever shit you’re wearing and I will tell you. I promise you on everything I hold dear, I will not lie to you or betray you, ever. I love you and yesterday when we hit that floor I knew how much.” I don’t hold anything back. I can’t if I want her. She needs this.

“Ok. I can accept that. I’m not sure about my behind being wide. I think you might need to find a filter about that if you don’t want to be picking your backside up off the floor. Because my behind is going to be wide before this baby is born.” She is smiling so big my insides might bust. “I want to take a chance on us then. I love you, Dra.” Did I just hear that?

“What did you say?” Please just let her say it again. Nothing has ever sounded so good.

“I said, I love you Andrew Draven. I want to be yours. I want your property p atch on my back.” I want to hold her so tight. My heart feels so full. I want to make this woman mine in every way. I think I might have to wait a few days though. Her doctor may have objections and I won’t put her health at risk.

“Damn girl. I love you, too! I can’t believe you said you’d be mine. Not like I was going to give you a choice, but I am so happy.” I have kissed her hands, the top of her head, her cheeks and the side of her head. I know I need to stop.

“Wait Dra, there’s more.” I knew this was too good to be true, but she’s not getting out of this. “I can’t be with you, be with you, until I am divorced from Devil. That’s not me and I won’t be that person. Until my divorce is final, no sex.” Puts a damper on my plans, but I can live with it. I knew how Callie felt about it before. “I’ll wear your property patch, but no sex.” I don’t like it, but for her I can deal with it. “Also, I deal with Devil the way I want and you guarantee me you won’t seek payback.” No, not happening.

“That would not just be a no, but a hell no! No way, no how! Final word, I will get plenty of pay back.” I have a lot of anger I need to work out on him.

“Dra, if we are going to be together, please. All these years I thought if I could just get revenge for Tommy’s death everything would be ok. It wasn’t. I went into a marriage as a business deal. How jacked up is that? BlackPath MC and I got revenge, but look what the price was. Tommy would not want this for me. I know that now, and I need to fix it. I always fix my own mistakes. It’s how I was raised. I’m forgiving Devil. Not for his deceit, but for shooting me. We pushed him to it. I should have taken him aside. It doesn’t matter now. All that matters is that he gets on with his life. He didn’t mean to shoot me, and if it hadn’t been for me he wouldn’t have shot at you. He is the father of this child. I owe it to my child to be sure he or she has their father. He is basically a good man. I believe he will be a remarkable father if given half a chance. I want to give him that chance and give my child what I never had. Two parents that are filled with love for them. A third parent with you, if you want, because I am a package deal? Please let me handle Devil alone. You can be outside the door.” This goes against my better judgement. I know it has to be put to a vote by dad first. She should understand that. She knows how the club works.

“You know it has to be voted on by the club. Dad will have to put it to a vote. Chief wants a part of him and so does Tazer. Your Uncle Blake isn’t far behind and Dad texted me Diamondback is here. You and I are going to talk about you doing stuff behind my back. That’s a no go for me. We discuss it all from now on. Why didn’t you tell me your Uncle Blake was a Marshall?” I only have to think about it a few minutes. I know I will do what I have to, to keep Callie. I will leave it to the club vote. “I will go with the club vote. How’s that?” I can tell she’s not done yet.

“You’ll explain it the way I explained it to you?” I can’t deny her anythin g. “I will do my best.” That’s all I can do.

“That’s all I can ask. Thank you.” Then she takes my breat h away with a beautiful smile. I reach over her and I push the drip button. While she sleeps I can keep my promise to her. I am just happy she is mine. I know I can never break her trust or I will lose her and I am no fool.


I wake up and I see Ty sitting by the window playing on his phone. My headache is more of a dull thud, but my shoulder and forehead hurt. I look around for Dra, trying to move my eyes and not my head. I don’t want that pain back like I had last night or maybe just earlier. I’ve lost track of time. By the light shining in the window, I would expect it to be midday but who knows?

“So, Tazer is it? Why that name?” Ty gives me a full smile and I feel at home.

“I hit a man that jumped Woody, it stunned him, an d it went from there. First it was Stunman. Glad that didn’t stick. Driller turned it to Tazer and I kind of like that.” I knew Ty’s name would be given by Driller. It is a time honored tradition. Chief received his name from one of his uncles as did Driller.

“It fits, and I like it too, but you’ll always be Ty or bubba to me. So deal with it.” Ty comes to the side of my bed and stoops down to kiss my cheek.

“And you’ll always be sis or baby girl to me. I love you, girl, but you sure do know how to stir up a hornet’s nest. Uncle Blake and Diamondback at one time. You stepping in front of a bullet. Dad is fit to be tied and I think he had a head full of gray hair this morning. What do you have up your sleeve next? Dad is going to be a grandpa and me an uncle. Out with the old in with the new. Are you sure about Dra? Sis have you really thought about it? I’m not usually Mr. Responsible, but it’s not just you anymore.” This is not my happy go lucky brother. I must have really scared him and I’m sorry for that. I consider my words carefully because I know it won’t be the last time I have to reassure someone. “I have considered it. The heart wants what the heart wants. I know what I did with Devil going into that situation was wrong. I can’t live with dishonesty. It’s a deal breaker with me. Call it baggage or whatever, but Dra has promised me brutal honesty and I think he will keep his word. I love him. We can make it work with honesty. Look at the two of us having such a grown up conversation. Four months and we have changed so much.” I know if anyone understands the importance of honesty, it is Ty with everything he has been through with his mom and our dad.

“Ok, but this winter when you are knee deep in snow, I will email you pictures of me fishing in Texas. You know Felix is driving Dad crazy with phone calls. You have seriously got to call him before dad goes crazy. Sarah is back home. Hanna has a steady job and has moved out of her mom’s place.” I knew I could depend on Ty to keep tabs on my friends, but there is something he isn’t saying. I can read between the lines, too.

“Ok. Spill it Ty. What are you leaving out?” I stare at him and he is fidgeting. “Well, Hanna is dating Jeb now, and Woody and Felix might be a thing. Sarah and I might have hooked up a time or ten.” I knew it. I leave town and all hell breaks out.

“Wow, I don’t know where to begin. I didn’t know Woody was gay, but I have to say I like it. They make a handsome couple. Fe must be over the moon. Hanna and Jeb are step cousins. I bet that went over well.” I’m trying to throw Ty off balance for my next question. “What the heck do you mean you hooked up with one of my best friends?”

“Get over it sis. It happened, it’s over, end of story. You have bigger things to think about.” Just as that came out of his mouth the door opens and my dad, Dra, Hawser, and Gram walk in.

“My goodness child, I’m locking you up tight in your room when you get out of here. You need mothering and I am going to do it up right. You poor child, how are you feeling?” Gram is in mothering mode and I love her for it, but it’s Dra I can’t take my eyes off of. He has that sexy smirk on his face I sometimes really hate. He comes over and climbs on the bed beside me boots and all and I love it. He takes my hand in his and kisses it. Can you say hot? Damn, he looks hot today. My hormones are in overdrive.

“Yes, Gram.” I can’t argue with that. I feel safe there. I’ve had enough excitement for a while.

“Betsy, what have you done with my daughter and could you possibly do it som e more? That is the easiest I have ever heard her agree to something. You work miracles.” Dad is being funny. I listen to him, sometimes. Ok, not that much. “Well, it is a woman’s touch.” Gram has a very happy look on her face.

“No one is taking care o f my girl but me. Gram I hope you have room for one more because she won’t be getting out of my sight for some time. We are now together, where ever we go.” Dra is being territorial. It’s all new now, but sooner or later he will want his space.

“Enough of the niceties. Tell me what happened. Where is Uncle Blake?” I don’t like being left out of the loop.


“Sweetie, just don’t fret about it. You are supposed to rest.” I love Gram, but it’s not going to work.


“Gram, I can’t leave everything to the men. They always have a way of screwing it up.” This is too important to let go. I won’t let them hurt Devil or his family.

“There’s my impatient daughter. I knew she was still in there.” Dad is trying to be funny. I don’t have any patience left. “Blake, Diamondback, Devil, and Steel are all in the waiting room. This room is not big enough for us all. We have settled a few things, but we still don’t like that son of a bitch so they can wait.”

“Which one don’t you like?” I know the answer but I ask anyway. “Take your pick.” Dad is having a hard time keeping his anger in check. Guess I don’t need to poke that bear anymore.

“Callie, we are letting Devil and Steel go. When you see Devil you will see he did take a beating, but he’s lucky that’s all he is getting. Dra talked to the club and he will be able to come back, only for the baby. He knows the boundaries, but I am warning you, just like I did him and Steel, if he sneezes wrong in our territory, it will not end as well next time. Do you understand that little girl? You are now Troubled Fathom and no one fucks with us.” Hawser lets me know how lucky Devil is this time. I understand this and I accept it. It’s the way club life is. I nod my head yes.

“Yes, sir. Thank you. I completely understand. Dad what about Bl ackPath MC? Are they going to retaliate?” I look at my dad. He has a scowl on his face but then all of a sudden he breaks out in a smile.

“We are not, right now. I talked to Driller last night and we have been compensated.” That’s all he gives me. Now I’m completely confused. One battle at a time.

“Son, that is our cue to go take our turn in the waiting room. Callie, glad to see you’re feeling better. We will talk as soon as all your pressing issues are done.” Hawser has me curious but there’s nothing I can say now. “Betsy, Dra.”

“I just got here, but ok. Callie I will have your room waiting and some hot food on the table.” Gram is so sweet. She makes her way over and gives my cheek a kiss. Dra carefully pulls me in for a hug and a scorching kiss that has my body melting into him. Then I hear my dad and Ty both clear their throats almost synchronized, and I pull away. Dra catches my chin in his hand and then kisses my nose. “I’m right outside that door if you need me. Just raise your voice and I will be here. Do not let anyone intimidate you.” Then he backs up but I hear Ty laugh.

“Have you met my sister? She will do the intimidating.” Ty is a great brother.

“Ty, you go with them. Diamondback, Devil and Steel will be in here. We will need the room, but stay right outside the door with Dra.” Dad must want this settled fast, too. The sooner everyone is on their way out of town, the better. Everyone is going out the door and then it is filled again. Devil looks bad. He took a hell of a beat down. Steel doesn’t look much better. Devil starts to approach my bed but Dad steps in between him and me. I reach out to touch Dad’s arm and he looks at me. “It’s ok, dad. He’s not going to hurt me. Give him this, please.” Dad moves and Devil steps up to the bed. He takes my hand in his.

“Are you ok? Really ok? I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you or our child.” Devil remorse shows in his eyes. I know he didn’t mean to hurt me. He’s just been pushed too far and I had to take responsibility for part of that.

“Devil, I know you didn’t. I’ve known that since it happened. It was partially my fault, too. So you don’t blame me and I won’t blame you, deal?” I can see the relief in his eyes.

“Well, I sure as hell blame you.” Dad yells out and the door opens and Ty and Dra are both standing there. I can see Dra does not like where Devil is, but I make eye contact with him and let him know it is ok, and he seems to relax.

“Ty, I think you might better stay. Dad is not real calm and I don’t think with all these monitors I can jump in between anyone right now.” I try to laugh it off but there is nothing funny about it. Dra nods his head and steps back out, but Ty stays.

“Ok. First we need to straighten things up between Feral Steel MC and BlackPath MC. What is it going to take? Come on guys, work on it.” I figure this is a more peaceful start than rehashing what happened.

“No. First I want to know how you are and how our baby is?” I look at Devil and then to Dad and Ty.

“You two didn’t let him know we are ok? Or as ok as can be? That is just mean.” Dad doesn’t seem affected at all, nor does he give an answer. Ty looks down but I know he was here with me. “We are fine, Devil. I have a bad concussion. The gunshot is ok. They took the bullet out and it’s nothing serious. Our baby is a fighter and is doing fine right now.” I reach over and turn the fetal monitor back up. The sound of our baby’s strong steady heart beat is heard in the room. I smile as I listen. Not a sweeter sound. I turn it back down a little, but we can still hear it.

“Thank you. It sounds strong. Must be a boy.” I see the excitement in Devil’s eyes and it brings tears to mine for what might have been.


“Well, definitely a miracle, but maybe a stubborn girl.” I really don’t care as long as it is healthy.


“Stubborn like her mama.” Ty adds and I think everyone else grunted in agreement. At least they agree on something, even if it is at my expense.

“Ok. Let’ s get this done and then I want to talk to Devil alone. This child is ours and we will discuss it between us. No interference from anyone else.” I want everyone to understand that up front. These bikers can have all the say on everything else, but not my child.

“Well, we have to come to an agreement over which club the baby is going to be raised with.” Leave it to Steel to make the first mistake. I used to think he was wise.

“No, we won’t! All decisions on our child will be between Devil and me. Our child will be involved in three clubs, Feral Steel MC, BlackPath MC, and Troubled Fathoms MC. Discussion over. If anyone has a problem with that, there’s the door. Don’t come back until you change your mind.” I look at each of them. “I am BlackPath MC, through and through. Not changing. Devil is Feral Steel MC. Dra is Troubled Fathom MC. I will be with Dra. He will not be making decisions for my child, but his feelings will be taken into consideration. What is mine, is his.” I won’t be bullied by anyone and they need to know that now.

“Calm down. And it’s our child. I don’t like the Dra part, but we will discuss that when we are alone.” Devil picks my hand up in his and I don’t pull it away. “Ok. So are the clubs good? I don’t want a blood bath between people I love.” All eyes were once again on me.

“BlackPath MC will let it go, but we won’t forget. You are my daughter and you are under our protection as long as you breathe, and so is that baby. Devil, if any Steel messes up again, it will be war. Nothing Callie says will stop it. We are in Texas and your club is in Oklahoma, keep it that way.” Dad has had his say and it will be BlackPath law. “I do warn you, if Kizzy is caught with Karen and Bri, it will end badly for her. The other two are as good as dead when found, if she is still Stone’s, you better get her out. Only warning. Diamondback won’t stop until he finds them. They double crossed him and the price of that is death.”

“We could care less about Kizzy. We also have markers on their heads. Their fate will be no less with us.” Steel is solemn in his words.


“Does that include Bri?’ I know I shouldn’t ask, or even care, but I can’t help myself.

“Especially Bri. She cost me everything I love.” I look at Devil but I can’t keep my eyes there. They hold too much pain. Steel turns to my brother and I don’t know why he is piercing him with such a glare. “Stay away from Kimberly. I got a report this morning that she left Oklahoma and she showed up at the BlackPath clubhouse a little while ago. Would you happen to know anything about that Tazer? You will leave her the hell alone. She has had a bad time lately. Ask your sister.” Ty looks completely surprised, but my eyes go to dad and he has a shit eating grin on his face. What the hell?

“Well, you see Steel, my son really has nothing to do with that. Kim is there to see me.” Oh crap. Dad is liking this too much.

“What the hell Chief? We are friends and you are too damn old for my daughter, so leave her the hell alone or I will be shooting you.” Steel is pissed, but I can understand why, still I think I kinda like the idea.
“Way to go Dad!” Ty just can’t leave it alone, but I have to admit I’m liking it.

“No Steel. We used to be friends. Kim and I have been seeing each other since after the last time your family let Callie get shot. As far as age, Devil is just a little younger than me and Kim is a little older than Callie, so I think that makes it about the same as when your son came after my daughter. So now we are even, right?” Yeah, dad is enjoying this. He knew it was going to happen. “You don’t have to worry, Dad. We’re keeping it in the family. I can call you dad, right?”

“Ok. This is kinda weird but I am liking the idea. So can everyone go so Devil and I can finish our talk? This has nothing to do with us, but keep me updated.” Dad and Steel are giving each other death glares, but Ty gets them to go out the door. Dra sticks his head in.

“I’m right by the door if you need me.” I nod my head yes, I know he will be. Now for the hardest talk I have ever had. Time to lose another piece of my heart. CHAPTER 25



I know I am not going to like this conversation’s outcome, but it is time. I watch Callie and I can see her discomfort over the situation. I see the pain I have put in her eyes. I will do anything to take that pain away. I promised if she and my child were saved, I would set them free and I will.

“Come sit beside me on the bed.” Yes, I have wanted to get closer since I first arrived. I go and sit beside her as carefully as I can. “It’s ok. I’m not going to break.” I get as close as I can. I just want to take her in my arms. My heart is so full of love for her, but it is too little, too late. She told me she had to have honesty but I ignored that. I thought I could do it my way, and now I have lost everything.

“Is this good? I don’t want to take up all your room.” She shakes her head yes but scoots over to give me more room.


“Devil.” I can’t take it.


“No. I’m not Devil to you. Call me Kylar. Always call me Kylar. Only you and my mom and Kim. No one else.” She must hear my desperation.

“Kylar. I know a little part of you had to love me. I won’t den y that, but it was not enough. But now we’ve made something amazing together. A small part of you and me.” She takes my hand and puts it on her belly. If she’s showing any at all, it’s only slightly, but I can see her stomach has started to curve. I rub gently and just the feel of her beneath my hand again is amazing. I thought I would never get to touch her again. The thought of my baby inside her is overwhelming.

“I do love you, Callie. I was going to get Bri released and come back and claim you. I know it’s too late, but I want you to know. The little time I had with you was the most amazing of my life. I want you back, but I know I ruined that. Now all I can hope for is you don’t hate me, and you’ll let my family be a part of our child’s life.” I know she’ll never trust me again, but I hope she knows I am sincere.

“What do you mean your family? Are you walking away from our child? That’s not what I want.” Did I just hear her right? She doesn’t want me to walk away? She sounds down right pissed.

“You don’t? I thought you wouldn’t want me anywhere near our child.” Can I even hope I understand her?

“Listen to me Kylar.” She turns to me and takes my face in her hands. “I want you to be the most amazing father to our child. I didn’t have a mom and dad both to love me. I had dad but I want my child to have everyone that will love it. No child can have too much love. We won’t be conventional, but I hope we will come to be great. You will have to respect boundaries with Dra, and I will have to respect yours with whoever you fall in love with.” I know she was trying to say something good, but when she says love and Dra, I want to kill. “I also decided to get a divorce and not an annulment. I don’t want our child to think our relationship meant nothing. It’s how we created this miracle and I want the child to understand that.” Her hand is rubbing my hand over her stomach and I feel her excitement. She is happy to be carrying our child and she is going to be a terrific mother. I am so glad we will at least have something to bond us forever. I am lucky. This child of ours is going to be strong. I don’t know how I ever thought I could just walk away.

“You’re going to be a terrific mom. I thought for sure you would send me away.” I don’t want her to see how desperate I am to have this, but I want her to know I’m grateful.

“Well, I can’t say when I first left I was thinking straight, but I have to do what is right.” I feel like a ton of worries had been lifted off my shoulders.

“I am going to say this once, and then I will respect your boundaries. I will always love you. If you ever want me or need me, I will be there. I know I fucked up. I will be the best dad I can be. I know I won’t fail, because you won’t let me. You’ll always give me that swift kick I need. You’ll always hold my heart here.” I lay my hand over her heart and I feel her take in a breath and it hitches a little. It’s good to know I still make her feel something. She takes my hand and moves it and I know she’ll never be mine again. Not the way I want.

“You will always hold a part of my heart. I gave you my trust and my love. I do not do that easily. You are going to be the father of my child and we will have a bond forever. But I am not in love with you anymore, although I do love you. That’s why I want the divorce. I don’t just want it swept under the rug. I will be here for you as a friend always. I want to share custody. I know you will protect our child with your life, and that is good enough for me. I will have Cross fill out the paperwork and get it to you. It won’t take very long. We are in this all the way together, so I will send you a schedule of doctor appointments. I am going to try and deliver in Texas, if I can find two doctors to cooperate. I will stay there six to eight weeks after delivery and then back home, here. You are welcome anytime. I have to talk to dad about me staying, but I know he won’t mind and we will set you up a room, too. You can agree to any or all of this or none. I’ve tried to think of everything.” She takes a breath as if she was trying to get it all out. She looks a little relieved.

“Are you ok? You look like that took a lot out of you.” I put my arm around her protectively. She leans into me but stays stiff.


“I just didn’t know if I could get it all out without breaking down. I feel like I failed.” This woman amazes me more every day. She didn’t fail, I did.

“I will give this everything I have. My mom will want to be there and if Kim lives through this stuff with Chief and dad, I’m sure she will, too. Is that ok?” Callie finds the situation with Kim funny. I just don’t want any more friction between us.

“Of course. All of you. Maybe, if dad and Steel don’t kill each other, we can do a cook out or something so your entire club can come meet the baby. We’ll all be family. That’s the way I see it. Don’t forget Stone, too.” We can do this. I won’t have all my heart, but I will have part of it.

“Ok. Do you have anything you need to know? I still have others to deal with and I think you need to head back to Oklahoma so I can quit worrying someone is going to shoot you.” I will prove to Callie I am the man she loved.

“When will we be able to find out if it is a boy or girl? I don’t care, but that way I know what color to buy.” I know it is a boy, but I would like to know for sure.

“When I go for my five -month checkup, I think. If I find two doctors to cooperate, I will try to make it a Texas appointment. That way it won’t be so hard for you to get to the appointment. I will also have to stay in Texas when it gets close to the due date. I’ll work it all out. I know Kat and Gram will help me.” She’s going to include my mom. I can’t ask for more.

“I’m going to go. You still have people to see, but I am going to do something and I want no arguments.” I let her know I am serious. “I am setting up an account for you here. I will keep plenty of money in it for you. I want to support you while you’re pregnant with my child. I don’t want you going without.” She’s already shaking her head no.

“Kylar, I appreciate it, but I don’t nee d it. I have my own money. You can pay for half of my OBGYN that the insurance doesn’t pay and for the pediatrician. Nothing else for me.” I won’t take no for an answer. “Dra won’t let you pay for me, and well, neither will I.”

“I am responsible for you being in this condition, so I pay.” There’s no need for her to argue.

“I’ll compromise. Set up the account, if I need anything I will use it. Also if I see anything I think you will need for your nursery, I’ll pick it up so we have the same things. Routine is important for babies.” I’m shocked again. Well maybe more surprised. I will need a nursery. I’m going to be a dad. I guess Callie sees the shock on my face. “You hadn’t thought of a nursery. You need to play catch up. Talk to your mom. She’ll help.”

“I guess I hadn’t thought about having the baby that much.” She looks like I just said something really stupid.

“Get over it. When the baby is small I would like for you to visit here or for me to come to Texas or even Oklahoma. I have to run the last one by Dra first. But after it is a little older, I’m sure it will be hard for me, but I’m hoping we can get along well enough, to share with care. Those are my thoughts, anyway. I’m trying to be fair.” Callie looks like she could cry.

“It’s ok. We’ll do it. We have to. Now I need to get out of here.” I don’t want to, but I know with all this she has to be tired. I turn to her and I lift her chin in my fingers to me and I close the space between us and give her the lightest kiss on her lips. I want to deepen it so bad, but I don’t want to go backwards with her. I want to prove to her she can trust me. She will always have my heart.

“What the hell are you doing with your lips on my woman?” I really don’t care what Dra thinks, but I won’t make it worse for Callie.


“He’s just saying good-bye.” Callie speaks up. I get up off the bed and go to the door, but Dra stands in my way. No way will I back down from this dick. “A handshake will do.” I give him my biggest smile.

“No, I like the kiss myself. I’m telling you now Dra, if you ever mess up I will be there waiting to take back what is mine.” We are standing toe to toe, nose to nose, and neither of us will back down.

“I’m not stupid like you. I will keep what is mine an d take care of what is yours, too. Don’t try to cause problems or we will have a situation.” I look at Callie and she looks like she could crawl under the bed. I move to the door, open it and look back, “Love you Callie. Take care of our baby.” I start to go but I have more thing to say. “Take care of our girl.” I walk out of the room and don’t stop until I am on my bike. I need the feel of my bike and the wind in my face to control this crazy. Dra may think he has won, but I know Callie still has feelings for me. It may take a while, but I will get her back. My soul depends on it. We make to the edge of town and I finally feel like I can breathe again. I pull over to fill the bikes with gas and dad and the brothers follow behind me.

“Are you good son? Did you and Callie come to an agreement?” Dad has concern written all over his face.

“Callie and I are going to share custody. She’s even going to come back to Texas to give birth. She has a big a heart, as always. I’m the one who screwed up. She’s getting a divorce instead of an annulment because she wants our child to know we meant something to each other.” I am getting that feeling again in my chest. An ache I don’t think will ever go away.

“So it’s over? You’ll get over her son, as long as you have your child. It’s good you can agree.” Spoken like a true Dad.

“No. We didn’t agree. I promised if her and my child made it, then I would walk away. She came up with all this. She has the most giving heart I know. This is not over. It will never be over. I will give this to her. She deserves it, but I will watch and if and when Dra screws up, I will take back what is mine. And this time I will do it right by her, and no one will come between us. On that you have my word.” That’s all I can give him. Nothing else needs to be said. We pump and pay and we are back in the wind.



“What was that?” I know Dra is upset but I told him I needed closure and that is as close as it is going to get.

“That was good -bye. I didn’t mean to hurt you but it had to be done.” I hope Dra can see my sincerity. I will never hurt him intentionally. Devil still feels like unfinished business.

“Are you ready to finish this so you can get some rest? I sent Krill af ter you some food. Hospital food sucks. I ordered grilled chicken and steamed vegetables. Good?” Dra isn’t happy but he’ll let it go. I will make it up to him. My stomach is growling now Dra mentioned food. It must be loud because Dra smiles.

“Guess that answered your question. Who’s next?” I want to get this over with so everyone can get back to their own lives. Just as the thought is in my head the door opens and Dad, Uncle Blake, and a man I’ve never met enters the room. This has to be Diamondback. I stiffen my back. I know it is time to do this.

“Uncle Blake, I have missed you.” He makes his way over to me and gives me a hug.

“Looks like I got here just in time, sweetness. You are a sight for sore eyes. Was glad to get your call.” Uncle Blake is the same as always. It’s been two years since I’ve seen him, and he is the same grizzly bear of a man I have always felt comfortable with. He backs away and I can see the other man is uncomfortable. He’s twitchy and shuffling around on his feet.

“I take it you’re Diamondback. Will you have a blood test done to see if our DNA matches? I trust nothing Karen says or does. I want my own test done. That being said, what do you want from me? Just spit it out and could it be the truth the first time? I don’t like lies. You want to have anything to do with me, tell the truth.” Straight to the point. Only way I can be.

“We’ll do the test but you’re mine. Your sunny disposition almost proves it by itself.” So he wants to poke fun at me.

“Mr. Diamondback, I don’t know you from Adam. I’ve had a bad few days.” I think about it. “Make that a bad few months. My patience with bossy bikers is maxed out right now, so do you think we could stay on point.”

“Ok, Miss Prissy Pants. All I ever wanted is to meet you and get to know my kid. I thought your ma could help me with that, but I didn’t know about the bad blood. She painted a hell of a different picture.” He is wearing on my nerves.

“Karen was never my ma or anything but a tormentor to me. I have a dad. He was my dad before he was my dad. Before he ever adopted me. Tommy and dad took care of me with Uncle Blake and Uncle Trent’s help. We are a family. I’m not saying this to hurt you, it’s just a fact. If you wanted to get to know me, all you had to do was ask. You didn’t have to set me up to get pregnant. I want a house full of kids. It would have happened.” I see regret in his eyes but there is something else there.

“That’s just it. I don’t have the time. I’ve not got that long left in this life. I have cancer and I just wanted to make sure our family went on. I know now it was wrong, but when a man is met with his own mortality, it does something to him.” I see the sadness in his eyes. This man has lived a hard life and it’s coming to an end. My heart aches for him. I reach my hand out to him and he takes it. “I would like to get to know you. If you want. No one ever has enough love in their life. Do you think we can do that?” He looks sad but hopeful.

“You’d do that after everything? You better get that test. No way Karen a nd I made someone so good hearted.” I smile at him and pull him in for a hug. He’s hesitant at first but finally gives in and I give him an awkward hug. I’m from Texas, we hug everyone. He steps away and I swear he has glassy looking eyes. “That other young man, Sarge. He’s riding with us now. Him and his buddy. He’s got it bad for you. You keep a line of fellas after you. Seems you broke his heart good. He’s been hitting the bottle pretty regular.” I look to dad. Sarge? Then I feel Dra stiffen beside me.

“It’s Mason and Cru London.” Now I remember dad telling me that. “You have that wrong. Mase cheated on me, but I still consider him a friend. Could you look after them both?” He shakes his head.


“My kid a few minutes and already asking for favors.” He’s smiling as he says it but I am not sure how to take it.


“It’s the least you can do.” Uncle Blake speaks up. Diamondback nods his head yes.


“Uncle Blake are you staying for a while? I want to catch up and visit. It’s been too long.” I hope he is, I miss him.

“I’m staying for quite a while. Been transferred here. Came through when I was on the road here. Now I can be close.” That makes me happy. I look back to Diamondback

“If and when you get to know me you will find out I don’t ask for favors very often. If I want or need something done, I have been taught to take care of it myself. But I can be as good of a friend to you as you are to me.” I want him to know I am not a person who freeloads off a friendship. “Mason is special to me and always will be, but we can’t be together. I don’t trust him and trust is everything.” Dra relaxes again, but I know hearing about Mase is not easy for him.

“I understand, and will keep a close eye on him and his bud dy. But he is determined to get you back, or so he says. I’ll keep him busy.” Our eyes meet and lock. For some reason I think we could be friends.

“Time and distance will take care of that.” That was grandma’s saying. “True. I will set up the test and see you soon.” He turned and was gone. I relax now. Hopefully another problem taken care of.





As soon as Diamondback is out, Krill and Ty come walking in with bags filled with food. I hear Callie’s stomach growling and I know she needs to eat, but I have a few questions. I see Chief and Blake giving each other the eye, but they need to get over it. We have overcome so much, so they need to let whatever is between them go. I know the doctor will be back to see Callie again and I somehow need to get Callie to rest.

“So, why did this Mason leave your MC and follow Diamondback?” By the look on Chief’s face he’s not ready to explain it to Callie.

“He didn’t like me not telling Callie about Diamondback and then me going with Devil to talk to the Rebellions 4blood MC. He thought he had the right to be kept in the loop and he had none. He had to prospect for us just like anyone else. He didn’t for Diamondback. Mason is a full member there and so is Cru. Sarge and Stealth.” Chief looks relieved. “Saves me a problem and Jeb is the best of the three, anyway.”

“What was the problem? How did they get in without prospecting?” Callie is puzzled, but I know how it happens. She’s not going to like this, but I know she needs to know. Chief looks at Blake and suddenly I see Chief doesn’t trust him. “Well, my problem was sooner or later I would have had to cut him loose. He won’t accept you and Dra any better than he did you and Devil. That could have only been problems. I’m not sure how he was patched in, but I know he had to take care of something big for the club.” Callie shakes her head in understanding. She needs to let it drop.

“So, Uncle Blake, when are you and Dad going to forget all the crap that went on between you two? You know neither one of you have Tina anymore, so suck it up buttercup and forget it.” Callie doesn’t beat around the bush. “Same goes for you sunshine.” She looks at her Dad. So they aren’t speaking over a woman. Interesting. “Give me my food, please. I am starving.” Krill hands Callie her take-out. Ty is handing out burgers for everyone else while Krill is getting the fries. Blake and Chief are still eyeing each other while getting ready to eat. “Please. I love you both and I need you both.” Callie stops talking as soon as she has her food ready to eat. She is digging in like a woman possessed. My baby is hungry. I start eating and then it comes to me. “Is everyone staying until this is over with Diamondback? We can handle it if you need to get back.”

“I’ll be here for good. Everything I need I brought with me. The rest I’ll replace.” That came from Blake.


“I won’t be going home until I spend some time with my daughter and find out exactly what she is doing.” Chief still don’t get it. He will.


“She’ll be staying with me. Right babe?” I look at Callie and she is already nodding her head yes.

“As soon as the doc gives me the ok, I’ll be coming for my stuff. Since Kim is with you,” Callie looks at her dad and smiles, “I’ll have Kat ship my stuff from Oklahoma to you, and then I’ll come and get it. All I have is clothes and the pictures you gave me. One trip, easy.” Callie is trying to dig into Chief’s life but he is giving her nothing. In fact, he is ignoring it.

“We’ll still be here until Diamondback decides to leave. You’re stuck w ith us, get used to it.” I know Chief is worried but there is no need. We have this, but Callie will like having them here. We finish up our food and I see Callie trying to hide a yawn and right on cue, the nurse comes in. “The doctor would like for Mrs. Steel to get some rest. She has had a room full of people all day. If she wants out by tomorrow, she needs her rest.” The mention of going home makes Callie smile. The nurse comes over and pushes the pump. “That’ll be your last dose. I’m taking it out, so gentleman, please give us some time. You may want to leave and let her get a little sleep and then come back.” The nurse starts taking things out of her scrub pockets. Blake, Chief, Ty, and Krill get up and start saying their good-byes and hugs to Callie.

“Baby Girl, you need anything? We will be back.” Chief hates to leave her and I understand that. I hear my text message alert go off. I stand up and pull it out of my pocket. I check it and the message I had been waiting for is finally here. Devil and his club are gone from our territory and I feel a little better now. At least that is over, for now. I look up and the door is closing and I see Krill’s back going out. The nurse takes out the pain pump attachment, then she, too, leaves us. I see Callie fighting sleep. I see the fatigue in her face. I go back over and lay back down beside her and pull her into my arms carefully. This is it, the peace I have found.

“I love you, babe. Now go to sleep.” I kiss the top her head and I believe it fell on deaf ears, because I think she is already asleep. I can finally breathe easy after a few days of hell. Just a few hours really, but it seems like a lifetime. I feel sleep begin to pull on me and I smile because I am truly at peace knowing I am holding my future in my arms.



Two months later…

It has been a whirlwind of a few months. I’m five months pregnant, and today we find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I think of everything that has happened and I really can’t believe it has all been packed into two months. I am definitely Dewayne “Diamondback” Mahan’s daughter. He calls me daughter, but he is Dewayne to me. Dad is dad, and always will be. Dewayne and I have forged a friendship of sorts, but it is a work in progress. He has kept his word and has kept Mase away. We have texted on the phone, but I know we will never be good friends. He did tell me I never have to worry about Karen again. I didn’t even ask. I don’t want to know. I’m done with feuds and revenge. Blake has settled in to small town Colorado. At times he and the Troubled Fathoms MC are at odds, but they are trying to exist in the same area. He says they are vigilantes and they say he is a blind idealist who believes the law settles problems. As long as no one gets hurt and we can still sit down and eat a meal together, it works for me. Dad and Blake are still a work in progress. Dra and I are so in love. If my divorce does not become final soon we may have total selfcombustion. Sleeping in the same bed with my pregnancy hormones and Dra has become a problem. Two more weeks. Not to say we haven’t gotten to know each other’s body, but no sex. All I can say is please hurry. I am in a constant state of arousal and Dra isn’t much better, but he never pushes. God, I love that man! Devil was true to his word. I have a bank account, I never touch, full of money. He calls every few days to check on me. I keep him updated and we have found a new friendship. I am very proud of him. His and Dra’s relationship is still strained, but I guess that is to be expected. Once again as long as we can work together towards a family that at least is civil, that is all I can ask for. Devil even wants Dra to be our baby’s Godfather. Surprised the heck out of me, but Devil is growing. He is going to be the amazing dad I always knew he could be. Even Dra was surprised, but he is honored and is going to do it. I am over the moon. We are doing things our way, and it works.

Dra was not happy he couldn’t come down to Texas with me for my doctor appointment, but he adjusted and said maybe by the time I get back we can move into our own home. We have bought one and are renovating, but now he’ll have more time to work on it. Can’t wait for that. I love Gram, but we need space with the baby coming. There’s trouble brewing for the club, but I am kept in the dark. I feel Dra’s tension and I always have more than one set of eyes on me. I’m waking up in my old bed at my dad’s house. He has been nothing but a bear since we have been here. Kim and he have something going on and apparently there is trouble in paradise. She was living here but she is gone now. What he doesn’t know is she will be back today for my doctor’s appointment. She and Kat are both coming with Devil for the sonogram. The little doctor’s office is going to be packed. Devil, Kat, Kim, Dad, Ty, and Fe are all going to be there, and if Uncle Trent and Blake can be there, they will, too. It takes a tribe they say, and we have one. Dad didn’t know Blake was coming with me to Texas, but Dra couldn’t make it and he didn’t want me coming alone. Blake has plenty of vacation time so he took some of it. We have been here two days and we will be here another three after today. Devil and I are going to pick out his baby furniture and some other things he’ll need. We are coordinating nurseries. That way the baby will feel familiar with the surroundings. We are all having dinner tonight.

“You better get up sleepy head. You’ll be late for your doctor’s appointment. Today is the big day.” Dad is as excited as I am. I push Fe’s back. Yes, I wasn’t here an hour and Fe was here. Sarah and Hanna will be here tomorrow night. I don’t think Fe is leaving. He took a week off work and he is skipping his classes. He missed me.

“Ok dad. I’ll shower and be down to cook.” I loo k at the clock. It is still early. “Dad, it’s still early. Everything ok?” He doesn’t look like he has slept much.

“Just life, Baby Girl. I have to run to the club, so thought I would wake you first.” He looks at his feet and then gives me a smirk. “Can’t say I haven’t missed your breakfasts, and I am looking forward to it.”

“Ok, it’ll be ready when you get back.” I get out of bed and my belly growls. I rub my swollen belly. It has rounded out and you can definitely tell I’m pregnant now. I’ve not gained a lot of weight, but what I have is in my belly. I push Fe and he lifts his head. Now I know we’re not late, he can sleep longer. I head for my bag and get out my clothes for today. It’s early December but it’s warm in Texas. I grab a pair of leggings and a soft tee. I’m not going to make the cover of any magazine, but I don’t see the need to spend a lot of money on maternity clothes I can only wear a little while. I go for comfort in every way. My bra is a totally different story. I have had to go up two sizes. If the girls don’t stop growing, I’m going to need help carrying them around. Dra doesn’t mind. He says I’m a tease. He has new toys that he can’t play with. I get my morning rituals over. The shower felt great. I comb through my hair that has really grown out. The prenatal vitamins supposedly help with that. My hair is already below my shoulders again. I missed it. I flip it up in a messy bun with it still damp. I put on some lip balm, moisturize, apply lotion and this girl is done. I go back in my bedroom and Fe is sitting on the side of the bed. I grab my chucks by my dresser, my back pack and my shades. “I’m going to get breakfast. Come down when you’re done.” Fe is not awake yet. He shakes his head. I get in the kitchen and start the coffee. I grab a water from the fridge and take my vitamin and then start the big breakfast. Bacon, sausage, hash browns, biscuits, eggs, waffles, and gravy. I go ahead and get the juice and milk out, too. Forty-five minutes later and I am just finishing waffles and pulling biscuits out of the oven. Then I hear the back door open and voices.

“Look who I found outside.” That’s Ty. Always first to the table. Behind him is Kat, Kim, Devil, and Uncle Blake.

“Well good. Food is almost done.” Uncle Blake comes over and ki sses my forehead. I put the biscuits on the cabinet and turn to put some more waffle batter on.

“Good morning, sweetheart. Look at you. You look beautiful pregnant and in the kitchen.” Kat is laughing and I look down at myself. “I have missed you.” “Don’t know about beautiful, but I’m comfortable.” I turn and finish cutting the fruit I took out and then take that last waffle from the waffle iron.

“You’re very beautiful barefoo t and pregnant in the kitchen. Would only be better if it was my kitchen.” Devil is being flirty. Love the playful side of him. He comes over and hugs me. He smells good. It’s the cologne I bought him when we got married.

“Fe!” I yell up at him but I turn and he is standing there and I smile. “You bellowed?” Fe is laughing. He has been doing that a lot. I wonder if Woody has anything to do with that. He hasn’t been around since I arrived. He’s gone on a run. Just then Uncle Trent and Dad walk in the back door. Dad spots Kim and his eyes don’t move from hers, but then again hers are trained on him. The tension could be cut with a knife.

“Everyone ready to eat? We have about forty minutes until we have to leave.” Dad goes and pours himself a cup of coffee and fixes his plate then turns to me, “I’ll be in my office. Come get me when you’re ready.” Then dad walks out. Ty and Driller follow Dad’s lead and I am left wondering, WTH? As soon as they are out of hearing distance I turn and look at Kim. “Anyone want to explain what just happened? Because I will not have my dad thinking he has to go to another room to eat in his own house.” Kim’s eyes go to Devil’s.

“I told you I should have stayed home.” Kat pats her on the side of her arm. I turn my eyes to Devil but he doesn’t speak.

“Steel told Chief if he stayed with Kim it would be full out war. Chief told him to fuck off, but when Steel talked to Kim, she went back home. To say the least, Chief was pissed, but when he found out he threatened your freedom, Chief lost it.” Blake barely gets it out and everything in me goes cold. My dad is trying to protect me again from a Steel. I go to the phone and dial the number of a man I once respected. After two rings I hear his voice.

“Steel.” I take a second and then I lay into him.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? I will say this one ti me only, so listen, no one uses me against my dad. Now I’m going to tell you, find another way. I don’t care if you tie your damn daughter down. I don’t care if you put a damn moat around your house so you can keep her there. Do not use me! No, you shut up and listen to me, you have thirty minutes to change your tactics. Yes. By the time I leave to go to my doctor’s appointment, my dad better have had a phone call from you, letting him know whatever you think you have on me has disappeared. Are we clear? If he doesn’t, with everything in me, you will never lay eyes on this child. Do you get that you over grown brat? Find another way!” I am so mad I can’t even talk straight. I slam the phone down and Fe is up and over to me. Devil is eyeing me in amazement.

“I’m sorry. I love your dad, but I don’t want you in any trouble. Dad still has some things on you about the night that dumbass tried to take me.” I save his daughter from being kidnapped and he threatens my dad with it. I look at Kat.

“I tried to talk reason into him. He is going crazy over Chief with Kim. He will do anything. All the men in our family have lost their good sense. First Kylar and the crap he pulled with you and now this. I’m at the point I am going to disown every damn one of them. You do what you have to. I love them all but enough is enough.” Ok. So he wants to turn everything in. Fine. So be it. I did nothing wrong. His club did. I’ll do the only thing I know to do. I will cut my own nose off to spite my face. I know I heard that somewhere. I’ll turn my own self in. I get up and go for the phone but then I realize I have a Marshall setting right here. So I look to Devil.

“I changed my mind. Call him and tell him time is up and I plan to go with option B.” I look at Uncle Blake and Devil knows exactly what I have in mind. Then Kim’s phone rings. She looks at it and goes outside to take it. Then dad comes charging in the kitchen.

“Baby Girl, what the hell did you do? I can take care of Steel myself.” He says it with a smile, so I know he is not mad.


“Taking care of business, Dad. No one uses me to hurt you. Not even Steel.” Dad comes over and hugs me.

“Callie is on the warpath again.” Uncle Trent is smiling ear to ear . He is enjoying this. Kim comes back into the room. “Dad is mad but he won’t use anything against you Callie. I guess that means I can stay, if you want me.” She’s looking at dad.

“This changes nothing between us. I told you if you left you weren’t coming back, and I meant it.” With that he turns his back to Kim. “We need to get moving.” I look at my watch and he is right. Kat and I do the clean-up real fast. Dad never says another word to Kim and she stays away from him. Nothing else I can do. I put my chucks on, grab my backpack and put my shades on. We get outside and I go to Fe’s car and get in with him. Figuring this will be the place with the least amount of stress. The guys get on their bikes and Kim and Kat get in Kat’s SUV. Even Uncle Blake is on his bike and he looks mighty happy. Once in the car with Fe, he turns to me. “What in the heck was that?”

“Don’t know and at this point I don’t care. Too much drama.” Then I hear my phone ping with a text. I look at it and it makes me smile. It’s from Dra. Short and sweet.

Dra: Do you miss me yet?
Me: You will never know how much. I love you.
Dra: Pic as soon as you’re done. Love you more.
Me: Ok. ASAP. Later and you can’t love me more.
Dra: Do to. Later.
That was it. I love this man.

“I can tell by the dopey smile it was Dra. When do I get to put my stamp of approval on this man that makes you smile?” Fe is always like my brother.

“In about three and a half months. We will be here to stay until after the birth. Dra is bringing me and staying a week and then going back. He will be back, hopefully by the birth.” I know by that time the trip will seem so much longer.

“Why is he going back? Why can’t he stay?” Fe doesn’t know how many businesses Dra helps keep going for the club.

“Business. Their club runs a lot of businesses. Dra has to do his part. H e is driving Gram and me here and he will come stay as long as he can. By then we will be married. I’m worried for him and the club. Trouble is brewing and I don’t know how to help. He won’t even discuss it with me. I feel helpless and I don’t like that feeling.” Fe smiles.

“Maybe you should talk to Chief. Can’t hurt.” Fe is trying to help but he doesn’t understand.

“Can’t happen, Fe. You don’t discuss club business outside the club, and I don’t even know anything, really. Just a feeling.” A very strong feeling. I see the doctor’s parking lot ahead. I am so excited, even the events this morning can’t put a damper on it. We turn in and Fe has us parked in no time. Our conversation forgotten. CHAPTER 29


I park my bike and get off as fast as I can. I make my way over and help Callie out of the car. She’s as beautiful as always. I can barely see the little bulge she has going on now. I want her big. The thought of my baby swelling her out makes me go crazy. I want to keep my hands on her to protect her. If I could I would wrap her in bubble wrap. We are almost to the door and Callie stops for a minute and smiles. She reaches and takes my hand and places it on her stomach. My baby is kicking her stomach and she is smiling. It’s the most amazing thing I have ever felt. All the guys are standing around with dumb looks on their faces and she takes their hands one by one and lets them feel. We are all left in amazement. Even Fe. Then mom and Kim feel and we decide we need to get inside before she’s late. I sit beside her and she puts my hand on her stomach and I feel as the baby kicks off and on. I can’t get over it. After sitting for fifteen minutes we’re called back and it is almost time to see my baby. Callie and I go back first. The rest are coming when the sonogram starts. The nurse gets all of Callie’s vitals and takes her to weigh. She doesn’t like that I follow her. The nurse has her step on the scale and she weighs a whopping one hundred and eighteen pounds. That’s not much at all. The nurse says something about it. It perks my ears right up. We go back into the room and the nurse is asking her questions.

“It looks like you have lost two pounds since your last appointment in Colorado. We will have to call Dr. Singe’s office to reconfirm. Are you dieting? You know it is normal to gain about twenty-eight to thirty pounds with a pregnancy and it is not good to diet.” Callie looks at her like she is crazy. Has Callie been dieting?

“I have never dieted in my life. If you will look at my file again you will see I am having problems with my thyroid. I eat like a freaking horse. I like curves, but I’ve never really had a problem with weight. I am on a schedule to eat three meals a day with two snacks. I also drink protein shakes. I just eat healthy.” I wonder what thyroid problem she is having, but the woman writes it all down and after Callie explained the nurse didn’t seem worried. The nurse finally finishes typing in her little computer and writing on the chart and leaves us.

“The doctor will be here in a few. Just relax.” She smiles at Callie but she winks at me. Callie notices but just smiles.


“If we were together I would beat her ass.” If we were together I would never pay attention to another woman.

“Would you now? Not very motherly.” I give her a quick wink and she smiles. She is laying back on the table and another nurse comes in the room pulling a machine behind her.

“Ok, let’s get you ready for the doctor. He’s running a few minutes late.” The nurse goes to pushing Callie’s pants down in the front and her shirt up. Callie’s stomach looks a little bigger with her shirt up, but not much. Her swollen stomach is beautiful. The nurse pushes her shirt up a little too much, and I can see her tits have gotten bigger. Now my pants are tighter and my cock is hard. Just the thought of her tits being exposed to me has me growing harder. Callie pushed the shirt back down some and the nurse takes the bottom of her shirt and sticks it under her bra. I see Callie is uncomfortable. I put my hand on her stomach to calm her and I get kicked. I smile at her. She relaxes a little. I keep rubbing my hand on her belly and she and the baby seem to calm down. The nurse leaves and I don’t remove my hand. I think Callie is almost asleep when the doctor walks through the door.

“Well, Mrs. Steel, let’s see if we can find out if you are having a boy or a girl. You do want to know, right?” Callie and I both say yes at the same time and the doctor smiles. He puts some gel on her stomach and moves the wand around. He’s positioning and moving and I see my baby. I hear the heart beat and it is the most joyous sound. “Measurements on everything are good, and there it is.” We are having a son.

“Congratulations, it’s a boy . I understand there’s more people to see.” About that time there are heads sticking in the room. I refuse to move. This is Callie’s and my time. Everyone finally moves in the door. The doctor lets everyone see and I can’t believe there isn’t a dry eye in the room except the doctor. Everyone says their congratulations and leave us. The nurse takes the DVD Callie has to record everything and she hands us pictures. The only thing that would make this day better is if I knew Callie was mine. One hell of a day.


Today is the day. Callie has court at ten, and then I am whisking her away to Vegas to get married. She won’t know what hit her. She’s been back three weeks from Texas and I have not let her out of my sight except for when I was working. I missed that woman. Today is another milestone for us. Her divorce will finally be done. By tonight she will have my last name and I will finally get to claim what is mine. She’s been mine, but tonight she will feel it. The thought of fucking Callie is almost more than I can handle right now. It has been four months of cold showers and my own hand. That’s the longest I have gone without since I was fourteen. It may have only been a blowjob but I had something. When I get inside her I am going to explode. Devil is not coming for court and I am glad. We can leave straight from the courthouse. She’s already packed and everything else is done. Gram helped me to make the plans. I called Chief and asked for her hand in marriage, biker style. I said she’s mine and we are doing it and he said he’d kill me if I ever hurt her and to call when we got back. Good enough. I also let Devil know. I think that’s why he isn’t showing up. I called Diamondback to let him know. His cancer is in remission right now but he doesn’t sound good. His goal is to see the baby. He’ll make it now. I don’t go in to the courtroom with Callie. She said it is her job to do it on her own. I let her know I am here in case she needs me. She’s so damn independent. She has a heavy heart today. She feels like she has failed. I don’t know what to say about that. If she hadn’t failed, as she puts it, I wouldn’t have her. I’m glad, is all I can say. Now I just have to keep her safe from the shit we have brewing. Every day the danger seems to escalate. We just have to be careful. I wish I could share with her, but I don’t want her to worry. That’s my job. I see her coming out of the courthouse and she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Even at almost six months pregnant she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She takes my breath away. She sees me watching her and she comes over to the SUV and gets into the warmth. She leans over and kisses me softly on the lips.

“I believe you owe me a wedding. Or do you want the honeymoon first?” She winks at me. She knows exactly what she is doing to me.

“Don’t tempt me. We have a wedding to get to and you have a night full of surprises.” My voice is husky and I have a need for her. With that she kisses me again, deeper. I don’t know who moans the loudest. My cock is so hard I will have permanent zipper tracks. Next time I will go with some boxers. I didn’t take the time. “Hold on, baby. Next stop is the Serenity Chapel of Love.” We are on our way to the rest of our lives. Callie gets comfortable and it isn’t long before she’s sleeping. I’m glad I brought that pillow and blanket. It’ll be easier with her asleep. I think of the time we’ve spent together and I hardly remember a time without her. She has consumed my life. I know her favorite color is black. A non-color as she says, or without color. I know her favorite ice cream is caramel roasted pecan right now, with crackers. She doesn’t like to kill flowers. She’d rather see them growing. She doesn’t want a store bought card. She says “Why spend so much money on someone else’s words when you can just write your own down for free?” She doesn’t like to shop. She’d rather be fishing or working on a car or on a bike. She says she doesn’t need diamonds. They’re only shiny. So are guns and they have better options. I love my woman. I love her tattoo of her brother’s name. I love that her tit is pierced. Even if she hasn’t let me play with it yet. Her belly button is pierced too, but her doctor told her to take it out until after the baby is born. She said she’d redo it afterwards. She is perfect for me.


I wake up right as we get to the chapel. I flip my visor down and run a brush through my hair and reapply my lip balm. Good as it gets these days. I look down at my dress and it has a few wear wrinkles, but it is ok. My cowboy boots top it off. Ready for a wedding. Dra hasn’t quit smiling since I have been watching him.

“You ready to become Mrs. Andrew Draven? All we have to do is walk in. Let’s start the rest of our life.” I nod my head. He gets out and walks around and opens my door. He reaches in and takes my hand and helps me out. “Let’s start the rest of our life together.” That’s it, not only did he melt my heart, but my panties too. I want this man. We head in to the chapel and are met by a sweet lady who takes all our information. Dra goes back to the SVU to get something and comes back with a single daisy. I almost cry. He hands it to me and kisses my cheek. He takes out four pictures and then he leads me to the front of the chapel. The man to marry us is at the front and the lady has made her way up there with another lady. They stand on each side of us and play some soft music. The lights are turned down and Dra lines the pictures up on the pews behind us. There is a picture of his family, his dad, mom, Krill, and Grams. The next picture is one taken when I was at Dad’s this last time. It has Diamondback, Sarah, Hanna, and Fe in it. The next one is my family, Dad, Ty, Uncle Trent and Blake, Aunt Laura and me. The last is a picture of Tommy, Grandma, and me. Our family is all represented. We can do this. My man thinks of everything. A thought flashes through my mind, I try to ignore it, but it is there. Kylar. He’s family, too. I push it away. The man asks if we want him to speak or if we had vows and Dra surprises me by saying he has vows. Really? The man of few words has vows? Ok, now is the time for the vows. He looks to me and I know exactly what I want to say. I take Dra’s hand and look into his eyes. “Andrew Stephen Draven, I’ll love you every day until I die. I give you my heart, my soul, my body, my loyalty, and my honesty. I will be your friend, confidant, wife, ol’ lady, lover, and your life, as you are mine. I promise to keep you on your toes and keep it interesting. Forever my love. I love you.” I have a tear running down my cheek and Dra wipes it away with a kiss. The man looks at Dra and waits.

“Ok, Callie. You are the only woman I have ever truly loved. I love you more every day. With all my heart. With all I am. I wasn’t whole, but I didn’t know. Until your hand touched my soul. You’ll never be alone again. Until my dying day and beyond. Two souls and hearts bound as one. For now, and eternity. I love you.” Dra reaches in and kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear. “I love you.” The man goes ahead and says some words, but it is pretty much a blur until the end. I keep going over the beautiful words my tough biker just gave to me. I will cherish them forever. I will never forget a word. They are burnt in my soul. Then I am brought back to attention.

“Do you Callie Cheyenne Monroe Black take Andrew Stephen Draven as your lawfully wedded husband?” The man asks.


“I do.” Of course I do. I can’t take my eyes off Dra.


“Do you Andrew Stephen Draven take Callie Cheyenne Monroe Black to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The man asks Dra.

“I do.” Dra keeps his eyes on me. Before I know it the ceremony is done. I am now Callie Draven. Heck yeah! Dra pays the lady and gathers our pictures from the pews. We get the three pictures that were taken during the wedding and we are headed for our hotel.


The trip to the motel is a blur. I couldn’t get us here fast enough. The woman at the front desk seemed to be taking her time, but I was rude enough to get her to put a rush on it. As soon as the elevator doors close, I have Callie in my arms. I can barely believe she is finally mine. I give Callie a soft kiss. I know not to deepen it or we’ll never make it all the way to our room. It seems like my cock has been constantly hard for the last three months. As soon as the elevator doors open I move Callie to the door of our room. I drop the bags I’m carrying and open the door and scoop Callie up and carry here in. I grab the Do Not Disturb sign and slip it on the outside of the door and pick our bags up and slam the door and lock it. I see right away our food cart is already here in our room and our bed is turned back. That is the end of my control. Callie better be ready because I have to have her. I’ll be as gentle as I can. I’d never hurt her intentionally, but my control is gone. I turn to look at Callie and crook my finger at her to come closer. She kicks her boots off and comes towards me. When she is almost to me she jumps and I catch her in mid-air. She wraps her legs around me and I am in heaven. I take her mouth in a deep kiss. I am demanding control, and she gives it. I lead her back to the chair and turn around and ease myself into the chair never losing her luscious lips and warm mouth. I know I need to slow down, but I need in her now. I reach down and pull her dress over her head. I would hope I’m being gentle enough for her, but I know I’m not. I pull her bra down to expose her swollen pierced nipple and put in my mouth. I suck on it with a vengeance. I play with the barbell. I take her other nipple in between my fingers and pull and then massage. I hear a wild moan leave her lips. I nearly lose it. I grab her bra and tear it from her. Too many clothes. I lift my hips to undo my jeans and Callie is trying to help. There is nothing sweet or slow about this. We are two people who both need a fast release. As soon as my jeans are down Callie has her hand trying to get to my cock. She can’t do that or I will erupt. I rip her panties from her and get my hands on her hips. I feel her wet pussy on my skin. She is so hot and wet. Her heat is burning me up. She takes my cock in her hand and I almost lose it, but she has me lined up and I push up into her. She is so fucking tight. She fits me like a glove. I have to hold her still. I don’t want to come too fast. I have to control this. I take a hold of her hips and start to move her up and down slowly. I need to make this good for her, even if it is going to end fast. I go to her other nipple and start to lick on it and take it in my mouth and suck on it. I bite down to give her a little pain and she goes crazy trying to move. She is panting as hard as I am. We find our rhythm and I know I’m going to blow. I feel it moving up my spine and then she moves her hand between us and I see her playing with her clit and I can’t wait anymore. I take her hips and go in deep and fast. One stroke. She is clamping down on me with her slick hot cunt. Oh shit. “Callie fuck! I’m going to come.” I can’t help it, I have to feel it.

“Dra, I’m coming. It is so fucking good. Dra now.” Callie is clamping down tight and I still feel my seed shooting up inside her. I’m still pushing up into her. She is squeezing me tight. I have never felt so damn good. Nothing has ever felt so fucking good. I’m home. Callie is my home. I have made her mine. All mine, and I will never let her go.

“I love you so damn much! You are mine and I will never let you go. We belong together.” Damn this woman owns me. Callie starts laughing. Not a time for laughter. I look at her and myself and I start to laugh too. “We could have at least gotten all your clothes off. I’m naked and my clothes are in shreds but you’re still half dressed.” I look down at myself and she’s right.

“Are you ok? I wasn’t too rough, was I?” I start to look Callie over but she is smiling.

“I’m fine. In fact, I’m more than fine. I am so happy.” Cal lie starts kissing my face and I begin to think maybe we can do this again before we move. Slower this time, but I hear Callie’s stomach growl. Time to feed my babies. I slap Callie’s ass lightly and nudge her. “Get up, babe. I need to feed you.” I feel how wet Callie is now but her sliding up is very tempting. I groan as she gets up. I want back in her heat. I get up and toe my boots off and take my pants off. Then I rush in the bathroom and clean up a little. I wash my hands and get Callie a clean warm rag and take it back to her. She’s acting all shy and goes into the bathroom while I set our food out and wait. After I get the food all set I reach into my bag and grab a pair of gym shorts and I hear Callie come over to join me. She reaches in and gets one of my t-shirts and slips it over her head. It falls past her knees, but it the cutest thing I have ever seen.

“Let’s feed the baby.” I take her by the hand and lead her over to our food. I kiss the top of her head and sit her on my lap. Not letting her go for a while. I feel so much in this moment. Callie makes me feel so much. I take a slice of orange and feed it to her. The way she moves her lips around the slice makes my cock twitch. It won’t be long until we are naked again. I have no intention of getting any sleep tonight. CHAPTER 33


Talking about no control. Dra and I had none by the time we hit our hotel room. It was primal and fueled by nothing but need. I still want him. I love that he has me in his lap and has fed me. He’s everything I have ever wanted and more, because I didn’t know it existed. I want to snuggle into him but I need a shower. After the morning in court and then our drive, plus I still feel more of Dra seeping out of me. Yes, a nice warm shower. Then Dra can hold me all he wants.

“Hey, I’m going to going to get in the shower right quick. I need to get clean and wash some of this day away.” I smile at Dra and he rubs my baby bump. About that time the baby decides to give him a little kick.

“Do you mind if I tag along. I need to touch you and be close. If you don’t want me to shower with you, I can just talk to you while you shower.” Dra is trying to give me space but I have had enough space the last three months.

“I don’t mind you showering with me, not that I think we will get much accomplished. But I like the idea.” I pull Dra up and we go towards the bathroom. I never let him go and he never stops touching me with both his hands. I pick up the extra towels on our way into the bathroom. Dra reaches for the edge of my t-shirt and pulls it up over my head. He rubs my swollen stomach and I feel a little shy about him seeing it in all its glory, but I think it is beautiful. I’m proud of all my new curves. I’ve never felt sexier than I do now, or felt better about myself. I hope he feels the same way. I run my hand over Dra’s very fine ass. He has buns of steel, but this steel I can grip and fondle. I am overcome with a depth of desire I have never felt. I push his gym shorts down and he kicks out of them and I am hit by his very impressive hard cock. Very nice. I run my hand down from the head to the end of his shaft and I get an animalistic moan from Dra. I run my hand back up to just below the head and change from a full hand to two fingers and I squeeze firmly. Before I know what is happening, Dra has the water running and my back against the shower wall. Not the way this is going this time. He topped me from the bottom on the chair earlier, but I am a woman who wants to explore and he is going to learn that. I grab the bar of soap and soap my wet hands and rub my hands down and back up his chest slowly. I go in and start to nibble on his neck and rub my hands up and down his back. Dra tries to kiss me and I back up and shake my head no. “No baby, I’m going to get you clean.” He grins and lifts his hands in surrender.

“Clean away, baby. I’m all yours.” His cock is hard and the head is a reddish purple color. I take the soap in my hand and lather it and bend down and wash Dra’s feet while holding on to his outer leg to be sure I don’t slip. I wash one and then the other and then I move to his leg. I take the bar of soap and trail it up his leg slowly on the outside and with my other hand on the inside. I leave soft kisses in my trail on his inner thigh. I turn it so it can rinse and repeat with the other leg. I get soap on my hand and I start massaging his balls. They are firm but soft in my hand. I turn him to rinse and then stoop and run my tongue over his balls and take one in my mouth and swirl my tongue around it while massaging the other. Dra moans and his knees bend a little and I know he wants more. I rotate and lavish the same attention on his other one, while running my soapy hand up and down his shaft slowly. I release his ball from my mouth and rinse his cock. I start putting butterfly kisses on his cock and I don’t think he can get much harder. His pre-come is seeping out of the head. I start licking around the head. I lick his head dry. I lift his cock in my hand and lay my tongue flat on the sensitive skin right below the head and move back and forth. Dra is losing patience. He moves his hand in my hair but doesn’t move me. Just when he thinks I am going to take him in my mouth, I gently suck on the vein right underneath the head of his cock and Dra goes crazy.

“Oh shit baby, please. I need to fuck you. I need inside of you now.” I quit sucking him and before he can move I have most of his shaft down the back of my throat. “Oh shit, babe! Deeper.” I feel Dra’s hand grip a handful of my hair but he doesn’t move. Not happening, buddy boy. You will lose control. I come up and swirl my tongue around his head and back down fast. I hollow the sides of my mouth and suck as hard as I can while taking him as deep as I can. That’s it, Dra loses control. He takes my hair and takes control. He is pulling but just enough to give me a little pain. He’s fucking my face and I put my hand between my legs and I am soaking wet. I play with my clit and I am on the edge. “Oh shit, you’re playing with yourself. Faster babe, I’m going to shoot down your throat.” And he did. I am sucking him dry. “So damn good.” Dra thrust one last time and I feel myself letting go. My body shakes from the extreme orgasm. Dra’s hand replaces mine and it’s like a second wave takes my body over. Damn. “I love you, woman. Everything just feels so much more intense with you.” Dra is right. Everything is better with us. I love this man.

“Love you, Andrew. You’re my happily ever after that I never wanted.” Dra stares at me.

“Say it again.” I look at him like he is crazy.
“What do you want me to say?” Something is making him fill up with emotion.

“Say my name. No one calls me Andrew. I usually don’t like it. It sounds different coming from you. Please, say it again.” Men and their names, but I do like Andrew. “Andrew, I love you.” Dra pulls me in and kisses me with a touching softness like he is treasuring me.


“I’m going to love you the rest of my life. You’re all I need. Well, you and the house full of kids you’re going to give me.” Sounds great to me. The more the better. “Just how many children are we talking about?” We’ve never really discussed it. We both just said we wanted a house full.

“Well, this little man.” Dra rubs my belly. I’m still not very big but they say you usually gain a lot of weight the last two months, which I’m getting there. “I would say at least five more. Yeah, six sounds right. Are you good with that?” I look at him and if our babies look like him I am more than ok with that. “Ask me again in about three more months. Sounds good though, if not more. How about nine? “

“Why nine?” Dra is really puzzled.


“Why not? Just a number.” I really have no reason why. I just want a lot of children running crazy in our home for a long time.


“If you can do it, so can I. How about we make love all night and practice?” That’s the spirit.


“I need a nap first. Been a long day. We have the rest of tonight and the rest of our lives.” I want Dra, but I keep fighting yawns.

“Ok with me. Let’s climb in that big comfortable bed and get to napping. I owe you some sweet and slow.” Dra is always sweet, but that sounds great. He doesn’t have to ask me twice. I am probably asleep before my head hits the pillow and Dra is true to his word. We make love many times that night, sweet and slow. CHAPTER 34



3 months later…

It doesn’t seem like we should be almost to Dad’s already. Actually, we are a few weeks late. My doctor in Colorado, Dr. Singe, said it was either now or never. I am right at nine months pregnant. I have three weeks left. Things kept coming up. Dra still had to stay behind. Blake is going to drop me off and drive back in a day or so. A lot of things are happening in the club right now. Things I can’t know, but I know Dra is worried about. Grams was feeling bad, so she isn’t coming until Dra makes the trip. Fortunately, we have everything set at our house. We are settled and the nursery is set. Had my baby shower already and we need nothing else I can think of, except the baby. The BlackPath MC is giving me a shower tomorrow. After my doctor’s appointment. Devil is setup at his house. His mom assured me of this. She has backup at her house, too. We are having pregnancy pictures tomorrow as well, right after the doctor and before our shower. Devil and I are getting the ones for him. It is for the baby book. Dra and I had some done and now I want some with Devil. It’s what is fair. Blake has been quiet during the ride, so I have been able to sleep. I never get enough sleep. I thought I was hitting my stride and getting accustomed to being pregnant, but this third trimester has kicked my butt. I’ve still only gained twenty pounds, but it is all baby. I am carrying it all in my belly. My problems with my thyroid have plagued me. As long as Kellan is healthy, I am good with it, and the doctor has assured me, he is. Yes, we are naming our son Kellan Thomas Steel. I can’t wait to hold him in my arms. It seems like I have been pregnant forever. At least April in Texas will be warm. I don’t know about all the snow in Colorado. Definitely more than I am used to. It’s also colder. Not too bad, though. The snow wouldn’t be so bad if I wasn’t pregnant and everyone always worried I will fall. I would love to go outside and play in it, but that’s not happening around Dra, Hawser, or Krill. They are worse than my dad. I finally see my dad’s driveway and I feel butterflies of excitement. It has been three and a half months since I have been here. I saw Devil last month at my doctor’s appointment, but I haven’t gotten to see anyone else. I miss everyone. I see Kat’s SUV and Devil’s bike. Dad, Jeb and Ty’s bikes are there and so is Fe’s car. Blake shakes my leg, I guess he thought I was still sleeping. I raise my head to look around.

“Are you tired, Baby Girl? I can tell everyone to clear out to give you rest.” I know Uncle Blake would, too, but I am excited to see everyone. It’s so good to have Uncle Blake back in my life. I missed him when he was gone for those two years.

“I’m good. I have missed everyone, so I want to see them.” I pat his hand and he shakes his head in understanding. He and dad have patched up their differences and I am happy about it. Now I have all my family back.

As we park in the driveway I see Fe running out the door. I knew he would be the first one out. We talk nearly every day on the phone, but I still wished I lived closer. We have skyped, but it is just not the same. Ty and Jeb followed by Sarah and Hanna are the next ones out. This is my welcoming party. Fe flings my door open and is trying to help me out. Do they really think I need help just to get out of the SUV? I may be tired a lot, but I still do practically everything I did before.

“Girl, I have missed you! Come on we have a lot to catch up on. Do I have the dirt for you!” Fe is being his exuberant self.


“Good, I need some new dirt. Let’s get in the house so I can see everyone.” I hug Fe and then am passed to Ty.

“Love you, Sis. My nephew still baking?” Ty has been so sweet when I have talked to him. He is amazed with my stomach. He’s always wanting me to send him pictures. Little weird, but at least he cares.

“Hey girlie. You are beautiful darling.” Jeb is being his normal kind self. “Thank you Jeb. Are you patched in yet?” Jeb smiles.

“Soon darling.” He is swoon worthy. Then both my girls are there hugging me and rubbing my belly. It’s good to be here, but I already miss Dra.

“Help me with her bags, Ty.” It’s not like I brought a lot. Two bags for me, one for Dra, and one for the baby. I went ahead and brought Dra’s so he didn’t have to pack. Ty and Jeb reach in and take some bags and Uncle Blake takes the last one. Fe gets the stuff out of the front. I grab my pillow. I go nowhere without my pillow or I don’t sleep. I may not be very big but I still can’t get comfortable and I feel huge to me. We make it in the house and dad meets us at the door. He hugs me like it has been years since he has seen me. I hug him back just as big. I miss my dad. Just as he lets go I feel a little twinge in my lower back and I grab it. “You ok, Baby Girl?” I try to smile, but it really hurts. I rub until it subsides and then make my way into the living room and I find the couch. “I’ll be fine, just traveling pains.”

“Are you sure? I could run you to the ER just to check it out.” Devil is over beside me before I know it.


“Pretty sure. Just need to stretch out.” I know he was nervous about me riding so far this late in the pregnancy.

“Look at you. Pretty as a picture.” Kat comes over and gives me a hug. “Thank you, Kat. Where’s Kim?” Kat looks at Dad. I see the uneasiness in his face.

“She’ll be here when her dad and Keifer get here next week.” I look at them both. I am going to get it out of one of them, but later. Devil never leaves my side all night until it’s time to get some sleep for our long day tomorrow. Dad, Ty, and Jeb left earlier for the club. Hanna and Sarah left at the same time. Blake is in his room. Now he and Dad have made up, he has his room back. Kat is in one of the guest rooms. I go to get up and Devil helps me. They all think I’m helpless.

“Goodnight, Devil. I’ve got to get some sleep. Fe is already asleep in my bed and I have to claim my part or he’ll take the middle.” Fe is a bed hog.

“Darling you forget, I slept with you before, I know who the bed hog is.” He is standing close and looking down at me. “Only time I’ve known a king size bed to be too small for two people.”

“I’m sure you are mistaken. Blanket hog.” He laughs at me. I know I take my half out of the middle and I wrap and roll in the blankets.

“You are too funny. You even swiped my pillows. Sleeping with you is a full contact sport.” Oh well. I love my sleep and I love to be comfortable. I stick my tongue out at him, just like a spoiled brat.

“I have missed you.” Devil bends down and kisses my cheek and rubs our baby through my tummy. All of sudden this seems a little too intimate for me so I step back.

“Going to bed now. See you in the morning. Dad is cooking breakfast be fore the doctor’s appointment. I set my alarm or I would sleep through it.” I need distance. I get up from my comfortable spot on the couch. Just as I turn Devil catches my hand and gets my attention.

“Thank you for coming back to Texas to have the baby. It means a lot to me. You mean a lot to me. It’s hard to believe our baby will be here soon. I’m glad you are going to be the mother to my child.” He kisses the top of my head and rubs my baby bulge. If I only had a dime for every time someone did that.

“You are welcome. Night.” I turn and leave for my bedroom.





I didn’t get much sleep last night. All I could think about was Callie a few doors down. I wanted to go to her, but I know that would be a bad idea. It’s hard for me to keep my hands off her. I don’t know how I thought I would ever be able to walk away from Callie and our child. It’s never happening and seeing her ripe with my baby is driving me crazy. I don’t want her out of my reach. I hear Chief busy in the kitchen and I might as well get on with my day. I take care of my morning routine in thirty minutes and wander to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. There at the table Callie sits with a glass of juice. Chief and mom are busy cooking and I take the chair next to Callie. There has been something I need to talk to her about.

“I’m glad Dra said yes about being the godfather for Kellan. We need to decide soon about the female.” It was the best decision, but I need to thank him personally. “He was honored. I’m glad you two can get along for this.” She looks at her watch and back to me. “He should be calling soon.” Apparently he does that regularly. “Do you have anyone in mind for Godmother?” I couldn’t think of a woman and if we pick one of Callie’s friends over the other they may get their feelings hurt. “No it doesn’t have to be a woman. It’s up to who you want.” Mom lets us know.

“What about Felix? If we pick Sarah or Hanna, there will be an argument.” Callie is shaking her head in an affirmative way. Felix is a good person and he’s very close to Callie.

“You’re right. Are you sure you don’t have someone else?” Callie is trying to be considerate, but I like Felix. He will be a great uncle for our son. Callie can’t keep the excitement off her face.

“Yes, he is sure. What Callie, you trying to knock me out of my spot?” Felix is up and he likes the idea of him getting the job.


“No silly. I think you’re perfect. I just want to make sure I play fairly. If he has a friend to use, also.” Callie is trying to make Felix feel better.

“Settled then, Dra and Felix. We’ll let Dra know as soon as he calls who the other person is.” It’s a done deal in my head. My son will be protected and taken care of. About that time Callie’s phone goes off. She looks at it and smiles. “I need to thank Dra.”

“Were your ears burning? Le t me put you on speaker phone. Devil wants to tell you something. I love you, too, and can’t wait for you to get here.” Callie puts the phone in the middle of the table. Chief and mom are bringing food out now. “Morning Dra.” My mom puts in. She genuinely likes Dra.

“Morning Kat. Is my girl behaving? I know you’ll keep her in line. Be sure she eats.” Dra addresses my mom.


“She is and we are going to feed her in about ten minutes.” Mom loves Callie so she will make sure she takes care of herself.


“Good, now why am I on speaker phone?” He is an impatient asshole this morning.


“I wanted to thank you for agreeing to be Kellan’s godfather. You are the best fit and I know you will protect him with your life. You and Felix.” Dra laughs.

“You mean no godmother? Well, I am honored. I will always protect him and put his best interests first.” I can tell he will. “Devil, I need you to promise me something though.”

“What do you need? Name it.” I am being honest. As long as he protects Kellan and Callie I would do anything.

“If anything ever happens to me, promise me, you will take care of Callie.” I look to Callie and I can see she is on edge now and not comfortable at all. “I mean it. She is with you. This is hard for me to say, but I am serious. I want your word. I want everyone’s word they’ll make sure it happens.”

“Baby, nothing is going to happen to you. You’re being silly.” Callie doesn’t like this conversation. She seems on edge. I see the worry in her eyes.


“I promise, Dra. I will take care of her.” I would anyway, but this cements it. “Ok then. Callie I know you don’t want to think about this and we won’t anymore. It’s taken care of. You just promise me you will listen to him.” Dra is being persistent. “Promise I will take orders from another man. Not likely.” Callie is being stubborn.

“Callie Cheyenne Draven!” Dra is serious and you can tell in his tone. I wo nder if something is going on. Callie looks like someone stole her puppy. “Fine, I promise.” Now she’s pouting. “Ok. Settled. Does everyone understand? Babe, I love you. It’s for your protection. I have to go.” Callie grabs her phone and talks into it softly so no one can hear and then she disconnects and looks directly at me. “Ok Devil. Don’t let this go to your head. Dra just worries about his club ties now we’re married. He’s a worry wart.” He should be worried with the news I’ve been getting from Colorado. The marijuana growers want the Troubled Fathoms’ land. There’s a war brewing and I don’t want Callie and Kellan anywhere near it. At least Dra and I have settled some of our differences. He trusts me with Callie and I trust him with Callie and Kellan. We’ll never be friends, because he has the woman I love, but we’ll co-exist. Now to get on with our day.


My doctor’s appointment went off without a hitch. The twinges in my back, labor pains. I’m dilated to one centimeter already, so bedrest as much as possible. Pictures done and proofs might be here before Kellan decides to make his appearance. Baby shower was a success. More stuff than I will ever use. Now I’m laying here in my bed watching a movie with Devil and Fe. Have no idea what it is. My mind is on the conversation with Dra this morning. I am worried now. Dra has never let on about any worries before. But I knew. Maybe he is just being cautious. No, that’s not Dra. I need to talk to him and I look at the clock. It is after ten and he hasn’t called since this morning. Now I’m worried, I pick up my phone and call him. He picks up on the third ring and I breathe a sigh of relief. “Is everything ok? I love and miss you. You have me worried.”

“I’m sorry, baby. I’m busy with club business or I would have called. I love and miss you, too. Is Blake still there with you?” Dra has a strain to his voice. He’s really scaring me.

“Yes. He decided to stay the rest of the week.” Dra seems satisfied with that.

“Ok. Stay close to him or Devil or your dad. I love you to the moon and back. You are my life. I have to go. Night darling.” Then he was gone. He said he loved me to the moon and back. Tommy used to tell me that. I have a cold chill run up my back. I have a bad feeling and I try to call Dra back but there is no answer. I will get no rest until I talk to him again. Devil grabs a hold of my foot and lightly shakes it.

“It’ll be ok.” He tries to reassure me. If we only knew that in the next twenty -four hours my life was going to drastically change. I must have fallen asleep during the last of the movie. I look around and Fe is to my side and Devil is at my feet. Apparently we all fell asleep. I get up to go to pee. Something I do all during the night, and I see where Dra called me back. I am making my way to the bathroom and I feel a gush of warm water leave me and I am shocked. Oh crap. My water just broke.

“Devil!” I yell. He and Fe both jump up from the bed. I look at him. “My water just broke. I need to go to the hospital I think, or at least call the doctor.” Devil is in full panic mode with Fe right there with him. They run into each other and knock heads. I start laughing and more water comes out. I finally move towards the bathroom. I go inside and then I go back and grab some clothes. I throw some dirty towels over the mess on the floor. Devil has gone to get his mom and Fe probably my dad. I step into the bathroom and strip down and step into a warm shower just to rinse off. I hear a knock on the door. I towel off and quickly dress. I take the precaution of putting some pads on just in case. I step out to the very pale faces of Devil, Fe, Dad, Uncle Blake, and Kat. Apparently either Ty left or they left him asleep.

“Are you sure your water broke? It’s still early.” Kat asks.


“Well, considering I’m still leaking a little, it’s a safe assumption. I need my phone so I can call my doctor and then Dra.” Dad is trying to help me.

“Doc said come to the hospital. I tried Dra and got no answer. I called his da d and Betsy. No answer.” That’s strange. Gram always answers her phone. Dad will get back in touch with them. I just need the hospital right now. It is chaos here so I do what I do best. Take control.

“Fe get my hospital bag by the closet door and call Sa rah and Hanna. Dad can you get the SUV out front? Devil grab the bag in the kitchen to take, and Kat can you stay with me and make sure they don’t run off and leave me? Uncle Blake, please, keep trying Dra. Can you bring your SUV also? Kat you may want to call Kim. I am going to try and call people on the way to the hospital. Let’s move people.” They scatter. By the time I finally make it to the living room everyone is getting things done. We all make it safely to the vehicles and now it’s just a quick ride to the hospital. I am having labor pains about every fifteen minutes. I have been timing them. I know everyone else is too frazzled. Aren’t I the one that should be freaking out? I have to say I am nervous, and I wish Dra was here, but a sort of calm has come over me. I know I will get to hold my son soon and that’s all I want to focus on. We make it to the hospital in record time. I’ve contacted Diamondback, Kelsey, Uncle Trent, and Chelsea. Still can’t reach anyone in Colorado and I am beginning to worry. Dra would just not answer. I know something is wrong. As soon as I am in for an examine they admit me. I am dilated to a four centimeters. I am here until Kellan makes his appearance. We are still waiting for a birthing suite when they finally let Devil back with me. He is being supportive. My pains are more than annoying now. Devil is trying to get me to breathe the way I learned in Lamaze, but all I can think about is Dra. I finally decide to try and rest for a while. I’ll try to nap before these pains get too intense. I turn to my side and I see Dra walk into the room. I am so relieved. He comes and sits beside me on my bed. He hasn’t looked at me yet.

“What’s wrong, Dra? Why won’t you look at me? I was so scared you weren’t going to make it.” I take his hand and he brings it up to his lips and kisses it.

“I love you, babe. I will always love. You are my world. All I can say is I will miss you and I will be waiting on you. Take care and remember what you promised me.” He stands up. I’m reaching for him. I don’t understand. What is he saying? Then he is gone. He didn’t go out the door but he is gone. I yell out his name.

“Dra. Please Dra.” I’m crying. Then I feel my arm being rubbed.

“Callie wake up sweetie. You’re dreaming.” I open my eyes and I see m y dad standing over me. Kat and Devil are standing at the end of my bed. Fe and Uncle Blake are over by the window on the couch. I feel loss. I am filled with it. I remember back to when I lost my brother. This is that feeling. All of a sudden I have another labor pain hit me. I have tears streaming down my face but not from the physical pain. I know something is wrong with Dra and I need to help him. Dad is holding my hand through the labor pain and the monitor shows it has subsided.

“Baby, the pain shoul d be gone. Have you changed your mind, do you need an epidural? It’s ok if you need it. A lot of women go that route.” Dad thinks I am crying because of the pain.

“Dad, you or Uncle Blake have to contact Dra or his dad. Something is wrong in Colorado. I saw Dra in my sleep. Something is wrong. He was telling me good-bye. It was like with Tommy. Please dad. Something is wrong, he needs help.” Dad and Uncle Blake both flip open their phones and walk out the door. Devil, Kat, and Fe surround my bed. Devil takes my hand and climbs in the bed beside me. “It was probably just a dream, babe. Do you want pain medication?” I do not want to be patronized. I know something is wrong.

“No drugs. I don’t want my child coming into this world with anything in its system. I know it is safe, but we have discussed this. As long as I can take it, no drugs.” I look at Devil and Kat. They have both tried to talk me out of this Dad sticks his head back in the door about the time another pain hits me. I breathe through it and try to concentrate on the other techniques I learned in that class. It still freaking doesn’t feel too good. As soon as the pain subsides my dad turns to Devil.

“Can we speak to you out here for a minute?” That’s it, something is definitely wrong. I hear other voices in the hall and I recognize one as Diamondback and the other as Mase’s. Devil gets up and makes his way out of the door.

“Can you help me up?” I ask Kat innocently. “I need to go pee, again.” I know this will assure her help. She helps me undo all the wires and get everything situated and then instead of heading into the little bathroom I go to the door and out into the hall where I see a large congregation of men. Diamondback, Mason, Cru London, Dad, Devil, Ty, Jeb, and both my Uncles Blake and Trent are all standing whispering. They all turn and look at me.

“Why the hell aren’t you in that bed?” Devil ask me.

“Because some assholes think the y can keep shit from me about my husband just because I am in labor!” About that time my body is racked with a pain like I have never felt. I bend over and hold my belly. I am breathing the way I was taught but shit this hurts. “Mother sucking biscuits!” All of a sudden all of the guys are laughing. I give them a death glare. The wicked witch of the west would be proud of that glare. I did not mean to say that out loud. This pain is lasting longer and seems more intense. Then I feel a familiar hand on my back.

“Are you ok Callie?” It’s Mase and he looks like he just wished he could take my pain. As soon as the pain lets up some I stand straighter. I take his hand in mine and give it a squeeze.

“I’m ok Mase. Just hurts like the dickens.” I smile at him and in this minute he looks like my old Mase with longer hair. Yep, he needs a haircut. I look at the men, “Tell me what is going on with Dra. I want to know now or I won’t go back in.” Dad and Devil smile at me. That just infuriates me. “What the hell is so funny?”

“Well daughter, I understand you want to know about Dra and we are looking into it, but you won’t have a choice about going back in, because Baby Girl, this baby is coming. You can’t change that.” Dad is just so smug.

“Now get your ass back in tha t bed until our son is born. If I know Dra, he will be the first to tell you to do just that.” I know Devil is right, but I need Dra. I know something is wrong. I don’t give them the satisfaction of a response. I turn and walk back in trying to keep the back of my gown shut so I don’t moon everyone. I go to the bed and lay down and look at Kat.

“Will you hook me back up? They gave me nothing.” Kat has a sympathetic look on her face. But she does as I ask. Devil walks back in the room with Steel, Stone and Kim behind him. I am trying to breathe through another pain. They are coming more frequent and they hurt a heck of a lot more. I know this is what happens, but I thought it would take more time. Dra was supposed to be here for the birth. I know something is wrong, but I have to concentrate on getting my son here. I now notice I am not the only pregnant woman in this room. I look at Kim and I know. I am going to be a big sister. “Is that my brother or sister?” Kim smiles and rubs her hand over her stomach.

“Surprise! Everyone is finding out today.” I look at her incredulously. Shit is going to hit the fan.


“Dad doesn’t know? Are you serious? What did he say?” He is going to be pissed she hasn’t told him. She looks at least four months along.


“I haven’t seen him yet.” That’s strange. They were right outside the door.

“Aren’t they outside the door?” Surely my dad didn’t go far. Then I am hit by the hardest contraction yet. I am trying to remember what they told me about not tightening up. I am trying to relax but this shit hurts. Devil looks like someone is poking him with a hot poker. He’s trying to comfort me but right now comfort is a stretch. I want Dra. Finally, the pain is letting up. I felt like I needed to push. Push now!

“Will someone get my dad?” T hen it hits me again and I definitely need to push, so I hit my call button for my nurse. It takes her no time to get there and no wonder when Devil sticks his head out the door and yells for her. Stone goes in search of dad. Everyone but Devil leaves me when the nurse examines me. It’s show time. I’m dilated to a ten and it is time for the doctor and time to push. Everything happens in a flurry. My pains are coming fast and are lasting, sometimes over lapping. I need to push like crazy. “I want my dad in here.” They get my dad and the doctor arrives. My legs are put in stirrups and my son will be here soon. Forty-six minutes later Kellan Thomas Steel is out and screaming. Eight pounds and six ounces of screaming baby. I have never been so happy in my life. When my doctor puts him on my chest I lose my heart. He is beautiful. I am amazed and completely in awe. Devil has tears streaming down his cheeks and I look at dad and so does he. Devil is kissing the side of my head and dad has his hand on top of my head and I feel happiness. I am so tired. I drift in and out of sleep while they clean me and my son up. When they are finally done I get to hold Kellan. He is perfect. Ten fingers, ten toes and a pretty pink color. Devil is standing beside the bed and I pat the bed beside me. “What?”

“Get in the bed beside us.” Devil does it and puts his arm around us. “Dad will you take pictures for me? Send one to my phone and Devil’s. Dra, too.” Then it hits me. Dra still has not been heard from.

“Well, look at the beautiful family. I am here to take the baby to the nursery. We have some things we need to do in there. Dad you can come along.” The nurse is addressing Devil. Devil looks like he doesn’t want to leave me.

“Go with Kellan. I will be fine. Your bracelet lets everyone know you’re with him. Don’t let him out of your sight.” Devil really looks torn, but finally gives in and follows the nurse out. I look to dad and I know he is going to change my life forever by what he says next. I feel it all the way down to my bones. “Tell me dad. What did you find out when I had to send for you?” I see the pain in his eyes.

“We couldn’t get Dra on the phone because there was an explosion last night. Someone set a bomb at Betsy’s motel. In her living quarters.” No. Not Gram. That’s the reason Dra was not answering his phone. His club needs him right now. His family needs him.

“What do I need to do to help him? I know losing Gram will hurt him. I need to get to him Dad. I can fly.” I see Dad has more to say so I go silent. Waiting. “Betsy, Hawser, and Dra were all there.” Oh crap. Dra is hurt. I start to get out of bed.

“I need to get to him dad. He’s hurt and he needs me.” I see the tears in dad’s eyes he won’t let fall and I know. I know my heart is gone. “No! No Dad! He’s there and he’s hurt I need to go.”

“No, Baby Girl. They’re all gone. The explosion completely destroyed the motel. Baby, he is gone. I am so sorry.” Dad is trying to comfort me.


“How is Krill? Is he ok?” My mind is wandering. Why? Why would anyone do this? “Who did this dad? Why?” I need to know.

“From the intel we have uncovered, the Troubled Fathom MC have had problems with some marijuana growers. They have been getting threats. The MC own some land the growers want. Howser wouldn’t sell. This is the reason Dra wanted you gone. I swear I didn’t know. We could have tried to help. No one knew. Krill said they thought they could handle it. Krill is waiting on you for arrangements. He said for you to stay put and stay safe. It is what Dra would have wanted. We are all going for the services when you feel up to it.” My head is swirling with information. How could I have not known? I wouldn’t have left. How could he not tell me? I’m too tired to process.

“Mrs. Draven, I am giving you something for sleep. You need rest.” The nurse is putting something in my IV drip with a needle. I can’t respond. I can’t think. I can’t feel. I sink down in my bed and let the darkness take me. I thought it would be peaceful but all I get is haunting dreams of screams, explosions, and fire. CHAPTER 37


I watch Callie in her fitful sleep. She tosses and turns and cries out. I almost think I would be helping her if I woke her up, but then she would be hit with the harsh reality of life. I don’t know how much more she can take. I want to protect her, but trouble has a way of finding her. No one has left the hospital but the women. We know Callie is going to need us all. Our son is perfect. He has all the goodness I had left inside him. I lost the rest of my heart when I looked at him for the first time. I will do whatever I have to, to keep him and Callie safe. Callie is going to be hell bent for revenge. I will make sure she gets what she needs, but after that she will be going home with me. I promised and I keep my promises. I see her eyes flutter open. Callie sets up in bed slowly and she looks around the room. Her eyes lock on Kellan. I go and pick him up and take him to her. I lay him in her arms and she kisses his head and holds him close. She opens up his blanket and I see her checking out his fingers and his toes. “He’s perfect.”

“He is that and more. Thank you, Callie. You gave him to us.” She wraps him back up.

“We gave him to us. Part you and part me.” Callie is staying strong. The nurse comes in and looks at Callie and the baby. “Time to try and feed the baby. Let’s see if he will latch on. Don’t be discouraged if he doesn’t. It’s not as easy as it looks. Baby and mom just have to work together.” I know I should leave but I don’t want to miss this.

“Should I step out?” The nurse looks at me like she thinks I’ve lost it. Callie smiles.

“We’re not together, but he is the father. No Devil. It’s fine. It’s not like it’s a peep show. It won’t be the last time you see it.” She’s telling the nurse but letting me know I can stay. To me this has to be one of the best bonding experiences between child and parent and I don’t want to miss any of it. The nurse helps Callie position Kellan and he latches on like a champ. That’s my boy. Never let a meal pass you up. It is beautiful. I was afraid I wouldn’t get this. The nurse leaves and Kellan gets full enough and we put him back down. I’m thinking Callie may go back to sleep but she has a determined look on her face.

“I need everyone back in here. I need an update on Krill and what’s going on. I need my phone.” She puts her hand up to stop me from speaking. “I know you’re going to tell me to rest. Part of my family is gone. No one does that without paying. Everyone has repeated for me to come to you for help. I am. We can either do this together or I will do it myself. Your choice.” Well, she is right. I shoot a text to Chief and it isn’t long until all the men who care about Callie are standing in front of her. This room is full of men.

“She wants our help. She put it in a way I can’t refuse her. Hear her out.” Chief is looking at me like I am crazy and Diamondback has the same look.


“What gives you the right to say anything about my daughter?” I start to answer but Callie beats me to it.

“Dra gave him th e say. You heard it as well as I did. When Dra came to me yesterday he reminded me of it. Dad you know what Grandma told us. Spirits come to us in our sleep to finish unfinished business. He reminded me what he told me about Devil. Call it what you want. I believe it, but we have other business.” I thought I would have to fight with her over it but maybe not. “What have you found out? Do you know who did it? I have my plan and you can either help or leave me alone to do it myself.” Diamondback is shaking his head.

“Little girl, has anyone told you that you just had a baby? You have to give your body time to heal.” He is muttering something under his breath.

“If you have something to say, say it where it can be heard or keep it to yourself.” Callie is no mood to put up with shit today. Diamondback is going to see her bad side real soon.

“I said you’re a real chip off the old block. Stubborn as hell and you can act like a real bitch when you want to be.” I step into Diamondbacks space and get in his face. “No one calls Callie a bitch.” I push him back but he doesn’t back down. “Damn, this group is wound up tight. I didn’t call her a bitch. I said she can act like one. Take it down a notch.” He can take it down a notch. All I see is red.

“Ok. Callie, it wa s marijuana growers. They want to put a large hot house on some land Hawser and the club own. Also had something to do with two men who disappeared a little while ago, cousins, Abe and Harold. The men who want the land were relatives. You know anything about that?” Callie is weighing her words. “Tell us Callie. We can’t help if we don’t know it all.”

“Don’t know anything about any land, but this Abe and Harold, I met. Actually I shot Harold. The day after I got to Colorado. I was with Gram having breakfast and they came in and were trying to get back at the club. He rushed me and I knee capped him. Club got there and took over. End of story.” Damn this girl is always in trouble.

“Why am I just now finding out about this?” Chief is waiting. Callie smile. “Club business and not yours. Do you know how long I have waited to say that?” Chief is not amused.

“So my daughter carries a gun, too?” D iamondback sounds quite amused. “Yes!” Chief, Mase, and Ty say at the same time.

“Ok. Did the man live?” Chief wants to make sure no one is coming after Callie next.


“Of course, dad. I just knee capped him, not killed him. Club took him away.” Sounds like the club got rid of them. “Ok, I need to talk to Krill then we can talk.”

“Baby Girl, you are a mom now, besides that, you know club takes care of things, not you. You will take a sideline and take care of my grandson.” Shouldn’t have said that.

“No dad. You can either do this with me or I will do it by myself. My son will be safe, but this is my job to take care of and no one will sideline me. Take it or leave it. You know I will go alone. I want your help, but I am more than capable of taking care of it myself. You are the one that taught me. No one messes with family. This was part of my family. The man I love.” Callie is not giving in. She will have to be involved. She’s holding her phone in her hand when it rings. She looks at the caller ID and a tear runs down her face. This could only be one person.

“Krill how are you and what can I do? I’ll be there as soon as they will let me out.

Tomorrow morning at the latest.” She listens to him. “Can I have some privacy please?” We all look at each other and we each head for the door. I am the last one and stop and turn.

“I’ll be right outside.” Then I leave her. I want to take away her pain but I know it’s not happening. She will feel it for some time to come.



Kellan is tucked away safe with Kat and Steel. I know I can trust them and their house has become a fortress. They have everything they need. Krill and I have a plan, and as soon as we get there the better it will be. We are going to the memorial in force. Some of Feral Steel MC, most BlackPath MC and all of the Rebellions 4Blood MC. We will arrive only hours before the memorial. No one will know our numbers before we arrive. We’re coming from three different directions. I’m riding behind my dad. Devil didn’t like it, but it is what is needed. The trip is long. We go to the clubhouse and shower and Krill lets everyone know the plan. Dad wants me with Krill, but it is not happening. I go into Dra’s and my room at the club for the last time. I know after this is over I won’t be back. There are other clubs here and everyone has given me condolences. I go inside and take a quick shower and put on my property cut and my riding leathers. I am sore from the long ride, but I did just give birth. I go through everything and put everything I want in a box to be shipped to me and leave the rest maybe someone can get use out of. The last thing I put in the box is the pregnancy pictures we took. I was so nervous to ask Dra to do them. Since Kellan wasn’t his I didn’t know if he would want to. He told me to quit being silly. I love that man. He said I was his beautiful wife and he would love to have such sweet pictures taken. If I’d only known. I wipe the tears from my eyes. I know this will be a hard day, but it has to be done. I check my guns and make sure I have my knife and lighter. Time to go say good-bye to Dra, Hawser, and Gram. I make my way back up the hall and see Krill coming out of the office. “You ready for this, Sis?” I nod my head yes, but can’t make my voice work. Krill and I hold hands going down the hall afraid to let go of the other. We walk outside and everyone is waiting. We are bringing up the back of the procession. Krill leads with the remaining members. There is a limo for some of the ol’ ladies. The other visiting clubs follow them and we are at the back. This time I ride alone in Dra’s four wheel drive truck. We proceed through town. I get the same looks from town people that I got from other members of the Troubled Fathoms MC and visiting clubs. They think I am disrespecting Dra by not riding up front with Krill. We follow the procession to the grave yard but when they go into the gates we turn and head to the other side of town and vengeance. This is the only time they wouldn’t expect us. They would think we would all be at the memorial service, but that is what we wanted them to think.

We speed down the road. We knew our targets. We split in two groups so we could approach from two sides. I can see the house now. I never slow down. I hit the side of the house at full speed. We had taken the air bag out so I wouldn’t get a broken nose. I hear people yelling and wood busting. The jolts and jerking is going to leave marks, but at this point I feel nothing but relief. As soon as the truck stops I hear the bullets going by me. I slide down the door of the truck. I know all my guys are outside and I have to get there. I make my way out of the house and I hear Devil’s motorcycle and he stops in front of me. I get on his bike and when we are gone I count to twenty and I hit the switch. The house goes up. The explosives on the truck leave hardly anything and then there is a second explosion. I want to think that was my little surprise. I look behind me and the guys have lit the grass up and the greenhouse behind the house. It will all be ash. Then we head to our second target. We make it to the abandoned house that Hawser had. The growers wanted it bad, so we light it up too, with the surrounding grounds. This property and the last will be soaked in chlorine within the hour. We make two more stops the same way and then it is done. We found out Lottie helped them set this up. She was dealt with swiftly by Krill. We make our way back to the clubhouse. Everyone is there waiting for us. We all walk into the clubhouse. Krill is the first one to us.

“Is it all done, Sis? We saw smoke even at the graveyard. Did you take care of it all? Anything left for us?” I don’t feel better at all. All I feel is hollow.

“It’s done Krill. It’s your job to keep them gone. They got a taste of hell today.” Krill takes me in his arms and hugs me and I cry. I cry for the man I loved with all my heart. I cry for the woman I had come to love as my Gram. I cry for a man I respected because he loved his family as hard as he fought. I cry for the family I wanted with Dra. This world lost a man with a giant heart. I cried for it all with no shame.



6 months later…

It’s hard to believe it has been six months since Dra’s burial. I went and visited Dra’s grave before we left, but it was hard. I make sure flowers are sent every week. I send them for all three sites. I talk to Krill at least once a week. He’s coming to visit soon. I worry about him. When I am strong enough I will go back and visit. I know one day I will get comfort from it the way I do visiting Tommy. Uncle Blake retired before we went to Colorado for Dra’s funeral. He road with us that day in Colorado. Now he is taking his place with Dad at the BlackPath MC. He has joined ZMan in the enforcer position. Dad and Kim had their baby. That is their story to tell, though. I moved back to Oklahoma with Devil. At first it was because it was what Dra wanted, but Devil has proven himself to me. He always puts me and Kellan first. He is very thoughtful of my feelings of Dra. I still keep that one pregnancy picture of Dra and myself in my room. Yes, I have my own room. I haven’t moved past Dra that fast. He’s still in my heart, but I know he wants me safe and happy. Today I went to visit Tommy. Dad is on Grandpa duty. He loves that position. I brought Tommy his single flower and I have told him everything new about his namesake. I also told him about Dra. It helps to talk to my brother. He’s a good listener. I let him know all my fears. I know Devil wants us to be a real family. I want it too, but I just can’t have any more loss or hurt. I’m sitting beside the grave and I am deep in thought but I hear a whisper in the air. I know. They want me happy. I know what I have to do. I pick my son up and call Kat. She is going to do some babysitting for me tonight. She’s always happy to. She says I need to leave Kellan more. Thank goodness for grandmas. I make it home and take the baby to Kat. She said Devil and Stone are at the club. I rush home and shower and get dressed. I dress in a pair of cut offs and tank top. I blow dry my hair and leave it in a disheveled look. My hair has grown out to the top of my backside now and it is hard to do much with it in a hurry. I put on some makeup, which I rarely do. Just a little mascara and some shadow to give me smoky eyes and then some gloss on my lips. I put on some lotion and my chucks. I have a mission and I won’t be sidetracked. I make to the club and walk in. Devil and Stone’s backs are to me and there aren’t many people here. I see Stone has his arm around one of the club girls. I believe her name is Tallulah. She is a nice girl. But the one slinking up to Devil is only doing it because she saw me come in. She is one of those that wants to be an ol’ lady any way she can get it. Devil has sent her packing many times but this time he isn’t pushing her away. Not fast enough for my liking any way.

“Damn Devil, why not just your dick sucked if that bitch is not going to put out for you? She has always had a stick stuck up her ass. You’ve had her in your house for six fucking months and your hand is the only kind of action you get.” Stone is laying it on thick. Did my husband not just get killed? Ok. Calm down. Devil has done nothing wrong.

“That’s right, honey. That bitch is never going to be yours. Why don’t you take me back to your room like the other day?” That’s it. Had enough. Then Devil pushes her off.

“Don’t call Callie a bitch. I haven’t touched you bitch, or anyone. Even if I never touch her again, she is better than you and Stone shut your fucking mouth, brother. She’s the mother of my child and don’t disrespect her.” My heart just exploded with love for Devil. He does love me. I walk over to Stone and get up in his face. “You have a problem with me say it. Don’t be nice to me to my face and talk about me behind my back.” Stone looks like he could swallow his tongue but he recovers soon enough. Then I walk over to Prissy and pick her up by the front of her shirt. “Bitch that is my man you’re talking to and if you approach him again I will throat punch you to hell and crawl in behind you and then whip your ass. Do we have that clear? I’m claiming him here and now for everyone to hear before his club.” I look at the few members here and I see Steel come in the back door. Didn’t think he would leave the house but guess he knew something was up.

“Well, it’s about damn time. Prissy find someone else or get out.” He then turns to Stone. “What’s your problem? Just because Kizzy was a bitch doesn’t mean every woman is.” I feel Devil’s strong arms around me. “Do you mean it? You’re mine again? Damn, I love you.” With that my air is cut off. Devil is giving me a kiss that takes my breath away. “I am claiming this woman before my club. She is my woman. She is my ol’ lady. She is mine.” I can see Devil is taking no chances this time.

“I mean it. I love you Devil. I am yours. For as long as I live.” Devil spins me around. I think he is happy.

“Done deal. You two have made the claim now. Devil, I expect to see that property patch tomorrow. You know you still have it.” Steel is taking no chances. He seems happy Devil made his claim and I’ve made mine. “Now we have Kellan tonight so go celebrate right.” That’s all it took. Devil scoops me up over his shoulder and swats my backside and I love every single second of it. He heads us back to his room and everyone cheers us on but Stone. He stares at the back wall.

The End for Now……….


Coming summer 2016 Holding Out For Forever. Chief & Kim’s story.




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